Alola arc: The Hidden Legends...

By AngelicaAether

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(I do not own any of the media in this fanfic except for my oc) A continuation of Ash's journey in Alola: beg... More

Angie's (OC) Bio
Prologue: Trouble in Kanto
Chapter 1: Gym battles. Alola vs Kanto
Chapter 2: Pewter City Fiasco
Chapter 3: What is Nebby? An Ultra Beast?!
Chapter 4: Sleepover & Lillie's Inner Conflict
Chapter 6: The Legend of Solgaleo
Chapter 7: Ultra Space & New Z-Moves
Chapter 8: Surprise Wedding & Ultra Guardians?!

Chapter 5: Faba's last stand

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By AngelicaAether

We're at the sixth chapter of the Hidden Legends of Alola and the Shadows of Darkness. Read on to find out what happens in this chapter. The events in this chapter follow through both SM anime episodes 49 and 50. The next two chapters will be almost as long, if not longer than this chapter so the update will be slightly slower than normal. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the chapter!

(Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or anything that I can be sued for.)


Angie's POV

I can't believe what just happened… I took my eye off of Lillie for a moment, she goes to who knows where and now she can't touch Pokemon again. Seeing Silvally must've triggered something inside her, causing her to remember that day… Is she starting to remember?

After everyone went our separate ways to return home, Lillie just locked herself up in her room and hasn't come out since. In the blink of an eye, it was already nightfall. Staring out the window of my bedroom, I sighed in sadness. I'm really worried for her, will she be able to touch Pokemon ever again?


Gladion's POV

It's already nightfall as I went to confront Ash about what happened this afternoon. I've made it very clear to him that Silvally shouldn't be seen by anyone, especially Lillie.

At the beach where we met, I decided to just get right to the point, no use hitting around the bush.

"What happened?! Why did you bring Lillie to see me?" I asked him in anger.

"The reason she's unable to touch Pokemon again was because of something she remembered Ash, it was all so much better forgotten you understand?" I said as I felt my temper begin to raise.

"Sorry Gladion, see Nebby," he tried to explain but I won't have any of it.

"Don't blame it on Nebby!" I shouted at him while clenching both of my shaking fists.

"Sorry," he whispered, looking down at the sand.

I decided that that was enough talking with him so I left him at the beach and headed back to the motel with Umbreon and Lycanroc. When I arrived at the motel's reception desk to retrieve my room key, the man sitting there told me that someone was looking for me and is waiting in my room. Faba...

I opened the door of my motel room and saw the person who I have been expecting to see sitting on one of the couches.

"Young Master, welcome back," Faba said in mock respect.

"Faba… I thought it was you," I said, trying to contain my anger.

"I wasn't expecting you to be that welcoming, so thank you for that friendly greeting," he said with a conceited smirk gracing his lips.

"What do you want?" I demanded, getting straight to the point.

"Rumor has it little Miss Lillie isn't able to touch Pokemon once again, if my sources are correct. The reason I came here is to retrieve Type: Null, this task conforms to your mother's wishes." No way am I giving him Silvally, especially not after how he treated that Pokemon!

"I refuse!" I said firmly, refusing to give him Silvally.

"Don't be so angry, you're the one who took it without permission," he said as I clenched my fists in anger.

"You think I'd give Silvally back to you? You, the one who said you'd take care of Silvally then put it in chains?! Lycanroc, Umbreon," both Pokemon got in front of me as they assumed battle stance.

"You're choosing to resist? Go Alakazam, Hypno," he released his Pokemon.

"Lycanroc, use Stone Edge."

"Quick Hypno, use reflect." The rocks dissolved into shards as I covered my face to prevent being hit. I'm not giving up...

"Umbreon, use Shadow Ball." The Shadow Ball went towards Alakazam but was countered with Miracle Eye.

"Once again, Stone Edge and Shadow Ball."

"Hypno, use Hypnosis. Alakazam, use Psychic."

Lycanroc was put to sleep due to Hypno's hypnosis while Umbreon was blasted onto the wall from Alakazam's Psychic.

"Umbreon!" I yelled over in concern.

"It appears you're done resisting young master, so give up."

"Never, I'm not done," I took out Silvally Primer Ball, ready to summon it anytime now.

"Sorry, I can't let you use that one. Hypno, use Hypnosis."

Hypno's coin began to move once again and I covered my eyes, trying to resist the move but failing as my vision became blurry with every second before I found myself in a black void.


Angie's POV

Everyone looked at Lillie in concern as she sat at her desk silently, she had been trying to touch Snowy but to no avail.

Ash decided to break the silence as he called Lillie to get her attention. She looked up at us as he continued to say with confidence, "It'll be okay, you'll be able to touch Pokemon again no doubt."

"It's important not to rush things," Lana remarked.

"We're all on your side," Kiawe reminded her as Mallow and I nodded in agreement.

"And Snowy is too," Sophocles added as Snowy happily concurred.

"You can do it Lillie," Mallow said in encouragement.

"I can? Really?" She asked with slight uncertainty.

"Come on Lillie, you can if you believe in yourself," I said in assurance.

Just then, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet walked into our classroom.

"Lillie," Professor Burnet called out as the professors approached us.

She stood up in surprise before calling out in surprise, "Professor Burnet."

"I was wondering how you were, I love to see you smile. It makes me happier than I can say," she said.

Lillie looked at Snowy with a determined look on her face, "Snowy, let me try again."

This causes us to gasp in surprise as Professor Kukui asked her, "You sure about that?"

"I thought to give it a try," she said.

"Lillie's determination is 100 percent," Rotom commented.

