Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

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One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
War of hearts
Beautiful Evening
My innocent Fiancé.
First date
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Melodious Escape ~ 5
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 4
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 7
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9
Deal with the Devil • Part 2 •
Will You Still Love Me?

Heartbreak and misery

489 26 89
By piadreamer

From •I love you for a thousand more• one-shot chapter. egurerk hope you'll like it. There will one more chapter explaining Alec's loss of his leg.


Alec was pacing in the living room, fixing the cuffs of his shirt while waiting for his boyfriend to come out of the bedroom who was taking forever to get dressed.

"Magnus, come on, fast, we're already fifteen minutes late." Alec yelled and sighed frustratingly for the thousandth time. It was his boyfriend's success party but he was more nervous than Magnus.

"Calm down, darling." Magnus said as he walked out of the bathroom. "It's okay to be fashionably late at your own party."

As soon as Alec's eyes fell on his boyfriend, his breath caught in his lungs. Magnus was looking ravishingly hot and beautiful. He was wearing the wine-colored suit he had selected for Magnus and damn, with the addition of his light and perfectly done eyeliner, light kohl, wine-colored eyeshadow with a light golden glitter over it, he was looking glamorous. His hair was spiked up as usual with wine-colored streaks at the edge. He had a combination of wine and black colored nail paint done beautifully on his fingernails and he had paired the suit with simple black shoes.

"Close your mouth, darling, you'll catch a fly in it." Magnus smirked, put his finger below Alec's chin, and closed his mouth. Alec cleared his throat as his cheeks went a deep shade of red.

"Let's... umm... leave.. yeah." He stuttered making Magnus laugh then they left the house to reach the city hall where Magnus' success party was held.

They reached the city hall after fifteen minutes making them half-hour late to Magnus' own party. Alec kept complaining making Magnus titter at his adorableness.

"I get it, darling! Can we go inside now?" Alec sighed and they both walked in, noticing the grand decoration and all the big men from Magnus' friend circle and business associates waiting for the man. He felt small and slid his hand to intertwine with Magnus' but the man quickly walked away to address his business associates making him gulp as he walked behind his boyfriend.

The party was going on in full swing, Magnus was the talk of the town because of the title of 'best designer of the year'. He was head over heels and was constantly hanging around with either his friends or the associates while Alec was sitting on the bar counter all alone, drinking red wine and glancing at all the big men and his boyfriend.

"There you are!" Magnus said and sat on the chair beside his boyfriend. "This night is amazing! I'm so happy that my last clothing line was the biggest hit!"

"Yea..yeah!" Alec tried to sound cheerful but deep down his heart felt constricted, he was feeling left out and out of place in this crowd of big men.

Magnus frowned. "Why does that sounded like you're not happy for me?"

"What!? No Magnus, of course I'm happy for you."

"But that-"

"Magnus! There is the greatest designer! What are you doing sitting here?"

"Rick Agnor! My man!" Magnus grinned, stood up, and hugged the man tightly while slapping his back playfully. Alec looked at the way Rick held his boyfriend but didn't say anything. It was his boyfriend's party and he didn't want to make any scene.

"You rocked the fashion show, boy! Keep rocking like this and I'll make you my permanent show stopper!" Magnus broke the hug and patted the man's back.

"Oooo! I like the sound of that! By the way, why are sitting here alone with... sorry who are you? I've never seen you before. Are you new? You do get the looks but no one can beat me in modelling, so-"

"Rick! Calm your horses down, man! He's with me, he's not from our world!" Magnus spoke, trying to focus his attention back on him. He didn't want to make his private life public to the people who will only try to ruin it oblivious to how his words hit his Alexander's heart.

Alec's heart broke into a million pieces from the way his boyfriend had introduced him to his friends and associates. This whole time he was here, not even once Magnus happily introduced him to those big men. He was mostly left out and now that he did, he was just someone Magnus knew. Was his boyfriend ashamed of him?

"Oh! My bad!" Rick stated. "Well, let's have a drink to our celebration now shall we? Let me buy you a drink!"


"No if's and but's, Mr. Bane." Rick dragged out his name seductively then waved at the bartender. "A nice champagne for the man of the party and a glass of white wine for me."

"You'll never change, Rick Agnor!" Magnus shook his head.


Half hours later, both Magnus and Rick were way too tipsy and Rick was almost drunk and both men were having the best moment of their life or so they thought.

