Warriors: The Trail of Centur...

By heighthe

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Follow Spottedkit as she is born into the Gorge, a tyrannical ex-Clan that is set on taking over the forest t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

62 3 0
By heighthe

     "I know that the Gorge had its own set of rules and codes for you to follow, but here, things are a little different." Swallowclaw swept his tail along the sandy floor of the camp as he recited the rules that are in place for apprentices of the Clans. Spottedpaw nodded absently as she listened to her new mentor, struggling to pay attention to him. The sun rested high in the sky, though it provided little warmth compared to when she first woke up here some sunrises ago. Even when it had been sunhigh, the warmth it provided was weak.

     Though the breeze from before was absent, a faint chill hung in the air, threatening the cats with leafbare. Spottedpaw wondered if whitecough would strike BlazeClan as badly as it had hit the Gorge; the last thing the Clans needed was sickened or dead cats, considering the ever-growing threat from Deadeye. He made no move to wage a war yet—according to the warriors, the border with the Gorge had become oddly quiet. The news gave Spottedpaw a dark and ominous feeling.

     "Apprentices must also visit Starfalls once during their apprenticeship." The mention of the sacred place jerked Spottedpaw's attention back to the warrior. She perked her ears, remembering how Hawkscar mentioned it when she revealed the dreams she'd received. "They might experience nothing special there, and that's okay. Some cats simply don't develop a powerful bond with StarClan. In addition, our ancestors are known for being vague, and rarely truly reveal themselves to those who are not medicine cats or leaders."

     "You'd be lucky to have a connection at all, considering Deadeye's contempt for them," Rockstorm chimed in, his amber eyes, though as harsh as ever, glittered considerately.

     "That doesn't mean anything, Rockstorm," Swallowclaw chided, his tone cool. His eyes flashed fiercely, but he said nothing more to the warrior. "Spottedpaw, you're due to visit the Starfalls yourself soon. To prepare for it, apprentices and their mentors will take traveling herbs. The Starfalls is farther away than most apprentices are accustomed to, and it's safer to take traveling herbs so you don't grow weary or hungry along the way."

     Spottedpaw said nothing in response. She only nodded, thinking of what Rockstorm said to her. If what he said was true, perhaps she should consider herself lucky that Shadestar has visited her so much. He sure is persistent, she thought to herself, letting her gaze drift away as Swallowclaw recited more rules. He's even taken me directly to StarClan's territory . . . maybe I am lucky. She thought back to her starry-pathed journeys through the ancestral forest, and how both Shadestar and Ivorystar had spoken to her—and of her countless horrible, foreboding nightmares.

     Lost in her thought, Spottedpaw hadn't noticed when Heatherstar approached the trio. The black-furred she-cat cleared her throat deliberately, catching their attention.

     "Hello, Heatherstar," Rockstorm and Swallowclaw chimed together. Spottedpaw bowed her head to the leader, feeling embarrassed when she realized she forgot to verbally greet her.

     "Swallowclaw, I trust you've told Spottedpaw about her upcoming trip to Starfalls?" When the brown tabby warrior nodded, Heatherstar sat down and continued. "I've spoken with Blueheart and Skyfeather, and they feel that since tonight is the half moon, it'd be easier to simply have you journey with them to Starfalls." Swallowclaw blinked in surprise, while Rockstorm jumped to his paws in defiance.

     "Apprentices are supposed to be escorted by their mentors," Rockstorm hissed through clenched teeth, his eyes narrowed. "Why would you allow one—especially a previous Gorge apprentice—to accompany our medicine cats?" Heatherstar fixed the senior warrior with a cool glare.

     "You know better than to challenge my decisions, Rockstorm," Heatherstar mewed with a level tone, her twitching tail the only evidence of her irritation. "However, since you seem to feel she poses a threat to our medicine cats, I'll explain this simply. How would the other Clans feel if they found out two warriors were escorting a Gorge apprentice through their territory?"

     "But all apprentices are permitted to journey to Starfalls once—"

     "Deadeye has proven he disregards the code that the Clans follow—in turn, most warriors assume any cats from the Gorge will fall in line with him. Medicine cats are sworn to a different code than the warriors, and would be more likely to understand if they see Blueheart and Skyfeather with a Gorge refugee." Heatherstar put emphasis on the word refugee, as if reminding Rockstorm that Spottedpaw no longer lived by Deadeye's rules. Spottedpaw shuffled her paws awkwardly when Rockstorm cast her a scrutinizing glance.

