Struvland (REWRITING)

By XxMagicalEmilyxX

728 107 313

In the kingdom of Struvland, no one is safe. Not when a princess has an imperative and life altering decision... More

The Snow, The Elves, And The Engagement
Chapter One: The Snow
Chapter Two: The Elves
Alessandra's Journal
Chapter Three: The Child
Chapter Four: The Engagement
The House, The Half-Breed, And The Mage
Chapter Five: The House
Chapter Six: The Half-Breed
Alessandra's Journal
Chapter Seven: The Mage
The Kintoni, The Celebration, And The Girl
Chapter Eight: The Kintoni
Chapter Nine: The Celebration
Alessandra's Journal
The Woods, The Wind, And The Stolen
Chapter Eleven: The Woods
Chapter Twelve: The Wind
Alessandra's Journal
Chapter Thirteen: The Stolen
The Plan, The Couple, And The City
Chapter Fourteen: The Plan
Chapter Fifteen: The Couple
Alessandra's Journal

Chapter Ten: The Girl

9 2 6
By XxMagicalEmilyxX

Chapter 10
The Girl

"No, you put it over here," I say, moving the vase of flowers across the table. Prince Oliver crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"Putting it on one side does not make any sense, Alessandra. It would--" Prince Oliver starts to say.

"It is Princess Alessandra, to you. I am not putting the flowers in the middle of the table, no matter what you say, Your Highness." I interrupt. He rolls his eyes and puts his arms up in defense.

"In my opinion, as I was trying to state, the middle seems to be the option that makes the most sense."

"It seems to be the option that makes the most sense." I mock. Prince Oliver sighs and runs a hand down his face. I grin and water the beautiful white chrysanthemums in the vase that were delivered to me by a lord on my father's council for my birthday. Prince Oliver pulls out a chair at the end of the table and sits. He studies me and I want to run away or sink into the floor with nothing but hardwood covering my skin.

"Did your parents or anyone ever figure out why you got so sick back then?" He asks. I rest my hands on the table and avoid his eyes.

"No, they don't understand what could've caused me to fall severely ill, everything seemed fine. They think it was blood mages or something evil lurking around the castle in plain sight, so they sent away every servant that worked for us. They employed new ones and nothing changed. They wondered if possibly my parents were to blame, so they instructed them to leave me alone so I would be isolated. Nothing improved in the many years my parents stayed away from me. I was miserable. Then, one day, it just stopped. I felt empty and hollow inside but it stopped and now I am here, a year later," I respond, taking a deep breath and flashing him a false smile.

"Why would they think a parent would do that to a child?"

"I fell ill around the time my mother became pregnant. There were suspicions that it might be a boy, so my parents would prefer him over me. Nothing was confirmed, just speculations. Then, my mother lost the child and my condition worsened. It was almost as if someone blamed me and wanted me gone. They suspected my mother was to blame, more than my father anyway. We never learned of the truth," I state. Prince Oliver nods in understanding and trails his finger across the lace on the tablecloth.

"Since we are speaking of our pasts, would you like to hear about Katerina? I figured it was time to tell you since we are going to be married soon. I won't say a word about her though if you prefer I didn't," He says. I look at him.

"Who is Katerina? A former lover of yours?"

"That is exactly what she is," He answers. I grab a chair and sit across from him.

"I was not aware you had been with someone. I just assumed you had not because of our engagement," I state. He looks at the ground and swallows before meeting my eyes.

"None of us were sure you would survive your illness. So, my mother had told me I could be with other people until we knew for sure. I just couldn't marry them," Prince Oliver explains.


"Katerina worked in the kitchens of the castle. She died a year and a half ago after Arcavia's soldiers attacked our castle on my birthday when I turned eighteen. Before her, I didn't think anyone could be more beautiful than you were to me. I had such strong feelings for you for years but when I saw her for the first time, all of that changed so quickly. She was so kind, gorgeous, and considerate. I do not doubt that I was in love with her. I would've married her if I had the chance," He states. I feel a sharp unknown pain in my chest but I ignore it.

"If you had told your mother, I am sure she would've found a way to release you from your engagement to me. I know she would've wanted you to marry who you truly cared for," I respond. He plays with the lace on the tablecloth once again.

"My mother might have done that but with how important this alliance was and is to our country, I doubt it. I just wish this war would be over, even if it means we have to surrender and give up the throne. This war has stolen too many things from me and I refuse to have one more thing taken from me. I still haven't recovered from the loss of her and I am not sure I ever will be. I just-- I loved her so much," He says, his voice breaking. I keep myself from grabbing his hand to comfort him. I smooth out the invisible wrinkles in my dress instead.

"I promise you, Oliver, that I will make sure this war ends soon. I will try and convince your mother to discuss a peace treaty with Arcavia. You don't deserve what has happened to you. You are so kind and you have never made me think otherwise," I state. Oliver looks me in the eye and grabs my hand from my lap with both of his.

"Thank you, Alessandra. I truly do appreciate it. I sincerely hope that you never have to go through the same," He responds. His hands are soft, warm, and considerably bigger than mine. He squeezes my hand and lets go of it. I softly smile at him and he returns it before getting up and walking out of the room. The feeling of his touch lingers on my skin.