"Oh my god! Rick, you're the funniest man I've ever met!" Magnus laughed as he kept chatting with Rick, who was clearly flirting with Magnus. Alec was with them a moment ago but then he was sidelined by both men and was now sitting slightly away on the bar counter from them, listening in to their conversation as he sipped his wine.

"Just funny, come on Mags, no compliment for my eight packs, triceps, and this." Rick stroked his beard which was shaved in a stylish way, highlighting his sharp cut jaw and oval-shaped eyes and gave a flirty wink to Magnus.

Magnus laughed again and sipped his champagne. "Of course, Rick, you're the hottest and most handsome man to ever exist in this universe. Goddd, this body. Every man desires to lick those things, you know what I mean!" Magnus winked back and Rick made an awwing noise.

Alec tightened his grip on the glass he was holding, he was getting angrier as their conversation kept going. Not just that Rick was flirting with Magnus, Magnus was flirting back in a dirtier way. He just didn't only felt left out but also doubted his presence in Magnus' life, he was sitting only five seats away from them and Magnus was acting like he doesn't even know him. Before this party, Alec was nervous as hell for his boyfriend, but since the time they were here, Magnus was busy in his own world and hadn't even come once to him to see how his own boyfriend was doing.

He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and sipped his wine but suddenly he heard a familiar moan, his eyes shot up and he quickly turned towards the direction only to find out both men eating each other's face. His breathing quickened and he strode towards them, pulled that Rick away from Magnus, and slapped him, hard, resulting in him falling back on the counter. He wasn't the man of violence but this had made his blood boil to another extent.

Magnus was stilled in his place when Rick was pulled away from him, but then his eyes widened when he noticed Rick falling back on the counter with one of his cheek red as hell, and an angry Alec standing in front of him. He gulped when he realised what just happened. He had never seen Alec this angry, never seen him putting hands on anyone. What had he done? How could he be so stupid?

"The hell is wrong with you, dude!?" Rick tried to stand but another tight and loud slap hit his other cheek making every eye turn towards them.

If Magnus was even a bit of drunk, the scene unfolding in front of his eyes made him completely sober. He stood up and walked towards his boyfriend to stop the scene he was creating. "Alexander, calm-"

"DON'T!" Alec shoved his hand away harshly and stepped back and only then Magnus noticed the tears in his eyes. He wasn't just angry, he was hurt and that was a deadly combination.

"Hey, just ca-"

"I SAID DON'T, MAGNUS BANE!" Alec shoved his hand way too harshly, wiped off his tears, and ran out of the hall, just wanting to get back, pack his things from their apartment and leave.

"Alexander!" Magnus ran after him, not caring that every eye was on them or that he made a scene at his own party. He just wanted to get to his boyfriend and fix their relationship, which 'he' put a crack on. This whole time, he was the one who was scared to get his heart broken again but he never thought he'll be the one to break his angel's heart. How could he be so stupid? So careless? As soon as he spotted Alec at the pathway leading to the street, he ran towards him and grabbed his hand.

"Alexander! Stop, please. I'm really sorry. It was stupid of me. It was in the heat of the moment, I never meant to kiss Rick. He initiated. Please, stop, please Alexander. I'm sorry." He tried to get his words out as fast as he can not even realising what he was saying. He just wanted to stop his boyfriend so that he can explain himself.

Alec shoved his hand away again, glaring at his said boyfriend, his eyes and face all red from crying and anger.

"Sorry! Sorry for what Magnus? Ignoring me the whole time while you were enjoying with your friends and business associates. I was here to support you, I was here for you, but you didn't even care that I was here, I felt left out by my own boyfriend, I was sitting near you when you were flirting with that man shamelessly. Were you ashamed of me? Tell me, were you?" Magnus slowly shook his head while looking down at the floor. He was not able to get his words out which he desperately wanted to.

"Do you even appreciate me in your life!? I was here all alone by myself when I should be with you. You didn't even care where I was, how was I doing! Do I even mean anything to you!? You say you love me, but do you? Know what, I'm done taken for granted by you, Magnus!" He sniffed as he wiped his nose from the back of his hand then took out his promise ring and placed it on Magnus' palm harshly.

"Alexander...." Magnus looked at the ring as tears fell on his cheeks.

