What's Best for Fuu

By SoulRaider116

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It's been four years since the search for the sunflower samurai came to an end. Four years since Fuu had last... More

An Unexpected Proposal
Familiar Faces
Hiroshi's Family
Is this Love
Ruckus and Warning
A Welcome Change
Just Some Food For Thought
A Twist of Fate
Rescues and Realizations
Letting Go
Ending Notes


126 5 5
By SoulRaider116

While Mugen would have loved to continue kissing and more, and Fuu most likely would have let him get away with it, they both knew that their friends were quite likely worried about them. Jin at least would be, seeing as he had little to no idea what had happened since the Fuu had met with Hiroshi. Perhaps the former pirate could have ignored this fact, but the woman he held in his arms would fret over the idea of worrying her comrades, a fact he was well aware of. Plus, he'd only finally managed to get her in his arms. If he rushed things, he might frighten her off, not to mention he was still wary of corrupting her.

Thus, it was to Fuu's surprise that, after delivering a final kiss to the curve of her neck, the vagrant lifted his mangy head from its resting place on her shoulder with a lopsided grin down at her, "Guess the others are wondering what's keeping us, huh? Probably oughta get ya back before they think I did somethin' outta line..."

The waitress flushed at the implications of that last statement. She wanted to let him know that it wouldn't be out of line, at least not as far as she was concerned...but this was probably not the best time to tempt him. After all, they really should get back to their friends. She had to thank Shino for helping her sort out her own feelings...and Hiroshi was owed an apology as well as gratitude for the things that had happened between them. Then, she really should move on from Edo. After all, if she wished to be with Mugen, she knew well he wasn't the settling down sort.

"We should get back, yes," She offered a soft, shy smile, her right hand sliding from his shoulder, tracing his bicep and down his arm to twine their fingers together, "We need to explain, at least. Let them know that we're...um...we're..."

A shiver ran down the rough looking man's spine as her slim hands ran over his tanned arms, the muscles bunching then relaxing as the feather light touch passed over them. His gaze locked onto hers, finding that the large brown eyes looking back at him held a hint of timid uncertainty. Her words landed softly on his ears, though he barely registered the beginning of what she was saying, his breath catching slightly as his sight dropped to their interlaced fingers, a smirk tugging his lips when he gripped her hand in return. Lifting steel eyes, which for once held a sort of calm pride rather than reckless rage, he heard her stumbling for a word to describe the turn in their relationship.

Shaggy hair shifted as he tilted his head, one brow arched. They were together. They were a couple, romantically linked, whatever. There was probably some actual sappy term for it, but even if he'd known it, Mugen wasn't the sort to use it. Instead he gave a roguish grin, lifting his free hand to scratch at his stubble, "Well...I don't know 'bout 'we'...but you...yer my woman."

It was a matter of fact statement, no room left for argument. The first reaction Fuu had was to blush a deep crimson, to be claimed so blatantly by the man she loved. Then, slowly, irritation began to set in. She was a person, after all. She wasn't property! Those wide eyes of hers narrowed slightly, her grip on his hand tightening, "Excuse me? Your woman? YOUR woman? What does that mean? I'm not a possession, Mugen!"

The ex-pirate's eyes widened slightly at the reaction. That blush was as cute as any he had ever caused by action or word, but it lasted so briefly. He was on the verge of laughing at the coloring on her cheeks when she began scolding him for his wording. Her grasp on his hand was surprisingly tight, but it wasn't really painful. He let out a soft chuckle, earning a harsher glare, that in turn had him laughing louder, "What? You don't wanna be my woman? You sure kissed me like you did..."

"I'm not anyone's woman!" The female in question snapped at him in return, huffing indignantly, "But I want to be THE woman! You know, THE woman YOU LOVE!"

At the use of the word for the emotion he was feeling, the vagrant paled. Was that what she wanted to hear him say? Sure, it was true, but he couldn't just say something so sappy! He wrinkled his nose, turning his head to avoid her gaze, "Ain't it the same thing?"

"No, it's not," Fuu reasoned with a sigh, closing her eyes, dropping her face to the side, "I don't want to be property...I want to be cared for...I love you Mugen...please...you don't have to say it for anyone else to hear...but...I want to know...I want to know you care..."