"Yes, I can do this, come here Snowy," as she opens up both of her arms as Snowy jumps towards her. But as Snowy landed on her, she immediately stiffened at the contact and froze on the spot while everyone, including our Pokemon sweatdropped and smiled weakly.

Professor Burnet took Snowy off of Lillie as she said, "Maybe that was a bit much to start."

Lillie's face fell as she whispered sadly, "I guess."

"But look, you tried your best," she said in encouragement.

"Yeah, I know you'll be able to work out to it," Professor Kukui added.

"Right," Lillie said, feeling touched that everyone is all by her side.

The bell rang throughout the school to signal the end of a school day as Lillie and I walked back home.

Suddenly, I heard someone calling out to us, "Angie, Lillie!"

We turned around to see that it was Ash holding Nebby in his arms while Pikachu and Rotom followed after him.

"Are you two walking home today?" Rotom asked us.

"I thought taking a stroll with Snowy would be a good idea," Lillie said as she continued, "The first time I touched Snowy was on a stroll."

"And naturally I'm following her as well," I said nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah. Hey Pikachu, Rotom, how about taking a little stroll too," he suggested with a goofy grin on his face. Pikachu agreed cheerfully and Rotom replied, "Sounds good to me." We started walking together as we walked through Hau'oli City.

Suddenly, Lillie asked Ash a question that I never would've expected, "When you saw Gladion, did he say anything about me?"

I looked at the two of them in surprise when Ash tensed up immediately as he asked, "Hey, how did you find out that I saw Gladion?!"

"You saw him?!" Rotom and I asked him in shock.

He pulled his hat down slightly as he replied sheepishly, "Yeah I did."

"I just had a hunch, nothing more," Lillie replied nonchalantly.

"Huh. Your hunch was right. Gladion said how he didn't want you seeing Silvally like 'why did you bring her!'" he said, imitating my brother's angry voice which caused us to flinch in surprise as Rotom hid behind Lillie's large hat. Nebby, who had been intimidated by the sudden rise in Ash's voice, almost unleashed it's supersonic cries. Luckily, Ash calmed Nebby down by pacifying him.

"But he was mad, like he'd use Super Fang, or something else in me," he continued.

Lillie giggled as she said, "That's Gladion alright."

She continued, "At that moment, I remembered something." So she's starting to remember what happened on that fateful day…

Ash and I looked at her as Ash asked, "A bad memory?"

"Yes," she said despondently before she recalled the events of yesterday, "The image of Silvally lunging towards me and how really scared I was, it all came rushing back. How could I have even forgotten such an awful thing? That experience isn't something you'll forget even if you wanted to."

"Oh Lillie…" I whispered sadly. I knew exactly why she actually forgot about that day, she was so traumatized by that Ultra Beast that she suppressed it from her memory.

"Reinstallation of a forgotten memory, that's truly fascinating," Rotom said.

"Now let's stop," Ash spoke up, causing the both of us to look at him in confusion.

"Since we're out on a nice stroll, let's talk about something that's fun. Hey, I know! Pikachu's funny faces were so great yesterday," he continued cheerfully.

"I recorded everything, look," Rotom said, showing us the recording of Pikachu's funny faces.

I smiled as Lillie giggled at Pikachu's funny faces. Count on Ash to be the happy-go-lucky one in every situation, even like this.

"Thank you, you've really cheered me up. That's so sweet of you," Lillie said before continuing, "Alright, I've decided," causing Ash and I to look at her in confusion.

"I'm going to remember everything that happened," she declared boldly.

"Huh?!" We said in unison.

"I've got to know, every detail. I must remember every second of what went on," Lillie said in determination, catching Nebby's attention again.

"Lillie…" Ash started before we found ourselves suddenly being teleported away.

We found ourselves being teleported to the shores of the beach in Hau'oli City.

"Where are we?" Ash asked curiously.

"That was teleport," Rotom remarked.

"Wow Nebby," Ash said, looking at Nebby in his arms.

"Wait a second, I know this place," I started, looking around.

"Yeah, this is the beach we frequently visited with mother and Gladion when we were little," Lillie replied as we reminisced about the happy times we shared here on this beach.

We were teleported again, this time to our mother's garden.

We walked over as Ash asked, "What's this?"

"Mother's garden, she used to grow our vegetables here, before she got so busy with her work. The Pokemon used to help out too," Lillie smiled, remembering how we used to harvest them together.

We got teleported to a restaurant this time. "So where are we now?" Rotom asked.

"I know! I came to this restaurant with my mom," Ash spoke up.

"My mother used to bring us here a lot too," Lillie replied as we recalled the carefree days of our childhood every afternoon, one of the happiest moments of our lives.

We were teleported again, to our room we shared when we were little.

"Where are we this time?" Rotom asked.

"This is the play room, we spent most of our childhood here," I said, reminiscing fond memories of our childhood together. Ah, those carefree days...

"Our Aether Paradise house, so nice," Lillie said before Nebby teleported us again.

We found ourselves in my mother's room, her wall occupied with pictures of us when we were kids, there were more over on her desk.

"It's our mother's room," Lillie said, looking around.

Ash walked over to the wall as he said, "Wow, so many pictures of you two, and Gladion as well."

"Your mother sure likes to take photographs," Rotom commented as our Pokemon looked at the photos on her desk in curiosity.

Lillie picked up a photograph that was taken when we were at the beach and smiled warmly at the photo as she recalled the events of that day, "It's so strange. Everything we did when we took this picture is coming back to me so vividly. All the laughter, even the sound of the waves."

Ash lit up in realisation as he said, "Hey, I get it now. Nebby's trying to grant your wish, you want to remember everything right?" Nebby cried happily as it teleported us again.

