♚ ℑrust the Just ♚ // Edmund...

By INstrumentAlVirUs

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❝❞ ༻ ♞༺ (Y/n) fin... More



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By INstrumentAlVirUs

(Y/n)'s POV

"Are you ready?" Adaline asked. Bringing me back to earth as I was zoning out. We were going over last-minute details. I wasn't like I didn't think it was important, but we had gone over everything yesterday...and the day before that. To be honest I was still processing things.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I grabbed the last of my things: my rucksack for Simon, the Professor Mumford pendant, and the sword Peter had given me. I take it out of the sheath and look at my reflection through the blade. Ready as I'll ever be. 

Lucy, Adaline, Edmund, and I met up with the guards and horses waiting for us at the front of the castle ready to escort us to the port.

"Don't talk to Simon a lot, remember no one outside is supposed to know," Edmund said, "Simon will have to deal with the interior of your bag for the next two days."

"I'm right here" Simon huffed.

"I know," Ed said still looking ahead. He's probably smirking to himself.

"What's up with them" Adaline leaned in quietly.

"Nothing, don't worry about them," I said waving my hand.

"You guys are quite chatty for being up so early," Adaline said turning to the noisy trio. Edmund gave her a weird glance.

"I am in no way an early bird I'll tell you that," Edmund said before getting in a quick stretch, "I wouldn't get used to this if I were you."

"The sunrise is pretty," Lucy said pointing to the sky. It was a beautiful mix of orange, purple, and pink with baby blue the higher the sky went. The clouds were fluffy and cotton-like. The morning sun, golden and warm, made the entire sky light up with a strong beautiful glow. I would never get tired of looking up at the sky. "Yeah, it's totally worth it being up this early then." I haven't seen the sunrise in forever.

Edmund's POV

I was watching her look up with those big wondrous eyes that almost seemed to glimmer. I subconsciously smiled and then instantly shook it off my face. I thought about yesterday.


"Why aren't you with the others? Philip asked. I ignored his question and slung myself on top of him swiftly.

"Let's go for a run, yeah?" I said grabbing a hold of his reins.

"Did something happen Your Highness? You can tell me you know, it's not like I have anyone else I would tell."

"It's nothing like that Philip, I just-" I didn't know what to say. I was annoyed with that douche Simon but there was another reason why I left. (Y/n). 

"So what is it then?" We stopped in the middle of the forest close to the castle. I was completely alone, away from everyone. All that was left to accompany me was the great enormous trees and the lush brush. I sighed, fighting whether I should open up or not.

"I just want some space that's all. You know I'm not exactly a people person. I miss the rides we would take. I miss going to the lantern waste or down by the shoreline. I miss my room and study where I could get some me time."

"So you're homesick?"

"You could say that." More like alone-sick...because I want to be alone...I don't really like myself. I couldn't tell him. The last thing I wanted to think about was the fact I was a coward for avoiding (Y/n). I just didn't want to deal with these feelings. The way she makes me feel- all warm and fuzzy. She makes me want to wake up every morning and I yearn to hear her voice. I just want to be around her all the time and I hate it when I can't see her. I wanted her full attention.

I wanted to scream so badly. "Edmund, what are you doing?" Philip asked trying to resist the harsh pulling.

"Sorry," I quickly snapped out of it and focused on the path. "Let's just keep going for a little while, the wind is starting to pick up."

We then eventually found the others in Simon's tree hole thing.


I can't avoid her forever, in fact, that's the last thing I wanted to do. I had to get my shit together and just push it aside if I was going to work with her on this journey. And maybe tell her...nah I'll just bottle it up inside!

(Y/n)'s POV

We soon arrived at the port and began to load ourselves on the Silent Marauders.

"Welcome back kiddo!" Captain Joan placed her hand on my back, guiding me onto the boat. Everyone else was already waiting.

"It's good to be back," I said tugging on the strap of my satchel. I turn around to wave to Adaline one last time. "Bye!" Lucy and Edmund walked over and joined me. I felt kind of bad that she couldn't come along, I knew how much this mission meant to her. I mean It's her brother and kingdom on the line.

"Good luck and fair sailing!" Adaline said waving elegantly. 

As the ship sailed further and further from the port, the crew dispersed throughout the deck. I found a quiet place to take Simon out. Since his condition was to be kept under wraps, I couldn't just whip him out whenever I wanted so I had to be careful.

