Yule Ball

82 2 1

25 December, 1994

I wall was cold against my back, I could feel every brick through my thin dress. Hermione was dancing with Victor smiling as wider than I'd ever seen; at least she was having fun. Dean who was supposed to be my date was giving all his attention to Seamus, it's like I didn't exist.

"Why aren't you dancing?" George appeared out of nowhere beside me. I just grunted, I wasn't in the mood for George's shenanigans.

"Pretty girl like you should be dancing" George said nudging my shoulder with his. "You think I pretty" I teased batting my eyelashes.

"Very" He spun around and held out hand, "May I have this dance?" He said with a shit-eating grin stretching across his face. I rolled my eyes before taking it.

"Didn't you bring a date?" He asked twirling me around playfully. "I did but, I don't think he is all that interested" I responding gesturing to Dean dancing with Seamus on his chest.

"Where's your date, Weasley?" I said trying to change the topic.

"Didn't bring one, why be tied down to one girl when I can dance with everyone else's dates." He said smirking.

"Always with tricks up your sleeves, Weasley"

"That's why you love me, Star-girl"

"I love you" I laughed "Don't flatter yourself, I tolerate you"

"Because I'm so beautiful?"

"No, because you are one of best friends brother and I have too"


"And because your dumb pranks make me laugh"

"Close enough"

The song ended I moved to pull away but he held my waist and pulled me closer to him than we've ever been.

"Don't you need to move on to the next boy's date?" I asked

"I'm talking to you Star-girl"


I let my head fall to his chest, his smell wrapped all my senses and made my mind go all fuzzy. Someone must of spiked the punch, that was the only explanation for my stomach doing flips every time his hand traveled along my waist. I didn't realize how long we were dancing until I lifted my head from George's chest to see most people were now sitting at the tables, tired from all the dancing.

He smiled down at me, "Don't get tired on my now Star-girl. I'm finally having fun at this stupid thing." I met his eyes "I never said I was tired" I took a step back and spun around letting my skirt twirl like a princess. "Good" He said dragging me by the hand out of the Great Hall.

"Where are we going?" I said giggling. He led me out of the castle and through the grounds. "Not sure yet" He wiggled his brows before making a turn, in the direction of the lake. "Wait" I said "Over here"

I took the lead nearly running now, the cold winter air giving me a burst of energy. I brought him to old hemlock tree on a hill, where you could see the whole castle and the mountains in the distance. "It's beautiful" He breathed, "How'd you know about this?"

"I come here when I need to get away from it all, clear my head, I just sit and draw and if its dark out I see how many constellations I can name."

"A little narcissistic, Star-girl"

"I memorized them all as a kid. When ever my parents yelled, I would recite all of the names until they stopped. It kept me sane."    

"Shit Lyra, sorry"

"It's fine, you get used to it"

"That's not something you should get used to"

I half laughed, he didn't know the half of it, that the yelling was the least of my issues now. "We don't all have perfect families like you do Weasley" I turned away from him, but he grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes.

"You should, you deserve it, you deserve everything. You are amazing Lyra." Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine, my hands were in his hair, his hands were on my face.

The moment I realized what I was doing I jumped back. "What am I doing?"

"Having fun" He said grabbing my hand, I pulled away.

"You are Ron's brother!"

"I'm aware of that."

"No, you are Ron's brother! I can't kiss Ron's brother!"

"I think he'll be fine, he has four others."

"I can't do this"

"Why not?"

"Besides the fact you are my best mate's brother? Draco would give me absolute hell and my father would have both our heads."

"In all of your excuses, I'm not hearing the fact that you don't have feelings for me." George said with a subtle smile across his face. I didn't respond. "How I see it is; you are the only girl in Hogwarts that can match my good looks and you cannot deny that kiss was amazing." I didn't say anything, it would be a lie to say I didn't like him. He was funny, brave, kind, and I couldn't deny he was very cute. "So, what do you say Star-girl?"

"About what?"

"About making kissing you, under this hemlock a regular thing."

"I told you-"

"You told me, that other people wouldn't like it, not that you wouldn't"

"It's not that simple"

"But it could be" He took my hand in both of his. "Who cares what other people think?"

"I do" We sat in silence for a while.

"Then, no one else needs to know" He said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"That if you want to kiss me and let me hold your hand... or maybe some other stuff. We could keep it just between us."

"Are you sure?"

"Star-girl, the first time I saw you I assumed you were a pure-blood elitist prick, but as soon as you opened your mouth I realized I was wrong." He had to pause for me to stop laughing "You are funny and feisty, and everything your parents raised you not to be. After I saw you tear your brother to shreds using only your words after he called Granger a mudblood, I thought to myself 'that's her that's the girl I want' and if to make you feel safe I have to hide it from the world; I would move to a cave in the mountains to make you happy." He kissed me again and didn't pull away.

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