We found ourselves being teleported to the very place that haunted my every nightmare for the last 7 years; the underground research labs…

"This place…" I muttered under my breath as memories that were repressed over the last few years are starting to come back to me.

"This is… the underground research area," Lillie said as we walked further in. Will she ever remember what happened 7 years ago?

"I've been here but that doesn't make any sense. That's strange, the underground entrance is strictly forbidden and no one could get in, so how could I have gotten in here?" Lillie asked herself in curiosity, little did we know, we were being watched...


Gladion's POV

After I awoke, I realised that Faba had taken Silvally. Without hesitation, I headed to my mother's place to demand why she instructed Faba to take Silvally from me.

As soon as I arrived, I wasted no time to head to her office. I opened her door and went in to confront her when I saw her sitting at her desk casually drinking her afternoon tea. 'How can she be sitting there casually when we're possibly in an emergency?!' I thought in frustration.

I approached her and stood in front of her desk. She looked up to see that it was me and asked, "Gladion, why are you here?"

"Where's Type: Null?" I demanded, getting straight to the point.

"Type: Null? I've heard that name somewhere before," she replied nonchalantly as she sipped her tea. How long is she going to play pretend?!

Frustrated, I banged my hands on the table as I exclaimed, "You tell me where it is right now!"

"Stop, honey what's with you? You're making such a scary face," she raised her hands up, rubbing her teacup.

"Tell me where it is, Faba stole it from me," I told her in irritation.

"Really? Faba? I have no idea what you're talking about," she said she tried to recall anything.

"Wait, you don't? I'm confused," I said, how can mother not know what's going on…

She continued thinking before she suddenly stood up in realisation, "I remember now! Type: Null was a codename of a mysterious project Faba was in a process of developing," she put her index finger on her lips before continuing, "Let's see, the last time I remember hearing about it, I was told that it was a failure."

What?! Silvally is most certainly not a failure! I knew Faba would hide the facts from my mother…

"Failure? That's not true!" I argued before I continued, "Type: Null saved us, I mean Silvally. It not only rescued Lillie but Silvally saved me and Angie as well."

She leaned forward in mild curiosity as she asked in a low whisper, "Saved you, and Angie? What do you mean, tell me."

"Faba opened up an ultra wormhole 7 years ago, Lillie was attacked by that Ultra Beast he summoned. If it wasn't for Silvally, she would've been kidnapped by that Ultra Beast. I'm sure that the Ultra Beast would've not only attacked Lillie but me and Angie as well."

Upon hearing this, her face was filled with nothing but extreme shock, "Faba did what?!"


Angie's POV

We were teleported further into the secret labs thanks to Nebby which I recognized as the sealed off Red Area, where that Ultra Beast had been summoned.

Lillie looked around at our surroundings as she whispered softly, "Here too, I know this place."

"The Red Area," I said through clenched teeth when I suddenly felt a flash of psychic energy close to us.

We turned around as Lillie gasped in surprise to see a Hypno and an Alakazam.

"Who are they?" Ash asked, voicing his surprise.

Suddenly, both of the Pokemon used Psychic, sending Ash and I flying with all our Pokemon as we hit our backs hard on the building wall behind us. Great, I'm going to be very sore tomorrow…

We hit the ground as we grunted in pain from the impact that we suddenly received.

"Are you two alright," Rotom asked in concern as we gritted our teeth and faced both of the Pokemon that attacked us just now.

"Angie! Ash!" We turned to look at Lillie who was being dragged away by Faba.

"Lillie!" Ash yelled in horror.

"That bastard," I said through gritted teeth. That's it, I'm getting his head today if it's the last thing I do!

"Nebby, use teleport now," Ash said urgently and we were teleported again.


Gladion's POV

Mother and I went down to the underground research labs as we dug through Faba's shelves and drawers for Silvally's pokeball.

"Where? Where did he hide it?" I searched the drawers frantically.

"I can't believe Faba opened up an ultra wormhole," mother said in utter disbelief.

I stopped as I said with mild bitterness, "The Ultra Beast, do you want to see it?"

She looked over to me in surprise and I continued, "That's been your dream since you were a kid right?"

"Lillie totally blocked her memory of the fear she experienced after being attacked by an Ultra Beast, yet you still want to see it. That's the kind of person you are," I continued saying with ice lacing my words.


"Didn't you think it was strange how Lillie suddenly wasn't able to touch Pokemon?" I snapped at her before continuing, "Even if Faba lied to you and hid the facts, remember you're still her mother."

"I'm so… sorry," she said.

I looked away while saying, "I'm not the one to apologize to." I rummaged through the drawer and finally found Silvally's Primer Ball when the security alarm went off all of a sudden.


Angie's POV

Hang on Lillie, we're coming…

We teleported to where Lillie was and saw that Faba had commanded Hypno to use Hypnosis on her.

I immediately knew what he was up to, he was trying to ensure Lillie never remembers what had happened that day.

"You let Lillie go right this instant!" I yelled at him in complete anger.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail," Ash commanded which Pikachu complied immediately.

"I take that back, use reflect," Faba commanded Hypno, causing Pikachu to fall back onto the ground from the effect of Reflect.

"Pikachu!" The three of us exclaimed in worry.


Now that's come to this, I think you all should take a little nap. Hypno, use Hypnosis," Faba commanded again.

Hypno used Hypnosis again but before it did anything, Nebby teleported us to another side.

"Thanks a lot Nebby," Ash said, causing Nebby to wave it's cloud arms happily.

"Using teleport eh? No problem, now it's our turn. Use teleport." As Alakazam teleported, I sensed psychic energy behind us. Ash and I turned behind us and saw that it was behind us. What is he doing?

