draco malfoy imagines

By perriesdisora

249K 3.7K 969

just a bunch of fluffy draco malfoy situations๐Ÿ˜˜ uploaded: 29/10/2020 ๐Ÿ’š More

love potion
the fight
ready or not
cherished moments
on the run
want you back
say yes
let me love you
lazy sunday
pretty little secret
he's back
bells & confetti
bells & confetti pt 2
a mess
from strangers to lovers
i hate you
i hate you pt.2
christmas time
Lily's and Rose's
that time again
|| a message ||
a day out
i'll be there for you
he's back pt 2
promising jewellery
better man
'want you back' edit!!
who are you?
jealous eyes

it's you

7.5K 123 70
By perriesdisora

house: hiss hiss bitch :)

blood status: up to youuu

year: all of em and beyond

warnings: violence from ms parkinson and bad language from mister malfoy smh

• • •

year 1

this is it. you were about to start your first year at Hogwarts and you were so so excited!

you get on the train and look for a place to sit after walking past several filled up compartments you see one with just one person in it. someone your age.

"mind if i sit here?" you ask the blonde boy

he looks at you and smiles "no go ahead"

"thanks" you reply and sit opposite him

"first year also?" he asks and you nod "i'm Draco" he says extending a hand

you take it and smile "y/n"

"pretty name for a pretty girl" he says letting go of my hand and i blush slightly causing a smirk from him

the rest of the train ride we just chatted about most things mainly about how we were excited to start Hogwarts

once we got there we entered the great hall to be sorted into our houses. Draco was before me and that's when i found out he was a Malfoy even though i had a slight idea considering the platinum blonde hair

then it was my turn

"hm very interesting, you have a Gryffindors courage yet i feel this isn't the correct house for you... i think i'll put you in... SLYTHERIN!"

you were slightly shocked to be put into Slytherin but happily went over to the cheering table anyway and sat next to Draco who was grinning

"i guess we have no choice but to be friends now" he says

"i guess not" you reply with a smile

• • •

year 3

it was now the start of third year and you were heading to the common room once you got there you flopped onto the leather couch earning a strange look off your bestfriend

"what is it?" Draco asks

you shrug "nothing"

"you can't lie to me" he smirks

you pull a face and look at him "i can too!"

he shook his head "i know you too well"

you roll your eyes and look back at the fire "whatever"

"are you going to tell me or not?" he presses

"not" you reply

"why?" he asks raising an eyebrow

"because i don't want to talk about it" you replied

the problem was over these past few weeks Pansy and Draco had been getting rather close. too close for your liking and at first you were confused as to why you were so bothered by it then you worked out that it was because you had a crush on him. a crush on your bestfriend and it was starting to stress you out. why couldn't you just like someone else? why did the universe hate you?

"you know i'll get it out of you eventually so just pick the easier route" he says

you scoff "trust me nothing about this is easy"

"is someone bothering you?" he asks clearly not giving any time soon

"no they're too scared to" you say

Draco smirks knowing that it was his impact as to why no one ever bothers you
"school work?" he asks

you think about it for a second thinking this was a good way to get out of his interrogation so you let out a fake sigh and nod you head

"what class?"

you pause for a split second in slight panic before a answer pops into your head "uh transfiguration" you lie

"i thought you were doing well in that class" he says

"i am it's just i wasn't in the mood for it today" you say then mentally scolding yourself at the poor answer

luckily for you Draco believes it and laughs "but who is ever?"

you smile "very true"

with that Pansy comes downstairs holding some books "Draco can you help me with some homework" she winks and you roll your eyes at the sound of her voice

"uh sure, see you tomorrow y/n" he says looking at you

"bye" you reply

man this was going to be a long year.

