Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)

By HanaDE238

166K 4.5K 1.6K

There's a new bad girl in town that makes Jade West look like kitten... Elizabeth Smith is a 17 year old girl... More

Chapter 1 - Sugar We're Going Down
Chapter 2 - Kryptonite
Chapter 3 - Teenagers
Chapter 4 - Despacito
Chapter 6 - I don't do boys
Chapter 7 - Fill Me In
Chapter 8 - Kings & Queens
Chapter 9 - Come See About Me (Part1)
Chapter 10 - Come See About Me (Part2)
Chapter 11 - Complicated
Chapter 12 - Freak the Freak Out
Chapter 13 - Take A Hint
Chapter 14 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 15 - I'm the Bad Guy
Chapter 16 - You Don't Know Me
Chapter 17 - How to Save A Life
Chapter 18 - So Many Miles
Chapter 19 - Complicated
Chapter 20 - IDGAF
Chapter 21 - Don't Break Me Too
Chapter 22 - Love You Like a Love Song
Chapter 23 - Party All The Time
Chapter 24 - Earned It
Chapter 25 - Ride Wit Me
Chapter 26 - Stacey's Mom
Chapter 27 - Don't Start Now (Part 1)
Chapter 28 - Don't Start Now (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - Fourth of July
Chapter 30 - Edge of Seventeen
New Story
One Shots
New Story!

Chapter 5 - Juicy

9.5K 272 57
By HanaDE238

I own nothing apart from the characters that are not in the programme. Just a reminder as well that this will be more mature and will have heavy girl on girl action. The picture above is Beth's figure and what she is wearing.
"Let's get loud." Jade smirked at me, pulling her hair out of the hair tie and pulling her tank top off and walks backwards towards the swimming pool.

Beth POV

I laughed loudly, "I would love too, Princess, but I have to get ready." I gesture to my yoga pants and tank top. "Can't look like a tramp next to someone as gorgeous as you."

Jade smirked, walking towards me, reaching me and putting her hands on my hips. "I don't think I said to you yet," she whispered, moving her lips towards my ear, lightly grazing it, "Your body is made for a goddess, so it's fitting that you own it."

I blush, laughing slightly, pushing her away, "That was cheesy, girl, did you get that line from your boyfriend?"

Jade furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm being honest, Lizzie, your body is stunning, you are truly gorgeous, I wish I looked like you. You have definitely filled out in the last three years."

"I'm just going to go get ready, you're welcome to anything in the house and just make yourself at home." I said fumbling over my words while walking backwards towards the back door. As I turn around to make sure I don't fall up the stairs, I hear a stressed, 'Fuck!' from the pale girl.

I do wish she made up her mind what she wants. She can't have both me and Beck, I am too lesbian for that! Though I would do anything for that girl.

I shake my head and enter my bedroom and get ready. I get my new bikini on, black two piece, the bottoms connected at the side by gold chains of different sizes.

I put a black dress on over and a colour kimono, putting my blonde hair up in a messy bun. I start to rush everything so I don't leave Jade alone for too long. I decide just to do some winged eye liner and mascara with a ruby lip. I know I wouldn't be getting into the pool, too many phobias with water.

I finally put some perfume on and made my way downstairs, I head outside and see Jade on a sun lounger in the shade.

"Always trying to stay pale, Jadey?" I ask, seeing I scared her as she jumps and places a hand on her chest.

"Not all of us suit the tanned goddess look, Lizzie." Jade lifts her sunglasses and looks at me up and down. "Jesus Lizzie, you look gorgeous."

I smile shyly, "Shut up you, and stop calling me Lizzie. You know what it does to me. I'm still the girl when I was fifteen."

Jade smirked, stood from her lounger and moved in front of me, taking hold of the opening of my kimono, pulling me closer, "Maybe I want you to feel like that about me, maybe, just maybe I want to try new things with you."

"What would Beck say about this?" I whisper, moving closer, she was a magnet in my eyes.

"He, well, I haven't talked to him." She admitted to me.

I let out a growl and remove my kimono from her grasp moving away from her. "I knew it was too good to be fucking true, Jesus, Jade. You have to stop playing me like this, you have to talk to him."

"I don't want to loose you!" Jade yelled.

I walked closer and point my finger at her, "I have already told you I will always be in your life, no matter what happens. Where's the trust, Jade? Have I ever done anything to you, for you not to believe me?"

She frowned, shaking her head, "Of course not. I'll always trust and believe you."

"Well since you can't decide yourself, I will. Spend tonight with Beck, talk with him, I'll give you my room, whatever, but you have to talk to him." I said throwing my hands up, "But right now, come here and give me hug. Tonight is going to be fun and fantastic." Jade smiled and rushed to hug me tight, her arms wrap around my waist. I laugh and wrap my arms around her neck. She nuzzles my neck and sigh contently.