A sideways glance was cast in her direction as he felt her hand trying to pull away from his. She wasn't looking at him anymore, and she looked like he'd hurt her. Fuck, he felt like he'd been punched seeing that expression! It was the rogue's turn to tighten his grip on her hand, causing her to flick her gaze toward him through her lashes, "Stupid...why do I gotta say it at all?"

There was no response. His features shocked the woman as she looked at him, his tan, weathered skin seemed to take on a rosy hue as he shifted awkwardly. She knew she was being unfair. But there really was a difference. He could claim her as his, and he could leave. If he truly loved her, then he would be less likely to abandon her. She really needed to hear him say it.

"Gah! Really, Fuu?" The hand not holding hers, rubbed at the former pirate's face as he sighed in exasperation, "Look, you say it ain't the same, but the way I see it, I fight for what's mine. You ain't property, I get that. But yer mine, and I'm yours...I ain't gonna let you go, that's what I'm sayin'. So, ya....I guess..."

Large brown eyes lifted to gaze at him in earnest, his last words having come out in a murmur she hadn't really caught. She knew what he had said, though. In surprised happiness she buried her head against his chest, whispering, "Mugen..."

"Yeah...well...I ain't gonna start spoutin' it all over or anythin', you got that?!" Mugen snapped, though his stubborn pout clearly held an underlying embarrassment. He was met with a giggle and a nod from Fuu. Turning suddenly, he pulled her along by their linked hands, "Let's get goin', then...."

Fuu's smile was wide as she followed, able to keep up with his long strides easily in her giddy pace.


Jin and Shino were waiting outside the tea house, Hiroshi's parents having gone in to speak with their son immediately after Mugen's departure. Well...Jin was attempting to wait in his typical stoic patience, though his brow twitched in mild agitation as his wife gushed about the friends she had left to reconcile. The ronin loved his wife, really and truly he did. She brought out things in him that no other could, emotions and a level of self expression previously unknown. Still, there were times when he wished for the calm meditative atmospheres that had grown more seldom available since their marriage.

"Oh, Jin dear, it was wonderful!" The former brothel girl gushed repeatedly, "Seeing her realize what she was actually feeling, and then Mugen showed up at the perfect moment! You were entirely right about letting the river carve its own course!"

With a sigh, the man turned to look at his wife. He was getting rather tired of hearing her repeat the same thing over again, but he was trying to be patient. He knew Shino had been waiting for this moment. When his dark eyes landed on her, his irritation lessened instantly, the glow on her features was radiant in her joy. The only time he'd seen her more brilliant was the day she learned she was with child, that moment she had been so moved by joy she'd wept. Thus, rather than remind her how frequently she had commented on their friends' impending confessions, he found himself smiling warmly, "That's good."

"Isn't it?" The woman rested her head against his shoulder, smiling contentedly, seemingly satisfied enough to end her retelling of the situation now that Jin had given in and agreed with her.

For a few moments they remained that way in peaceful silence until Shino spied two figures in the distance, letting out a soft sound of excitement, nudging her husband in the side, "Jin dear, look! Here they come!"

Approaching at a steady but leisurely pace they could see the pair, fingers woven together. Mugen had a smug grin on his face, the sort he tended to wear after emerging victorious in a battle where his foe thought he would surely lose. Fuu was blushing mildly, slightly more aware of the looks they were getting from those who were still out now that the sun was down, but she couldn't keep the pure joy from spreading in a smile over her lips. She was aware that there would be horrid things said, things about both her and Hiroshi, regarding this development. At the moment, though, such thoughts were relegated to the back of her mind.

Jin's eyes swept over the scene, taking in the details that marked the obvious change in status of their relationship. Things had indeed gone well, for which he was glad. A sideways glance toward his wife revealed what he knew already, she was thrilled. Her excited grin rivaled Fuu's own, which earned a slightly amused curve of the ronin's own lips.

"Fuu-chan!" Shino exclaimed giddily, doing her best pregnant waddle-run towards the younger woman. At this, the girl in question blushed brighter, and Mugen flinched at the sheer shrillness of the excitement in her tone.

The former brothel girl's spouse followed in a more leisurely pace behind her, raising an eyebrow at the vagrant. In response, the wilder of the men smirked more broadly and released his grip on Fuu's hand, choosing instead to snake his arm around her waist, a more claiming gesture which earned a blink and glance from the pink clad waitress as she was pulled closer.

