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By -waywardpogves

2.1K 187 2.1K

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31 4 65
By -waywardpogves

They all knew what was coming...what they had to do. Their smiles were transparent. It was easy to know that whatever emotions they were trying to hide couldn't simply be ignored. Death could be only hours away and no matter how hard they tried to look past it, it lingered in their heads despite them claiming that they would give their lives without a moment's notice. It was the anticipation that made the thought completely unbearable and the deafening silence only made it worse. No one had said a word since they had left the island, causing the dreadful hours to drag on more.

Of course, they understood that these outcomes had been in the job description the entire time, but now it felt real. The end felt too close. But isn't that how heroes are supposed to go? To go down swinging, fighting for your homes and your family. Except the reality of it all was that they weren't going down in such a way. The fighting had ended, but the war hadn't. They aren't even granted the chance to fight for their lives. It all came down to fate and whether it was on your side or not.

They had been questioned so much. What they didn't know is that people from their own kingdoms didn't trust the prophecy and wanted to take matters into their own hands. If it weren't for the magic users and their ability to smother the uprisings, all the kingdoms would've fallen to a civil war. Many didn't believe that a group of children could handle the pressures and responsibilities of a journey that had so much importance.

But they were doing it, and they were doing it together.

That's what mattered.

They found themselves staring blankly at the bottom of the boat Morana had recreated using the pieces of wood that had washed up onto the shore. The waves were rather calm, slowly rocking them back and forth as they approached the island. The surrounding air felt heavy on their tired bodies. For once, it wasn't the burden of evil but was the burden of their decision. The right thing didn't feel right. What if the evil still reigned after they destroyed the stone and they wouldn't be there to stop it that time. It came down to a hunch, a lucky guess. But it was their best bet.

Every muscle in Corrine's body felt tense but they relaxed as soon as she felt Eros's fingers brush against hers. He grabbed her hand that rested on her leg and gave it a squeeze. In response, she turned her hand over to interlink her hand with his. They wanted to share a smile, but it felt impossible. Instead, Corrine turned to Bai, who was sitting next to her with his eyes trained on the land that inched closer. He too relaxed at her touch and was able to shift his eyes away from where he stared long enough to wrap his arm around Kai's shoulders. Kai took Andrea's hand, she rested her head on his shoulder. Seeing this, Axel hugged Nizhoni closer to him, slowly rubbing circles on her shoulder. Nizhoni reached out to Darron and squeezed his shoulder while he snaked his arm around Aurelia's waist. Aurelia was the only one of them that could muster a smile as she reached out to offer a hand to Morana, who accepted it graciously.

It was the reassurance they all needed.

And in silence...they found togetherness.

But moments like that can never last forever. Soon, the bottom of the boat started to skid across the sand as they entered the shore. Corrine and Darron both got out of their sides of the boat and hopped down into the water, then grabbing the sides of the boat to push. The rest filed out to help and were able to secure the boat on the beach.

"Alright," Bai declared. "What do we do now? Cetaria is like what? 50 miles?"

Morana nodded. "We won't make it on foot. The Righteous One's evil will find someone else to replace me soon. We have to move quickly."

"Therondia is three miles away," Darron chimed in. "I'm sure Aramina would spare us horses again."

"Lead the way. We must keep moving."

It only took about an hour until the ten of them reached the gates of Therondia. Darron had recognized both of the guardsmen that were overly excited by their arrival, thinking that they were successful in the journey to Nukpana but that was still rather debatable. Darron quickly settled their eagerness and was able to get them to Aramina and Edaneus quickly.

"You have returned!" Aramina cheered. "By my word we shall host the grandest feast ever seen in any kingdom to celebrate."


"The bands have already begun preparations! My parents will be thrilled to meet you, they just arrived home only moments ago. I'll fetch them for you myself!"


"Oh, yes. Yes, what can I do for the heroes of my kingdom?" She smiled, but it soon faded when her eyes shifted to Morana. "Who is this?"