"Alakazam, use Psychic."

Alakazam used Psychic as it threw us over to a building wall again and we landed on the floor further from the center. How I manage to not get any broken bones or my blood spilled is beyond me…

From a distance, I could hear Lillie shouting at Faba as she struggled to get out of his grasp.

We slowly got up painfully only to be stopped with Psychic from Hypno.

"Stop!" I heard Lillie yell as she managed to push him away as she ran towards us.

"Alright, Alakazam, use Psychic." Alakazam unleashed Psychic on Lillie, lifting her five feet above ground.

"Lillie!" Ash and I yelled in worry.

'Damn it! I need to find a way to break out of Hypno's strong hold somehow… Maybe if I concentrate on gathering my psychic energy, I might be able to break free from its Psychic!' I thought in determination as I focused on gathering psychic energy within my body.

As if on queue, my mother and brother came running towards the center.

"Lillie," my mother said in panic.

Suddenly, Rotom flew over to us as he asked, "Bzzt. Are you two alright?"

"Gladion," Ash said weakly while I continued to hold my ground, gathering up more power.

"Silvally, let's go!" He threw the Primer Ball into the air as Type: Null had been released.

"I created you. Never forget that I'm the one who bestowed life upon you," I heard Faba say arrogantly, causing the Pokemon to growl at him in anger.

'Come on, just a little more…' I thought as I gathered one last bit of psychic energy.


Lillie's POV

There it is, the same Pokemon that I recalled from a forgotten memory. I looked at the Pokemon in fear as I recalled my childhood horror once again, causing me to scream in fear.

"Quick Silvally, save Lillie, she's in trouble," I heard my brother yell out.

Silvally broke out of its mask, revealing the fur underneath to have a silver shade as it dashed towards me and freed me from Alakazam's Psychic.

As I was falling mid-air, I looked at Silvally as more memories began to come back to me.


Third Person POV

(Flashback- 7 years ago)

Walking through the forbidden area of the underground research area was a platinum blonde girl of not more than 6 years old as she hugged her stuffed Clefairy tightly while she continued looking for her mother, "Mommy where are you? Mommy?"

That was when there was a hole in the sky that had several cracks and an unknown creature came out of the hole. Lillie stood there and stared like any other curious child as the creature floated over until it was right in front of her.

Being frightened by its proximity, she tried backing away but the creature was quick to grab onto her. Lillie was kicking and screaming in terror for it to let go, but it's grip was strong and it wouldn't budge.

"Lillie, where are you?" 7 year old Angie and 10 year old Gladion yelled in unison as they came running in, only to stop in horror when they saw the creature that had captured their sister.

"Help! Angie, Gladion!" The girl cried in fear as the creature carried her to a higher altitude.

"Oh no, Lillie… Quick Faba, save her," young Gladion pleaded while little Angie hid behind her brother in fear as she clutched her stuffed Swablu. Lillie screamed in fear with all the voice she could muster.

The chimera Pokemon, or Silvally raced through the lab as it leaped towards the beast, releasing the terrified girl from its clutches.

Lillie, who had been traumatized by the whole thing, lost consciousness while Silvally caught her before she landed on the floor.


Angie's POV

As I channel all of my psychic energy to my right hand, I heard Lillie say, "I remember, you're the one who saved me."

I raised my right hand slowly, going against the Psychic attack as I released a huge surge of psychic energy at Hypno, sending it flying before it crashed right into Faba, knocking both of them unconscious as they crashed into a corner.

Ash and our Pokemon were released from Hypno's Psychic as my mother and brother were both looking at me with wide eyes but I simply shrugged it off and turned my attention to Alakazam.

"Eevee, use Shadow Ball," I said, not holding back at all. Eevee fired a huge Shadow Ball and Alakazam was down for the count.


My mother ran over to Lillie as she brought her into a tight embrace and cried, "I'm so sorry, Lillie. So sorry…"

Gladion and I smiled softly at them as Lillie said softly, "Thank you mother, I love you," before she stood up as she approached Silvally, "There's someone I have to apologize to as well."

She looked down and said, "I'm sorry Silvally. I was wrong, I just realised, then and just now. You're the one who saved me, now I understand."

"Thank you Silvally," she said as she embraced the Pokemon.

All of us expressed our shock while Ash grinned in victory at the sight of Lillie touching Silvally.

Lillie realised what she was doing as she looked at her hands in shock, "I just…"

All our Pokemon ran towards her as she embraced Snowy with joy while Eevee took it's spot on her head. She held Nebby with her left hand and Pikachu jumped up beside Snowy. She smiled with utmost joy, "I did it, I touched you. I can touch Pokemon, it's absolutely wonderful, just like when I was a little girl."

Mother was crying tears of joy while Gladion and I had wide smiles on our faces.

"I'm so happy for you Lillie," Ash said, smiling as well.

"Thank you," Lillie smiled hugging all our Pokemon closer to her.

I turned over to see that Faba wasn't there anymore, he must've gotten away. I'll deal with him personally the next time we cross paths…

"Faba's gone," my brother said looking around.

"I'll get Wicke to make an announcement to see if anyone in the facility has seen him. Meanwhile, you guys should return back to Melemele, all of you had a long day after all," my mother said.

I sighed as I said, "Alright, we'll head back to Melemele."

Everyone got into our private jet that mother arranged for us to return home and we arrived back at our mansion in no time.

"Well I gotta head home or the professor will chew me out again. I'll see you two tomorrow at the Pokemon School," Ash said as he prepared to head back.

"Bye Ash, safe trip home," Lillie and I said as we bid him farewell.

