Legend of the Planet of the A...

By Ninjaboy13779546

1.2K 23 3

After the events of WAR, it seemed like peace was finally achieved as the Apes settled into their new home. H... More

Long Live The King


209 6 0
By Ninjaboy13779546

Just a sidenote before we begin, I should probably let you know the cast that are playing the characters.

Jacob Tremblay as Cornelius

Millie Davis as Zira

Keith L. Williams as Brick

Jason Maybaum as Virgil

That is all of the new cast. Or all that I'm gonna reveal at the moment. ;) And as far as the returning characters go, we've got a lot of the main cast returning as well.

Andy Serkis as Caesar(flashbacks/dreams)

Karin Konoval as Maurice

Terry Notary as Rocket

Sara Canning as Lake

Steve Zahn as Bad Ape

and Amiah Miller as Nova.

So that's who we've got for the cast, that way you guys can have a bit of an idea of the characters and their voices as apes. Now that that's taken care of, enjoy this chapter!



More light from the sky came to their faces as the group emerged from the forest and walked into the village with Cornelius in front.

The village was alive with hoots and pants as the apes had gone about their daily lives. As they did though, they noticed the ape prince and all came running before making a path for him and his friends, bowing and holding their hands out in the supplicating gesture.

Cornelius smiled at his people, noticing the smiles they had as well. He lifted his hands on either side of him, tracing it down their palms as he walked down the path they had made. One of the apes, one he knew very well, was his honorary uncle, Maurice. That wise old orangutan looked at his late best friend's son with a prideful smile.

Seeing Cornelius grow within the past few years, really, it brought tears to his eyes. He was really proud of how well Cornelius had grown, matured, and led them. Even despite his age, there was a measure of humility within him. Though it wasn't easy to do it on his own, the ape prince had Maurice to help him. Plus he also had Rocket. Rocket! Now, there was another ape who shared the same thoughts and emotions about Cornelius as well. Just not the tears part..... okay, maybe a little. Rocket did get a bit heavy-hearted when it came to Caesar. That was his friend. His comrade. His brother. And yet, even though he was gone, his legacy still lived on thanks to his son.

Rocket really admired how much like his father Cornelius was. Always caring for others. Making sure the tribe was prospering even though he was still young and had personal problems to deal with. Yes, just like his father.

When Cornelius came past him, a smile came to his face. After he traced his palm, Rocket gave the young ape a thumbs up, something he'd picked up from Bad Ape.

Cornelius had learned it too. And he smiled too and gave Rocket one back before continuing on. Yeah, Rocket was definitely proud of that young ape. And he knew Caesar would be too.

As he neared the end of the path, Cornelius saw another familiar face. Not too far away, Lake watched as the young ape coming closer. Seeing him do so reminded her of his father when his had done it many a time before.

All the other apes having dispersed and gone back to wha they were doing, he said bye to his friends. Hugging and signing before they too left.

Nova and Bad Ape went with Maurice to the learning center so that Maurice could prepare to teach the younglings their lessons for the day. Brick went off with Virgil to his home before their classes. Zira would have to go there soon as well, but went home to her mother and father first.

Seeing his friends off, Cornelius looked back to his guardian and walked up to her before stopping about a foot away from her. He noticed there was a bit of a smirk on her face and it made him laugh.

'Miss me?' He asked jokingly.

She signed her reply, 'Too busy worrying about you.'

The young ape's smile slowly diminished and he rolled his eyes at that. He knew she worried, but still wish she didn't worry so much.

His thoughts were broken by the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. He looked to Lake and saw that her smirk had turned into a look of concern and comfort.

'I did miss you though.'

Now, Cornelius' smile came back and he jumped to hug her. He didn't normally have to do that to hug her anymore since he'd grown and now stood tall at her neck than at her waist when she first began to care for him. But he was happy to have her and that she cared for him. She was the only thing he had to resemble a mother since his was taken from him. But he tried not to think too much about that.

Breaking the hug, Lake asked him, 'Did you eat?'

'Not yet.' He replied, shaking his head.