Darron hesitated. "It's uh- Morana?"

The expression of pure horror suddenly fell upon Aramina's face. "What?!"

Darron grabbed her shoulders. "Aramina, I need you to listen to me. I don't have time to explain anything but we need horses."

"Why would I-"

"Aramina, please. Evil still hangs over this world and we need your help."

Aramina's stare was enough to burn a hole through Morana's figure, but she complied. "Edmund will take you to the stables."

Darron nodded his head in gratitude. "Thank you. I promise, our debt to you will be repaid."

As ordered, Edmund led them to the stables and helped them acquire ten horses for their travels. The ten of them saddled up their horses as quickly as possible and swung themselves up onto the saddles. Kai was the last to finish saddling up, but before he could hoist himself up onto the horse, he heard a voice call out his name. Kai's foot slipped out of the stirrup and he turned to see Jerret standing ahead with a smile of pure joy.

"You returned," Jerret spoke sweetly while he approached Kai.

Kai took in a deep breath in an attempt to settle the nervousness that was building up inside him and walked towards him. When the two met, both of Kai's hands grabbed the sides of Jerret's face and pressed his lips to his in a passionate kiss. Jerret pushed himself closer, his lips curling up into a smile. Kai pulled away, their foreheads now resting against each other.

"And that's for if I don't return again," Kai breathed.

Jerret pulled away and looked up at the boy. Kai could see the sadness that was creeping within Jerret's eyes. Kai's hands fell from Jerret's face to grab one of his hands, then pecking a soft kiss to his knuckles. Jerret's heart slowly sunk to his feet, but he understood. He didn't know what he understood exactly...but he knew he did. That was enough.

Kai's hand slipped away from Jerret's as he turned away to return to his friends. Andrea didn't even notice the tears that were sliding down her cheek until Kai grinned at her. She quickly wiped them away and gave him a thumbs up.

"So proud," she half sobbed.

Kai lifted himself up onto his horse and extended his hand out to Andrea for her to squeeze. The others looked over their shoulders to smile at him.

Kai did his best to fight back the burning tears. "Let's go save the world."


It had been hours since they left Therondia. The sight of forests  stretching on for what seemed like forever was certainly enough to push one to their breaking point. It had come to the point that the endless colors of green began to mock them. Riding the horses had become a mindless task and the galloping had practically lulled them to sleep. But they were so close now...couldn't be more than a few miles out.

The anticipation would soon be put to rest and all their work and suffrage would finally end. Now, all that was left was for them to do was to destroy the stone, and though it felt like maybe the easiest task, it was the hardest of them all. It didn't take the strength of their magic and skills...it took the strength of their hearts.

Morana narrowed her eyes at an opening ahead that was sheltered by towering oaks. She nodded towards where she stared. "That's it right there."

Corrine's eyes followed her gaze. "So, all we have to do is destroy this stone and that's it?"

"Yeah," Bai piped up. "There isn't like a catch or anything, right?"

Morana shrugged. "To the extent of my knowledge."

"Promising," Axel scoffed.

"All I can come up with is that he is using that stone as a gateway to this world, even in the afterlife," Morana explained. "Sooner or later, he will lure another mortal into his clutches and manipulate them just like he did to me. The world goes back to square one and he is back in control."

"And-And this surge of power is enough to kill us?" Aurelia squeaked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Yes," she answered gently. "We will either absorb its power, or it will be too much for our bodies to handle."

Aurelia nodded and returned her eyes to the ground, where she had been staring before.

The ten of them pulled the reins to halt their horses once they reached the opening. Night had crept upon them, their only light being the moon beaming down into the center of the trees. The pale glow revealed the stone that was covered in ivy vines with the false prophecy engraved into it, resting beneath the glimmering moonlight. They all dismounted from their horses and walked around the stone to form a circle.

"So, this is it?" Eros muttered quietly, his eyes trained on the moonlit stone.

"I'm afraid so," Morana replied.

