No Mourners, No Funerals

By TheKetterdamOfficial

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No mourners, no funerals. It passed for good luck. As if every criminal didn't know its true meaning, that t... More

Pilot. ✓
6. ✓


82 3 1
By TheKetterdamOfficial

"Haven't decided yet." Kaz responds, honestly, leaning back. "Try me, what's their name."

"They're dead. It doesn't matter anyway."

"Doing a dead man's work. someone you loved? Someone you feel you owe it to, then. Is this a revenge story? Oh, little spiderling, revenge is a fool's dream." Kaz smirked, wiping the bloodied blade off on his gloves.

"Something like that. I'm not here for revenge. I'm here to simply watch."

"And your sister does the dirty work, then? She does seem the more murderous between the two of you."

"I gather intel, she kills. She is, trust me. Now I wouldn't call it dirty work. Just getting the job done."

"Hm. What business do you have with the Wraith?" Kaz asks voice detached.

"I only gather the intel. I do as I'm told." Her eyes would watch his. "Why do you care anyway? I thought Dirtyhands didn't care about anyone."

"Let's say I have taken a stake in her actions. It would cost me money if she died. And you know how we Kerch are with our money." His smile is cold as he stands up. 

"Very well, I believe you." Kaz stood up and gestures to his guard. He walked with them and watched as they patted Sybia down, took off the bag, and then tossed her back in her cell. "As it would seem," he turned to Jinx. "You are my problem. Care to tell me your business with the Wraith?"

Jinx would look at him. "The same as her. I follow orders, that's all. Although Syb is the softy. I care for her." Jinx would stand up and start to pace. "Why is Sybia still here? She told you everything. Don't hurt her."


When Inej gained back her consciousness, she felt tight ropes around her hands and legs. The ropes were wrapped around the burned part of her wrist making them too painful for her to sit or concentrate anywhere else. She tried pulling her hands in different directions to loosen the grip but the knot was too tight for her weak body.


Kaz tilts his head. "She told me nothing of use... you seem stressed. Until I have the answers I want, it won't stop. Is there anything else you'd like to say, Jinx."

"So why not kill us? You seem to want to." She'd hesitate only for a second."I only have one thing to say... Go to hell Brekker."

Kaz grinned, "See you there." He lifted his pistol and fired a single bullet aimed at Jinx's head, he watched with dull amusement as her body hit the floor.

Sybia would watch in horror as the only family she had left died. "Why her?....Why not me?" Her gaze would meet his. A single tear would drop from her left eye. 

She watched as a pool of blood would start to form under her lifeless body. She'd suppress a sob. "You monster."

Kaz stepped closer. "You should have told me what I asked, but you didn't. You forced me to neutralize the threat, which would be the killer, not the informer. Don't make this into some tragedy, you are not the victim. Let this be a lesson." 

Kaz pocketed his pistol, his dark glare cold. "You don't go after those under my protection."


Jason walked into the building where Inej was being held captive. He walked down to the basement where the cells were. As he walked the other prisoners, mostly Grisha slaves, hissed and backed away from him. When Jason approached the cell with his prize in it he ordered the guard to open it. Once he was inside and crouched down in front of Inej and ripped the cloth bag of her head.

"Hey there Ms. Ghafa."

After hours, Inej felt the faint presence of light as she heard the cell's door opening and with that came the footsteps. She didn't need to see it clearly to recognize whom the voice belong to.

When she heard the greeting it became clear, the voice same as that on the ship, arrogant and cocky. Wishing to see her in hell. Keeping herself calm and not showing any signs of pain she kept her chin up and shoulders tight. 

"You failed to completely burn down my ship Donahue. Congratulations on that."

Jason chuckled. "That was never my intention. It was simply a diversion."

"Burning a ship to get away from a fight is actually a good diversion."

Jason shook his head and adjusted his tie. "No no, you've got me all wrong darling. I'm not a fighting man. I like to think big. My diversion wasn't to avoid fighting, it was to capture you without any suspicions."

"Well if after thinking big you ended up this plan then never think small or it will next to nothing."

Jason grabbed Inej's chin roughly

"I promise you, Captain Ghafa, that this scheme of mine will be the biggest you have ever seen, even bigger than your messy break-in of the Ice Court."

Jason spit out her name like it was a bad taste in his mouth

Inej controlled herself from flinching at his touch. No one can touch her without her consent. She tried removing the knotted rope from around her hands to give Jason a taste of his own medicine. 

Never in the last few months did Inej find herself so helpless, last time it was when VanEck almost broke her legs. With her body force she pushed him away from her face, the sudden motion made him stumbles a bit but he was quick to recover

Jason laughed and grabbed her by the throat.

"Feisty little Lynx. You know, I have a lot of guards here that are in need of.... release. What they need is a Lynx. That's the only thing your good for, right."

Inej lifted both of her tied up legs and kicked him in the groin as hard as she could. Only if her hands were free she thought as she sighed but just then she felt presence of a sharp little blade tied around her shoulder blade. Before Jason could recover from the pain she pulled out the blade with her mouth and spitted that at him. Her accuracy resulted in a good slash around his neck.


