"I Met You In The Dark And Yo...

By kaykayyyss19

189 8 9

Someone said, one person could really turn your life upside down. More

I Met You In The Dark And You Came In The Darkest


9 0 3
By kaykayyyss19


"You'll be mine sooner, Jielo.
The day will come that I won't call myself a lonely potato anymore....
Sorry for doing this, but this is the only way to make you mine for the rest of my life."

October 20.

I looked at my phone and I saw an unknown text .

"I'm not feeling good, I can't go to school for now"

Replied: If you can't go to school, for now, I won't too.

*Afer Several minutes she replied:

"What? Are u kidding? Give me a valid reason why?"

After I've rid her response, I slowly laugh. That's the response that I expected.

Replied: Because I'ma gonna go to your house after five minutes to take care of you. This is a valid reason for me.

She replied: .....
"Make it 3 minutes please.."

Her unexpected reply made my face red.

Before I went out, I looked at the date and it made me sad.
Because of how happy I am that the wind brought me to Charmie I almost didn't notice that five days before and it's already her suicide date.


I'm about to press the doorbell but her warm hugs stopped me. And it made me smile.

"Do you miss me badly?" I said and pat her head.

"I will miss you." She said it sadly yet she was smiling.

That kind of respond made me hug her tight and said, "everything will be alright, I love you."
Then kissed her neck.

*I close the door and I made her sit on the couch then I touched her forehead.

"You are so hot." I concernly said

"I know, since birth." She chuckled

It's my first time hearing and seeing her confidant. Because of the Charmie I knew,
she sees herself as trash. Has low self-esteem.
Suicidal Person.
Barely talk.

~People changed? She suddenly said.

That's what I said to her way back our lunchtime... She's amazing tho it makes me love her deeply.

~People changed. She said it again but in a soft tone

"I know you want to say something, Charm. Go said it." I looked at her eyes straight and smiled.

~People change when they want. She said it sarcastically but in a serious tone

"What made them want to? I replied sarcastically too

"When you just met that someone in the dark and you came in the darkest. That's what makes them change. They'll start lighting their life because there's that first one who colors it."

Her answer hit me but I didn't really get her point... Crap, she made me want to dig a hole just to get it.

I stand up and hold her soft hands and leads her to her room.

I help her to lay down well and make herself comfy. After then, I told her to go to sleep.

"You want me to sleep tight?" She said with a baby face.

"Yes, of course." I pat her head

"Sing me a lullaby song then" She chuckled

"Haha nice one, okay...." And I touched my throat.

*Started Singing

*After ten minutes Jielo fell asleep... Kidding haha

After ten minutes my princess fell asleep.
She's still stunning even she's sleeping.

I give her a sweet kiss in the forehead,
good night my little angel...

I went to the kitchen to make her a hot soup.
And a hot lemon tea, I will give her myself also 'cause I am hot. Just kidding

I stared at her room and she's still sleeping.
I watch some videos on YouTube, I looked at her room again and she's still sleeping.
I suddenly went to her room to sleep with her.


"Ouch!" I whispered and hold my head.

I look at who's beside me and it's Jielo, he fell asleep.

"He's so cute."

*I Touched His Hair

"So fluffy..."

*He moans and sketches his hands

"O-oh, you are awake." He smiles.

Didn't he notice that I just touched his hair?

"Charmie, come here." He said

I quickly went near him.

He touches my forehead and said, "You aren't warm already, how do you feel?"

"I don't feel dizzy anymore, Doctor Jielo." I said it with a babyface.

He chuckled and pat my head.

"That's good to hear, anyway I made a bowl of hot soup and a hot lemon tea for you. Let me get it for a sec."

"Here, let me do this to you." He leads the spoon to my mouth. Say "uhh"...

"I'm not a baby anymore," I said.

"Be my baby then." He said it with a genuine smile

"Eh? I will still get older." I sarcastically said but what he said earlier made me flattered.

"You didn't let me finish yet. be my baby forever, Charm...."


"Okay. Well you aren't warm anymore and you also finished the soup that I made, I'll go home already." He smiled and his eyes went gone.

I don't want him to go home. I want him to stay until this morning. But... But I can't tell him like that.

"You won't make me dinner?" I ask sadly.

"It's getting late, Charm. You also live alone and I'm a man maybe I can't stop my feelings. I don't want to make something with you."

"I-Idont mind." I said shyly


"Waahhhhh, I-im just kidding."

"Oh, you're just kidding." He smiles.
"Before I'll go"....He added.

*He gave me a hug

"Take care my, Princess. Don't bother to call me if there's something wrong."

"Alright." I smiled, and when he's far already, I closed and locked the door.

~So lucky to have him but he isn't lucky to have me.


*At the bar

(1) Party! Party!! Whooaaaa!!
(2) Having yourself in here makes u forgot your problem wooo!!
(3) Cheers!!
(4) Bla bla bla...Bla

I'm just sitting and observing others who are single.

I hope I didn't get married. I don't feel happy if I'm with those two assh@les.
I whispered angrily and took a shot

"Can u lead me another Pink Gin?"

"A-are u sure, sir? You look super drunk alread--

"Who cares?! J-just give me some!!"

"O-okay s-sir, if u say so."

After I drank three shots of Pink Gin, I stood up and went to my car. I see the surroundings dark and blurry It made me feel super dizzy.

When I found my car I immediately open it and waited for my dizziness to be gone.
It took 15 minutes of waiting, I lost my patience so I closed the door and started the ride.

I lost the control of driving, I drove so fast that I felt it's just too slow.
the traffic light turned to red and I see it as green so I just continue driving. I overtake.

I didn't notice that there's a drum track which is about to turn the same way of mine. Because of how fast I drove, my car and the drum track hit so badly.

My eyes are about to close and I see someone who's about to grab my hands but I can't recognize who he is because my eyes are covered with blood.

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness.

*After one hour

It made me wake up when the light just turned on, but the light came from the left side of mine.

And there was a man who walked towards me.

"A-are u the one who just s-saved me?" I asked scaredly.

"Yes, David."

He knows my name. How?! Shoot, this man is so suspicious

"You are so lucky, huh? that kind of accident will bring you in the coffin. You must thank God for saving yo--

"Thank you." I said

"Did the news just spread about my accident already?" I changed the topic

"Yes, of course." He responds and look at my eyes straightly


"Don't worry, I put a fake body in your car." He said confidently.
"After several minutes, I know they'll broadcast what happened and call your famil--

"They aren't my family, I don't treat them as my family."

"What's the purpose of you living here?" He slowly laughed.
"What's the purpose of your second chance?"
"Your second life, huh?"
"If I were u, I will change." He raised his one eyebrow

"I think God used u to save me just to accomplish my mission" I chuckled.

"What's your mission? He asked confusingly.

"Killing someone who's part of my life, well for them."

"You mean, for you they aren't even a part?

"They were never a part for me to begin with." I responded

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