"Goodbye, Magnus!" Alec said in an emotionless tone then took the cab and left leaving now his ex-boyfriend standing there in shock.

Magnus looked down at the ring in his hand as one of his teardrops fell over it. He sniffed then looked towards the cab Alec just left in. "I didn't know you had so much going on in your head, Alexander. I know I made a mistake, but I never meant to hurt you, I always appreciated you, but maybe you are right, maybe I took our relationship for granted from some time, and I'm really sorry about it. But I'm not letting you go like this, no, I'll fight for you, even if it's with you. I won't let our relationship break, not so easily, I'll do anything to win you back, to prove myself to you, I'll fight for us, I'll not let anything get between us, not my own mistakes, I love you, and I promise I'll win you back." He thought out loud and gazed the ring on his palm which he had gifted his precious Alexander, whom he had just lost.

"Magnus!" Catarina came running behind Magnus, panting heavily and noticed the tears falling down on her best friend's cheeks. "Magnus, what happened!? Where's Alec?"

"Cat... He... he left, Cat. He broke up.... broke up with me. What have I done? How could I do this? How....?" He fell on the ground while sobbing loudly as Catarina ran towards him and held him by arms.

"I've already warned you about that douche bag thousands of times Magnus, but you never listened to me! Did that bastard forced himself on you?"

"I... I don't know... I don't remember... I... what just happened, Cat? Alexander... *sniff* I didn't mean to hurt him... I didn't mean to... to cheat..." He trailed off and started sobbing hysterically.

"Magnus let's go to your apartment. I'm sure that son of a bitch did something to you! Alec is angry right now, let him give some time to calm down. I'll talk to him, okay? Come on, get up!"

Magnus sniffed then nodded and stood up as Catarina helped him to reach back his apartment.


As soon as Magnus entered the apartment, he felt the difference in the surroundings straight away. He walked in and looked around and noticed all of the photo frames of him and Alec were on the floor, completely shattered. Most of the decor items and vases, things kept on the shelves, everything was scattered all over the floor. His heartbeats quickened and he ran towards his bedroom but the sight he saw made him fell on the floor and the dam of his tears broke once again.

The closet in his bedroom was wide open with no trace of his Alexander's clothing or any of his belongings. The bathroom door was also open and the mirror was shattered with light traces of blood over some of its pieces.

"Magnus!?" Catarina came beside him and looked around the room with wide eyes.

"He... he left, Cat! He left!" Magnus sobbed and gripped the ring tightly in his palms. "I... I lost him!"

"Magnus, think about it again, did Rick forced himself on you? He was drunker than you and you said he initiated, right?"

"I... I don't know, Cat. I can't remember anything. *sob* B..but... it's... it's my fault. He... he was right, I... I took our relationship for granted for some time, I... I thought nothing could go wrong. I got laid back and didn't realise.. that he... he was hurting!" He broke into hysterically crying once again while Catarina held him in her arms.

"Are you going to let him go, Magnus?"

"No..." Magnus wiped his tears and looked around at his wrecked bedroom, remembering all the great moments he and Alec had spent there.  "No... I know I made a mistake but I will win him back, whatever it takes I will not let him go that easily. I love him, Catarina. I love him."


It's been three months since Alec was back in his hometown, Alicante City, and he was frustrated as hell. The day he came, he was broken from the inside but he had no idea how stubborn his ex-boyfriend was. A month later, he found out that not just Magnus was here but was his neighbour too. And since then not a day goes by when Magnus doesn't come to his place, asking for forgiveness again and again.

The first time he came to his house, he gathered his whole family and told them everything honestly about what happened at his success party and why they broke up. He admitted in front of his whole family that he was at fault and wanted a second chance to make himself a better person for him. But the problem here was that both men were stubborn like a brick wall.

Magnus kept coming to his place, sometimes begging for forgiveness, sometimes helping his family to prove that he wants to change, sometimes with Chairman Meow to melt his heart, yes, that furry devil was here too with his owner. His family was now on Magnus' side because of his constant approach to prove that he was willing to do anything to gain forgiveness and had started to poke him to give another chance to the man, making him frustrated on another level.

It was yet another day and Alec was on his way to the city library where he worked. He stopped by a cafe to get his morning coffee and unfortunately ran into Magnus. As soon as he got his order he ran out of the cafe to avoid that man but was unsuccessful because Magnus kept following him.

