
Par timeless_snowbarry

127K 2.5K 4.2K

Barry was placed into the Speed Force for 6 months after Savitar; little did Barry know that those 6 months h... Plus

Speed force
Coming Home
Waking up
Unravel the Speed Force Truth
It's good to have you back
A Day In The Speed Force
Date Night
Game Day
The Advice
Finding Out the Truth
Karaoke Night
The Kidnapping
Just a Friend
The Sacrifice
First Date
I Saw You...
Christmas Joy
You're Never Alone, Barry
A Walk in the Park
Love is Your True Force
Movie Night
I'll Always Find My Way Back To You...
You Are The Best Birthday Gift, Ever!
I Love You
This Is The One...
Secrets Are Like Walls
Will You Marry Me?
Move In
Arrow Cave
You Look Beautiful
You Need To Calm Down

Happy Anniversary

2.7K 52 219
Par timeless_snowbarry

Author's Note~ This is the 2 year anniversary of Barry and Caitlin dating; it's not their wedding anniversary. Trust me I have bigger plans for that anniversary ;)

In the Speed Force~

Barry and Caitlin's home~

Barry's POV~

As the sunshine gently started to sun kiss my body through the curtains; which awoke me to the love of my life laying next to my bedside. As my arms hugged her waist, pulling her closer to me; never wanting to let go of her... I then laid my head against the cloud-like pillow; then a sudden aroma filled my spirit. My nose filled with the smell of roses I then noticed that it was Caitlin's hair that smelled this way. That aroma made a loving smile approach my face. I then started to lay loving kisses on the top of her head as Cait slept so peacefully. This moment of me waking up next to Caitlin is one of the favorite parts of my day; and I will always get the feeling of butterflies filling every fiber within my body when I lay my eyes on her each morning. I know that even in 60 years I will still get this same feeling by her warmth, smell, and love which makes me the luckiest guy in the world.

I then noticed Caitlin's body start to squirm in my grasp; she then gently turns around to face me with a loving look in her eyes. "Good morning" Caitlin began as love filled her spirit.

"Good morning, beautiful" I whispered while brushing a strand of Caitlin's hair out of her face.

Caitlin started to shift her body to lay her head on my bare chest. "What are you thinking about?" Caitlin spoke as our hands started to intertwine with one another.

"How did I get so lucky to spend every waking moment with you for the rest of my life?" I spoke as a pressed a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I love you until the end of time, Barry Allen" Caitlin smiled as she locked her eyes with mine.

"I love you so much, baby," I said as a used my thumb to brush the side of her cheek softly.

"You know what day it is?" Caitlin blushed at my simple gesture while biting her lower lip.

"Of course, I do. Happy Anniversary, baby girl" I said as I kissed the top of her head and slowly got out of bed; wanting to stay there forever.

"Baby girl? That's a new one..." Caitlin began to speak with a loving smile on her beautiful face

"Well, as you know I like to try something new every now and then. Plus I want today and every day to make you feel like the queen that you are." I announced as grabbed my t-shirt from one of the drawers and began to slip it on over my bare chest.

I then noticed that Caitlin's face started to turn bright red in the heat of the moment. "Um, y-yeah I should um s-start getting uh ready. Yeah, that's what I'm um going to do right n-now actually..." Caitlin managed to say as I knew that her nerves were getting the best of her.

"Alright," I smiled as I noticed Caitlin getting out of the bed and began to grab her clothes from the closet. "Caitlin?" I whispered grabbing her attention

Caitlin then turned around facing me with at least two inches apart from both of us. "Y-yeah?" Caitlin blushed while biting her lower lip looking up and down at my abs.

"I think it's incredibly hot when you get nervous" I smirked with a wink; knowing that I'm making her heartbeat at a thousand miles per hour.

Caitlin then swallowed this big knot in her throat; "Um, I'm going to go get ready-y um now" Caitlin pronounced while moving past me in order to get to the bathroom. While she was backing up from the tension she managed to bump into the dresser on her way out. "I meant to do that..." Caitlin spoke while her face turned as bright as a tomato.

I just stood there and smiled knowing that I can make her still nervous to this day. "Whatever you say, Cait" I smiled to myself as she left our bedroom.