"Hey Simon, look we're out on the open sea," I said turning the mirror so that he could see.

"I wish I could be here, I mean physically. Ugh, am I really going to have to stay in the satchel? It's boring in there," Simon said sighing.

"You know you do, sorry Simon," I said.

"No you're not" he teased. "Maybe," I said smiling. "Well, at least we won't be here for too long. Where are the others?" Simon asked. "They're...um around, I don't know-"

"(Y/n)!" Some crew members called out. I quickly placed Simon inside my satchel and looked to see who it was. "What is it?" "You're needed inside madame, it was Captain's order," they said showing me towards the upper deck quarters.

"Right then, thank you," I said going inside. There was a round table desk where Captain Joan, Edmund, and Lucy were sitting. "Come join us!" Captain Joan said, "It's like you'd vanish into thin air, where were you?" I made sure the mirror was securely inside, making it look like I was just shuffling stuff around my bag. "I just needed some privacy that's all."

"At least tell someone where you're at, we don't want to think you went overboard," Joan smiled. She then slammed the table and jumped up from her seat. Grabbing a few drinks, she passed them around. "Now why don't you tell me where you all are heading to?"

"Like we said," Edmund began, "we're going to Archenland where we'll be taken care of some business."

"What kind?"

"It's confidential."

"Hmm pitty, we'll how did things go over in Terebinthia? Heard you guys found the prince?"

"Yeah, we did but he's sick and currently in recovery. We're hoping he gets better soon," I said softly, playing up my empathy. I mean, to be honest, it wasn't a complete lie, Simon wasn't exactly well. But details details!

"Yeah, I heard he had some memory loss? Poor thing. Well at least he's now safe," Joan said before taking a sip. Lucy and I shot glances at each other while Edmund kept his poker face on. I did my best to not burst out laughing so I placed the pint over my lips. Relax (Y/n) It's not funny!

"Captain, there's a situation down on the deck-" Joan got up and sighed.

"Damn boys! okay, I'm coming," she then turned to us, "Feel free to stay here or walk about, excuse me your majesties." Then she left with her crewmate. Edmund looked at us after some time and spoke "I'm not the only one who feels that she's a little more aggressive or..."

"No she's definitely a little more aggressive but I'm pretty sure that's just her being friendly?" Lucy said shrugging her shoulders.

"Do you guys think she's suspicious? Maybe I shouldn't take Simon out until we get off,"

"Aw come on (Y/n), I don't want to stay in a stingy bag for two days, maybe more if it storms," Simon groaned. I pulled him out a bit just to see him. He's kinda cute when he's pouty. Not as cute as Edmund of course.

"It's for the safety and integrity of the mission, the mission to get your body back I might remind you," Edmund said crossing his arms.

"I'm aware of that fact thank you very much," Simon glared at Ed. I sighed turning my attention towards Simon.

"Look, maybe at night but I gotta be careful. If someone catches any of us talking to you, they'll know we lied and then they won't trust us. The last thing we need is to get thrown overboard," Edmund looked at me and Lucy, his eyes saying something mischievous. Those eyes implied that it wouldn't be such a bad idea if a certain someone was thrown overboard.

"Edmund!" Lucy scolded him. In the back of my head, I was laughing, because even though Simon and I are cool, It was still a funny idea.

"I doubt she'll throw us overboard?" Lucy said. We all quietly thought about Captain Joan and her antics from the previous ride and what we'd witnessed today. She's unpredictable but she has a good heart. Maybe something happened when we were away. We just gotta try not to overthink.

"Let's relax, we're being paranoid right now," Lucy said trying to calm our nerves. I mean she didn't have anything on us and if we keep worrying, we'll just become more suspicious. "Well I'm going to see what the commotion is," Edmund said opening the door then left. Lucy and I looked at each other as well as Simon. "Wanna go walk around?" 

"Yeah why not," Lucy said getting up. Simon complained but was soon silenced once I put him away. Later that night, Lucy and I were getting ready for bed. It had been a long day and we were covered in sea salt and sweat. We shared a cabin, so we took turns changing while the others waited outside. I leaned against the door, looking at the night sky, and seeing the stars shimmer brightly.

"Enjoying the view?" Edmund's voice grounds me once more, pulling my attention to his frame as he walks towards me. Oh yes, I am.

"Hey, what brings you here?"