     "What she says makes sense," Swallowclaw spoke slowly, as though processing the idea. "Usually, it's the mentors that accompany their apprentice to Starfalls, but this certainly is a special circumstance where it would be sensible to make . . . exceptions."

     "Correct. I also need both of you here in case Deadeye makes a move. Swallowclaw, you're one of my wisest warriors; I want you present for advice in the event of an attack. Rockstorm, you're one of the best fighters here. You'll be on the frontlines defending us if things go awry." Heatherstar turned to Spottedpaw and narrowed her blue eyes. "As for you—find Blueheart and Skyfeather. They'll prepare you for the journey to Starfalls. I don't think I need to remind you to listen to what they tell you."

     Spottedpaw gave a swift nod and turned away from her mentors and her new leader. Hesitantly, she approached the medicine den. She paused before entering, listening to ensure their presence. When she heard rustling and muffled voices coming from inside the den, Spottedpaw nosed her way inside. Once inside, she spotted Blueheart and Skyfeather rummaging through their stocks of herbs.

     Spottedpaw took a closer look at their paws and saw that they weren't just rummaging through herbs—they were sorting out particular herbs and setting a select few in a delicate pile. Those must be the traveling herbs, she mused, taking a few steps closer to them.

     "Your herbs will be ready shortly, Spottedpaw," Blueheart mewed without looking up, his tone curt. Spottedpaw blinked in surprise.

     "A-Alright, Blueheart. Thank you," she stammered in response. Spottedpaw padded up behind them quietly and peeked at the herbs curiously, wondering how they'd taste.

     "Don't you know about personal space?" Blueheart snapped, his tail twitching in irritation.

     "Oh, let her be curious, Blueheart," Skyfeather spoke, a nervous chuckle erupting from her. "I'm sure she's excited to see Starfalls." Blueheart only gave a grunt in response and continued putting together the herbs.

     Spottedpaw shuffled closer to Skyfeather, peeking around her to watch them bundle the herbs together. Blueheart always seems so grumpy, she thought to herself, casting the elder medicine cat a half-interested glance. She noticed how, though he seemed healthy otherwise, his pelt was disheveled and dull. The sight reminded her of Molestrike, before she got sickly. He must be around her age. I wonder if medicine cats retire like warriors do?

     "The Starfalls is quite far away," Blueheart muttered as he prepared the herbs. "We'll have to set out right away—it's already well past sunhigh—almost sunset, and the moon rises faster the closer we get to leafbare."

     "Is it really that far away?" Spottedpaw asked, wonder filling her mind. If the spot was as sacred as they claimed, it must look magnificent.

     "It's far enough that we have to leave before it gets too dark," Skyfeather chimed in, pushing the traveling herbs to Spottedpaw. "Here, eat up—they're going to taste bitter, but you'll get used to it."

     Spottedpaw gave the herbs an uncertain glance and went to eat them. The bitter flavor overwhelmed her taste buds, and she cringed. It's just a few herbs, she reminded herself. This will make the journey easier. Spottedpaw did her best to ignore the poor taste, swallowing the herbs reluctantly. The two medicine cats ushered her out of the den, and then towards the exit of the camp. Spottedpaw looked to the sky and saw that, to her surprise, the sun had nearly set.

     "Stay close to us," Blueheart ordered as they left the camp. "Don't interact with the other medicine cats, and don't do anything to make a fool out of yourself. The last thing we need is any kind of tension between the medicine cats."

     "The boundaries and loyalties of the medicine cats are different from the warriors," Skyfeather retorted with a roll of her eyes. She sent Spottedpaw an exasperated glance, at which the apprentice only smiled sheepishly. "We would never attack one another, nor would we betray each other."

     "The threat of the Gorge makes everything unpredictable," Blueheart snapped, flicking his tail tip irritably. His tone sounded almost stressed, in a way, and Spottedpaw felt a wave of guilt overcome her. She knew that the Clans' suffering wasn't her fault; Deadeye and Crowstar were to blame. Even so, she wanted to help the Clans find peace and safety.