At the beach~

3rd person POV~

The cool water laps at Barry's feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine. Even though the sun is beating on Barry's back, beaming in his green filled eyes, Caitlin can't help but smile as the wind caresses Barry's face. Waves ahead roar and roll down, crashing onto the shore with a soft hiss; peeling away at the deep bronze sand beneath Caitlin's feet. Without hesitation, Barry splashed the blue-green water, with an illuminating smile plastered across his face. A chill surges through Caitlin; as the breeze blows in her face. Barry then takes off his jacket and places across Caitlin's shoulders; giving her warmth. Barry's arms then wrap around Caitlin's waist; as Caitlin feels the warmth from Barry's muscular body a loving smile appears on her face. "Happy Anniversary, Bartholomew" Caitlin whispered into Barry's ear locking her gaze onto his.

"You know I don't like being called that" Barry smirked as he intertwined Caitlin's hand with his own. They both then began to walk near their picnic sight.

Once, they reached their destination Caitlin stopped Barry by wrapping her arms around his neck. "Well, you should know that I love to call you that. You wanna know why?" Caitlin asked while kissing the side of Barry's cheek.

Looking lovingly into Caitlin's amber eyes; "Is it because you enjoy teasing me?" Barry answered with a smile

"No, that's not why" Caitlin began to say as she and Barry sat down in the sand with sand filling in between their toes. "It's because when I say it you get this look on your face where you arch your eyebrows, your eyes start to twinkle in the light, and most importantly I love seeing your goofy smile," Caitlin said as she opened the picnic basket that she had packed earlier.

"Well, I find that incredibly sweet, so I'll let it slide with you" Barry winked with a cheeky grin

"It's a guilty pleasure, seeing you embarrassed" Caitlin smiled as she ate a strawberry

"Well, I can say the same about you then" Barry smirked as he grabbed a sandwich from the basket.

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked not understanding what Barry had meant. Caitlin then remembered about what Barry meant about this morning with the shirtless incident. "Oh, Barry I- you caught me off guard..." Caitlin blushed as she hid herself using her hat to cover her bright tomato face.

"Isn't that the whole point?" Barry asked as he took a sip of his drink; "Now, stop hiding your beautiful face, Caitlin" Barry smiled as he gently tugged the hat away from Caitlin's grasp.

"I love you, Mr. Allen" Caitlin said as her eyes twinkled in the sunlight

"I love you more, Dr. Snow" Barry whispered as he turned around holding a single rose within his hands.

"You are perfect" Caitlin managed to say as sweet tears started to sting her eyes

"No, you are" Barry spoke as he placed the rose in Caitlin's small hands.

"Thank you" Caitlin began, "I always wonder why you would get me a rose every day? Like when you would get home from work, breakfast in bed I would see a single rose sitting there, and when you would bring me lunch?" Caitlin asked as she sniffed the rose intertwining within her fingers.

"Well, it's because I love to spoil you every minute of every day, and also each petal of that rose represents a characteristic about yourself. Now when you put each and every petal together it makes a rose which is you. Your beauty is a rose; now no matter how many roses I buy or give to you it will never compare to how beautiful you are or what you mean to me..." Barry said lovingly as he got up and extended his hand out to Caitlin. "Cmon, let's go swimming" Barry winked with a loving smile

"Barry Allen, I will love you until my last dying breath. You are my everything, no one will be more perfect for me than you." Caitlin accepted Barry's offer to go swimming with their hands interlocked with one another.

As both of their hands were interlocked; while racing down to the shore feeling the sand in between their toes. Once, they both got to the oceanic water; splashing in the water in each other's faces. The laughs, seagulls, and the smell of the saltwater filled the beach area. Caitlin's joyful laugh-filled Barry's ears which made a bright smile appear. A sudden smirk rose across Barry's face; "What?!" Caitlin laughed while raising an eyebrow at Barry's smirk.

"Nothing..." Barry said as he picked Caitlin up and spun her around in bridal style; with the saltwater splashing around the couple.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen put me down now!!" Caitlin laughed with a real smile shining across her face.

"Now, why would I do that?" Barry smirked as he stopped spinning Caitlin around and just gazed into her beautiful eyes.