I am not sure how long we stay in that hug but we quickly release each other when the doorbell rang. I smile at Jade and rush to the front door. As I open it, Cat comes barging in with Tori following.

"Damn Bethie, your figure gets better every time I see it. You looking stunning." Cat said, her eyes running over my figure, she was also showing a little bit of the girl I knew in New York, I am determined to get her back.

"Thank you Kitty, and hello you to you Tori." I smiled at Tori, who's eyes where stuck to my cleavage.

"I, um, you, um, wow." Is all the Latina said.

I laughed and took both their hands dragging the, through to the garden. "Put your bags on the table I will take them upstairs when the boys get here." They do as I said and went to say hi to Jade, who was back in her sun lounger in the shade.

I shake my head and go into the kitchen to make some drinks, some alcoholic and some not. I just finished put the beer in the fridge and some in a cooler for the garden, when I hear the front door open.

"Knock knock, the door was unlocked." Andre shouted through.

"Come on through to the kitchen. I'll be with you in a minute." I shout back, heading outside to grab the girls bags, "Girls, the boys are here." I shout, I head back into the kitchen where the boys had helped themselves to a beer. "Hello, boys."

They all turn and face me, their mouths open wide, gawking at me. Andre was the first one to come to his senses, "Damn, girl, you're looking gorgeous." He came towards me and wrapped me in a hug.

I hug him back with a squeeze, kissing his cheek. "Thank you Dre. Why don't you boys come to your senses and I'll take the bags up to my room."

I watch as Beck shakes his head and smiles at me, "I'll help you, Beth, there are a lot of bags."

Andre glares at Beck and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Nah man, you go and say hi to the girls and your girlfriend." He stressed the word girlfriend, "I'll help Beth." He turns to Robbie and see him still staring at me, "Drag Robbie with you."

Robbie and Beck leave the kitchen to the garden, while me and Andre make our way upstairs with the bags.

"It's like they have all never seen a woman before, Dre, Tori couldn't get a sentence out, Jade all but jumped me, I know if Cat gets some alcohol in her body she will try some thing as well and then there's the boys, Beck was willing to bloody cheat and well Robbie was being Robbie. Where's Rex?" I said finally dumping the bags on my bed, then I started pacing my hands moving with my rant.

Andre sat on my bed watching me, "We convinced Robbie to have one weekend without him." He smiled at me and I smiled back, sitting next to him. "You can't really blame them, you are a beautiful woman."

I roll my eyes and push his shoulder, "Come on, lets get some alcohol and get this party started."

We both made our way downstairs hearing music playing and some laughter. We finally make it out into the garden and that's when we see Cat sitting in Tori's lap laughing at something Robbie said and Jade sat on Beck's lap, making out, while Jade tries to turn up the music, I see her eyes quickly catch mine.

I shake my head with a smile, because I am that type of friend, and head towards the others sitting beside Tori, Cat's legs instantly going on my lap.

"Hey guys, don't forget to use protection, because it looks like your going that way!" I yell over to the two still making out, because I'm that type of friend who's the mother of the group and loves to embarrass.

I see Jade look over her shoulder at me and glare before going back to Becks lips.

"Beth," Tori says, looking away from the couple, "Can you sing, act, dance? I don't really know what your passion is."

"I can sing, not as great as you guys though. I mainly write, songs, scripts, plays, anything." I answer, truthfully.

"Oh Bethie, please sing us one of your songs!" Cat asked, all but screaming at me.

I sigh, "Okay, fine, but only because you asked." I said, bopping Cat on the nose, making her smile wider. "So I am just singing, don't ask me to dance as well okay." I get my music ready, thinking this is probably going to rile some people up but hey it's a teenage party. "Anyone who doesn't like overly sexual things leave now."

(Play the video up top.)
As the music starts to play I see everyone's attention is on me. When the first lines were sung I see Cat get off Tori's lap and sit closer to me, elbows on knees and head resting on her hands, looking in awe.

I smile and start to sway, I see Jade and Beck break away and start to watch. I move to Andre and grab his hand to slowly dance with me, a little sexual. Everyone's attention not moving from us.

Andre comes behind me, arms wrapping around my waist and moving behind, my hands going on top of his, our hips moving in sync. I knew I could trust Andre to dance with me and not go over board, though he was getting a little excited.

As I finish singing, I turn in Andre's arms and hug his neck. "Thank you, Dre."

I hear Jade cough, getting our attention, her pointer finger going from Andre to me, "Is there something going on here? You two are very close."

I roll my eyes, while Andre answers Jade. "We are just friends Jade, plus I think I'm the only one here who hasn't sexualised Beth."

I laugh and grab seven beers out the cooler, handing them out, "I am going to order some pizza for us, when I come back it's drinking games."

Thank you all for reading, I hope you're all enjoying it. Next chapter will be a continuation of the fun.

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