I'm alone again (TWICExReader)

By leyanella

52.3K 1.7K 133

"You don't want me here, then I'll leave." "N-no please don't..." "T-take care of my unnie p-please." "I'll b... More

Cpt 1
Cpt 2
Cpt 3
Cpt 4
Cpt 5
Cpt 7
Cpt 8
Cpt 9
Cpt 10
Cpt 11
Cpt 12
Cpt 13
Cpt 14
Cpt 15
Cpt 16
Cpt 17
Cpt 18
Cpt 19
Cpt 20
Special Chapter #1
Special Chapter #2
Cpt 21
Cpt 22
Cpt 23
Cpt 24
Cpt 25
Cpt 26
Cpt 27
Cpt 28
Cpt 29
Cpt 30
Cpt 31
Cpt 32
Cpt 33
Cpt 34
Cpt 35
Cpt 36
Cpt 37
Cpt 38
Cpt 39
Cpt 40
Cpt 41
Cpt 42
Cpt 43
Cpt 44

Cpt 6

1.8K 63 6
By leyanella

*Flashback continuation

After the girl run away jiae went to jiyeon who's slowly loosing her breath.

"Yeon? Are you ok let me take you to the hospital." Jiae said and jiyeon shook her head

"No just go away far from here."

"I can't leave you here!" Jiae shockingly said

"They will accuse you especially my sisters. You must leave." Jiyeon said and blood started to come out from her mouth

Jiyeon got two shots one in the left arm and one near her heart that's why she's loosing breath very fast.

"How can I leave my friend here." Jiae is now starting to cry

She feels useless that she can't do anything about the situation it was too sudden for her. Earlier they are happily shopping and now jiyeon is swimming in her own blood.

"I can't bare seeing people accuse you please just leave and never show yourself for months or years to us. I'm sure the suspect will report you and lie to the police." Jiyeon said

"Yeon, fight for me please when I came back please bake me some of your favorite cake. When I came back make sure your ok." Jiae said and finally accepted saeron's offer to leave

"I will." Smiled jiyeon

"Now go!" Jiae stood up and nervously let go jiyeon's hand the latter looked at her gave her a assuring smile

"Jiyeon, I'm sorry." Jiae run out the forest but little did she know a device was left in the woods when she run

She get in the car that supposed to be her and jiyeon's ride. She took her extra clothes at the back and immediately wear it. She drove fast out of the mall while driving she stop by and throw her uniform that has bloodstain in the road near the railings of the forest. She also called the police so they can take jiyeon to the hospital.

Meanwhile, jiyeon was found by her sisters and police they arrived late jiyeon is now unconscious. She lost so many blood and her sister needs to donate some. Her operation took almost 5 hour because of the shot near her heart.

Medias are outside the hospital waiting till the Park Family announces anything they are seeking for information. Unfortunately, police made the investigation private for the victim's family safety.

*End of flashback (Still nayeon's POV)

"Pd-nim why would jiyeon do that?" I asked him

"Yeah why would she let jiae work here." Jeongyeon agreed

"I'm sorry girls but jiyeon told me not to tell anyone about jiae." He said sadly

"I need to go now you can visit jiyeon and I will give you a week break." He then get out of the room

"Let's go?" Jihyo said and stood up lazily

"Let's go to our practice room first." Jeongyeon said and we all stood up we got inside the practice room and rest for a little while

"I want to sleep." Sana said while eyes are getting heavy I then asked her to come to me and she obligated

I let her rest in my shoulders. 20 mins have past and we decided to go home.

*Ring ring

We immediately look at tzuyu when her phone ringed so she look at us before answering the phone.


"Why what happened?"

"Right now?"

"Ok I'll be there."

Tzuyu then look at us and look at DubChaeng. She then sigh.