     As they traveled across the dry, barren BlazeClan territory, Spottedpaw kept herself alert. She noticed how the land here felt drastically different than what she felt at the Gorge. Before long, they were nearing the treeline that marked the sacred Gathering spot. Spottedpaw blinked in surprise when she realized just how much smaller BlazeClan territory was compared to the Gorge.

     "The territories here seem so much smaller," she wondered aloud as the medicine cats led her over an unfamiliar border.

     "You can thank Deadeye for that," Skyfeather mewed, a hint of sadness in her tone. "He constantly pressures us for more land; if we don't do as he says, he threatens us with war."

     "I remember seeing that behavior." Spottedpaw gave a slow nod and sniffed the border curiously. There was a mixture of scents she didn't recognize; she knew that they must be the other Clans' scent markers, though she couldn't recall their names.

     "This is the border between RushClan and NightClan," Skyfeather informed her, using her tail to point in the direction of the corresponding Clan. "They haven't lost as much territory as us, and they've both been pretty generous in making sure that both BlazeClan and SwiftClan have the herbs and prey that they need. RushClan has even allowed us to travel to the river for fish and water if we need to, and offered to teach us how to fish."

     "Careful," Blueheart called over his shoulder. "The rivers are still running high. If the currents are low enough, we might be able to avoid the river entirely."

     Spottedpaw said nothing, while Skyfeather gave a hum of acknowledgment. As they padded through the unfamiliar territory, Spottedpaw noted that to the left—NightClan territory—pine trees covered the ground thickly. On the other side, she could hear the faint babble of a river, and imagined that the cats of RushClan were well-adjusted to the presence of it.

     They finally stopped, and Spottedpaw assumed they were near the Starfalls. A gentle mist shrouded the forest and shrubbery around them, carrying with it a soothing chill. The sound of rushing water enticed her to move forward, but Blueheart stopped her with his tail.

     "We wait for the other medicine cats to arrive," he instructed plainly. "Especially since this is your first visit to Starfalls." Spottedpaw noddedobediently and sat down next to the two BlazeClan medicine cats. The moon had already started rising when other medicine cats appeared.

     The first was a black tom with pale green eyes. In the moonlight, Spottedpaw noticed the faintest hints of stripes—barely darker than his pelt.

     "Good evening, Tigerflight," Blueheart murmured, dipping his head in greeting. The unfamiliar medicine cat said nothing, lowering his head in a greeting. His pale green eyes rested on Spottedpaw for a moment, though he displayed no signs of recognition. Tigerflight sat down a little ways away from the three BlazeClan cats, hardly giving them a second glance after his initial greeting.

     "Greetings!" a silver tabby called out as she appeared with a smaller, orange tabby tom.

     "Hello, Moonlight," Blueheart responded, his eyes friendly. Skyfeather rushed forward to greet the newest arrivals.

     "Hey Moonlight and Sunclaw!" she greeted happily, her dark, fluffy tail waving in excitement. Spottedpaw shifted awkwardly as the cats greeted each other affectionately. She grew even more awkward when their gazes shifted to her and a hint of recognition flashed in their eyes.

     Before they could speak, the nearby undergrowth rustled. A white she-cat with vibrant bluish-green eyes emerged, along with a small brown tabby tom with golden eyes. Spottedpaw blinked in surprise when she saw him—she recalled how he had been staring at her after Deadeye threatened Heatherstar, an action that cut her last Gathering short. Their gazes swept over the gathered cats affectionately, stopping once they noticed Spottedpaw.

     "Oh? Who's this?" the white she-cat spoke first, her ears angled forward curiously. Spottedpaw shuffled her paws anxiously, hoping that none of them recognized her from the Gathering.

     "A new apprentice who must visit Starfalls," Blueheart responded, his tone brisk. He stood and prepared to step beyond the foliage that hid their sacred spot from view. "Having her journey with us was simpler than worrying about sending another warrior away from the camp."

     "Hold on," the brown tabby stepped toward Spottedpaw, inspecting her closely. "This is that apprentice from the Gorge that was so tiny!" He exchanged a dark glance with the white she-cat that he accompanied, though his tone only carried surprise and a hint of curiosity. The other medicine cats bristled defensively. Blueheart didn't say a word, though he stopped in his tracks and fixed them with a cool gaze.