"What?" Mugen smirked down at her, "If yer gonna be my woman, I'm making sure everyone knows it!"

Fuu was tempted to relodge her protest over being referred to as property, but she knew he meant it as a term of affection, a way of saying he cared. Besides, she couldn't have said anything before Shino let out a delighted squeal and wrapped her in an embrace anyway.

"Congratulations..." The ronin murmured, trying to maintain a neutral expression, though a smile tugged at his lips, "You will take care of her, I trust."

"Ain't no one else gonna be able to," the former pirate responded, picking the wax out of his ear nonchalantly.

"Hn...I suppose you're right...for once," Jin conceded, "I have a family of my own, after all..."

For the second time Mugen's tan flesh paled slightly hearing the way the taunt was phrased. Normally, he would be offended at the thought that Jin even considered himself close to being able to protect Fuu! After all, when had Four-Eyes ever saved her? But any trace of irritation was lost amidst the lurch that hit his stomach at that phrasing. A family of his own. That meant that there was more than just a coupling expected between the pirate and waitress. They were supposed to be a family!

On some level, Mugen supposed, he already knew this. Fuu wasn't the sort to live in the kind of set up he'd been fooling himself into thinking of. They weren't gonna just wander around making ends meet and screwing each other when the mood struck. That was the corruption he'd been so worried about inflicting upon her...his lustful fantasies that weren't fit for such a pure thing.

"Hnn..." Blinking his eyes the rogue became aware that Jin was regarding him with a raised brow, that signature hum of contemplation having pulled the pirate from his thoughts, "Then you are still conscious..."

"The fuck are you-" At that moment the vagrant became distinctly cognizant of the fact that the arm he'd had wrapped around Fuu's waist now hung limply at his side, "Oi! Where the hell'd she go!"

Rather than giving the ronin a chance to reply, Shino spoke with a slight grin, "She went to speak with Hiroshi-san. I suppose Fuu-chan-"

She had no chance to finish her sentence before Mugen disappeared into the tea house as well, not wanting to risk his freshly forged relationship on the chance that pretty boy would change his mind.

"You're having far too much fun with this..." Jin commented with a sigh, rubbing long fingers against his temples as he regarded his wife in a sidelong glance.

"Perhaps...but it is fun, and I have so little of it most of the time!" Shino shrugged with a playful smile, leaning in to peck her spouse on the cheek, "Not that we don't have fun of our own..."

At that, the pale man went near crimson, his brow twitching as he muttered a quick retort, "Hnn...I don't know what you mean..."

"Oh...I guess you don't...what on earth could you be thinking!" She let out a teasing laugh that made him blush further, if that was possible.

For once the man was quite grateful when Hiroshi's overbearing mother made an appearance being ushered out the door, her husband attempting to calm her worries about the trickster rogue that had wormed his way into their lives. At least the company would be more than likely enough to keep Shino from bringing any more blood to his cheeks.

When he entered the tea house, Mugen found Fuu already kneeling at Hiroshi's side, a sight that made the vagrant's stomach lurch for a moment. As he set a leisurely pace towards them, he could see Junior Samurai's parents a short ways off, the father trying to calm the frazzled mother, who was in a tizzy over the breaking of the engagement this time. A smirk slowly crept across the pirate's tanned features as he was reassured of his victory.

When the antagonistic woman spotted the swordsman, her face shifted into an expression of absolute detestation. Her lips parted, about to unleash a torrent of insults and accusations, but fortunately for her; her husband stepped in. His strong hand closed around hers, a smile on his face as he intervened, speaking before she could, "I believe Hiroshi needs to speak with his friends...we should give them a moment's privacy..."

As he spoke he led her to the exit, nodding at Mugen as their paths crossed. The departure was made hastily, leaving his wife no time to make her opinion known. Casting a glance over his shoulder at the door, the vagrant shrugged before moving on, coming to a stop once he was standing behind his girl.

"Oi, Pretty Boy..." He greeted with a slight nod, offering a cocky grin as well before suddenly flinching and gripping his knee, "The fuck's wrong with you, Fuu?!"

Withdrawing her elbow from where it had made contact with Mugen's knee, the waitress settled her hands in a folded position on her lap, resisting the urge to rub away the pain in the crook of her arm. She could have picked a better punishment in hindsight, "That was for being a jerk! His name's Hiroshi! And if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be together now, y'know!"