"I need to go. Go home without me." She said

"Where are you going?" Momo asked

"I need to do something important." I was about to ask what is it when she speak again

"It's a bit private for now. See you at the dorm." After she said that she got out of the room and left us there hanging

"I'm sleepy." Sana whined beside me

"Then let's go home." I said and stood up I then help sana stand up and held her waist this squirrel might dozed off here

We all got out of the practice room and locked it. We took an elevator we arrived at the basement where cars are parked. We used a limo this time for us all to fit in.

"Wait!" Someone shouted when we're about to go in we all look behind even sana who's sleepy opened her eyes wide


"I need chaeyoung and dahyun right now they have an emergency schedule just the two of them." Pd-nim said that made us wonder

We don't have a schedule only dance and vocal practice and he said earlier he'll give us a week break. What now?

"I thought we don't have schedule?" Jihyo asked confusingly well she's the leader so she knows our every schedule

"It was a sudden. They need to shoot now for twice tv." He said nervously that made us squint our eyes on him

"Ahh hehehe." He awkwardly laugh

"Ok bring our maknaes back before 5pm pd-nim." Sana ordered

"I will."

"Let's go dahyun and chaeyoung." The two maknaes confusingly followed pd-nim they turned their backs to us and we just smiled to them and they did too

Why do I think turning their backs means something.

"Will they be alright?" Mina asked worriedly

"They will be alright." Momo said

"Let's go we need to take care of our dongsaeng." Sana said happily

Aigoo if I know she will just hug saeron whole day. We always complain to her cause jiyeon might suffocate while sleeping.

"Girls get in." Manager-nim happily said

"Why so happy?" Jeongyeon asked and as we get in

"You should find out yourself. Let's go home someone is waiting for you guys." She said and smile cheekily

Dahyun's POV

"Pd-nim where are we going?" I asked him, me and chaeyoung are just following

"Officer choi called me..." He said

"Why something happened?" Chae asked worriedly

"He will discuss something and he's in my office right now he said it's urgent."

"What about the shoot?" I ask

"You will film later after discussing just tour your fans around the building that's all." We followed him until we arrived infront of his office

"Officer choi they are here." We saw officer choi but why tzuyu is here?

"Tzuyu what are you doing here." I asked

"I called her earlier and she wants to tell you guys too she don't want to keep secrets to the two of you about the investigation." Officer choi explained we looked at tzuyu and smiled

"So let's start discussing."

We sat down at the chair we are in pd-nim's secrey meeting room only the five of us know this I mean pd-nim always go here when he have a private conversation with someone cause his secretary or other people might know.

We are sitting around the table there is a projector infront of us and a laptop in the table. Three of us are sitting infront of the projector while leaning our arms at the table. Pd-nim is beside officer choi infront who's operating the projector.

"This might be unbelievable but..."

"The people who's trying ti kill your little sister are all mafia's here in korea." He said that made us shock

"We can't fight a mafia. They are too strong especially when it come to fighting." Chae said unbelievably

"That's why you girls need to train." Pd-nim said

"Where? The unnies might suspect us." Tzuyu said smartly

"They won't you guys will be having less dance and vocal practice. When explaining to your unnies say to them that I gave you all a full pack schedule. Don't tell anything except that." We nodded sign of following his orders

"So tell us about this mafia's." I said and leaned my back at the chair

"The reos gang. They are the third best mafia group in korea they call their selves reos gang because they know too many information about one person. They can also seek your deepest secret."

"Second, the grive gang. They are the second best mafia in korea they are best when it comes to swords or any kind that involves sharpness. The leader is very wise when it come to discussing something important. They may be smart but they can't beat reos gang for seeking info's."

"And the first the most dangerous gang, the most bloody gang." We looked at him intensively

Just hearing the history of the third and second gang made us scared. We can't fight them we are idols and we are jist trying to protect or sister but we didn't know that we are facing mafia gangs.

"The hoidy gang. They use violence to solve their problem. They have now sympathy to others if they are offended they kill, if they laid their eyes on one suspect they will kill her/him immediately. They don't think twice and do what they want. They don't have that many information they don't have that many swords. But they can kill people in just a sec and they are the most powerful gang in korea."

