Supernatural imagines - One S...

By timekeeperstories

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It's all in the title.. More



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By timekeeperstories

Showing Our Feelings...Finally
POV: (Castiel masters the art of flirting but not understanding women)

You stand peacefully in the kitchen. After a tough weeks, you and the boys deserve a killer dinner, so you and the stove do just that. You hear a flutter of wings, causing a smile to spread across your face.
"Hello (y/n)"
"Hello Cas" You turn your head for a moment to look at him before turning back to the stove. He's quiet for a second, clearing his throat. Cas is asking a little stranger than usual, which is saying something.
"How, are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine" You reply without moving your eyes to him, picking up your spoon to stir what you had in the pan in front of you. He let out a breath before saying.
"Yes, you are" He drawled it out and you couldn't help it you burst out laughing. Castiel of all people was flirting with you.
You face him with your hand covering your mouth. He's smiling, pretty proud of himself.
"Did Dean teach you that?" You all but know that man shared his cheesy lines with Cas.
"Yes, though I believe that perhaps his 'material' is out dated and maybe I am too" He rubs his eyes with annoyance.
"I think you delivered it perfectly" You smirk. You rather liked this side of Castiel, the more out going and confident Cas. He sighed out and scratched the back of his neck as he spoke again.
"Well I hope my message came across all the same" He took a few steps toward you. You grab salt from the cupboard beside you.
"Message?" You wonder, adding it to potatoes you were boiling. He walked right up to you, watching as you fiddled away with multiple things to do.
"That I find you very beautiful" His voice was very nonchalant-comfortable with you, with the language. It made it very difficult for you to contain the growing embarrassment. The fact that he was now an inch from you and lack of know how on personal space made it 70 times worse.
"Your um, your funny" You try to play it off, as your butterflies become monsters, riddled with disbelief and hurtful thoughts. You feel his head turn toward you, so to show that you were 'unbothered' you met his gaze, bad idea. His deep blue eyes saw through that flickering mask, taking in your features with gentle scrutiny.
"Not really but you, you are beautiful" He said, voice tender to match the comment.
The heart beneath your ribcage was going like a jackhammer, struggling to contain it's overwhelming feelings. Then you saw it, that dawning realisation cover his face, now he knew. "You don't believe me" He began. "You don't believe that you're" He paused, as if finishing the sentence was a sin he could never commit. "How can you not see?" His brow crinkled in heartbreak as he tried to comprehend it.
"Cas-" You let out a breath, turning your face back to your job, though your focus lingered with him. "I can't take compliments- or anything to that matter, it's hard to explain"
Castiel gave you a little space, leaning his back against the counter.
"Try, please" His head tilted.
"I guess, I'm not used to being seen that way by boys-men" You took a deep breath. "It's just- when I was a kid I wasn't the pretty girl or the popular girl or even the pony girl"
"What does miniature horses have to do with compliments?" He crossed his arms.
"Um, it's just those girls were cute and the boys pulled their pigtails and when those girls got older then boys loved them and when I was little, I was treated like I didn't belong because I was different to their standards and I couldn't keep up- so I got used to being not enough" You attempted. "I guess I'd rather be called, smart or kind"
Castiel pondered for a moment. This angel, he was powerful in so many ways, sometimes he could terrify people, heck the first time you saw him he was filled with holy light and wings spreading across the wall eerily bare. Then their where moments like this, where his innocents shone through like light filling a room.
"I've noticed that human beings, those mostly being young women, don't partially like themselves if they do not reach a particularly impossible standard- which many of the good people that love you all, are heartbroken because we do not want you to fit in a 'cookie cutter mould'- All three of us think you are very beautiful (y/n) , I only wish you could see what we see every minute of every day" He stated, taking a few steps back toward you. "You are all these wonderful things, beautiful - kind and smart"
Without thinking you throw your arms around him.
"Thank you"
Taking in his warmth, you feel the tears roll down your face and finally you can feel that heavy burden, that fear, that sadness lift from your chest. Castiel after a moment or two holds you tightly back, dipping his head into your shoulders. Then when a minute passes-
"Hey" You say with a sniff.
Castiel pulls back gently, raising a hand up pulling back your hair.
"What is it?" He head tilts puppy like, you can't stop the smile that spreads across your face.
"How are you?" You asked him.
"I'm fine" He lets out a breathy laugh as his thumb trails your skin softly. Leaning into it you muse.
"Yes, you are"
You both burst out laughing at how cheesy it is.
"That is terrible" Castiel said cringing with thought of what he'd done earlier.
"I think I delivered" You smirk, once again you find yourself wrapping your arms around him, enjoying the moment together.
"Um (y/n).." He said.
"Yeah?" You sigh out.
"Is that pan supposed to be on fire?" He asked you looking at the flame swallowing up the pan on the stove. You sharply turn in panic.

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