Apollo's Queen: The Genesis |...

By Thatoneshort_girl

69.2K 1.5K 211

It all started with one night. She was being amiable and agreed to go to the Heat with her best friend. Neve... More

Chapter 1✔️
Chapter 2✔️
Chapter 3✔️
Character list✔️
Chapter 4✔️
Chapter 5✔️
Chaper 6✔️
Authors note✔️
Chapter 7✔️
Chapter 8✔️
Chapter 10✔️
Chapter 11✔️
Chapter 12✔️
Chapter 13✔️
Chapter 14✔️
Chapter 15✔️
Chapter 16✔️
Chapter 17✔️
Author's Note✔️
Chapter 18✔️
Chapter 19✔️
Chapter 20✔️
Chapter 21: Part One✔️
Chapter 21:Part Two✔️
Chapter 22✔️
Chapter 23: Part One✔️
Chapter 23:Part Two✔️
Chapter 24✔️
Chapter 25✔️
Chapter 26✔️
Chapter 27 Part 1 & 2✔️
Chapter 28: Let's be happy!✔️
Chapter 29: Surprise Chapter!✔️

Chapter 9✔️

1.5K 38 7
By Thatoneshort_girl


All night. I haven't been to sleep yet. I've been fearing this day since I met her.

I love doing what I do but it's costing me more than just time. I've been losing people left and right due to being the son of the biggest mafia in the world. The last thing that I would want to do is put Sky at risk for anything.

As I sat here thinking about everything I felt Skylar shift and move closer to me. She pulled me back into reality when I looked down into her eyes.

"What's on your mind?" Skylar asked with curious eyes.

"I'm just thinking about how all of this started. I feel like I've failed to protect you. It's honestly my fault that you are in this situation, but I couldn't resist when I saw you."

"Jax it's ok. I promise. I know that your job isn't easy at all, but trust me when I tell you that everyone in that house looks up to you figuratively and literally. You are doing all that you can do and I'm so grateful that you have done all of this for my protection. Now how long do we have until we land?"

I looked at my watch and said, "about 6 hours."

She nodded her head before sitting up.

"I'm bored. Do you wanna watch a movie with me?"

I laughed out loud after she said that. This makes me remember all of the memories before getting this position.

"Sure. You pick."

She did her evil smile at me before getting up and running to get her laptop. I knew that whatever she was picking was going to be hard to get through.

Skylar's POV

I've always wanted him to watch fifty shades of grey with me. Every day in high school I would ask over and over and each time he would say no, but I knew that I had the upper hand today so I decided to use it to my advantage.

I grabbed my laptop and ran back to the bed and started typing in the movie before displaying it onto the tv.

I could feel him staring at the side of my head. He was reading me and my body language.

"Hey what are you putting it on?"

I didn't answer. I just smiled and kept typing.

He gripped my face and turned it towards him.

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"It's a surprise, Jax. Just wait I'm almost done."

He let go and I clicked on the movie and put my laptop on the bedside table near me.

The movie had started and he still didn't have a clue what it was until the title showed its self on the screen.

He turned and looked at me with a neutral face.

"Are you serious? I'm not watching this stupid shit."

"Hey come on just give it a chance. It's not as bad as you think."

He slowly turned back to the tv and started to watch it with me.

We had gotten to the scene where Anna falls into Christian Grey's office, which was very awkward.

Jax turned and looked at me like he wanted to kill me.

"How the fuck do you trip over nothing?"

"Umm, that's something that you would have to ask Miles."

We went back to watching the movie up until it got to the first sex scene. The atmosphere in the room had become very tense when this scene popped up on the tv.

I was expecting Jax to turn and make a comment on what they were doing, but I looked over and his eyes were glued to the tv.

I smirked to myself before continuing to watch the movie.

One hour later

"What the fuck. Why did it end like that? Tell me there is another one."

"Jax calm down babe. There are two more movies after this one."

I tried hard to hold my laugh in. This man went from not liking the movie to being completely invested in it.

The tension in the room was high after those sex scenes. I can only imagine what will happen during the second movie.

I put fifty shades darker on the tv and got comfortable under the cover.

I could feel Jax moving closer to me before snuggling his chin in my Afro.

I knew that this movie was going to be a lot for Jax to take in, so I was prepared to debate with him.

We were fifteen minutes into the movie when I started to feel some extra weight on my shoulder.

I looked behind me and saw that Jax was knocked out, so I slowly reached over and paused the movie and laid his head down on the pillow.

I laid on my side and felt him pull me towards him. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

I wanted to check and see what Kinsley and Miles were up to, but I couldn't because of the dude behind me.

I was reading peacefully until I heard a bunch of pounding sounds coming from the front of the plane

I slowly got up and made sure that Jax was still sleeping. Once I was sure I opened the door and came face to face with my friends acting a fool.

Kinsley was blasting Airplane by J-Hope on the surround sound speakers and Miles was belting out what he thought were the words.

I felt myself relax at the scene and smile.

Sometimes I wondered what went on through their heads when they do stuff like this.

"Ohh look at the queen herself," Miles said before strutting towards me.

"Yeah, I guess you can say she's the queen of Jax's heart."

"Woah kins. You sound jealous."

I knew that I wasn't going to be able to stop the arguing that was soon to come, so I went and paused the music while they were arguing, which got their attention faster than I thought.

"Why the fuck are y'all being this hype on a plane?"

"Oh well, the flight attendant gave us some food and alcohol."

Kinsley hiccuped and laughed before plopping down in the chair

I rolled my eyes and sat down in the chair next to them.

I was getting ready to say something until Jax walked out of the bedroom.

His bedhead was so cute and I found myself trying to hide my smile.

"What was that noise?"

His groggy deep voice was kinda sexy.

"Oh, it's just these two loud drunken idiots and myself of course."

He nodded his head before sitting in the seat across from me.

"When we get to the house stay inside the car. I have to check out the house and make sure that everything is ok."

I knew not to argue with him so I nodded my head.

It's crazy how fast he went from being casual to business but I didn't give it a second thought. I gave Kinsley a bottle of water.

I was completely unaware of what was going to happen.

Jax's POV

Once the plane landed we all got into the cars and started heading to the house.

It was very hot here in Italy. Almost hotter than California.

The drive to the house took about an hour.

After pulling into the driveway my men and I got out to inspect the house.

My intuition was telling me to check the backyard first, so I told my men to check the inside. I went to the backyard.

I had no idea what I was looking for. All I knew is that once I saw it I would know.

What I found next sent a chill down my spine.

We were in deep shit.

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