"O-officer kim how the hell we capture them?!" Chae shouted nervously so I held her shoulders for her to calm down

"We are just idols we want saeron's life to be peace but they are mafia's." Tzuyu said and pointed her hand at the projector

"That's why you need to train hard to protect yourself and your unnies." Pd-nim said

"Does jiyeon knows about this?" I ask

"Yes and actually.." Pd-nim stopped and think again

"Is there any secrets jiyeon told you?" Chae asked

"Jiyeon is a mafia." He said and sigh


"H-how?" Tzu said shaking

"After the incident happened 2 yrs ago she trained herself secretly she always go here and practice in the underground house. She is part of a gang. Jiyeon is the leader of the most strongest gang in the world." Officer choi slowly said what he said made us shocked

Jiyeon kept that from us? And 2 yrs for freaking 2 yrs that must be hard especially when we are living together.

"She knows someone is trying to kill her. She was threatened by the 3 gangs if jiyeon won't give the thrown to them everybody jiyeon treasures the most will be killed. And that's you guys her sisters."

"Why you just told us about this?!" I asked angrily

"Unnie calm down." Tzuyu said and made me sit and I obeyed I don't have the strength to fight back

"Jiyeon doesn't want anyone to know this yes you three know about what happened 2 yrs ago in the forest and about jiae but jiyeon doesn't know the you guys know about that."

"What's the plan?" Chae asked and sit up straight we also did

"You will be training and for the mean time that jiyeon is still not awake jiae her bestfriend will handle the gang until jiyeon wakes up."

"Eh? Jiae can do that she is just a minor." Chae confusingly said

"Don't underestimate my daughter ms. son." We looked at officer choi and he smirked

"Y-your d-daughter.." I stutered

"Yes choi jiae's father is officer choi. Don't worry jiae knows how to fight." Pd-nim said

"H-how.." Officer choi chuckled

"What do you mean how, of course she knows how to fight jiyeon taught her how to." He said

"Well I thought you would teach jiae." Tzu said

"Ani. I was busy with jiyeon's case that time so after a year jiyeon teach jiae secretly in here. They always see each other everytime you guys have a schedule and she will go home first so you won't notice."

"Daebak." I said and put my hand in my mouth

"Smart right?" Pd-nim said confidently

"Yeah yeah we know our sister is smart." Tzu said and rolled her eyes and the two uncles just laugh at us

"So that would be all you can now do the shoot. Here's the selfie camera." Pd-nim handed us one camera each

"You may go now your unnies will kill me if you won't be home at 5pm." Pd-nim chuckle

"Oh yes sana unnie will burn your hair, nayeon unnie will throw your paper works, jihyo unnie will scold you non-stop, jeong unnie will make this room dirty, momo unnie will take your cards and buy many foods, and lastly mina unnie who won't do anything to you." Tzu said in one breath so savage

"Yeah and I regretted that I didn't let you go home early the last time. It gives me goosebumps." We then laughed at him

Well one time pd-nim said maknae line have a shoot for happy together and we though after the shoot we'll go home but he said we should practice for our performance in the concert cause the three of us are together. The unnies said to him to bring us back home after shoot.

But he didn't, so the unnies went here looking angrily they kicked pd-nim's door and it broke ghad that was so expensive. They made this office like a trash can it's so messy. Even me I got startled by that.

"You should be scared they are coming now they said." Chae said while looking at her phone and I saw her smile a little

"What?! It's not even 5 pm go home now gosh.." He panicked so officer choi laughed at him and we did too

"I'm just kidding." Chae said

"Now we know what is your weakness." I said and laughed at him, he then glared at us and pointed the door

"Yeah yeah we will go. Annyeong!" We said and finally get out

"So let's start at the cafeteria?" I asked

"Let's go." Chae said and walk ahead of us

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