The Red Wolf's Daughter (Book...

By RissaleWriter

156K 9.1K 871

A/N: This book can be read as a stand alone. However, it is highly suggested to read the first two books if y... More

Table of Contents
Prologue- 13 years ago (Edited)
Chapter 1- Present (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24 (Edited)
Chapter 25 (Edited)
Chapter 26 (Edited)
Chapter 27 (Edited)
Chapter 28 (Edited)
Chapter 29 (Edited)
Chapter 30 (Edited)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (Edited)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Edited)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
A/N: Part Two: Scooby Doo

Chapter 57

1.4K 102 4
By RissaleWriter

I walked in between the two men with my head held high and power radiating off of me with every single step that I took.

I wore the dress they had brought for me, a black dress with a bare back for easy access with the full force of a whip. My feet were cladded in soft shoes that did nothing to protect me from the uneven path we walked upon.

I muttered a soft curse when I struck my big toe against a sharp edge and sliced open the shoe and my foot.

One of the guards grabbed my arm when I stumbled and helped me stay standing. "Are you ok?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I hate soft soled shoes," was my reply. "I am glad that the rock was the first thing to draw blood and not some psychopath with a whip."

The guard nodded. "I am, too," he replied. He looked behind him and then back at me. "Your foot is bleeding pretty badly. Should we stop and make sure that it is taken care of?"

I shook my head, no. "We can't be late or else the two of you will be punished," I replied. I ignored the pain in my foot and kept walking as I had walked beforehand. I didn't need the people to see me limping, even though my foot was cut open.


"It's fine," I said, interrupting him. I glared and narrowed my eyes, and the male bowed his head. "Do not push me when I say no. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Alpha," he said.

I took a deep breath and relaxed while I turned to look in the direction we were going. "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm stressed, is all, and I know that we won't have time to stop. If we stop, now..." I shrugged and grimaced.

The male nodded. "I understand," he said. "I don't want your foot to get infected. You're going to need your strength."

I nodded. "I know that I will need it," I replied. I furrowed my brows and looked down, trusting the guards to keep me steady. "But I think that I need this to happen."

"What do you mean?" the guard asked, and I shook my head.

"I can't tell you," I replied. "I am not sure of it myself. If I ever figure it out, then I will tell you."

The guard nodded. "I will hold you to it," he said.

"Don't," the other guard warned, speaking for the first time. "Too much information could kill you."

"He's right. However, I am a person of my word and will kick anyone's ass who tries to harm the people that I have sworn to protect, so on my honor, I will tell you what I mean about letting my foot bleed." I looked at the other guard to see that he looked nervous and offered him a grim smile. "I will tell you as well. Don't worry about anyone who doesn't want you to know. I will deal with them."

The other guard nodded and stayed silent. His face grew grimmer when the sound of cheers filled our ears. His whole body was tense, and I knew that it was time to face the music of the pack. "I will hold you to that," he said. He looked at the other guard. "Let the grip on her arm loosen. Let them see the strong Alpha that she is."

The guard nodded and loosened his grip on my arm. He looked nervous, and I knew that he didn't want me to go through this. He wanted me to be protected, to not get beaten like the others wanted.

"It's written," I said, and he looked at me with guarded eyes. I nodded and offered him a grim smile. "It has to happen for what to happen next to fully succeed. Either way, he will not be able to break my spirit."

The guard nodded. "Of course, Alpha," he said. He squeezed my arm in a reassuring manner as if he wanted to reassure himself that I was alive and that I would still be alive and fight for what was right.

I nodded and took a deep breath, ignoring the small pit of fear bubbling in my stomach. I hoped that I would still have the courage and strength to face whatever after this, but I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure how all of this would turn out.


Cheers and boos filled the arena when I was led into the room. Rocks and other objects were thrown into the arena, but nothing hit me like I thought it would. People cussed, and I had a feeling that this was the only time that they were allowed to do this with out getting punished.

Weston stood on top of a platform looking like an old fashion king. He wore white stockings that led to gold poofy pants. He wore a white shirt with a golden vest and a red jacket. The sleeves were just as poofy as his pants, and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at him.

Instead of his normal hair, the "king" wore a white wig, and I was sure it was to symbolize that he was in fact the judge and the jury of my case. He was going to give me the punishment, and I knew that he wouldn't be kind.

He bowed, mockingly, and I held back an eye roll. "Alpha," he sneered, and the whole place went silent and still. "It is so nice for you to dress properly for this event."

I held back an eye roll but kept silent.

His eyes went wide in shock, and I blinked, unamused. "What?" he asked. "No words? Did you lose your tongue?" He gestured for the guards to stop, and they stopped.

There were several laughs, but there were those that were still silent. They didn't approve of this; I could tell.

"Speak, Child," he said. He walked to where someone had black leather gloves and started to put them on. "This is your only time to speak without getting punished.

Because I already am getting punished, I thought sarcastically. I cleared my throat and lifted my chin. "You look like a clown," I said, sounding bored. "Has anyone ever told you that?" I paused and raised an eyebrow to let him stew in silence for a bit. "No?" I asked. "Well, now you have been told you look like a clown."

Weston growled, and I held back an eye roll. Anger filled his eyes while he grabbed the whip and flicked it toward me.

Wuh-pssh the whip went, and both guards flinched back while I stayed put. The tip of the whip wasn't that close to us, but I knew that it didn't matter with it being in the hands of a crazy man.

"I am so glad I can break your spirit," he said. He gestured for the guards to put me on the platform. "Or do you think your spirit can withhold this?"

"I am sure that it can withhold anything that you throw at it," I replied. "So, if you actually break it, then I will be the first to congratulate you."

Weston growled again but made no move to whip me. "Make them tight, and get her to kneel. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the guards said in unison. They kicked the back of my knees, and they buckled under the pressure. They placed the chains on my wrists and legs, and they made sure that they were tight. Their hearts pounded hard in their chest, and I was sure that I was the only one that heard it because more cursing happened while this happened.

The guards hopped off the platform, leaving me to face the crowd alone with my back to the "Alpha." They walked off to wherever, but I didn't care while I stared straight ahead with my face blank.

I was nervous when I saw Tasha in the front, but I didn't make any motion. Silently, I told her to close her eyes, and Tasha's throat closed but silently nodded.

"Well," Weston said. "Are there any last words you want to say before I start?" he asked.

"Ya," I replied. "Let's get this over so you can fuck yourself. I think that is the only way you're pleasured right now. Correct?"

Weston growled and hit me with the whip, and it took all of my self-control not to gasp out in pain and flinch. He growled again when I didn't flinch and hit me again. "It will be easier if you beg for forgiveness," he snarled.

"Fuck you," I said. "I will never beg for forgiveness."

And with that, Weston roared in fury and started to swing the whip faster and harder than he had ever done it before.

I will not break down and cry, I said, biting my lip. I will not break down and cry.

The whip stung and stung with each hit. The smell of blood filled my nose, and my stomach turned. However, I did not throw up.

I will not break down and cry. I will not break down and cry.

My heart pounded harder and harder in my throat, and I knew that it made my blood run faster down my back.

I will not break down and cry. I will not break down and cry.

I opened my eyes and saw the shadow form of my grandfather, standing in front of the wall. I offered him a small smile, letting him know that I would be all right while dark spots started to dance in the back of my eyes.

I will not break down and cry. I will not brea-

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