Dreamnotfound Fluff

By luscious_sky

604K 12.2K 24.2K

So just random bits of Dreamnotfound fluff. This isn't really scripted or outlined or anything, just me pract... More

4 (Part I)
5 (Part II)
QnA (Not an update, lmao, sry)
16 (Part I)
17 (Part II)
18 - Happy Birthday George!!!


67.6K 1.2K 4.3K
By luscious_sky

"You're such an idiot." Dream wheezed.

"Me, an idiot?" George protested.

"Yes you are." Dream laughed as he pressed the stop recording button, ending the recording session for the day. They talked aimlessly for a few minutes, until George brought up something unexpected.

"I'm coming to America." George announced out of the blue.

Dream snapped to attention. "What?"

"You heard what I said."

"I — George what? That's so — so random." Dream asked, confused.

"You better have room in your apartment." George said, almost teasingly.

"I mean, I do, but — I'm not prepared! My apartment is a mess!" Dream wheezed.

"Eh, I don't care. Just set aside some space for me."

"How long are you staying?" Dream inquired.

"I don't know. I'm planning on staying for a while, though. I just wanna — see the world beyond London, ya know? I've never really traveled."

Dream nodded. "Okay, I guess I can make room. When are you coming?"

Dream could tell George was stifling a laugh when he responded: "Tomorrow."

"What!?" Dream jumped up immediately, looking at the cluttered apartment. "My — I don't have time to clean up! Oh my — why are you — why didn't you tell me earlier?"

George let out his laugh, ringing clear through the microphone. "Dreamy poo, you better get to work!"

Dream let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine, but I have to leave the call."

George let out a pout of his own, but he consented. "You better call me soon after you're done."

"That'll be tomorrow." He muttered under his breath, hanging up on the Discord call, turning around to see his messy apartment, and then sinking back into his chair, overwhelmed, uncertain where to start.

His parents had never been neat freaks. Sure, they made sure that their house was kept relatively clear and presentable, but they never cared that much. But now George was coming, Dream had to take care of the mountain of cleaning that had been building up since he moved into the apartment. Dream took a deep breath, then dived in.

After a few hours, he managed to get halfway through. Dream was surprised at some of the things he found — books he hadn't touched, discarded stationary that hadn't seen the light of day for a long time, clothes of all sort, and lots of paper. It had taken a few trips for him to clear out all the junk in his apartment, but the progress was satisfying. After taking a short break, he dove back in, speedily scrubbing and decluttering and cleaning the rest of his apartment. Dream felt oddly accomplished when he faced the relatively clean apartment at the end of the day, although it was approaching midnight. He checked the time and groaned.


Thanks to you, I just spend the past few hours cleaning

My back hurts


Aww, you're so dedicated

I'm sure it'll pay off


Shut up George


I guess I won't tell you when my flight comes so you can stay at the airport all day


George why

You are so annoying



My flight comes at around 9am

Be ready!


Looks like someone isn't gonna get any sleep tonight



Sleep tight, you idiot



Dream put his phone away, looking at the clear apartment with a sense of pride. He stepped into his bedroom and launched himself onto his bed, knocked clean out before he could turn off the lights.

When he woke up, he panicked, thinking that he had slept in, but when he checked the time, it was 6:30 am. Shaking his head at himself, he rolled over and tried to sleep again, but it was futile. After half and hour of tossing and turning in bed, he decided to get up and do something. Since George was coming, he wanted to get something cool for him. But what, exactly? Dream puzzled over the question for a few minutes, until he thought of the perfect idea. The glasses! The glasses shop just down the street sells them! I can buy them for George! Dream smiled to himself, and immediately slipped on a sweater and walked outside.

A blast of cool, autumn air greeted him, and Dream breathed in the piercing, sweet air. Luckily, the glasses shop opened at 7 am, so he was just early enough. He stepped into the shop, setting the bell tinkling, and walked up to the man behind the counter.

"How can I help you?" He smiled politely.

"Um, I want to get the colorblind glasses for my friend."

