FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson...

By theblondewriter255

12.9K 377 39

"She wasn't scared of the fire, she only became it, and that is what scared her the most" Adaline Nordin is... More

Cast & Characters
Part One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part Two
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 10

375 12 1
By theblondewriter255

Chapter 10: "I Licked It so It's Mine"

Once the two had left the building, Adaline lead Loki toward the library. Seeing as Loki loved to read, she thought it would be a good place to start.

As they walked through the streets, Adaline could see the many stares Loki was receiving from the civilians. But instead of mentioning it to Loki, she just gave each person a hard glare that told them not to mess with them.

After a while of walking around, she could start to see the library in the distance. Grabbing hold of Loki's hand she sprinted for the doors.

Upon entry, Loki took in the many aisles of bookshelves and the calm atmosphere, that was much different than the noise from the city outside before walking farther in. He slowly began to run his fingers over all the books that sat on the bookshelves.

"Loki," She called softly, breaking him out of his trance. "This way."

Adaline led him to a shelve that was full of old literature and began to pull some books out for him to read, before putting them on a nearby table that was empty where he could enjoy his books for the hour or two that they would be there.

Placing Dracula, Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, and Jane Eyre onto the table she quickly said, "I think you will like these. I'll be right back I have to go speak with my manager."

He nodded, watching as she walked away before picking up Pride and Prejudice and beginning to read.

When Adaline left Loki's side, she went to her managers office in the back of the library. After knocking on the door, she heard her manager say "come in" from the other side. Adaline opened the door and walked forward to stand in front of the desk before speaking.

"Hi Mrs. Jones, I just came to inform you that I will not be able to work at the library anymore," Adaline said before explaining herself. "I am currently taking up a big job opportunity and will not be home enough to come in for work."

Her manager simply nodded, saying that she was happy she had gotten a good job opportunity somewhere else and that Adaline was always welcome.

Adaline then left the office before returning to where she had left Loki. She turned the corner to find him miles away in the book.

She sat in the chair across from him after grabbing her own book from one of the shelves.

They stayed at the library until lunch time when Adaline decided she was hungry and that it was time to leave. Seeing that Loki was still deeply focusing on his book, she asked him if he would like her to check out the book for him.

He nodded, before they made their way to the checkout station and left to get lunch.

She held Loki's hand as they made their way toward Adaline's favorite pizza place in all of New York. Once arriving at 'Logan's Pizza Parlor' they walked in and sat in one of the many booths that littered the diner. A waiter, noticing their presence, then walked over to take their orders.

"Welcome to Logan's what would you guys like today?"

"One large pizza with half pepperoni and half cheese, please."

"You got it," the waiter said walking away to go deliver their orders to the kitchen.

Once the waiter had left Loki spoke.

"What's so special about pizza," he questioned.

Adaline chuckled saying for him to just wait and see before asking him how he has liked New York so far.

Loki stated that he liked a lot about it, except for the stares he received as he walked through the streets. Adaline just looked at her hands that were placed on the table.

"I know you noticed them."

Adaline then looked up at him. "I did, but you know their opinions shouldn't matter; they're just random strangers on the street who you will never see again. Why let them determine how you see yourself?"

"I know I shouldn't, but it doesn't make it hurt any less."

They spoke about the topic for a few more minutes before the waiter came out with their pizza.

"Thank you," Adaline said to the waiter before turning to the pizza. "Which do you think is the best slice?"

Loki looked at her oddly, confused as to how there could be a 'best slice'. "How would I know? I've never had it before; but if I had to guess I would choose..." he said looking at each slice before continuing and pointing at one in particular, "this one."

As he reached to grab it, Adaline quickly swooped in and took it for herself. She then held it in her hand as he stared at her with his mouth wide open in surprise.

"Umm,  I was going to grab that one," he said slightly laughing at her actions.

'Well you were too slow."

"Haha very funny Adaline, but I believe that one is the 'best slice'," he laughed slightly mocking her as he reached for it.

Adaline quickly pulled her hand away and licked the pizza from the bottom to the crust. "Nope, I licked it so it's mine."

Loki looked at her with a wide smile on his face before speaking through his laughter. "Okay so let me get this straight. You take me to your favorite pizza place, tell me to choose the best slice and the don't even let me have it?"

"Yep," she said beginning to eat 'his' slice.

"You're such a child," he snickered.


After finishing their pizza, they left the restaurant to go back to the tower, until Adaline realized she wanted to stop at her apartment real quick for some things.

When they got to her apartment and walked up the stairs, Adaline unlocked her door before inviting Loki inside.

Loki looked around noticing the giant windows that took up a whole wall with a chair next to it. Sitting next to the leg of the chair were a few books that Loki was positive Adaline had already read. As he walked farther into the apartment he saw that she had a ruby red room with a bluish-grey bedspread; and even though she hadn't been there for weeks the room still smelled and reminded him of her.