"Just walking around, where's Lu?"

"She's changing because, unlike some people, we don't want to sleep in the same smelly clothes we sweat in," I eyed him up and down at his messy appearance, "so I'm giving her privacy."

"You do realize you're going to have to sleep in those clothes once we make it to Archenland right? We aren't exactly going to be able to just get a new change of clothes."

"I know, I'm just saying for that reason you should change. Anyways, how was helping out the captain?" I was secretly jealous just because I wasn't really able to see him today which I know is dumb to get upset about. All I know is that I'm happy to be talking to him and have his attention.

"It was fine, I mostly just took the back seat except when arguments or disagreements broke out, I took care of them so that the Captain to focus. Essentially, I got to parent a bunch of grown men, it was exhausting but I'm glad I could do something." You could of done me- oop I didn't say that. I gotta keep my thoughts under control.

"I know what you mean, I was glad to be kept somewhat busy. I know were guest and all but sitting down while everyone around me is working just makes me feel bad." He smiled getting a little closer to me. I couldn't help but notice and I felt myself get hot. "Is that why you helped around the castle?" I just shook my head, "Yeah." 

He nods and we just stand there in silence, but it wasn't awkward, just comforting. "Well thank you, for helping out I mean."

"No problem-" Lucy then opened the door from behind me, making me jump in my place. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt it's just-

"No, it's fine," Edmund and I both said at the same time. We then quickly glanced at each other. I looked back at Lucy and she was grinning ear to ear. "I'm gonna change, goodnight." I then quickly went inside our shared cabin, leaving the siblings outside.

"Not a word," I heard Edmund's voice through the door and I couldn't help but giggle. I quickly covered my mouth and heard Lucy laugh as some footsteps shuffled away. God, he's so cute. I quickly get changed and finish getting ready for bed with Lucy.

"These nightgowns are so soft! I feel so cozy," Lucy said wrapping herself up in her hammock.

"Yeah," I pick up my satchel and grab Simon out of it. "Hey, bestie."

"Excuse me?" He furrowed his eyebrows and gave me a confused smile. Ignoring his comment, I continued, "So how've you been?" Lucy got up from her hammock and walked over so that she could also talk to Simon.

"Oh you know, bored out of my mind. How about you girls, how has everything been out there?"

"Well nothing too exciting, just been helping about the ship. We've made a fair amount of progress towards Archenland. I think we should be there the day after tomorrow," Lucy said.

"That's good to hear, I can't wait to get back into my own body again and go wherever I want and do what I please, within reason of course." We continued to make little jokes, making sure to not make too much noise as it was late already. "Can I see the ocean (Y/n)?" Simon asked softly.

"Yeah gimme a minute," I said. I hopped off the hammock and made my way to our window. I opened it a crack and held Simon up close. Of course, I made sure to not drop him, I don't want to go scuba diving for this fuck. I care about him but no thank you, ma'am.

He didn't say anything for a while. He just stared off at the midnight. His eyes began to gloss over but I pretended I didn't notice. I could only empathize with how lonely and scary this whole experience was for him.

So I respected his unspoken wish and allowed him to have some privacy by not looking at him or talking. To be honest I was too tired to hold a conversation anyways. The last thing I remember was closing the window because it was getting too cold.

The morning soon came, and we went straight to work. I had gotten out of the cabin to be greeted with the fast-paced work of the crew mates. I had left Simon in my satchel in my hammock. It's was nice to have the day off from babysitting.

"Bring that over here would ya!" "Gimme a minute Scout!"

"Where's my bucket and mop" "Got it"

"Who fucking threw up on the side of the ship?"

I was instantly immersed in the world of a sailor. I was slightly familiar with but I was not close to being use to it. It jolted me awake for sure. Unfortunately, it left me feeling out of place. I stood there awkwardly trying to find a more familiar face to latch onto till I felt more relaxed.

"Good morning lassie!" The cook said as he rolled some barrels past me down to the kitchen.

"Morning!" I quickly spat out. I was still processing everything happening around me. I decided to walk around to find Joan. I thought maybe she knew where my friends were.

"AH- Fucking hell!" I said as a taller figure came into my line of sight. I jumped a little before I got a good look at the person.

"Sorry (Y/n), are you okay," Edmund exhaled smiling ear to ear, "did I really scare you that much?"