• • •

year 5

Draco stares at you at the other side of the classroom as you chatted away to your friend laughing at a comment she made and sighs to himself looking down at his desk

"what's wrong" Pansy says quickly making me cringe

"nothing" he replies simply

thankfully Pansy lets it go and continues talking about whatever it was she was talking about

he wasn't in a relationship with Pansy even though at times he thought she thinks they are. they weren't even that close really all they do is sleep together every now and then but that was it.
(a/n - i've noticed a few comments about the whole 'sleeping together' thing, so just thought of clear up i meant ACTUALLY sleeping not them doing the deed, i should have worded it better ahah)

the girl who actually had his heart was across the room from him and was also his bestfriend from the start of Hogwarts. but he never told her his true feeling because of the whole 'don't want to ruin their friendship' thing but it was getting too much for him now he just wanted her to be his and spend the rest of his life making her happy.

after the lesson finished he headed outside with Pansy, Blaise and Crabbe following

"you couldn't be more obvious mate" Blaise remarks

"what are you talking about Zabini?" Draco asks as they sit by the black lake.

"y/n. you like her don't you?" he says

"WHAT?!" Pansy shrieked "you're with ME!!" she shouts

Draco rollled his eyes "you're not my girlfriend Pansy. we have never been official how many more times do i have to tell you?"

Pansy gasped and stormed off making Blaise laughed "sorry, i forgot she was here"

i shrug it off "it's fine"

"why don't you just get with y/n if you like her" Crabbed asks while eating some cake

"it's not that simple" Draco sighs and turns around when he hears your voice behind him

"i'm just saying if you get caught i'm not helping you" Astoria says to you as you walk down to meet the boys

"i won't and even if i do Crabbe will take the blame, watch" you say finally reaching the group

"Crabbe!!" he looks up at you after admiring his cake

"why did you chuck my potions essay in the fire??" you ask

and he just shrugs and goes back to staring at his cake

"see" you smile at Astoria who sat next to Blaise as they were dating

you sat next to Draco who gave you a confused look
"oh i gave up with potions" you say

"so you chucked it into the fire?" Draco asks

and you nodd

"i could have helped you know" Draco smiles at you

you just shrug "it's fine, hey what's up with Pansy she looked like she was going to hex someone"

"she just faced some truths" Draco scoffs

"ironic coming from you" Blaise grins causing Draco to glare at him but you just shrug it off

you all talk happily until it was time to go back to the common room as you were making up the hill Draco had hold of your hand to help you up which made you blush slightly considering your crush on him wasn't going away any time soon

Draco on the other hand was plucking up the courage to tell you about how he felt as it was getting way too much for him to handle. you were both behind the others so Draco tugged your hand pulling you to another direction

"what are you doing?" you ask at the sudden change in direction

"shh just follow me" he replies glancing at the others to see if they had noticed

Draco lead you to another part of the school grounds and turned to face you

"i'm sorry for being so sudden but i need to speak to you" he started

"okay, what about" you ask your heart beating faster

he took a deep breath "uh us"

your heart skipped a beat "us?" you question

"yeah i thought i could just ignore it but it's getting stronger and i don't think i can anymore" he says

so many thoughts were running through your head right now. you weren't sure what he was saying. did he want to break the friendship? or something else?

"what are you trying to say?" you ask unsure if you wanted the actual answer

"i'm trying to tell you that i'm in love with you" he says with a small smile

your heart at this point is beating so rapidly you're scared it's going to pop out. did the man you love just confess his love for you?

"you're-  what?" you say confused

"you heard me" he replies taking your hand "say something y/n" he says softly

"but Pansy-" you start

"means nothing to me" he finishes

you feel a smile creep up on your face "i love you too"

and with that he smashed his lips onto yours and kissed you passionately and lovingly.

and that was the start of your beautiful relationship.

year 6

this year however was different. you were still with Draco and things had been going really well but over the summer he just gradually drifted away, and we you both went back to Hogwarts someone was different about him and he wouldn't tell you what.

you were currently sat at the dinner table with Astoria. you look across a few seats away at your boyfriend who was silently playing with his food and you sighed

"he still not speaking?" Astoria asks

you shake your head "i don't know what to do obviously something is bothering him i just don't know why he can't tell me i mean this has been going on for months now. it's draining" you say and look at your food suddenly losing you appetite

"i'm going back to the common room i'll see you later" you tell her getting up and walking out the hall

Draco watched you leave fighting the urge to follow you and that's when Astoria whacked him

he glared at her realising she had just moved there a second ago

"what are you playing at Malfoy?" she hissed

"what?" Draco asks knowing exactly what she meant

"y/n obviously! why aren't you speaking to her you're draining her out for merlin's sake!!" she says with a glare