"Alexander! Alexander, please stop! Please let me talk to you! Alexander!" Magnus finally managed to catch up with his speed and held his wrist but Alec shoved it away and glared at his ex-boyfriend.

"What the hell do you want!? I told you thousands of times and I'll say it again, I'll never forgive you! Never! So stop bothering me and go back to New York!"

"I won't! I know what I did is unforgivable but please, Alexander, please give me another chance! What else am I supposed to do to prove myself to you? I gave you as much time as you needed, I told your parents everything, I took the beating of your dad and Jace, I kept my distance and only approached you when it felt right, I was there to help whenever you or your family needed support. I'm not a bad person, Alexander. I know I made a mistake, a very big mistake but please, Alexander, please give me another chance. I'll never hurt you again. I didn't mean to this time as well-"

"Stop it! Just stop! I don't care what you do, where you go, or what you're up to! Just get out of my life!" He screamed, turned around, and strode towards the zebra crossing, trying to get away from the man as soon as he could.

Magnus swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched the man he loved walk away from him once again. He did everything he could think of to win his trust back yet the man didn't even break. He wiped the teardrops fallen on his cheeks but his eyes suddenly fell on a car speeding towards Alexander which looked like it was speeding towards him purposefully making his heart falling out of his chest.

"Alexander! Stop!"

Alec clenched his fist as he kept walking, he didn't want to hear more of his beggings, he was tired of those but he was completely oblivious as to why that man was yelling his name.

"Alexander! Stop! Please!" Magnus kept running but his stupid boyfriend was way too fast even when he was only walking. "ALEXANDER!"

Alec was still walking mindlessly when he was suddenly thrown back on the nearby pathway, hurting his arm in the process. He grunted and tried to stand up when he noticed the traffic was halted to a stop and people were screaming and shouting and had started to gather around him as well as someone else.

Few people helped him to stand up, that's when he found out that he was about to have a deadly car accident but was saved. He peeked towards the man who was surrounded by the crowd and his blood froze when he noticed the familiar suit drenched in blood.

"MAGNUS!" He ran towards him and shook his shoulders and looked around frantically. "Magnus! Open your eyes! HELP! Magnus!"

The crowd kept looking at the scene when someone pushed them aside. "MOVE! KIDDO!"

"Luke! Luke help! Magnus!" Luke was Robert's close friend and worked in Alicante's police unit.

"My officer saw what happened and informed me, I was nearby. Come on, pick him up, Steven is bringing the car, we'll catch the one who did this!"

"Wh.. what do you mean?" Alec had tears running down his face as he picked his ex-boyfriend in his arms and ran towards the police car which Steven Underhill was driving.

"It wasn't a normal hit and run kiddo. It was definitely meant for you but Magnus saved you. Robert was right, someone is after you since the time you're back here. We shouldn't have taken your accidents lightly."

Alec had his whole body trembling badly as he processed the information. They were on their way to the hospital and he just hoped that Magnus would be fine and back on his feet as soon as possible.


It had been a week since Magnus was in the hospital and he was still unconscious. When they reached there, Magnus had lost too much blood and he had a rare blood group but luckily for him, Alec had the O positive blood group and he didn't waste any second in donating it to the man he loved.

It took Magnus a lot of time to recover but he did. He was still unconscious, had many broken bones, several injuries, temporary paralysis but he was out of danger. Alec was beside him the whole time, holding his hands and begging him to wake up. Never in his whole life he had cried like this, not even when they broke up. 

"Come on, wake up, Magnus. Wake up, I asked you to leave not die on me like this." He sniffed and rested Magnus' hand intertwined with his against his forehead.

"Alec..." Izzy walked in and squeezed her brother's shoulder lightly. "Eat something, big brother."

"Not now, Iz!" Alec gazed at the man through his scrunched puffy eyes and fixed the locks falling over his eyes. "I'm not hungry."

"Love is weird, right?" Izzy looked between her brother and his so-called ex-boyfriend and smiled sadly. "You never wanted to see him again yet you're not leaving his side for a second."

Alec clasped Magnus' hand and brought it against his lips. "I love him, Iz. No matter how much I'm hurting, my love for him will never change."

Izzy squeezed her brother's shoulder and looked at the man who saved her big brother's life by risking his own but suddenly noticed a movement and got alert. "Alec..."