     "Don't get the wrong idea, Muddapple!" Skyfeather burst out, stepping forward quickly. "She's a refugee—Deadeye tried to have her killed, but she escaped and came to us for help." Spottedpaw shrunk away from the curious and frightened gazes of the medicine cats. I'm not like them, she pleaded internally. Please stop looking at me like that! She glanced at Blueheart and saw that he'd fixed Skyfeather with a near-furious glare.

     "If what you say is true, then perhaps we should all relax," the white she-cat spoke up, her tone soft. "If she truly came seeking help, there's no reason for any of us to deny her." When a murmur of agreement rose from the cats, Blueheart gave a sigh that surprised Spottedpaw.

     "Thank you, Brightpelt," he grumbled. "Can we dream with StarClan now? It's nearly moonhigh." His eyes flashed in annoyance, though Spottedpaw thought she detected a faint shimmer of relief hidden in his gaze. The medicine cats collectively nodded and, one by one, began to push through the barrier of undergrowth. Skyfeather beckoned to Spottedpaw with her tail, and the apprentice hesitantly padded forward, her steps suddenly shaky.

     Up until this point, she'd been excited to see the Starfalls for the first time. Now that she was finally about to see it, a sense of anxiety formed in her belly. The mist that shrouded around them wrapped itself around Spottedpaw's frame, as if it meant to comfort her. Without a word, she swallowed her anticipation and nosed her way through the wall of plants.

     Spottedpaw nearly froze in her path when she was faced with the Starfalls. A series of small waterfalls led a stream into a pool that was illuminated by the stars above. The mist rising from where the waterfall made contact with the pool shimmered in the night air, resembling the starry formations that they called Silverpelt. The sound of the water crashing reassured Spottedpaw, in some inexplicable way.

     "Come on, Spottedpaw." Skyfeather's encouraging voice rang out, drawing Spottedpaw's attention back to the medicine cats. They'd all moved to gather at the edge of the pool, and now they fixed her with expectant gazes. Spottedpaw slowly made her way to the pool and stared down into it, entranced by its shimmery surface.

     "Touch your nose to it," Muddapple's soft mew in her ear startled her. When Spottedpaw jumped at the suddenness, he gave a soft chuckle. "And then close your eyes."

     Spottedpaw refused to let her anxiety get the best of her. She took a deep breath and let it out quickly before crouching at the water's edge. I can do this. It's only a totally-magical pool of water, she told herself. Slowly, she lowered her muzzle to the water and closed her eyes, struggling to ignore the shock that coursed through her body when her nose met the water.

     When Spottedpaw opened her eyes, she found herself in a warm, sun-filled clearing. She looked around slowly, freezing when she found herself meeting the ever-friendly gaze of Shadestar once more.

     "You sure like to approach me pretty blatantly—" Spottedpaw commented, thinking of what Swallowclaw had told her, "—you know, considering StarClan's reputation for hiding themselves away from everyone except leaders and medicine cats. What are you here for, anyways? Did you call me here to give me some more vague advice?"

     Shadestar said nothing, though his mouth twitched as though he held back an amused smile. Spottedpaw narrowed her eyes and approached him slowly; deep in his hazy blue eyes, there was a twinkle of mirth. The apprentice sighed and sat down, deciding to retry her approach. It's no use getting short with him, she thought. I doubt he has a choice in any of this, either. He just wants to restore his Clan. Then, she remembered the cats of the Gorge, and those who had lost their lives.

     "Did Brownpaw make it to you?" Spottedpaw asked. "I told Nightpaw you could reach him, but I don't know how true it was—"

     "Brownpaw made it to us just fine," Shadestar reassured her, a hint of amusement lingering in his tone. "Don't worry, he's happy here."

     "What about Hawkscar?" Spottedpaw queried, unable to keep the desperation from her tone. "I– I know he didn't make it out of the Gorge alive. He must have made it to you, right?" When Shadestar only stared at her in response, Spottedpaw felt her heart drop.

     "I can't give you all the answers, Spottedpaw," Shadestar began, his tone leveling out. "I can only help guide you to your destiny." With that sentence, frustration immediately bubbled up within Spottedpaw. Destiny? She didn't care about that—what she cared about was her mentor, and whether he made it to StarClan.