As the woman let out a sharp huff and turned her chin up indignantly, the rogue groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face in agitation. He really hated when she had a point. With a low grumble he conceded, "Fine, whatever...listen up, Hio-dude...I guess I kinda owe ya one. So, if it ends up ya really ain't able ta walk again...there's this chair on wheels thing-a-jig I saw once....maybe you can find one...I dunno..."

Hiroshi had been silent during Fuu and Mugen's exchange, rather amused by the fact that they were officially fighting like a couple, and yet heartbroken that Fuu wasn't his any longer. It was a strange mix of feelings, topped with a warmth inside when Fuu stood up for him. His thoughts were interrupted when the pirate turned the conversation directly to him. Dark brown eyes blinked up at the lanky man as the wrong name was used, most likely deliberately by now, and some effort at a begrudging thanks made. It was more than he expected, and earned a small smile.

What went beyond even that was when the rogue began describing the wheelchairs that had begun to appear for use among the crippled. Such devices had originated in the west, and were still fairly rare in Japan, but the younger man was aware of their existence. The fact that his one time romantic rival thought to mention their existence was truly remarkable, and clearly meant as a form of repayment. A slow nod was given, smile growing bright and broad, "Thank you, Mugen. I will remember that."

"Tch, whatever," The vagrant shrugged with a sniff.

Fuu watched the closest thing she had ever seen to Mugen thanking another man in disbelief. Sure, the rough man was trying to brush it off as no big deal, but she could tell that he must be very grateful to actually voice it. If not, it wouldn't matter how much she insisted Hiroshi deserved their thanks, the pirate's stubborn streak would win out.

"Yes, thank you Hiroshi-kun. I owe you so much...both of us do," The waitress murmured with a soft smile, closing her eyes as she took a moment to appreciate the significance of what was happening. After a few seconds she slowly got to her feet leaning slightly against her hard won lover's side, "Even if Mugen doesn't actually want to admit it."

"Oi! I said I owed him one, didn't I?!" Mugen bristled in response, though it didn't carry as much venom as it often did.

"Yes, yes," Fuu waved off his protests, placing a kiss on his cheek in an attempt to placate him, "But I think we owe him more than telling him about a chair on wheels..."

"Grrrr..." The pirate's brow twitched in agitation as she seemed intent on getting under his skin, "And you owe me more than some lame ass kiss on the cheek!"

Brown eyes grew wide as Fuu emitted a squeal while Mugen suddenly pulled her close, "Mugen! Stop it!"

A resounding slap later, and the rogue sat sulking in a corner, holding a reddened cheek, while Fuu blushed furiously and Hiroshi actually chuckled in amusement, "You two...you really do suit each other, don't you?"

Mugen and Fuu were still bickering as they emerged from the tea house. This was nothing new to those who were familiar with them and, despite elevated volume, Jin and Shino could sense the affection that still held fast between their friends.

The argument fell silent suddenly, a small hand landing on the rogue's shoulder as the pink clad waitress smiled warmly up at him, "Mugen, one more minute. I have someone else to thank."

A subtle nod let her know he understood, his dark gaze following her as she hurried toward Hiroshi's parents. Strange...she was acting like she was trying up loose ends, getting ready to leave Edo behind.

Standing before the parents of her former fiance, Fuu shifted uneasily. These people had granted her home and family, and she had essentially betrayed them. The mother had never really liked her, but they both must hate her now!

With a deep breath for courage, she bowed low at the waist in sincere apology, "Gijouhei-san, I am sorry for what shame I have caused. I truly appreciate the hospitality you have shown me. Please know I never intended to in any way harm Hiroshi-san."

"Fuu-chan," The samurai man put a hand on her shoulder, urging her to rise, "There is no shame in following your heart. Too many fail to recognize this truth."

He shot a glance toward his wife, causing the overbearing woman to cringe before he continued, ""And even if you are not marrying my son, I hope you will still do me the honor of considering me an Otou-san of sorts."

Fuu's face lit up in response, "O-of course! Arigato, Otou-san! Arigato, Okaa-san! I promise to write, make sure Hiroshi-kun remembers! Bye!"

Mugen had expected Fuu to come right back to him so that they could figure out the next step. Clearly he would need to get her stuff back from Hiroshi's place, then whatever Fishface and his broad were up to would be talked about.