"Wait. Ash, I need to talk to you alone for a while," My brother said, stopping Ash in his tracks.

"Huh? Of course," he said as my brother caught up with him and both of them walked away from the mansion.

"I wonder why Gladion wants to see him this time…" I said in curiosity while I held Eevee.

"Who knows…" Lillie replied, equally as puzzled as I was.


Ash's POV

I had been walking alone with Gladion next to me for the last 5 minutes and I was honestly starting to become anxious as I tried to anticipate what he was going to talk about.

Yesterday, he was really mad and yelled at me since it was partially my fault that Lillie couldn't touch Pokemon again so what does he want to talk about this time?

I decided to just ask him directly as I looked at him awkwardly, "So… What did you want to talk to me about this time?"

He noticed my tense expression and smirked, "Loosen up Ash, I'm not going to yell at you again. Besides, what I want to talk to you about has nothing to with Lillie either."

I felt more at ease but continued to look at him in confusion, "If it isn't about Lillie, then what do you want to talk about?"

He sighed as he closed his eyes, "I want you to tell me honestly… What powers does Angie possess?"

I inwardly tensed as I asked him again to confirm what he really meant, "What do you mean?" He's referring to what happened just now isn't he… I was honestly surprised that Angie would release her psychic powers out in the open like that…

"Ash this is serious! We both saw what happened back there so I'm going to ask you again, what powers does Angie possess?" He asked once again, I could tell that he was losing his patience so I decided to give up stalling and just tell him. Angie may not be his sister by blood but I know he still cares about her.

I sighed, "I'll tell you but you mustn't say a word to anyone on what I'm about to tell you."

"Alright I won't tell anyone, now tell me," Gladion said impatiently.

I raised my right hand as I showed him a bolt of electricity on my hands as his eyes widened in shock and I said, "I'm an elemental guardian with powers, Angie is one as well."

"I control wind and electricity while Angie has the power of Ice and Psychic as well as the ability to heal anything. Angie didn't want anyone to know about this, especially not you and Lillie because she feels that she couldn't bring any of you into danger. I'm sorry I kept it from you," I continued, looking down.

He sighed in exasperation, "I can't believe she would hide something as important as this from me. My mother always said she's a special child but I didn't expect this either…"

"She said it was for your's and Lillie's personal safety. Being a guardian means that you will go on missions fighting a lot of evildoers and you'll tend to gain enemies from there so this line of work is dangerous," I replied. I don't blame Angie though, I understand how she feels.

After all, May had to keep her identity as a guardian a secret from some of her best friends as well in order to protect them.

"I still wished she didn't hide it from everyone. We both know that no person should be able to resist a Pokemon's Psychic attack so you know I will find it very suspicious of what happened back there," he said.

"Yeah, it surprised me as well. Normally she wouldn't display her powers out like that, she probably got so angry at that moment that her powers overwhelmed her," I said, recalling the times May and I had lost control of our powers.

Heck, May nearly killed Drew in the beginning by unleashing her fire powers at him a few times but Brock and I wouldn't let her.

"I don't blame her but she needs to be more careful with her powers. Ash, I'm asking you to please keep an eye on Angie. She has the tendency to be reckless when she lets her emotions get the best of her."

I smiled at him, "You know I will."

"Thank you Ash, it really means a lot to me. Angie is our first friend that Lillie and I made since we were kids, she's really important to the both of us," he said gratefully as I smiled at him.

"Well, I'll get going. I hope to see you soon Gladion," I said as we parted ways to either return home or the motel.

I bet everyone else will be so happy to hear that Lillie can finally touch Pokemon tomorrow! But what's going to happen now?


The next morning…

Angie's POV

I woke up and went outside to see that Lillie was already dressed and eating breakfast with Snowy on the dining table as Eevee and Victini rushed to join them. She must've been so excited for today that she woke up really early today.

"You're up early," I remarked, still in my nightwear.

"Yeah, I want to show everyone else that I can touch Pokemon now. I was going to wake you up if you didn't wake up just now," she said in excitement.

"Alright, I'm going to get ready then we can head out to school," I said going back to my room.

After I got dressed, I ate a packet of energy bars and headed out with Lillie and Eevee to school.

When we arrived at school, everyone else was already in the classroom.

"Alola!" Lillie and I greeted them with an upbeat attitude.

"Alola!" They greeted back with the same enthusiasm.

"Wow you both are really early today," Sophocles said, noting the time.

"Actually, Lillie has a surprise for everyone," I said, looking at her as she nodded in understanding.

"Huh?" They said in confusion as they looked at her while Nebby took it's spot on her head. Ash released Rowlet and Pikachu jumped down from his shoulder.

"Come here Rowlet and Pikachu," Lillie said, opening her arms wide.

Rowlet and Pikachu rushed over to her as she hugged them with joy, the others clapped their hands with glee at the sight.

"How about this," Ash said, throwing a pokeball into the air, revealing Lycanroc as it stared at Lillie in confusion.

"Lycanroc. It's fine, come here," Lillie said, confusing it further.

She jumps in to hug it, catching Lycanroc off guard slightly but rubs her back with joy nonetheless.

"That hurts but I'm so happy," she cried happily.

The rest of us decided to let Lillie touch our Pokemon and she enjoyed every moment.

Lillie dove right onto Litten, who had been minding its own business, and glomped it, much to Litten's chagrin.

"I know, why not check out Turtonator," Kiawe said as he released his Pokemon.

"Turtonator sweetie," Lillie went right in to embrace its neck, making Turtonator slightly awkward.

"Don't tell me you're nervous Turtonator," Kiawe said to his Pokemon.