"I saw, go call the doctors, fast! Magnus!"

Magnus didn't know where he was or what was happening. He felt nothing until he slowly fluttered his eyes open and noticed a small room and several machines beeping around him. That's when he remembered what happened and why he was here.

"Alec...Alexander... Alexander...." The heart monitor started beeping fastly making Alec's heart leaping out of his chest.

"Magnus! Hey, calm down. I'm right here!" Alec put his finger below his chin and tilted his head towards him making the man reach out his shaking hand towards his cheek.

"You're... you're safe. Thank god! I... I thought I lost you when that car..." He trailed off making Alec shook his head.

"You almost died and this is the first thing you're saying after waking up, idiot!" He wiped his tears and that's when Magnus noticed his puffy bloodshot eyes.

"Alexander, you're... how long am I here?"

"A week, Magnus. You scared the hell out of us."


"Mr. Bane." The doctor walked in with Alec's whole family trailing behind him. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know, numb, weird but... fine. Why am I feeling like I don't have my body?" Alec held his hand tightly making Magnus frown.

"Mr. Bane, you went into temporary paralysis. Don't worry, you'll be fine soon. You have broken the bones of your left arm and have some minor injuries but our main concern was your excess blood loss but Mr. Alexander Lightwood saved you in time. We were lucky that he had an O positive blood group and didn't hesitate in helping you out." Magnus side glanced at Alec with soft heart eyes who was hearing the doctor's words with concentration while mindlessly playing with his fingers.

"We'll keep you under observation for a few days. Hopefully, you'll be ready to get a discharge if we'll see the improvements soon. The nurse will come in a few hours to check on you and explain to you about your medication. And Mr. Lightwood, please make sure that he'll be on a liquid diet for a few days. Mr. Bane, you can't use your left hand for now, so try not to move it at all else there will be a dislocation. Do you have any questions?"

"Umm... doc, I'm left-handed-"

"It won't be a problem, I'll take care of him." Alec said, nodding reassuringly.

"Okay, then. The nurse will come in a few hours. You all can talk to him but only one can stay with him for the night. I'll come back to check on you after some time. Right now you need to rest." Magnus nodded and after some minor checkup, the doctor left and everyone sighed with relief then turned towards Magnus.

"Magnus, thank you so much. I know I shouldn't be saying this but it would be Alec if you wouldn't have taken that attack on yourself. You saved my son's life. So thank you so much, for loving him more than your own life. He's really lucky to have someone like you." Maryse spoke, she knew that it was selfish but she couldn't help it.

"Please don't thank me, Maryse. I can take a bullet for him, so this was nothing. And don't feel selfish for what you just said, you're a mother. Your child's safety is your priority. I understand that." He tried to smile for others present in the room then glanced towards Alec who was still playing with his fingers.

"Alexander, I don't know if you'll ever forgive me for what happened but please give me another ch-"

"Shut up, you idiot!" Alec slapped his head while being careful of his wounds then leaned in to kiss his boyfriend softly on the lips making the man relax into it. "You almost died on me and you're still worried about that! Did you even thought how would I have lived if something would've happened to you? I love you, Magnus. More than anything in the world."


"Kiddo? Can I come in?" Luke asked from the doorway, having a bright smile on his face from seeing Magnus finally awake.

"Luke. Yeah, when did you come?" Alec asked as Luke walked in and patted Magnus' cheek. He and Magnus knew each other from before so Luke was as worried for him as others were.

"Only a few minutes. I guess it's your lucky day. We found the man behind this car attack. We have his confession. He was behind your other attacks as well."

"Who the hell is that bastard? I'll kill him with my bare hands!" Robert seethed as Maryse tried to calm her husband.

"Rob! Calm down! Anger won't do you any good. Ry, please calm that hulk of your husband!" Luke shook his head at his friend then turned towards Alec and Magnus.

"Dad, please calm down! You're not doing anything. Luke, what did you find? Who did this?"

"He confessed many things, but I don't know if you'll even remember his name."

"Why are you beating around the bush? What is it?" Alec asked straight forward.

"Does the name Rick Agnor ring any bells?" Luke asked making Alec and Magnus' eyes going wide, others frowned and waited for more explanation.

"Who is this man who did this to my brother-"

"Rick did this? But why?" Magnus asked, cutting Jace off and exchanged a knowing look with Alec.