But as the waitress grinned like an idiot, waving over her shoulder as she moved away from the samurai family, he was surprised to see her stopping again. This time Fuu was taking time to speak with the tea house lady. If the vagrant didn't know better, he'd think she was saying goodbye.

Which was actually exactly what was happening as she embraced the older woman, quite bold yet, Fuu thought, necessary. She was fighting back tears brought on by a mix of emotions flooding her being as she spoke, "Oba-san, I don't know what to say! You gave me a job, a home...I owe you so much!"

"You want to pay me back?" The proprietor only smiled and tilted her head to indicate Mugen, "Go on! You finally got him, now don't lose him, be happy and have a kid or two that'll give that rogue hell. That'll be my payment!"

Fuu blushed brilliantly at the bluntness of those words. She had been happy enough with Mugen's love, but the concept of conceiving a child and raising it with him...that was beyond her ability to grasp! With his devil may care lifestyle, and her own less than orthodox personality...what a hellspawn they could create. She almost shuddered at the thought.

"Now get going, Fuu-chan! Edo isn't for a man like Mugen, you two need a smaller town." The woman grinned and gave her former employee a subtle push in the vagabond's direction.

After a brief incident of stumbling on her own feet, Fuu glanced over her shoulder at the tea house owner and smiled warmly before hurrying to where Mugen now stood with Jin and Shino. A deep breath was drawn to remember the Edo air by, released as a slow sigh as her friends waited for her to speak, "Alright...I just need to grab a few things that are still at my apartment, then we can g-"

"Oi! Hold it right there!" Mugen cut in just before she could finish her statement, "You ain't gonna leave Edo. This setup's a good one, and-"

"Of course I'm leaving Edo!" This time the waitress cut her love off mid-thought, "If you think you can swoop in here, say you love me, then ditch me...I'm not just going to sit here and play the waiting game, Mugen! If you think for-"

"Geeze, why don't you shut up and think for once instead, woman!" Once more the former pirate stepped in, "Who said anythin' 'bout ditching ya?"

Fuu blinked in confusion, completely caught off guard by the idea of Mugen settling down in one place, "But you-"

"I told ya, I ain't lettin' go," The swordsman grumbled, rubbing his neck at the awkwardly public moment of sentimentality, "You can't believe that?"

"Mugen..." She looked up at him with a sweet expression that spoke volumes of how much his words meant. Soon enough, though, her features shifted slightly. Her small hand lifted to rest on his chest, "I believe you would kill to keep me from harm. I've seen you do it. I believe you want to stay with me here. I do. But I don't believe for a moment that Edo is where you belong. It's so big and busy...something simpler might be nice for awhile. Besides...do you want us living in the same city as Hiroshi-kun?"

Mugen heard her points. He didn't agree with some of them. He'd be fine here, he didn't need simple. At the mention of Hiroshi, his eyes narrowed. That he agreed with. He didn't want Fuu around Junior Samurai. The blaze of jealousy didn't last long, though, as the woman in front of him slid her palm to his scruffy jaw.

"So, let's travel with Jin and Shino. We can stay in their village until the baby comes. After we meet their child, then we can continue on and find our own village to settle in." The waitress smiled so sweetly at Mugen it was hard to refuse. So he didn't. He just gave a nod, sulking a bit that he had been so easily manipulated, "Great! I'll get my stuff and be right back!"

As she merrily skipped off to her apartment, Shino laughed softly, admiring the skill of the rather inexperienced girl. Jin moved to place a hand on Mugen's shoulder, a gesture of solidarity for men who were so devoted they could be manipulated at will. The action went unappreciated, however, as the pirate glared at the ronin, shrugging the hand away.

They were about a day into their journey toward the town where Jin and Shino lived. It wasn't a terribly long trip, but it was taking time because they had to set a pace a pregnant woman could manage.

Time was a strange thing. It could be good or bad, helpful or dangerous, kind or cruel. It was fickle indeed.

For Jin, time was usually passed in contemplation, sorting recent events. Now concern for Shino was added to his thoughts; for though she hadn't really complained, he knew the journey must be difficult in her advanced pregnancy. He also worried the stress of travel might cause the child to come into the world early.

Shino, meanwhile, was still giddy over her friends' freshly forged relationship. Her eyes continuously drifted their way, always wondering what they might be thinking.