     "My destiny?" Spottedpaw echoed aloud, the frustration in her voice nearly tangible. "What if I don't want any of this? I didn't ask for this. I lost my home. My mentor died trying to keep me alive. I didn't want any of this to happen!" She tore at the grass beneath her, growing agitated at the thought of the misfortune that seemed to follow her.

     Shadestar blinked, his gaze unwavering. "Deadeye's reign will guarantee nothing but death and suffering, Spottedpaw. Soon, he'll be choosing his heir." The starry-furred leader closed his eyes, and Spottedpaw blinked in confusion.

     "His heir?"

     "It's a tradition that Crowstar started many seasons ago. The regent is only around to help keep order. Just like Crowstar chose Deadeye, Deadeye will soon choose someone to follow in his footsteps. Be careful of who you trust, and watch your back wherever you go. Those who are in the Gorge are out of your reach for now, and though you can still help them, many will go out of their way to see you fall."

     Shadestar looked up to the sky as the sun retreated, darkening the sky. Stars appeared, only to spin in circles. The movement nearly made Spottedpaw dizzy as she watched it. When they slowed to a stop, Spottedpaw narrowed her eyes at the shapes they formed.

     The stars formed the outlines of three cats; two larger, more menacing looking cats on the outside, sheltering a smaller one in between them. As Spottedpaw inspected it, a feeling of dread filled her. There was a threatening glow coming from the three cats. The smallest cat in the middle glowed the brightest, the shine increasing the longer that Spottedpaw stared at it. Something felt familiar about the cats she saw in the sky, but before she could place her familiarity, the gleam of the stars overwhelmed her and blurred her vision.

     Spottedpaw screwed her eyes shut to avoid the blinding glare. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself struggling to her paws at the Starfalls. She reeled backwards from the starry pool in front of her, trying to compose herself before the medicine cats around her noticed her behavior. She didn't know what the image of three cats was supposed to tell her—clearly she needed to worry about more than just Deadeye, but three cats? She had no idea who to even watch out for.

     "Spottedpaw, are you okay?" Spottedpaw blinked a few times and met the eyes of the medicine cats. Brightpelt and Muddapple had fixed her with intrigued gazes, while Skyfeather looked concerned. Spottedpaw glanced at Blueheart and felt herself wither when she saw that he looked downright embarrassed.

     "Y-Yeah," she stammered, ducking her head in embarrassment. "I just . . . er . . . got startled by the water. Yeah, that's all." Spottedpaw cringed internally at how she stumbled over her words. They don't buy that at all, she told herself crossly when she noticed Muddapple and Brightpelt exchanging skeptical glances. To her surprise, the white-furred medicine cat stepped forward.

     "It's nothing to be embarrassed over," Brightpelt reassured her, her turquoise eyes glimmering with amusement. "Not many apprentices are prepared for the feeling they get when they interact with the water." Spottedpaw breathed out a whisper of gratitude and raised her head to meet Blueheart's gaze.

     The blue-grey tom shook out his pelt and stepped forward, beckoning to Skyfeather and Spottedpaw with his tail. The rest of the medicine cats began to separate with their Clanmates as well, whispering farewells to one another.

     "Until the next half moon!" Skyfeather called out cheerily, while Blueheart only grunted and led them away from the Starfalls. The trio padded along the border carefully without sharing many words with one another.

     "I'm sorry if I made things weird," Spottedpaw blurted out once they reached the barren BlazeClan territory. She hated the awkward silence that rested over them. "I tried to attract less attention, but those two medicine cats recognized me right away."

     "Don't worry about it," Skyfeather mewed before Blueheart could snap out a response. "Brightpelt and Muddapple were acting weird, anyways. It isn't your fault." Spottedpaw let out a relieved breath, though she noticed that Blueheart's tail twitched quickly as they traveled.

     Once they returned to the BlazeClan camp, Spottedpaw wasted no time in rushing to the apprentices' den. Once inside, she carefully stepped around the other sleeping apprentices and collapsed into her nest. Exhaustion crept up on her quickly and soon, she was engulfed in a deep, dreamless sleep.

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