Caitlin remained speechless and just locked her amber-brown eyes into Barry's sea-green eyes. Barry then placed Caitlin down; making them both float in the ocean water. With them both gazing into each other's eyes. Caitlin finally whispered and said, "So I can do this..." Caitlin blushed as she placed her hands around Barry's neck. And gently kissed Barry with the sun setting behind the lovely couple. As the kiss was filled with love and passion; the water circled around them both. Making time stop for them both, it was like they were the only two people in this world.

Barry broke the kiss; leaving both his and Caitlin's forehead touching, as they both began staring into each other's eyes. Barry then tucked a strand of Caitlin's hair behind her ear and whispered something meant the world to him. "Caitlin, you are my speed force..." Barry finally spoke with love-filled throughout each of his facial features. Barry then noticed that time had truly stopped for him; that there was lightning coursing through him once again. Making him realize that the speed force was still with him. Like it once was when they first started to move in together; as the lightning was still evolving around the couple leaving Caitlin still as a statue. Barry then heard a slight voice in the background; "Barry, it's Thawne..." an angelic voice called out to Barry in the distant.

But once, the time had resumed back to normal making the lightning disappear as well. The voice that Barry had recalled telling him something vanished from his memory... Bringing Barry back to reality, "I love you so much" Caitlin spoke in a gentle voice with love in her eyes not realizing what Barry had previously said.

"I love you more..." Barry smiled while not remembering what the voice had told him

At Barry and Caitlin's house~

As the front door unlocked relieving laughs and smiles from Barry and Caitlin. Their love filled the house immediately; with their bags in one hand and with the other hand they both held each other's hand. Caitlin then laid her eyes upon the living room and noticed a thousand candles lit in their living space with rose petals scattered across the floor.

"Barry..." Caitlin whispered as tears started to build up in her eyes

"Yes, baby?" Barry responded as he kissed the top of her head.

"What is this?" Caitlin asked as she faced her loving fiancè

"Well, tonight I want you carefree and to enjoy yourself. So, I wanted to do this for you..." Barry smiled making his heart melt at Caitlin's reaction.

"I love you so much, Barry Allen, and thank you, you didn't have to do this for me. You are going to make me feel bad." Caitlin smiled as sweet tears fell down her rosy cheeks.

"I love you more than anything, Cait, and I wanted too. So, I never want you to feel bad about any gesture that I do because just being in the same room as you is enough for me..." Barry spoke as he gently wiped her tears using his thumb.

Caitlin then noticed the speaker across the room; and walked over to the speaker and pressed play. "Will you dance with me, Mr. Allen?" Caitlin asked as she blushed immensely

"Yes, I would love to, Future Mrs. Allen" Barry whispered as he gently placed both of his hands on Caitlin's small waist

"Perfect..." Caitlin whispered as she placed both of her hands around Barry's neck and leaned into him. Caitlin then placed her head against Barry's chest and started to dance slowly to 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley.

The lovely couple slow danced in silence listening to the words of the song knowing that every lyric was meant for them. The sounds of the loving song, the candles crackling, and feeling their heartbeats against each other filled the living room beautifully. Barry then started to hum the lyrics of the song breaking the silence; while Barry was humming a gently tear streamed down Caitlin's face never wanting this moment to end between the two of them. As the song ended Caitlin then said, "Thank you for this, Barry this is the best gift you could possibly give for our anniversary... by the way how did you do all this? I was with you the whole time." Caitlin asked locking her eyes with Barry's.

"Your welcome and this wasn't your anniversary gift by the way. Because your gift is laying on our bed; I also had some help from Cisco" Barry winked as he brushed Caitlin's hair using his fingers.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen, this is enough you don't have to shower me with gifts..." Caitlin began while raising an eyebrow at Barry. "Because all I need is you; you are the best gift I have ever received," Caitlin said rubbing her fingers up and down Barry's neck

A smirk filled Barry's spirit, "Well, you deserve it and I do it because I want too" Barry began locking his gaze onto Caitlin's. "Now, go and look in the bedroom" Barry winked as he let go of Caitlin's embrace.