Lillie accidentally came into contact with it's spikes, activating Shell Trap and blowing up our classroom. Laughter rang throughout the classroom as it caused Lillie to laugh as well.

"Alola!" We turned around to see that Professor Kukui had arrived.

"Alola!" We greeted him heartily.

"Today our class will electrify you even more than a Gigavolt Havoc," the Professor announced.

"Right!" We exclaimed with enthusiasm, excited for today's class.

He then led the class to the open field as Rotom brought jump ropes with him. He told Mallow and Kiawe to swing both sides of the jump rope simultaneously as he demonstrated the activity to us, "Today's activity will be an action and adventure packed jump rope with your Pokemon. In order to be able to jump rope with your Pokemon, you have to act as one in concept and in sync."

"Hey, looks like fun," Ash said as Pikachu eyed the rope.

Professor Kukui stopped jumping as he said, "There. First, let's let Ash and Pikachu give it a try."

"Yeah!" He exclaimed in excitement as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder.

Professor and Rotom held the ropes as the professor continued, "Get the feel of the timing and then simply jump in on three."

"Here we go Pikachu. One, two, three," he said, both of them jumped in at the count of three. They're in perfect sync with each other.

"I expect this from Ash and Pikachu, they're always in sync," Rotom commented.

Ash and Pikachu started doing weird jumps on the jump rope, proclaiming that it was too easy for him.

"Don't get overconfident," Professor Kukui warned him.

He didn't listen as he continued and said, "I can do this in my sleep." Oh boy, he's going to get hurt at this rate...

Suddenly, both of them lost their momentum as they tripped over the jump rope, falling onto the ground face first.

"Guess you slipped," Sophocles said, leaning down towards him.

"That's gotta hurt quite a bit," Lana said.

Ash and Pikachu got up as he said, "One more time, but this time Nebby's up."

Seeing that Nebby is nowhere to be seen, they both looked around searching for it.

"Ash look, over here," Lillie whispered in a hushed tone, waving at him. Ash scampered over quietly while I followed behind him as I peered into his backpack in curiosity, to see that Nebby was fast asleep alongside Rowlet.

"Aren't they cute when they're asleep?" Lillie asked us.

"Yep," Ash said as I nodded in agreement. Little did we know, we were being watched by someone who was waiting to steal Nebby at the right time.

"Snowy, here we go."

It's Lillie's turn to do the jump rope, as she counts the rhythm before she jumps in with Snowy. I could see that they're both having the time of their lives.

"Look at that, Lillie's good," Lana said.

"Really good," Mallow said while holding her hat.

"Great job Lillie," Ash shouted over to her.

"Next up, we'll add more Pokemon," the professor said.

"Pikachu, jump in," Ash said.

"You too Popplio," Lana said as she pointed over to Lillie.

"Eevee, why don't you go ahead and join them too," I said, leaning down as Eevee leapt in merrily.

Steenee and Togedemaru joined in as Lillie and all the Pokemon jumped alongside one another.

"Right Turtonator, let's do it," Kiawe exclaimed at the top of his lungs.

"Huh?!" We all gasped in shock at what he just said as Turtonator jumped in to join them.

"This is so much fun playing with the Pokemon," Lillie said while jumping from side to side as our Pokemon were enjoying themselves too.

"Next up, it's Marowak and me," Kiawe said as he released his Pokemon.

"One, two, three." He counted before jumping in with Marowak. They jumped a few times before the professor said, "Now it's time to pick up the pace."

Professor Kukui and Rotom swung the jump rope at an increased speed.

Kiawe and Marowak kept up the pace without much difficulty as they continued doing jump rope with perfect sync.

"They're fast," Mallow said.

"That's what they do," Lillie said.

"So good," Lana said as I nodded in agreement.

As we continue to watch Kiawe and Marowak, we are completely unaware of a certain someone who has set his plans of kidnapping Nebby into motion.

Kiawe and Marowak stopped jumping as the professor said, "Next up, let's have Angie and Eevee give it a try."

I looked at Eevee as I asked, "Alright Eevee, you ready?"

"Vee," Eevee cried in determination.

"One, two, three!" I counted before running towards the jump rope with Eevee. Wow, I never thought playing jump ropes is so much fun. Eevee and I continue jumping in perfect sync as I find myself enjoying this.

"This is great!" I exclaimed as I continued to jump at the same time.

"Vee," Eevee cried in happiness.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Rowlet flying out of Ash's backpack as it pointed into it, telling Ash something.

"Ah! Nebby's not in there!" He exclaimed in horror when he looked into his backpack.

The professor and Rotom stopped swinging the jump rope as we rushed towards Ash while I took Eevee up into my arms.

"What's wrong Ash?" Professor Kukui asked him.

"Nebby isn't where I left it!" he exclaimed in worry.

Lana and I looked over to our left and saw Nebby with… Faba?!

"Ash, look over there!" Lana and I pointed over to where Nebby was.

The others looked over to where we were pointing to as Ash gasped, "Nebby?"

Lillie gasped upon seeing who was with Nebby, Nebby teleported away with Faba, causing Ash, Lillie and I to gasp in horror.

Oh no, Nebby teleported with Faba. Who knows what that bastard would do with Nebby…

We gathered around the bush as Ash asked a rather stupid question, "So, who was that guy with Nebby?"

I looked at him incredulously, "Ash, you've forgotten already?! We just saw him yesterday."

"Yes, it was Faba!" Lillie said in confirmation.

"What about Faba?" A very familiar voice asked us. We looked over and saw my brother walking over to us.

"Gladion," Ash spoke up.

Lillie ran towards him as I followed behind her, "Gladion, Faba was with Nebby when all of a sudden they've both disappeared."