He has experienced something I will never get the chance to. Who will ever love someone who isn't worthy of love itself?

I pet Ysabel as a guard walks into my room. He stands straight, his hands clasped behind his back as he waits for me to acknowledge him.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Your father has sent word, Your Highness," The guard states. Ysabel purrs as I scratch her behind her ear.

"What does he have to say?" I ask.

"He stated that he and your mother will be heading back to Pentoya in a few days. He also said that they will return when you marry the prince."

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Yes, Your Highness," He responds. I nod and he bows before exiting the room. I sigh and continue to pet Ysabel. I think over the conversation I had with Oliver earlier today. I can't believe he once had feelings for me when we were younger. I don't think I had ever noticed or felt the same. I also don't think I will ever feel that way about him, not that I could anyway, I have to kill him. He has gotten attractive over the years but I could never go for him, even if we were married. The deal is more important.

Penelope walks into my room and closes the door before walking towards me. She puts a finger to her lips and I frown.

"Do not say a word till I am finished speaking," She commands. I frown harder. "The Red Eyes plan to chase us off into the woods to get away from this house and the guards. I want you to pack up clothes, gold, and anything else you think you might need. Head to the river and inform the guards that you require two of them to join us. I will tell Prince Oliver that you want to have lunch by the river and he will come with me to the river where you will be waiting with food. However, before I tell him, I will pack two horses with supplies and some clothes, including yours, which you will hand me before you leave for the river. I will grab Mei when I get Prince Oliver."

"You are working with The Red Eyes?" I whisper in disbelief.

"Kind of, I partially work for them. I give them information and they give me protection and a place to practice my magic freely." She replies. My jaw hangs open.

"You are betraying the royal family of Struvland? For protection and magic? You are ridiculous."

"You are betraying Prince Oliver for a chance at freedom over your own life. Do not think you are any different from me." She states. I bite back my anger and scowl at her.

"That is entirely different."

"Is it? Hm, I can't seem to see the difference. You are betraying a man who trusts you wholeheartedly for your own gain. I would say that is very similar to my situation. You know that the second he learns of your betrayal will be when a dagger is pressed against his throat and yet, you would do it anyway, even if he didn't trust you. You would do anything to save your own skin and gain the possibility of having freedom over your life but you will never earn that freedom." Penelope says, her voice as cold as the snow that covers the ground outside. My anger rises and consumes me.

"You know nothing, elf. You are the scum of the land and you dare to act as if we are the same in any way?"

"Must we resort back to old insults? Frankly, dear, I am tired of your lack of growth." She says, rolling her eyes.

"I am a princess and you will address me as such. I will earn my freedom if I do what was asked of me, nothing can change that."

"Your father will throw you aside and maybe even kill you the second you are of no use to him and you know that." She states. Her words stab me in the heart and tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

"You have no idea what you are talking about," I whisper, my voice cracking.

"Pack up your things," Penelope replies. She leaves the room. I take a deep breath and force my tears back. I hold Ysabel in my arms and stand from my chair to start packing.

"I can't believe you brought the damn cat," Penelope whispers in my ear. I glare at her.

"I am not leaving without her," I state. Penelope rolls her eyes and I turn my gaze to Oliver and Mei.

"Why did you want to have lunch outside, in the snow, in the middle of winter?" Oliver asks, a soft smile on his lips. The chilly wind blows through his raven black hair and causes it to fall in front of his eyes. He pushes it back and waits for my answer.

"I like the sun," I reply. He laughs.

"We are sitting under a tree."

"I didn't say I like being in the sun," I reply. He grins.

"I can tell that just by looking at you."

"Well, isn't this just heartwarming?" A familiar gruff masculine voice says, interrupting our pleasant conversation. The smile disappears off Oliver's face. I turn my head and see the man that was with Lilith the night of the ball, Christopher. He is accompanied by six other big burly men, all with swords or daggers in their hands. Mei whimpers and I hear shuffling behind me. I turn back towards Oliver to see him standing up with Mei in his left arm. He gestures at me to get up with his right hand. I stand with Ysabel in one arm and move to be beside him. Penelope follows suit and stands beside me. The two once invisible guards with us stand in front of us with their swords out.

"These guards will gut you before you have the chance to touch us, are you sure you want to do this? I would think wisely if I were you." Oliver says, his voice steady. Christopher moves closer, the others following. Mei chokes out a sob while I calm my fast-beating heart.

"All I see is two defenseless royals, an elf, and a child. There are only two so-called guards here and your other guards won't hear your screams till it is too late." Christopher states. He gestures at his men and they start to surround us. Oliver grabs my free hand with his. Christopher grabs one of the guards and slits his throat before he has the chance to fight back. The guard falls to the ground and chokes on his own blood while it gushes from the wound. The second guard looks mortified as his whole body trembles. One of the men charges at him and he stabs that man in the gut. Blood drips from the once clean sword and the other men start to go after him. My mouth hangs open in shock, and I can barely hear Mei's screams.

"We need to run, now." He whispers as they continue to fight. The guard is losing and the men all look like hungry wolves with eyes latched onto their prey. They will be after us soon. Oliver tugs at my hand and we turn together before breaking into a sprint. Penelope follows closely behind as we run far away from the river, leaving the house behind.

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