Kaz lowered his pistol and nodded to the guards. "Clean it up." He turned, leaving Sybia there in the dark. He rather hated killing family, but everyone had someone, and he wasn't about to let his be taken from him again. He headed toward a storage facility, he always kept a few official uniforms he nabbed off of guards before there. Given the colors, he was fairly certain these were grunts and militiamen. 

Easy to infiltrate, often used for their brutality and silence. Kaz wanted to bring only those he absolutely needed. Kwet had given him a general location of where Inej was, but he didn't know for sure. He sighed, the sisters most likely weren't working for this merch. 

He started back toward the Slat, a lump of clothing under one arm. He couldn't wait around, he didn't have enough time to wait around, or rather, Inej didn't. He grimaced at the thought and pushed his way into the Slat.

Kwet perked up when Kaz made it out of the safe house. She kept to the shadows trailing him quietly. She made sure to keep an eye on him, just in case if he signaled whether she should continue to follow or stay behind.

When Jason recovered he stood up and grabbed a cloth from his pocket to put on the new cut on his neck. When he turned back to Inej his eyes were filled with anger and hatred.

"You know, I was never going to actually hurt you but now that youve done that, maybe I will let my guards have their way with you," he growled out.

Jason bent down and picked up the knife and stuffed it in his pocket before giving Inej a hard kick to the face and then her gut. Blood poured out of her nose but he knew it wasn't broken.

The kick didn't affect her as much as the thought of another man around her. She recovered from the pain she vowed to butcher any man who even laid a finger on her. Spitting the blood from her mouth she became determined to make Jason pay for his action.

Jason smiled and turned to the guard that was by the door. "Have your way with her, but I need her alive."

The guard nodded and walked into Inej's cell.


Kaz walked over to Vlam's room, he knocked on the door, waiting for Vlam to actually answer for him to push open the door. He tossed a uniform at the Inferni. "It's time you proved your worth. Get dressed and head over to this address," Kaz places the note down. "Don't approach, stay out of sight. I'll meet you by the street just before it's entry." And Kaz was gone, he had no room for questions. He started down the street.

Kwet followed whitely. Spotting Vlam, one of Kaz's new members as she made her way across the roofs, falcon following from the opposite side of the street. She tucked her hood tightly against her as the wind blew, scattering leaves and such. You could feel the tension in the air.

Kaz pauses at the Van Eck Mansions, he knocked, before letting himself in. He shut the door and walked in, Kaz scanned through the place. He needed to find Jesper. The gangly sharpshooter would be a valuable asset, a back up in case this did not go as smoothly as Kaz intended it to.

Vlam just barely managed to catch the uniform. He was definitely confused and a bit drowsy. He had only gotten back from his attempts to learn the terrain a few hours ago, in that time he carved a few designs into his bow, nothing much. Oiche had sniffed the note, before grabbing it in her teeth and sitting before Vlam. 

He took the note and read over the address. Handing it back to Oiche, he quickly changed into the uniform. Keeping his daggers secured on his arms. Vlam decided to leave the bow and arrows in his room, and he was still debating to bring Oiche or not. It was a hard struggle, but he decided to bring her, she could quickly and quietly take out enemies, without raising an alarm. 

After double-checking everything, Vlam headed out, Oiche at his heels. She didn't need the lead, not after Vlam had whistled the command to stay close and ignore everything. He grabbed the note on his way out the door and quickly headed down the street. Occasionally glancing at street signs when needed. 

After awhile of walking, Vlam and Oiche arrived at the address. He slipped into an alleyway across the street from the strange address, him and Oiche taking cover behind some discarded boxes. The tension in the air was putting both himself and Oiche on edge. The wolfdog had her ears pinned to her skull, faded eyes scanning the alleyway. Vlam, on the other hand, was trying not to fidget and cause unnecessary sound, running his hand through Oiche's fur.

Kwet monitored the building from afar, hidden deep within the shadows, just in case they needed more people to help.

Jesper had a long day, nothing like sitting down and having a cup of coffee to relax... but the thing was he wasn't relaxed at all. After the merchling went off for the meeting Jesper got too curious and went to take a look at the building, there was some smoldering but other than that the fire was out, no trace was left other than leftovers of a broken bottle. 

As if he expects a drunk came all the way from the taverns to get lost and start a fire... there was an odd feeling, or a different sense he could feel around the building he wasn't too aware of but he didn't care too much. Inej was what he was worrying about, she did not come back... her stuff is still here, she hasn't even said 'goodbye' or anything which Jesper thought was 'unlike' Inej.

Wylan was still out at the meeting, which was quite surprising for Jesper as meetings normally lasted around 2-3 hours in his mind at least. But nonetheless, he continued to work at his Coffee. A short abrupt knock was heard from the front, before a couple of clicks and an open and close swing of a door was heard shortly after. 

Jesper didn't even have the time to stand up, to go see... but the certain amount of time it took, Jesper knew it wasn't Wylan... and he knew this obviously wasn't a pleasure greeting from the Bastard of the Barrel.  

Jesper stood up and touched his revolvers that he was already admiring, and took them from the table beside him. Was it because of Inej? was the thought at the back of Jesper's mind. 

"Hello?"  He questioned with a stern tone he normally never used.

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