"That son of a bitch was after me. Honestly, I should be the one beating him to death but I didn't. So I don't understand... what did he want?"

"Wait what? Alec, why are you talking like Robert and who is this man?" Maryse questioned and noticed the way Magnus looked at her son.

"He... He's the one I... kissed at my success party.... the reason behind our..." He trailed off and looked at his Alexander. The man who not seconds ago kissed him and finally decided to give him another chance but with the mention of Rick, he seemed distant again and he didn't like that. "Why was he after Alexander?"

Luke sighed. "First thing, Magnus. You didn't kiss him, he forced himself on you. He admitted that."

"What!?" Alec's eyes widened to it's fullest and he looked between Luke and Magnus, noticing how Magnus' brows drew in together.

"W...what? I... I still don't remember what happened that night. I just know.. we kissed... because..." He looked at Alec with shame filled in his chocolate brown eyes.

"You don't remember because you were drugged that night, Magnus." Luke let him know making everyone gasp.

"D..drugged? But... how?" To say Magnus was shocked would be an understatement. He remembered being slightly tipsy but drugged? He didn't saw that coming.

"Rick confessed that with the help of the bartender working at that party, he put drugs in your champagne. It was the kind of drug which would have made your brain completely numb so you wouldn't remember anything. With the intake of that drug a person's body acts like a walking dead and when the doze wears off the person doesn't remember anything that happened within that duration. According to this Rick, he apparently 'loves' you and wanted to make you his completely that night. If Alec wouldn't be there with you that night, Magnus, you have no idea what could have happened. You could have gotten raped and maybe tortured by that psychopath who claims to 'love' you."

"What the fuck!?" A shiver ran throughout his body at the mere imagination of what could have happened. He couldn't believe that the man he trusted and gave him chance in modelling, again and again, was going to repay him like that. "And I was thinking of making him my permanent show stopper."

"Glad that you didn't." Luke said and turned towards Alec. "And kiddo, according to him you went violent on him and embarrassed him in front of the whole crowd of big men."

"I did slap him, twice." He admitted with pride making Robert smirk and Maryse shook her head at her husband's response.

"That's why he was after you." Luke said. "He wanted to take revenge from you for slapping him in front of everyone and ruining his plan to 'consume his lover's body'." He glanced at Magnus who visibly shivered. "The drug had started to work on you, Magnus. If Alec would have gotten any late, you would have lost yourself completely and would be the victim of drug abuse and rape. He saved you from that monster, kid. It only managed to shut down a little part of your brain that's why you were confused and don't remember the night properly. That Rick confessed that after 'consuming his lover's soul' he was going to 'sacrifice the pure soul to the god and nourish the sacred body forever'. In simple words, you would have gotten murdered by that psychopath that night if Alec wouldn't be there for you, Magnus."

"WHAT!?" Everyone's jaw dropped and they looked at the injured man who was trying to process this information. Alec clasped Magnus' hand, brought it against his lips, and kissed his knuckles and the back of his hand as his heart kept racing ten times faster.

"Luke, please make sure that son of a bitch doesn't get out of prison anytime soon." Alec pleaded.

"Don't worry, kiddo. With the things he had confessed and what we found about his past before his modelling career, he'll definitely get a death sentence." Turning towards Magnus, he patted his old friend's head. "You're lucky, Magnus. Alec saved your life that night. I hope whatever differences you both are having, you can clear it and get back together. I've never seen this kind of love you both have for each other. Always ready to save each other's lives, either knowingly or unknowingly. I'll take my leave now, you rest and I'll let you all know about the progress in this case."

The others nodded and after half an hour of talking and consoling Magnus, everyone left the room expect Alec who decided to stay the night with Magnus.


"Done?" Alec asked while he kept stroking and scratching his boyfriend's head in gentle circles.

"No, still going. Gahh! I hate this!" Magnus complained, fluttered his eyes with a blank expression as he kept emptying his bladder into the catheter. "This feels really uncomfortable!"

"You have to bear it until your temporary paralysis cures, Magnus. There's no getting out of this."

"Hate it!" Magnus growled then sighed when he was finally done. "Hmm."

Alec bit the inside of his cheek to suppress his chuckle. "Adorable..." He whispered to himself but in the silence of the room, Magnus clearly heard it.

"Are you serious?" Magnus deadpanned at him.