Lake nodded at that before encouraging him to come back to their home to eat something before he went to the learning center.


After a little to eat, Cornelius went to the learning center and joined the class as Maurice began.

He sat in between Zira and Nova who sat next to Brick and Virgil, who welcomed him happily.

Maurice stood ahead of the class and pointed at the writings on the wall behind him.

One of them, the sacred ape law.

"Ape Not Kill Ape."

Something they all lived by. But it was stronger now than it was years ago when Koba had broken it by attempting to kill Caesar.

But now, as it was before the war broke out, none of the apes wanted to kill each other. They were all family, even Nova.

Sure, she was human. But the tribe had accepted her and Cornelius and his friends definitely loved her. But no one love her more than Maurice. He had cared for her since the moment he met her, and still down to today.

As the class continued, Nova noticed that Cornelius had drifted off and that his attention was no longer with them. Not only that, but he also had a bit of a down look about him.

This was something that was recurring a lot lately. And it only made her feel more concern for her ape friend. For the rest of the day, her thoughts were on him and his sad face.


Later on that evening, The village had settled down. Some apes sat around fires, signing and hooting and panting to one another.

Maurice and Nova sat near the big fire at the center of the village. As they did, the wise orangutan noticed his adoptive daughter seemed a bit troubled.

'Everything okay?' He asked her with a hoot.

Nova looked at him, then back down to the fire before replying, 'Yes. But I'm worried about Cornelius. He seems to be sad lately.'

'You have to remember, he lost his father.'

Then it hit Nova as she remembered the tragedy of three years ago. When all of the apes lost their leader, and she had lost a very dear friend. The mere memory of it made her eyes wet.

'I remember...and I lost a friend.' A tear escaped her eye as she finished signing that.

Maurice hooted as he replied, 'We all did. And that's why we need to be there for him.'

Nova nodded in understanding at that. And her understanding was deeper than usual. When they first met her, her caretaker was killed. He had taken care of her and looked after her, but before him, she had lost her actual father...and her mother too.

But when she met the Apes, she connected with them more than anyone. Even though she hadn't known them very long at the time. A perfect example was Luca. When he gave her that flower and put it in her hair, she felt a something she hadn't felt in a long time: loved.

But when he died, it was the direct opposite. She had shed genuine tears for Luca as he slipped away. She remembered the pain and heartache that came with that moment. And it was worse when Caesar had died as well. She had wept with the apes...and with Cornelius too.

From then on, she knew without a doubt that she would stand with the apes. No matter what. Through the blood, sweat, tears and all.

'I will always be there for him. All of them. Apes Together Strong.' She stated, bringing her two fists together to emphasize the last part of her sentence.

Maurice smiled at the sight of his adoptive daughter signing their quote that had strengthened them throughout the years. It showed that she was proud to be a part of them.

'I know you will. You are a good friend to them. And they love you for that.'

Now it was Nova's turn to smile at her adoptive father's hand gestures. She beamed and gave him a hug, to which he hugged her back with his big arms. A bit of a hoot came from him as he did, an extension of how proud he was of her and his love for her.

As they broke the hug, an idea came to the wise orangutan.

'Why don't we go on a walk tomorrow with Cornelius?'

Nova immediately jumped at that idea. 'I'd love to! I'm gonna go tell him and Lake about it.'

The young girl jumped up happily and ran to go find her best friend. Maurice smiled as he watched her go.

As he sat there alone, he looked up to the night sky and saw a few stars shining. He still held his smile as he signed the words, 'Wish you could be here to see this Caesar.'


Ok, that's the chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed it, sorry if it's a bit short or slow or something. I'm doing my best to make this like the movies of the Rise trilogy as I can, it's like a reflex with me.

The emotions I'm having to deal with with these characters is something else tho! But, that's what the franchise was built on, the apes, humans and the one thing they all wanted: peace. Or as Caesar liked to put it: "Home. Family. Future."

And the next chapter is gonna really foreshadow how this story will bring that. So stick around and I'll see y'all next time! Like and review!!

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