"What?!" He exclaimed in surprise.

"Gladion, we need to find them. You and I know better than anyone else what that man is capable of, who knows what he's going to do to Nebby." I said to him, really worried about Nebby.

"Do you have any idea where those two might've gone?" Ash asked him, making his way over as he stood next to Lillie and I.

"More than likely, it's Aether Paradise," my brother said.

Aether Paradise?!

"Then we'll have to have them send us a boat again," Ash said.

"Hold on, if we're going to where mother is then there is another way to get there." Lillie told him as I nodded. These are some of the perks Gladion, Lillie and I get to enjoy having the Aether President as our mother.

She called Hobbes to make arrangements to pick us up at the Pokemon School and they would be arriving shortly. We rushed to get our belongings while we waited for our ride to arrive.

After about 5 minutes, we heard a loud rumbling in the sky as the jet landed in front of us. When it stopped, the door opened and a small flight of stairs touched the grass.

Hobbes stood at the door of the jet as he bowed at us and said, "Allow me to apologise for any delays Miss Lillie, Miss Angie and Master Gladion. Please, welcome aboard."

"Let's get going," Ash said as he faced the others as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder.

"Don't get in too deep," Professor Kukui warned him.

"Right," he nodded.

"But you're going to get in too deep anyway," Mallow said in worry.

Lillie and I followed after Gladion as we walked towards the jet. He looked at the both of us and said, "Lillie, I think you should stay here."

"Huh?" Lillie frowned slightly.

"Maybe he's right. We can take care of everything," Ash told her.

"I think it would be safer if you stay here too," I said, agreeing with them. After all, whatever Faba's planning could be really dangerous.

"Wait! I'm just as worried about Nebby as everyone else is. So please, take me along!" Lillie said with steely determination in her eyes.

Gladion's eyes widened in surprise at our sister's determination as he turned around, "Suit yourself."


Right!" Lillie exclaimed as she smiled, following us into the jet. As soon as everyone was seated, the jet began to take off into the sky as it flew off towards Aether Paradise.



Third Person POV

Faba placed an access pass onto a door, allowing it to open. He rushed in as he saw the machine he was looking for, "This is it!"

Looking at the machine, he grinned wickedly, clearly on to something devious whatever he's planning to do.

Nebby floated around the facility in curiosity when it saw Faba's pushing the machine as it flew towards him.

"Can you sense my excitement too, Nebby? Excellent." Faba said in a crazed manner.

"It was exactly 7 years ago when the Ultra Beast, UB 01: Symbiont, made it's very first appearance." He said as he opened a black box and Nebby crawled into it.

He closed the box securely, preventing Nebby from escaping. He went to put the box with Nebby in it back to its position as he said while Nebby continued to struggle, "Special electronic waves prevent you from using teleport."

"If I input the same coordinates as I did 7 years ago, Nebby's power should increase its amount of ultra aura and an ultra wormhole would be opened once again just like before," Faba said with a malicious grin on his face.

He started up the machine as he prepared to open up an ultra wormhole. The machine started running and it began drawing power from Nebby, opening up an ultra wormhole.

"Yes, keep doing what you're doing. I want you to radiate even more, more ultra aura." He said, obviously already lost his mind.


Angie's POV

As soon as we arrived at Aether Paradise, we wasted no time to meet up with my mother and we told her everything that's going on, we headed straight down to the basement in the elevator.

"Faba?!" My mother exclaimed in shock.

"And he's got Nebby," Ash told her.

"We got to hurry," Lillie said urgently.

"Yeah, who knows what other tricks he might have up his sleeves," I said, agreeing with Lillie.

"He must be in the Red Area," Gladion said. The Red Area?!

"Gladion, you don't think that he is…" mother said, trailing off her sentence.

"Yes. Faba's attempting to summon up more Ultra Beasts again." He said as I gritted my teeth in anger.

Ash gasped in shock as Rotom exclaims, "Summon?!"

Lillie shut her eyes tight in fear, remembering the events that occurred 7 years ago.

Mother brought her into an embrace as she comforted her. "Mother…" Lillie muttered as she hid in mother's arms.

As the elevator reached the underground levels, we ran towards the Red Area, praying that Nebby's safe.

We continue running until we see Faba standing next to a machine as an ultra wormhole is in the process of opening.

We gasped in horror and anger as mother exclaimed, "What have you done?!"

He walked out and faced us, "Lusamine, what a pleasant surprise. Observe an ultra wormhole in mere moments." 'Why you-' I thought angrily, clenching my fists.

"Shut that down immediately!" She ordered but he didn't seem to be listening at all.

"Oh no you don't!" Ash shouted as he jumped up the platform and threw himself at him, sending Faba flying as he crashed into the wall behind him.

"How dare you!" He exclaimed but we didn't care since he deserved it.

We could hear Nebby's painful cries coming from the box, I can feel Nebby's power being sapped away by that machine.

"It's Nebby!" Lillie and I exclaimed in worry.

"Nebby!" Ash ran over as he tried to pry the box open but was shocked by it's electric waves instead as he was sent flying from the box.

The ultra wormhole began to form as the machine continued to absorb Nebby's ultra aura. Mother gasped in horror as Lillie looked away in fear. Gladion and I looked at the wormhole in anger, remembering what had happened back then.

"Yes, it's an ultra wormhole." He said proudly.

"Turn that off now!" My mother ordered him angrily.

"Why would I do that? This is exactly what you wanted." He said back.

My mother took a step back as she exclaimed, "I never wanted this! Are you trying to put Lillie in danger again?!"

Faba was taken aback slightly, surprised by my mother's sudden anger. About time he gets what he deserves…

Nebby was still trapped in there, Ash and my brother had enough as they made their move to get Nebby out of there.

