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(Y/n)'s POV

"We'll be docking in ten everyone, check the sails!" Captain Joan said while checking in on everything. I had just gotten down from the crow's nest and was helping out with the rigging. Edmund was checking in on our men and horses. Lucy was off helping some of the shipmates with something on the main deck. I was pretty excited to finally see another kingdom. Looking from the crow's nest, Terebinthia looked really lush and lively. I was ready to see it up close.

Once we docked, everyone helped unload our horses and small supplies.

"Thank you again for lending us your ship," Edmund said to Joan.

"My pleasure your majesty, will be back at the end of the week if you need a lift, anyways we're off," she walked back into her boat and waved. "Good luck kiddos!" Her crew all waved as they sailed off.

"We better get a move on, the princess should be expecting us any minute," Lucy said mounting her horse. We all followed suit and made our way to the castle. We walked through a port village. It was cute and tidy. Kids running around, little kiosks with snacks and trinkets being sold, and stray cats sleeping in the warm sunlight. It was lovely. As much as I wanted to stay there a bit longer, we had a mission to complete. Maybe another day.

When we got to the entrance of the castle, our team was met with guards waiting for us.

"Halt, what business do you have here?" Edmund came to the front.

"I'm King Edmund, my team and I are here to assist with the search, Princess orders," he said so eloquently.

"My apologies, right this way," the guards opened the gate and let us through.

"No worries, is Princess Adaline here? We would like to speak with her before we go," Lucy said. It was strange to see Lucy and Edmund, especially Lucy, act so formal and 'mature'. Yeah, I've seen them around the castle but I don't know I'm just used to being around them so casually I forget that they have status.

"Right this way, your guards may come with our Captain to get everything in order," he said, leading them away with him. I followed Lucy and Edmund after dismounting our horses, passed the courtyard, and into the grand hall. Adaline gets off from her throne immediately and greets us with hugs.

"Oh thank goodness you've come, I'm so thankful for you guys taking the time out of your day to do this," she said.

"It's no problem at all," Edmund said.

"How have you been holding up so far, I know it's a lot recently, you must be exhausted," Lucy said pulling away from the hug.

"I've been worse off but don't fret over me, Simon's our priority," Adaline said, "the Captain can get you up to speed so I won't keep you here any longer. Let me take you to him."

We all follow her through the halls, admiring the decorative interior. It was very beautiful having some parts of the castle incorporate the nature around it without disrupting them. We then made it outside where all the knights from both kingdoms were waiting along with the captain of the guard here in Terebinthia.

"Your majesty," they all bowed. She signaled for them to rise.

"Thank you, I've got to go now, so take care and good luck," she said with a small smile. Poor girl, she's a little younger than me but having to deal with all this as well as taking care of a kingdom would be stressful.

"Alright it's time to go, we'll check back in a few hours," the Captain said facing us, "by the way I forgot to introduce myself, Captain of the Terebinthian guards, Captain Rumin." He bowed showing his respects.

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