All of their eyes scanned across the faces of not only their traveling companions but their friends...their family. Tears welled in the eyes of some, while other's hearts only ached greatly, whereas emotion was too much for them to even express, leaving them numb inside.

Corrine smiled for the first time that day. "We may have never been kings and queens of tomorrow, but we shall rest as heroes forever."

Eros nodded in agreement. "May the Gods rejoice at our arrival."

"It's been real guys," Bai sighed, a tear rolling down his cheek quietly.

Kai sent him a smile. "It's been everything to me."

"I wish you all the best," Axel nodded with a faint grin.

"Stay out of trouble," Nizhoni laughed softly.

Andrea let her bow fall to the ground. "Peace is only minutes away."

"And all the flowers one could dream," Aurelia said sweetly.

Darron swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to keep the tears away. "Thank you for giving me a second chance." He shifted his glance to Morana. "Do what you must."

Morana's eyes fell upon the stone and raised her hand up towards it. After the white ring formed again, she twisted her wrist to turn it. A part of the ground began to rise and once the dirt broke, the Righteous One's amulet emerged from the soil. A dark black jewel shone in the moonlight, its silver chain twinkling like stars. Morana's hand lingered in its place, leaving the necklace to dangle in the air.

"I was right," she sighed in relief. "A legend was told that a creator of evil would return to that of which they last created out of darkness when they met their end."

"What do we do with it?" Axel asked. "Don't we have to use it against the stone?"

"I fear the power of two amulets is too much for one to handle. They wouldn't survive."

"I'll wear it."

All eyes shifted to Darron, the one who volunteered to bear such wickedness.

"Are you s-"

"Please," he almost whispered. "Just give it to me. My brothers deserve justice."

Morana exchanged a few uneasy looks with those around her but reluctantly agreed and gave the amulet to him. Darron's trembling hands took the amulet and placed it around his neck. He could almost immediately feel it's suffocating weight or dark magic. But it was worth it. He just had to fight a little longer, then it would all be over...all the suffering would be over.

Darron's body tensed with internal struggle, his knees buckling slightly. "We have to be quick. I can't stand it much longer."

Aurelia watched in horror, all the actions happening way too fast, not granting her the chance to even try to talk him out of it. A tear trickled down slowly as she blinked.

The ten of them raised their hands again for the final time. They had come across many things, but this was the end.

This was their last shot.

And it took everything they had left to give.

The amulet's started to glow their various shades once more, but this time, a ray of white light shot out of their hands and onto the stone. They could all feel the power of one another, their strengths, weaknesses, everything they had felt up until now.







The energy that surged through their bodies was greater than they had ever experienced before. It was draining. It took everything they had not to collapse to the ground and give in to the hardships of their travels. They were tired and ready to be done. Yet the light shone on, and the power only grew stronger with every passing second. Eventually, it had become so much that all they could see was the blinding white light that emitted from their bodies, leaving them to squint and bring forth another hand to produce even more power. But every ounce of struggle would count. They fought harder and all the light slowly came together to form a ball of energy that absorbed the stone, but it was something that couldn't be contained. They only had a few moments to react to the explosion, but time was not on their side.

But how ironic it was that light was the thing that overtook them, not darkness.


a/n: wow.

we made it guys.

sorry there's probably a lot of typos i'm exhausted.

next chapter will be the official last chapter and then the next will be the epilogue :) our babies have been through so much oh my goodness

but i wanted to do something different with this story. typically stories like this end in a big bang or like a crazy battle y'know??? but instead i tried to do something that was way more "uneventful" but had so much more meaning i guess...i don't know i wanna know what you guys thought about it. i wanted to stray away from a typical happily ever after and i thought that could be a way to do so. and the irony with the white light that is supposed to resemble good but it was almost posed as a bad thing?? PLEASE TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS CAUSE IT KINDA DROVE ME CRAZY WHEN PLANNING HAHA

ANYWAY lmao sorry...i love you guys more than life

- ky <3

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