"it's complicated" he mumbles not knowing how to get out of this

"no you're making it complicated. sort yourself out before you lose her" she says getting up "for good" she finishes and walks out the hall making Draco feel even worse than he did before. you deserved better than him with everything he's putting you through.

meanwhile you were halfway to your common room when you realised you were being followed you turned around slightly hoping to see Draco but instead you were faced with Pansy

"why are you following me Parkinson?" you ask already bored of her presence

"i want to know what you're doing to Drakie" she snaps

"what in salazar's name are you talking about?" you ask

"ever since he's got back he's been depressed and i want to know what you're doing to him?" she says

"what makes you think i'm the reason?" you ask in disgust

"anyone would be depressed if they had you as a girlfriend" she sasses

you scoff "yeah like you're any better" you turn around and continue your journey

"DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!!!" she screeches

you turn to face her again "oh run along Pansy i'm tired of your rubbish and empty threats"

"empty? empty threats? i'll show you empty threats" she snarles and whips out her wand before shouting "STUPIFY"

you flew back into a wall immediately knocked unconscious

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Astoria screamed at Pansy who was stood in shock before quickly running off down the hall

Astoria ran to your aid and quickly rushed you to Madame Promfrey.

the next morning, Draco came down to breakfast quite early hoping to catch you but found Pansy instead who gave him a weird look of guilt and fear which Draco just shrugged off and sat opposite Blaise

"what's up with her" Draco asks nodding to Pansy

"dunno, she's been acting odd since after dinner yesterday" he mumbles

"have you seen y/n?" Draco asks

"no not yet why are you finally going to tell her?" he asks

"i don't know but i do need to talk to her, Astoria is right i can't keep treating her like this it's not fair" Draco says suddenly feeling nervous

"it will all work out bro i promise" Blaise says

just then Astoria storms into the hall her eyes coldly fixed on Pansy

"how COULD you?!" she shouts at Pansy who immediately stands up looking like she was about to faint

"i- i'm sorry i didn't mean to" Pansy replies sadly

"how dare you be so vile!!! all because you have pathetic jealousy" Astoria spits

"woah woah what's happened?" Blaise asks standing up to try and calm her down

"why don't you ask pug face over here?" Astoria says bitterly

Pansy stands there in silence as we had now attracted the attention of the half empty hall

"well?" Draco asks her

Pansy still stays silent making Astoria huff as she turns her attention to the two boys

"y/n is in the hospital wing with a broken arm and a head injury after this cow hexed her yesterday in the corridor" Astoria says with a disgusted look on her face

it took a moment for Draco to realise what she had just said and his blood starts to boil as he sends a deadly glare at Pansy who was looking at the floor refusing to look him in the eye

"you did.. what?" Draco asks in a dangerously low voice

Pansy looks up at him to argue back but immediately steps down once she sees just how angry he was

"i didn't mean for it to happen" she says quietly

"what did you intend to do then" Blaise asks angrily

"i just was angry because Draco had been so down and i assumed it was her but she made me angry and then it just happened" Pansy tries to reason

"so you're telling me my girlfriend is in the hospital wing because you thought she was making me depressed? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND?!" Draco explodes at her causing her to flinch

"i'm sorry" Pansy says quietly clearly ashamed of herself

"i should kill you. no one and i mean no one touches my girl and gets away with it" Draco spits at her

"i'll do anything to make it up to you" she pleads

"you stay away from her. if you ever come near her or even look at her funny i swear i'll make you wish you had never been born" Draco says glaring at her before leaving the hall to go to the hospital wing leaving both Blaise and Astoria astonished by his words

"i've never seen him so angry before" Blaise says to his girlfriend who was smiling

"and y/n was worried he didn't love her" she says as Pansy walked out the hall in tears

you woke up three days later with a throbbing head and a sore arm. you try and gather your surroundings and slowly sit up wincing in pain as everything come flooding back making you feel anger at Pansy for putting you here

you glance to your left to see you boyfriend sleeping in the chair next to your bed calming you down immediately and you smile softly realising he's probably been here the entire time

you gently reach out and hold his hand making him wake up

"y/n, are you ok?" he asks quickly sitting up his tired eyes filled with worry

"well apart from feeling like i've been hit with a truck i'm ok" you reply

"i'm so sorry" he whispers looking at the ground

"what for? you didn't do this" you say squeezing his hand

he looks back up at you "everything, i've put you through so much crap this year and i'm partly the reason why Pansy did what she did"

