Finding Allison (A Niall Hora...


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He could've opened it right then and there, making the whole process move quicker, but he slipped it into his... More

The Letter
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Discovering Annabel [Information on the Sequel]

Chapter One

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Determined, that’s what I was. I was determined to find her. I had read the letter over and over again. I’m not sure what it’s called, maybe a placebo, but there’s this thing someone can do to you. It convinces you something is a certain way. Like if someone told you a cup of water smelled like roses, you’d smell just that. A placebo is something like magic, and by reading that letter I feel as if I’d gotten that experience.

            I could imagine her, sitting there, alone, waiting for something or something. She was alone, lonely, and possibly scared. I wanted to change that though, and the first step to achieving that is by finding her.

            Something harder thought than done.

            There are 342 Allison Murphy’s in greater London. There are 1054 in the UK alone, and 5032 Allison’s Murphy’s in the world. Of the 5032 in the world, more than four fifth of them are deceased, although there is nothing to distinguish the two dramatically different classes.

            “Take a break,” Liam muttered, but I didn’t listen, I sat at my computer, my finger tapping against the keyboard, creating a chime like sound to echo throughout the room. “Seriously, you’ve been at this for two days,” he said, “You’ve barely eaten anything, and for you especially, this means something is wrong.”

            “I just want to find her,” I said, lifting my eye for a moment to look at his.

            “And you will, but she’s not going anywhere, some food wouldn’t kill you,” he reminded, “and some sunlight might be good.” With I sigh I pushed myself up and turned around to face the boy that had been worryingly watching me for the past few hours.

            He was right. He was right in every way …

            Allison, it’s a pretty name. A name that sounds perfect rolling off of someone’s tongue in any accent or dialect. You can shorten it and it still sounds pretty. Ali, it’s a pretty nickname. It’s a pretty name for a pretty girl.

            A girl like Allison Murphy.

            She was an enigma, and her smile could bright up a room. Her hair was a light itself, a golden blonde that always reminds one of spun gold. Her eyes were a perfect green, like emeralds cut to perfection, set around a black diamond on an engagement ring. Her skin was like milk that seemed to never curdle or go past its expiration date. Her voice was like a chorus of angels, all in perfect tune, and all sounding heavenly.

            Allison was the center of love. Love from her friends. Love from her family. Love from admirers. Then was the love from the boy who would climb up the highest mountain and try to get the moon for her. The type of love that causes great men to rotten, and the type of love that causes the same man to become his best. The type of love that was rare, only showing up in places where the pure of heart are. Allison was lucky to have that type of love.

            The problem is love is like a flame. It’s beautiful and it shines with great power, but it can be snuffed out so much faster than how it’s created. It takes a blind man not to know that, but it also takes a man blind to life experiences.

            I don’t think it’s ever been known why some people go through pain and betrayal before others, but it comes to everyone whether they like it or not. Some people need a push from others to get that life lesson though.

            Just a small little push is needed, blossoming into an effect unlike any other. Not just any affect in fact, the domino effect. The effect is what causes something spiraling out of control in perfect chaos. Painting a scene wild yet tame, scary yet beautiful.

            To become a teacher you must be taught, and sometimes you don’t even know you are when it’s happening …


            “So are you telling me you fell in love with a girl you’ve never met?” Harry asked, his lips curved into one of the biggest grins of amusement I’ve ever seen. Eleanor punched him in the side.

            “I think it’s cute,” she said with a smile, but also in a very coddling sense, as if I was a toddler, “and very romantic.” Harry laughed once more and Louis shot him a look along with Eleanor. “Don’t mean Harry, just because you don’t know love, doesn’t mean you have to be so bitter about the letter,” she ordered and he slumped back into his chair.

            “You can’t tell me actually think that’s normal?” he asked and Eleanor firmly shook her head, shooting me an apologetic look.

            “It may not be normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s not ok,” she replied, and Louis gave her a kiss on her cheek.

            “Very diplomatic answer,” he muttered with a smile.

            “Well I’m studying politics aren’t I?” she replied with a bright smile, moving her head so she could give her boyfriend a peck on the lips.

            “And you want that?” Harry asked and I stayed still for a moment before I nodded. Everyone always joked that I needed to find my princess, but it wasn’t a joke for me, I wanted that. I wanted someone that I could confide in and love.

            “Liam?” Harry asked, pulling him into the conversation, forcing him to speak for the first time. When said that Eleanor and Louis went silent and shot Louis an even more sharp look; Liam was the last person that should be roped into the debate on whether it was ok or not. Liam was the last person to be roped in on most conversations involving love recently.

            “I can’t say I agree with,” Liam started, and he probably was going to continue but Harry cut him off before he had a chance to continue.

            “Louis, do you have anything to say or is Eleanor speaking for both of you?” he asked and Louis shook his head, giving El a smile.

            “The later,” he replied and Harry groaned.

            “I’m sure Zayn would side with me if he were here,” he muttered, but I shook my head.

            “He’d side with them,” I protested, and he frowned. “He has Perrie right?” I asked and Harry nodded. “Well, then there you go,” I stated, “case closed.”

            “It’s unfair, all of you guys are in relationships, so of course you’ll side with each other,” he blurted, but that was entirely the wrong thing to say. “Oh I’m sorry Liam,” he muttered, all traces of anger gone as he looked up at the now frozen boy, “I shouldn’t have said that.” Liam didn’t reply though, he just sat there, his lips in a tight line, and his eyes staring ahead.

            “I’m going to go,” he said, getting out of the chair, giving me a weak smile, “do whatever you want to Niall, just don’t invest all your time in it.” I nodded, and watched as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked away.

            “I’m gonna go after him,” Harry muttered, getting up as well, “but Niall, I really don’t think this is a good idea, she may not even be real. I mean think about it Niall, someone could’ve written that letter for a play, or a story.” I sat that and looked at him, much like Liam had earlier, only I was thinking and considering what the curly haired boy had said.

            “She’s real Niall,” I heard a small voice say, pulling me out of my thoughts, “I know she is.” Eleanor sat there, a sincere smile on her kind face. Louis nodded, and from behind her he gave me an assuring smile.         

            “It’s your decision whether or not you’re going to do this though,” she said, and for the first time I saw Eleanor as a deep thinker, the college student she was. “It’ll be hard, and you already know that,” she continued, “but if you think it’s worth it, and I’m not saying it is, but if you think it’s worth it … then go chase after it.” I smiled, and watched as they got up and put on their coats.

            “It is,” I muttered without any thought.

            Eleanor smiled as she replied, “Then there’s your answer.”

Authors Note - Ok, so here's the thing about this story ... I was in a ten hour car ride ealier, and I reread CA and CP for the first half of it, but then I wrote the epilogue to this story, and then the chapter before, and then chapter one and two ... and then before I knew it, I finished it! It's a short story so it isn't biggest feat (it's only like 16 pages), but I'm proud of myself! Soooo that pretty much means this story will be updated everday (haha, I'm making you work Melanie). And I finished the next chapter for GMAC (which I never update!) and WORD DELETED IT!! SDKGNASGKBASKNG ANGER! But whatever, continue commenting! Melanie showed me the comments from the prologue and I love the feedback!!!!!!



P.S. I'm not dead, or hurt, or sick. I'm just struggling with some stuff and I need to get it worked out :)

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