"Umbreon, Shadow Ball!" Umbreon fired a Shadow Ball as it hit the box, sending it flying into the air.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail, let's go!" Pikachu jumps up, using Iron Tail as it breaks the box open, releasing Nebby as the machine shuts down which closes the ultra wormhole.

Lillie and I ran towards Nebby as it floated in our direction.

"Nebby," we said, relieved that it was okay.

Ash ran towards us as he asked, "Nebby! You didn't get hurt, you're okay right?" Nebby looked at him as it cried in assurance that it's fine before Nebby started to glow.

"Huh?" We looked at Nebby in confusion.

"What's going on?" Ash asked as Rotom floated over. Mother and Gladion looked over in curiosity, unsure of what's happening.

We continue looking at Nebby in anticipation, unsure of what's going to happen next. When the glow faded, Nebby had changed form and got smaller.

"Hey it got smaller," Ash said.

"It's like a cocoon or a chrysalis," Lillie said.

"So what just happened?" Mother asked, unsure of it herself.

Rotom scanned Nebby as it exclaimed, "Insufficient data, unable to determine. Impossible!"

Suddenly, we heard a deafening roar and what sounded like a crack. We looked up and to my horror, the ultra wormhole had opened.

"Woah, what's that?!" Ash asked in shock.

"Finally, there's an ultra wormhole," Faba said.

"Yes, there it is." Gladion said, gritting his teeth.

Ash gasped as he exclaimed, "Something's coming out of it!"

I looked at the wormhole as the same Ultra Beast that appeared years ago came out of the hole. It's that Ultra Beast again, the very thing that turned all our lives upside down 7 years ago…

"Ahhh!" Lillie screamed in terror, going into a panic attack.

"Lillie!" My mother said as she held her shoulders while Ash and I rushed over to her.

"Isn't that…" Gladion started, stepping forward.

Faba turned towards the Ultra Beast, "It's UB 01: Symbiont."

"Well Lusamine?" Faba asked my mother.

"Don't forget, I'm the one who fulfilled your dream. I'm the one who succeeded in summoning forth an Ultra Beast," he continued with inflated arrogance as my mother looked at him in anger.

"Observe it's beauty and magnificent splendor," he said, as if in a trance.

"Stop it Faba. Open your eyes!" My mother snapped.

He didn't listen as he continued, "I've waited 7 long years. I've thought of little else but you."

Okay, now that proves that he's officially nuts…

The Ultra Beast cared very little about him as it swiped him towards a corner with one of its tentacles.

"Clefable, Dazzling Gleam!" My mother released Clefable out to battle the Ultra Beast. Clefable quickly hit it with Dazzling Gleam but the Ultra Beast overpowered Clefable.

Sensing this, mother immediately returns Clefable as the Ultra Beast starts using Double Team to make many copies of itself.

"Mother, take care of Lillie. Alright Silvally, use Air Slash." Gladion said, releasing Silvally out for battle.

Silvally came out as it fired a flurry of Air Slash at the Ultra Beast and it's copies. Venoshock fired through the smoke, landing a hit on Silvally as it got blasted backwards.

"Gladion!" Lillie, my mother and I yelled in concern as Silvally had crashed into him and they both hit the railing at a distance away.

I gritted my teeth as I faced the Ultra Beast and commanded, "Victini, use Psybeam," throwing my master ball out and releasing Victini to battle the Ultra Beast.

Victini wasted no time to fire Psybeam at the Ultra Beast, Psybeam seemed to have an effect on the Ultra Beast.

Suddenly, the Ultra Beast hit Victini with its tentacles and Victini cried in pain as it pummeled downwards.

"Victini!" I ran towards my Pokemon and caught it with both arms as I held Victini close.

"Angie, look out!" I heard Lillie yell in panic. I turned behind and my eyes widened in horror, that Ultra Beast was coming for me.

I knew I won't be able to move away fast enough so I shielded Victini and shut my eyes tightly, bracing for the impact. The impact never came instead I felt myself being shoved away and I landed on the floor with a thud.

I opened my eyes in surprise and saw that it was Ash who pushed me away as Pikachu attacked the Ultra Beast using Thunderbolt but Pikachu was defeated the same way Victini was. Ash caught Pikachu in his arms as Pikachu came flying down towards us.

The Ultra Beast approached Lillie once again, like it did back then.

It wants her… but why?

Lillie put both hands together in fear as mother shielded her from the incoming Ultra Beast. Gladion rushed in as he threw himself in front of Lillie and my mother, "Look, if you want to take her you'll have to go through me."

Snowy, Umbreon and Silvally came up behind him, ready to protect both Lillie and my mother.

The Ultra Beast was ready to capture him as it got down, ready to take him. Gladion stood there, ready to take the bullet for Lillie and mother but when it almost got him, my mother pushed him out of the way, leading to her being captured by the Ultra Beast instead.

All of us gasped in horror at what we just saw as Gladion chased after them while the Ultra Beast fled back into the ultra wormhole with my mother but he wasn't able to when the machine exploded and produced smoke.

"Mother? Mother?" Lillie murmured as she was taken into the ultra wormhole and the wormhole closed behind them, "Oh no, mummy!" she cried in panic.

I… can't believe this! That Ultra Beast took my mother and fled through the ultra wormhole… what's going to happen now?


(A/N: Oh no! Lusamine has been kidnapped by an Ultra Beast?! What's going to happen to the Aether siblings now? Find out in the next chapter as Gladion and Lillie run away to find a way to open up an ultra wormhole while everyone else finds a way to catch up to them.)

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