"Okay," Caitlin smiled a loving smile knowing that she is the luckiest girl in the world.

Caitlin then entered their bedroom laying her eyes on more candles and roses laid across the ground. On the bed, the rose petals were made into a heart, and next to the nightstand was a bottle on wine. Everything looked like a fairytale and Caitlin didn't even notice that she was crying until she felt tears on her cheeks. As Caitlin walked across the room; she laid her eyes on a card laying on their bed. Caitlin then opened it slowly taking in every moment of this time; once she opened it she then noticed that it was a confirmation letter for a rental house in Colorado... Breaking Caitlin away from her thoughts she heard a voice; "Do you like it? I thought that it would be a good idea to get away for a week... And I already confirmed it at work so" Barry spoke as he leaned against the door entry of their room.

"Barry... I love it" Caitlin said as tears fell down her face. "I love you" Caitlin managed to say throughout the tears; Caitlin's emotions started to get the best of her as she kept crying.

"I love you too, and I'm glad you love it" Barry smiled as he hugged Caitlin tight never wanting to let her go ever...

"I got you something too..." Caitlin said as she wiped her loving tears with a loving smile

"Really?" Barry smirked as he held Caitlin's hands

"Yes, it's over here," Caitlin said as she walked over to one of their drawers and pulled out a small box.

"Oh, Cait you didn't have to get me anything" Barry began to say as he sat down on their bed.

"I know, I just wanted to get you this. But I don't think it tops Colorado so" Caitlin smiled as she handed Barry the small box while managing to sit next to him.

"Well, whatever you get me I will love it" Barry smiled as he began to open the gift. Caitlin smile grew bigger and bigger as each moment passed; "A collar? I don't understand- wait, are we getting a dog?!" Barry's smile was like a child opening presents on Christmas Day.

"Yes, we are going to get a dog; because I know that you have never had one before so," Caitlin said as she kissed Barry's cheek.

"You remembered? I told you that like on our first date..." Barry said as love-filled in his eyes

"You actually told me on our third date; I want a family and no better way to start that then a puppy," Caitlin said locking her gaze into Barry's

"I can't wait, thank you so much, Caitlin" Barry whispered as he placed his hand on Caitlin's

"Your welcome, I'm glad you love it because tomorrow is the day we will be going to the animal shelter."  Caitlin blushed at how much he loved his gift.

"Can you promise me something?" Barry asked as he got up from the bed and walked over to the nightstand.

"And what is that?" Caitlin smiled as she gave her full attention to Barry

"That you won't get jealous when I pay more attention to the dog than you" Barry teased with a silly look on his face

"Barry Allen you are something else sometimes; and for the record that won't happen. Do you want a boy or girl dog?" Caitlin asked as she noticed Barry opening the bottle of wine and that Barry had passed her a glass.

"I want a boy puppy because I mean if we are going to have a daughter together it's only fair" Barry smirked as he poured that wine into Caitlin's glass.

"Wait, you want a daughter?" Caitlin asked while sipping the wine

"Yes, I want a daughter and I have the perfect name for her as well," Barry said as he drank his wine.

"And what's that?" Caitlin asked realizing that this is their first discussion about kids.

"Her name will be Rose Allen," Barry said as he held a single rose in his hands and then gently placed in Caitlin's hands.

Caitlin remained speechless and amazement at Barry and how perfect he was. "I love you so much" Caitlin blushed leaning her head against Barry's shoulder.

"I love you more and thank you for the best anniversary ever!" Barry smiled and kissed the top of her head

"No, thank you Barry this was beyond perfect and I'm so glad that you bumped into me that day... Because without that I would have never met the love of my life." Caitlin whispered lost at words to describe her love for Barry at this moment.

"Well, everything happens for a reason, right?" Barry said while interlocking his hands with Caitlin's.

"Yeah, it does..." Caitlin blushed knowing that she loved this man more than words could describe...

Author's Note~

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while but I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this chapter I really loved it <3 I have a couple of questions to ask, What kind of dog should Caitlin and Barry get? What should his name be as well? Also for Barry and Caitlin's daughter what do you think the middle name should be? Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know your thoughts or predictions about what you thought about the mysterious voice that Barry heard... Happy reading! <3

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