Spy school Operation Sleeping...

By lolcoolname

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This is a Spy School Fanfiction. The CIA has found SPYDER agents near Chesapeake Beach. In order to not raise... More

My Note
My Notes 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

200 2 14
By lolcoolname

I can not believe what is happening right now! Nick just single-handedly knocked out a 7'2 guy without breaking a sweat. The whole class was put in a state of shock.

"Well done," Professor Crandallsaid as he clapped his hands together, "you should be in Advanced self-preservation with your skills."

"Actually, I choose to stay here, but please make your lessons just a bit interesting," Nick said in the same emotionless tone.

"My lessons are my lessons and I get to decide so don't tamper with them or you will regret it," Professor Crandall said as he went back to the classroom. Nick sighed but followed.

"Now, please turn to page 173 as we are gonna go in-depth and look at how a professional spy does this," Mr.Crandall said.

Dang it! I thought to myself, even Nick couldn't convince him, but at least he wasted 10 minutes of class time.

"Uh is this thing on?" The sudden voice of the idiot blasted through the loudspeaker inside our classroom, "anyway, can Benjamin Ripley, Mike Brezenski, Zoe Zibbel, Erica Hale, Nick Wild, and Megan Brown please come to the office?"

Huh? Are we going on a mission? I thought to myself while grabbing my books and ignoring all the stares and murmurs of the people around me. At least I get to get outta here. We arrived at the principal office as quickly as possible although it was no surprise that Erica was already there.

"Are we here because of some new exchange student?" Mike guessed.

"No," Cyrus stated, "you all are being activated."

I couldn't be more happier. Getting out of the boring school routine and having an excuse to hang out with Erica Hale, that's a win win for me.

"So," Megan said, "what's the mission?"

Cyrus took out 6 "For your eye only" envelopes from his pocket. A "For your eyes only" envelope is so rare that if you get it, you're basically king of homecoming in regular school. I tore open the envelope and found several pictures. They were man in black on some beach.

"That's Chesapeake Beach," Cyrus told us as we looked through the photographs, "the agency has found several spyder agents near the beach and in order to not raise suspicion, they will let you guys find out what their objective is.

I nodded my head slowly. Erica seems to be studying them very carefully which is odd because most of the time, she knew the information of the mission way before us.

"Wait a minute," Zoe said, "let me get this straight, SPYDER is not dead?"

"Apparently not," Cyrus said "it seems that they have regained their loss"

SPYDER is not dead? I thought to myself. Well that's a shame, I was hoping that i don't have to deal with them anymore.

"Anyway, tomorrow at 6 am in the morning, you will board a plane that will take you directly there, Cyrus said, "then you will have to act as swimmers. You also need to do scuba diving in case something happens."

Nice! I thought to myself. Swimming is one of the few sports I know.

"I also contacted Catherine to tag along with us," Cyrus said, "since we need someone to act as a supervisor for you kids."

Erica looked very surprised at the mention of this. I was surprised myself because Catherine works for the MI6.

"You have the rest of the day to prepare for this mission," Cyrus said with a serious look on his face, "use it wisely."

Short Chapter cause the game everyone loves is next: TRUTH OR DARE

If you have any suggestions about truths and dares pls leave them in the comments cause I never played the game so I kinda lack in experience so pls if you have any suggestions leave it in the comments.

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