"You do look adorable... and cute." He bit his lip when Magnus glared daggers at him. "Okay, okay!" He held up his hand in surrender. "It's getting late, you rest I'll bring some soup for you. Do you need anything else?"

"Some solid food..."

"You can't have that right now, idiot!" Alec shook his head then started to get up when Magnus stopped him.



"I... that.. that kiss might be Rick's fault, but... I know that wasn't the only thing you were mad about. I did take you and our relationship for granted and I know that had hurt you a lot. I'm... I'm so sorry, Alexander. I got so much confident with our relationship that I thought nothing could go wrong. I was scared to open my heart out before you, but when you accepted me with all my flaws, I got overconfident that we had the perfect relationship, and... I didn't even realise when I started taking you and our relationship for granted. I'm now realising how wrong I was, that no relationship is perfect. What makes it perfect is proper conversation and understanding. That it's not just about one person but both. I always thought about myself, about my heart which was already broken thousands of times before, and not about yours. I was scared to get my heart broken again but not for once I paid attention to my own mistakes that had broken your heart. I'm really very sorry, Alexander. Please... please give me second chance, I promise I'll change. For you, for us, I will. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"Hey..." Alec leaned down and wiped off the tears falling from the edge of his eyes then kissed his forehead tenderly. "I've already forgiven you, Magnus. I know we have a lot to work on but I'm willing to. You have your second chance. Seeing you in this hospital bed, it's killing me. I don't even want to imagine what that bastard would have done if I refused to come with you that night. I can't imagine a life without you. We both made our share of mistakes, I should have voiced my complaints instead of suppressing it. We could have worked on it if I would've told you what's hurting me but I didn't. I can't blame you entirely for it. It was my fault too, you're not a mind reader,-"

"But I should have understood your needs without you saying it. That's what makes a relationship strong, I guess we weren't that strong after all."

"Then let's make it stronger. Let's start from the beginning again." Alec suggested making Magnus' dull chocolate brown eyes light up.

"Let's start from the beginning again." He repeated softly with a warm smile.

"Meaaaww!" Both of their head turned towards the familiar meow and noticed Isabelle standing at the door with Chairman in her arm and wiping her tears from her other hand.

"Iz, how long are you here?"

"Just a few minutes, big brother." She walked in and placed the furry devil in Alec's arms. "This one was being a pain in our asses, look what he did!" She held out her hands and showed them all the deep red scratches that cat made. "Is he a psychic, Magnus? Because since the time you're awake he being weird and crying continuously so I brought him here."

"Really Chairman?" Magnus looked at his boy amusingly as Alec placed the cat carefully over his chest and he snuggled into his owner's warmth instantly.

"Meeww!" Magnus stroked his soft fur with his right hand as the furry devil snuggled closer. "Meeeewww!"

Izzy's mouth hung open at the sight. Alec chuckled, leaned down, and pecked the cat's head as he scrunched his eyes. "And now he's being adorable!?" Izzy shook her head in disbelief.

"Well, that's Chairman for you." Magnus chuckled then looked at his boyfriend. "Looks like there's no beginning without Chairman."

"I can agree with that. He's the reason we met after all." Alec chuckled and stroked the cat's back who suddenly wrapped his front legs around his arms making everyone in that room agape.


"Okay, big boy! I'm not going anywhere, now leave my hand, you naughty devil."


"Oh my god! Magnus, your cat is definitely strange." Izzy stated. "Okay, I'll bring food for all of us and a bunch of fruit juices for the patient here. I'll be back and till that time, calm this one down!" She pointed towards Chairman then left making the couple chuckle.

"Why are you being a pain to others, you little devil?" Magnus scolded his cat who was purring and was slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Your bond with your cat is weird." Alec stated and pecked his temple.

"Chairman is special for me and so are you." Magnus said and pouted earning a cute peck over it. "I love you, Alexander."

"I love you too Magnus. More than anyone and anything in the world."

"Mew!" Both men chuckled and kissed the naughty cat's head. "We love you too Chairman."

Reviews and feedbacks are welcomed. ♥️♥️

Prompts are welcomed too.

A/N I don't know much about food diet after an accident, most of the things related to medics are researched and I made up some stuff which I couldn't find so please correct me if there's anything wrong which I mentioned here. Constructive criticism is welcomed. ♥️♥️

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