Once she had walked back into the room with a bag containing more clothes and a few extra books, she looked at him as he gazed around before speaking.

"What are you looking at?"

He then looked over at her before returning his gaze to her apartment. "You're apartment is very nice, it reminds me of you."

She chuckled. "Well it is my apartment."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you come back to the tower?"

Adaline hesitated looking down at her feet for just a moment before answering. "I broke up with my boyfriend; we weren't together for very long but umm, we had a date the night I arrived at the tower. When I never showed, he was worried so I told him that I would explain everything when I got back. I told him about my abilities, when I did he," she paused, searching for the correct words.

"He called me a freak and started saying how he couldn't believe he had dated me and so, we, uh, broke up," she said, still not making direct eye contact with Loki, as she was slightly embarrassed because of the event.

"He doesn't deserve you."

"Then who does?" Adaline inquired softly.

Loki looked at her softly before speaking up. "I don't know but it's not him."

Adaline looked at him with kind eyes as she gave a sad smile, before checking to make sure she had everything she needed.

A few minutes later, Loki continued to look around, taking in every detail as if it was the last time he would see it, and truthfully it was. In a month or so Loki would leave Earth and possibly never see Adaline again. "Are you ready to go?" he said.

Adaline nodded, noticing that while he had been looking around the room he had a sorrowful look in his eyes.

After leaving the apartment in complete silence, they began their walk back to the tower.

Noticing that Loki walked with his eyes cast down and that he was completely silent, Adaline decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Are you okay?" she blurted out, causing the both of them to stop in their tracks as they walked.

"Yes," he said slightly confused, as he avoided her eyes. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Adaline narrowed her eyes before completely ignoring his question. "You are so not okay; I can see it in your eyes, Loki. You may be the God of Mischief and Lies, but you can't fool me."

Instead of worry, Loki's eyes now held adoration as he stared into Adaline's forest green eyes. He could never figure out how, of all people that he had tricked and lied to before, Adaline was able to see straight through his mask.

"I'm just worried that when I head back to Asgard, that I will never be able to see you again."

Adaline laughed, seeing that this was a serious situation Loki stood still, staring at her wondering what he had said that was so funny. Adaline quickly stopped laughing when she looked up and saw Loki looking at her as if she grown a second head, before reassuring him.

"Loki, Fury gave me the position as a SHIELD agent. I will be going to Asgard with you."

After taking in the information, Loki stepped toward her and engulfed her in a tight hug, taking in the sweet smell of her perfume and burrowing his face into her hair.

About a minute later they pulled away from each other and continued their walk to the tower.


When they returned, Adaline told Loki that she would meet up with him after she worked in the lab with Tony.

She had told Tony that she would try to help him as much as she could when it came to the new invention that he was making for her. She wasn't exactly sure how to help, considering she had never been an electrical engineer or even worked with technology, except for when she wrote her articles on her laptop.

But she tried her best, handing him things he would ask for, even though he probably had a robot who could do it for him. Adaline thought it would be nice for him to have some company while he worked and he seemed to enjoy hers.

When they were done researching and seeing if the nanobots would react to her using her powers, they headed up to the kitchen for some dinner. Clint had been making chicken noodle soup for everyone in the tower to eat.

"Legolas, where did you learn to cook?" Tony said walking into the kitchen with Adaline close behind.

"Oh, its just a hobby I've picked up over the years."

Adaline could tell he was lying by the way he itched his nose after he spoke, but didn't bother to question it because it probably wasn't that big of a deal.

As most of the avengers were grabbing their bowls and going to sit down, Adaline looked around and could not find Loki.

"I'll be right back," she said before slipping out of the room and heading toward the elevator.

When she arrived at Loki's room she knocked on the door. As he opened the door, she began to speak.

"Hey dinner is upstairs if you want some."

He simply nodded as Adaline made her way back up with Loki now in tow. When they reached the floor, they could see everyone sitting in silence chowing down on their meals.

Loki and Adaline quickly grabbed their bowls before heading over to the table where two empty chairs sat side by side, with their names on it.

They all ate in a comfortable silence, Tony and Steve at each head of the table, and Nat and Clint sitting side by side across from where Adaline and Loki sat.

Bruce was currently in the lab, stating that he wasn't hungry and would eat later.


After dinner Loki and Adaline parted ways so they could shower and get some rest.

As Adaline got dressed and got under the covers of her bed, she was startled up into a sitting position at the familiar screams.

Once again Adaline ran to Loki's room and began to wake him. When he finally woke up, he immediately turned in the bed and hugged her torso as he let a few tears fall.

"I'm here," Adaline cooed softly to him, as he lay with his head now in her lap. "Same nightmare?"

He nodded, slowly relaxing into her embrace as Adaline ran her hand through his dark locks.

When she began to get up to leave a few minutes after he had relaxed, he quickly asked for her to stay.

Adaline nodded, returning to her previous resting position before he spoke again.

"I just don't want to be alone."

Last edited - 7/31/20

2,214 words

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