Fuu was growing paranoid with time. Did Mugen really care as much as he claimed? Should she make an effort to stick close, or would that annoy him? Then maybe she should give him space. That might make her seem skittish though. What was she supposed to do?

Casting a sidelong glance at the rogue, she saw his face furrowed in concentration. Sighing, the woman wished she knew what was on his mind!

Damn, Mugen hated having too long alone with his thoughts! Sure, the others were there, but they were too fucking quiet! Four-eyes and his walked ahead, the pregnant broad glancing back on occasion. Fuu lagged a few paces behind, which irritated him slightly. And the whole time all he could do was think.

Fuu had been expecting to have to jump up and live on the road with him, and when he tried to suggest otherwise, she thought he planned to leave her behind and only visit on occasion. Was it really so hard to trust him to stick around?

Then there was damn fish face and the idea of family. Yeah, Girlie deserved that. But could Mugen be the one to give it to her? Having lived so long as a murderous criminal, never knowing family, never having known real love until Fuu came along...how could he be a husband? A stable provider in a permanent home with a steady job; he'd never even tried to imagine himself there before. That was what she deserved, though. She'd taken care of him, trusted him, loved him even. He sure as hell wasn't going to make her live in dishonor or whatever. And he wasn't gonna be some pansy who let marriage scare him!

"Oi," The lanky man came to an abrupt halt, trying to keep himself from trembling in nervousness. He was Mugen dammit, he didn't get fucking nervous! Not long after he stopped, he felt Fuu bump into his back, apparently having not noticed.

Blinking, she turned her large brown eyes up to meet his gaze. However, she found he was looking everywhere but at her. His jaw was tense, and his muscles quivered beneath the skin. Fuu swallowed a lump of worry, certain she'd already messed up their relationship, "Mugen..."

Not one for planning ahead, the former pirate was panicking as he tried to figure out what he was doing. Just asking was sappy, weird and awkward. But he'd put himself on the spot now! She was staring at him, worried, that injured puppy look on her damn face! A bead of sweat trickled down his brow before and idea suddenly sprang to mind. Make it seem like she'd suggested it! She'd think she'd tricked him. Hah!

"Listen, Fuu," He tried to sound casual, folding his arms behind his head, "Just cuz yer my woman, don't think I'm settlin' down or nothin'. I ain't gettin' hitched, not my style."

Now he just had to wait for her to take the bait and pick a fight. When she insisted on marriage, he'd play for awhile at arguing, then cave.

"I know," Fuu smiled softly, face turned to the ground, "I never expected marriage, Mugen."

"Geeze, if you're gonna be a nag abou- huh?" Eager to get to it over with, the vagrant had rushed into the planned surrender, only to register too late that she'd actually accepted his refusal to marry.

"Mugen?" Fun was confused at his reaction. He looked disappointed, maybe even frustrated.

"Damn, I know I ain't exactly marriage material, but ya gave up awful easy," The former pirate scowled, "Specially stubborn as you get..."

"I didn't say I wouldn't marry you!" Fun glared, hands on hips, "I just know you well enough not to expect it!"

"You think I'd punk out? I ain't a good guy, I got that," Steel eyes hardened as he considered this low view of himself, "I got so much blood on me, there ain't no washing me clean... Dammit, I shouldn't touch ya at all! I sure as hell ain't gonna make ya live like a used woman!"

Now she was even more confused and, on top of that, an awkward nervousness was setting in. Jin and Shino had stopped, and she knew they could hear. Blushing and fidgeting, she canted her head slightly, "Mugen...I don't-"

"Dammit, Fuu! I'm trying to ask you to fucking marry me!" The ex-pirate snapped in frustration.

For a moment the pink clad woman froze in shock and disbelief. No way had she heard him right! As subtly as possible she pinched her arm, letting out a squeak at the pain it caused.

Mugen was getting nervous at her lack of response when she squeaked unexpectedly. The sound was followed by a giddy cry from the woman as she leaped into his arms, "Yes! Of course!"

The proposal was so unexpected, the sheer joy of her response equally so. Holding her tightly, the rogue kissed Fuu with a tender passion, filling the gesture with gratitude. The pair was vaguely aware of the presence of their other comrades. Shino with her expression of excitement, and Jin who gave a slightly embarrassed grunt as he most likely looked away.

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