"I'm fine but no thanks to you asshat," I said fixing my hair, "I just didn't expect to see you, What have you been up to?"

"Oh nothing really, we're just waiting for the chef to finish making breakfast." He said looking in the other direction. I turned my attention to see what he was looking at and it was the mermaids jumping up to say hello before dipping back into the ocean. They were clear and sparkling in the sunlight. They were beautiful.

"I want to say hi to the pretty mermaids, come on Ed," I said practically dragging him over. We soon were right at the edge of the ship. Peering over, I saw the mermaids swimming close by.

"Hello!" I said waving excitedly. They were so pretty. It's like they were made of diamonds or something.

The mermaid smiled, waving back at me. I turned to Edmund with the biggest smile on my face. "Did you see that!" I turned back to the mermaids. "You guys are really beautiful!"

They got a little closer to the ship and jumped up. I felt the cold splash of water spray against my face.

"Come on," I didn't realize it, but Edmund got a lot more wet than me. I turned to Ed smiling innocently "Sorry." My apologies were short-lived by my laughter. The mermaids mouthed the words 'thank you' and quickly went on their way.

"Well would you look at that, you scared them off (Y/n)," Edmund chuckled. I gave him a quick glare and elbowed him in the gut. Serves you right. "Ow, what was that for?" Before I could answer him, I heard a loud woosh followed by some heavy footsteps. We turned around and saw a ship a little smaller than ours, practically rubbing up against us. These pirates began jumping onto our ship and attacking our crewmates.

"Shit!" I began running, looking for a place to hide.

"(Y/n) wait!" Edmund followed me.

"Where's the Captain?" I asked hiding behind one of the barrels with Ed.

"I'm-" he took a quick glance around, "I'm not sure, where's Lucy-" I put a finger my lips telling him to shut the up. We both looked around carefully but still hiding. 

"Where's that twat of a prince?" They all said at once. It' was like a hivemind. "Hand him over and no one gets hurt!" They said.

"Who in the bloody blazes are you simpletons," Captain Joan said swinging down from the Upper deck, "and why are you on my fucking ship?"

The pirates stayed quiet before all responding at once. "We know he's here, We've heard all about his return," their voice seems to distort at the echo they created together, "we're simply here to make sure he stays in his place."

"What are you blabbering about? What prince?" Captain Joan asked, not buying any of the bullshit coming out of their mouths. Little did she know that it wasn't complete bull. How the hell do they know about Simon? Why the fuck are they talking like that? Could this be Nomis's doing?" My mind was racing, trying to process all this information and answer any questions I thought of.

"(Y/n)," Edmund grabbed my shoulder and shook me a little, "come on, we have to hide Simon before they find him." I nodded and we tried our best to sneak off behind bags and barrels and the different masts.

"What about Joan?" I whispered to Ed.

"She's the captain, I'm sure she can handle herself for a little while." We got to the cabins and found Lucy inside. Thank god. "Lucy!" We both said with relief sighs.

"Guys! What's going on out there?" We put a finger up to our mouths to signal her to be quiet.

I whisper "Pirate attack, I'm pretty sure they'll looking for Simon."

"How do they know he's here?" she whispered.

"I don't know, but we gotta keep him hidden and we have to stick to our story or the whole ship will find out." Lucy nodded and handed me my satchel with Simon in it.

"What's going on, what's all this I hear about pirates now?" Simon asked the minute I opened the bag.

"Not now Simon, we gotta go take care of them but please keep it down," I quickly look around for a place to stash him. "Where should I hide him?"

"How about the ocean?" Edmund said deadpan as ever. I gave him a look and he just smiled. This bitch.

"Up here," Lucy said reaching up into the ceiling beams. There was a little nook in the corner where we could stash Simon.

"Thank you, Lucy," I said handing her the satchel.

"Hurry before someone comes in," Edmund said standing guard at the door. All we could hear was yelling and fighting. At least they're distracted.

"Alright let's go, we gotta help them," Lucy said getting down and grabbing her dagger. Edmund and I grabbed our swords ready for action. Wait-

A pounding at the door threw Edmund to the ground, hitting his head on the bookshelf before he fell.

"Edmund!" Lucy and I yelled. He groaned in response.

"I'm fine..."

We looked back at the door to see some of the pirates standing there sinisterly.

"Where's the prince?" They brought out their swords and lunged at us. Damnit!

- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16 -

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