Perfect Pureblood

By LibbyGrace08

936 15 5

Lyra Malfoy was nothing like her perfect twin brother Draco. Not only does she get sorted in to Gryffindor; b... More

The Sorting
Yule Ball
Number 12


57 0 0
By LibbyGrace08

18 December, 1995

"Weasley what are you doing?" I say through giggles. He shuts the door to the broom closet he just dragged me into and leans against it. "Since when do I need an excuse to see my girlfriend?" He asked with a smirk. George pulls me by the hand and kisses me softly. "I missed you" he whispers softly. "You see me all the time" I laugh. "Yes but not like this" He says as he wraps his arms around my waist. " I can't do this all the time" He says before kissing me again.
I pull away, resting my forehead on his. "I'm sorry" I whisper so quietly I'm not sure he can hear me.
"I'm just teasing Stargirl"
"I know but it's not fair to you, you should be with a girl who can actually be with you"
"When are you going to get it through your thick head, that I don't want to be with anyone else" He states, gently hitting me with one of my long braids. He flips around so my back is against the wall, and kisses my nose, then jaw, turn slowly moves to my neck. I begin to fumble with the buttons on his shirt.
George straighten up away from me. "Don't get too excited I brought you in to their cupboard for stimulating conversation" I pull him back down to me by his tie. "You git" I laugh.
He kissed my check "I love you" he says between laughs, a huge grin stretching across his face.
I feel my breath catch, I stumbled taking us both and some brooms down to the floor.
"Shit" I murmur, quickly getting up. I hear footsteps approach, a prefect must of heard the noise. We both straight in up in vain; anyone with eyes and a brain cell could tell what was going on.
The footsteps get closer and eventually Ron opens the door.
"Uhh- what the" he splutters, rapidly looking back and forth between George and I for several moments before speaking. "'s after curfew you should be in the dorms" He is so flustered he forgets to give us detention.

I dart out of the room, I'm probably bright red. I don't slow down until George grabs me by the wrist. "Merlin Stargirl you're fast." I try to pull away, but all his years as a beater has made him stronger than me. He slips his hand into mine. "Is it really that shocking?" He asks quietly.
"That I love you"
"Weasley" I breathe
"It wasn't just a slip up, I do"
"Can't deal with this right now" I say dropping his hand and started walking again. I could hear George following me.
"Lyra" He called after me.
"Told you Weasley, I don't do feelings or being vulnerable and shit" I raised my voice slightly, wanting him to just leave.
"You should, they can be pretty nice"
"They make you weak. I loved Draco, look where that got me, he won't even look at me."
"Ly" he grabbed my hand, eye full of pity. "I warned you I'm messed up."
"But I love you Stargirl, we on work on this, we can fix it"
"I don't need you to fucking fix me!" I ripped my hand away. He spluttered for a few seconds staring at me. "Just leave me alone" I shouted before storming away again, and this time George didn't follow.


19 December 1995
When I woke up the next morning Harry, Ron, George, Ginny, and Fred were gone. Not just out of gryfinndor tower, they were no where in the entire castle. It wasn't until after lessons when Mcgonagal realized Hermione and I may have wanted to know that our best friend were alright.

I wasn't prepared to know what happened. I knew, in theory, the order was dangerous, and you could get hurt. But Mr. Weasley wasn't just hurt, he nearly died. Mcgonagal said he would be fine, but I could tell by her tone it was a close call.

The drive from King's Cross to Grimmald Place felt like it lasted ages. But I still felt that we got there too soon. I felt like an ass. George's dad was in St. Mungo's and the last time I saw him I yelled at him because he said he loved me. Who does that?

When we got in, Hermione and I tried our best not to wake the portrait of Walburga Black. In the small living room George, Ron, Ginny, Fred, Harry, Remus and Sirius were all quietly sipping Butterbeer. It took a few moments before anyone realized we were there, they were all in some sort of trance, far away from the actual sitting room. "Girls" Remus said standing up, but I ignored him. My eyes were fixed on George; I just want to jump into his arms, burry my face into the crook of his neck, hold him and tell him I'm sorry. But I restrained my self, he is probably mad at me, not to mention the whole issue of no one else knowing. Though to be fair Ron has the biggest blabber mouth, but with his father in hospital he might have not has a chance to say anything.

Before I had a chance to dwell on it anymore, George has pulled me in to a tight hug. I let my self sink in to his touch, I could hear him softly crying into my shoulder. In the moment I didn't care we were surrounded by half a dozen people, I kissed his check before whispering in his ear "I love you too"


We sat snuggled into the same armchair both with a cup of tea. It was late and everyone else had already gone up to bed, but George and I were still sitting in the living room that was now only lit by the fireplace. I shifted in his lap so I was able to face him. "Georgie?" I ask softly. "Hmm" he hums in response. "I'm sorry-about the other day I mean." I say stumbling over my words a bit. "Ly you don't need to be-" he starts but I cut him off.
"I do though, you didn't deserve that. You are wonderful and I do love you, I'm just not good at this kinda thing. I don't like being vulnerable, my parents never let me show weakness like that. But with you it doesn't feel like a weakness it feels almost nice. But I still shouldn't have gone off on you like that." I finish and he smiles at me softly. "It's alright Ly, shouldn't have pushed you like that and really shouldn't have said that I needed to fix you" he cupped my cheek with his hand, making sure I was looking at him.
"It's not true you know, you aren't broken, no one needs to fix you, and I sure as hell don't need to fix you." I felt a tear fall from one of my eyes, but George brushed it away with his thumb. "My parents were always trying to fix me, that's what they would always say before they would..." I swallowed hard, I couldn't bring myself to say it. George kisses my forehead before saying "I promise to never remind you of your parents ever again"

We sat in a comforting silence for a minute, I rested my head on his shoulder. "I really do love you Weasley. You can be absolutely mad and make me laugh harder than anything, but when it's just me you are so sweet and soft. You make me feel safe." I whispered but I knew he could hear. "I love you too Stargirl. You are such a firecracker, I never know what to expect from you. But I think it's kinda fun, I like that I'm the only one who knows what your thinking. Though to be honest I don't even know what the bloody hell is going on in that head of yours sometimes." Bury my face is his chest to stifle my laughter and not wake up the whole house.
"George, I've thought about it and if you're ok with it I think I'm ready for people to know" I said. He some how held me even closer "I'm more than ok with it and anyway Ron is bound to let it slip anyway" we both laughed hard, smiling harder than we have all day.

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