The man looked him up and down, and nodded slowly. "What type is he?"

Dream racked his brains. "I think he's protan or something?

The shopkeeper turned around and fumbled around under the counter, and pulled out a box. "Here you go." He handed the box to Dream, smiling. Dream looked down at the bill, chuckling under his breath. The things he would do. He handed over his credit card and waited patiently for the transaction to go through, and took back the card the man held to him. Dream clutched the prized glasses in his hands, excited to see George. He made his way back into his apartment, and tried to sit down and code for a while, but he was too restless. Finally, at 8:30, Dream gave up on trying to focus and climbed into his car, nerves fluttering with excitement. Dream felt something odd stir in his stomach, but he ignored it. He checked to make sure he had the glasses, then drove to the airport, almost bursting with excitement.

When he arrived, he didn't see George right away. Dream had an advantage in his plan — since George didn't know what he looked like, Dream could sneak up on him and put the glasses on George before revealing himself. He smiled to himself, satisfied with the plan he had came up with. After glancing around for a moment, he spied George, standing in a corner looking down at his phone. He felt another strange feeling in his stomach, but he ignored it. "Perfect" Dream muttered to himself. He crept in a wide circle around George, approaching him from behind. Once he got close enough, Dream held his breath. He carefully opened up the case the glasses were stored in, and he took them out as quietly as possible. He crept forward and whispered in George's ear. "Found you!" Once George turned around, Dream smoothly slipped them onto Georges face.


George spun around, scared, and then he felt something slide onto his face, and then a burst of color. His mouth dropped open as he looked around the airport. The color flooded his eyes, colors that he had never seen before. And then his eyes landed on the man who had whispered in his ear just a moment ago, and he knew in his gut that it was Dream. He gasped, just merely glimpsing Dream's stunning green eyes before he felt himself being pulled in. George felt soft lips meet his own, and he was shocked for a moment, but he quickly returned it, snaking an arm around Dream's waist and threading the other through Dream's dirty blond hair. Dream responded in kind, leaning deeper into George's body, stroking George's hair softly. Dream laid a hand on George's shoulder and leaned back so he could look at George properly. George opened his eyes and stared into Dream's eyes with the new glasses.

"Hello." Dream smirked, and then turned, grabbing George's hand. "You know, I would love to continue, but we're in the public and people are staring."

Dream was right, of course. But George didn't care, and he let himself be dragged out of the airport and into the car. The drive home was silent, and as soon as Dream shut the door behind the two, he pressed George up against the wall, picking up from where they had left off in the airport. George felt his heart flutter, and broke off from the gentle kiss to breathe. "Hello Dream." George spoke to Dream for the first time. He looked at Dream's eyes, green and brilliant. Dream smiled, tracing a finger over George's lips. "How are you liking your new glasses?" Dream spoke with a slight smirk. "They're wonderful." George breathed, feeling Dream's finger graze over his mouth lightly. "Like you." George spoke teasingly, and Dream's only response was to lean in for another kiss. George consented, closing his eyes and losing himself in Dream's touch. Dream started to reach a hand under George's shirt, but George slapped him away, so Dream settled for stroking George's neck. George gasped slightly at Dream's delicate yet rough touch. He felt Dream's lips curl up from his reaction, and Dream bent down to kiss his collarbone, relishing the small moans that escaped from George's mouth. George felt a sweet warmth pool into his stomach, and George reached up to tangle his fingers through Dream's hair. Dream broke away, and George took advantage of this to press a gentle kiss into Dream's forehead. They stayed in the embrace for a while, slowly swaying, until George finally broke away.

George suddenly felt tired, and he let out a yawn. Dream laughed at this, and, entwining his fingers with George's, lead him to the bedroom. George immediately collapsed onto the right side, and Dream climbed onto the left side. George automatically curled up against Dream's body, listening to the consistent thumping of Dream's heart. Dream reached out and brought George closer, wrapping an arm around George's back. George let out a sigh, feeling content, and quickly fell asleep, even though it was nine in the morning.

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