"what happened to her anyway" you ask slightly panicked because you didn't even want to imagine how Draco reacted

Draco noticed this and smiled "i didn't kill her if that's what you're worried about although i almost did, but she's been suspended until the end of easter break"

you nod and sigh quietly "you became one of them didn't you?"

he looks at you with shock and fear "h- how did you know?"

you scoff "you're my boyfriend i know when something is up and i know that your father was one of them so i guess i just had a small suspicion"

he sighs and lets go of your hand "i didn't want to i promise you but i understand if you want to end things because of it" he says quickly

"Draco i'm not going to break up with you" you reply softly

"you're not?" he asks

"no i mean let's face it even if i did i would just feel guilty for abandoning you and then i'll give you the whole 'i'm here if you need me' speech then eventually i'll go back to you anyway" you say

"even though you shouldn't?" he asks

"yeah but i've always been a rule breaker" you smile at him

he sighs and sits next to you on the bed and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear
"i don't deserve you"

you smile at him "i love you too"

year 7

"how could you not tell us?!" Lucius bellows at his son

"i am now aren't i?" Draco shouts back at his father

"do you realise the danger you've put us in?! if the dark lord finds out we're all dead including this girlfriend of yours" Lucius says with a glare

"his main interests are Potter, the war is looming do you really think he's going to take notice of what we're doing?" Draco asks

"when did you become so selfish!!! i raised you better boy!" Lucius yells

"Lucius calm down" Narcissa says

"how am i selfish? how is thinking of my future selfish?!" Draco asks angrily

"you won't have a future if you go against the dark lord" Lucius sneers "but just know this if you think that you can switch sides for a girl then you are not welcome back here ever again"

Narcissa looked at her husband in shock

"so what is it going to be Draco? your family or that girl" Lucius asked

"ok enough this has gone too far you will not disown our son for falling in love" Narcissa snaps

"he's the one who wants to help them defeat the dark lord" Lucius argues glaring at his wife

"i'd pick her" Draco speaks up getting the attention of both his parents "so you two to can figure out your differences but i'm going back to Hogwarts and help defeat him because i want to be free. i don't want to be his or your servant anymore" he says and with that apparates to Hogwarts to find you.

you were in the Slytherin common room finishing off some homework when your boyfriend bursts into the room

you look up at him and drop your quill before running to him and he engulfs you into a hug

"what are you doing here?" you ask him pulling away

"i've come back to fight with you" he says gently

"fight?" you quizzed

"the war it's happening tonight" he told her his eyes filled with worry

"but your parents" you started

"yeah long story short my father told me i had to pick between them and you" he scoffs

your heart drops at this statement knowing that he couldn't not pick his family
"if you need to pick them i understand don't let me hold you back" you say sadly

"it's you i pick y/n, it's always been you" he says quickly

"but they're your family you can't pick me over them" you say looking at him in shock

"you are my family. don't you get it? i don't want us to just be together until the end of school and then go our separate ways eventually, you're not just some high school crush, i want you as my wife. you're my future so i'll always pick you over anyone" he says gently

you hadn't noticed you were crying until now but you smile through your tears and you both share a tender kiss that was cut short by the sound of explosions indicating the war had begun and you were both ready for it.

* * *
2 years later

you smile as your new husband joins you on the balcony overlooking the calm crystal blue sea, you were both on your honeymoon after getting married a few days ago and both you and Draco were very happy and content with life

after the war had happened Lucius was still slightly angry that Draco was so willing to abandon his family for you but around 7 months later he got over it whereas Narcissa was over the moon that Draco had found his happiness in you.

you were both now excited to spend the rest of your lives together, without fear of Voldemort or his father standing in your way.

because it was always going to be you and Draco against the world because together you could do anything.


bro... 3614 words... MAD

that felt like a mini story loll

hope you all enjoyed!! :)

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