rocket | katsuki bakugo

Door wonwowzers

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[katsuki bakugo x female!student!oc] "you can't go over there, dude! you'll get hurt!" kirishima tried to re... Meer

second book!


739 23 6
Door wonwowzers

"when are you gonna learn to drive so we don't have to walk?" katsuki shouted.

yukiko glared at him, "i think you're forgetting that i'm not of legal age, katsuki."

"doesn't mean you have to follow the law."

eijirou chuckled, "how can you be a hero if you break the law?"

yukiko chuckled, munching on the waffle. katsuki showed up at her front door surprisingly early in the morning. earlier than she expected. so early, she wasn't able to eat breakfast. not that katsuki cared, of course.

"geez, how much can you eat?"

yukiko glared at him, "i don't know about you, clammy, but i need to eat for energy."

"clammy? my hands aren't clammy, dumbass." katsuki saw her grab a brush from her bag and brush her hair back into a ponytail.

"eijirou, touch his hands. tell me if they're clammy or not."

eijirou tried to grab his hand but katsuki pulled it away, "sorry, dude, but she's an elder."

"doesn't mean you have to do it!" katsuki shouted.

yukiko grabbed his hand no problem, furrowing her brows, "clammy."

katsuki growled, pushing the two away as he walked into the subway train. eijirou and yukiko shared a smile and a laugh as she put her brush back into her bag.

"katsuki, don't be upset. i was just playing."

"whatever, dumbass." he grumbled, stretching his legs out.

"please come up with something more original. being called dumbass, or something ass is getting pretty boring now!"

katsuki shot her a look, "whatever."

she rolled her eyes, looking between eijirou and katsuki. she didn't realize how similar in height they all were. yukiko might've even been taller than eijirou. sitting up straight and mentally drawing at line over eijirou and her own, she began thinking. does his hair add to his height? she tried to imagine her junior bald to get a real measurement.

she began slouching and straightening her back, slouching, straightening, slouching, straightening—

"what are you doing, weirdo?" katsuki glared at her, "you look like a cat about to hurl." he whispered.

she leaned a bit over to whisper back, "do you think eijirou's hair adds to his height?"


"i think i'm taller than him."

katsuki scoffed, "yeah, right."

"no, i'm serious! look." she sat up straight, "straightening out." and when katsuki did, she waved her hand over their heads. almost the same exact height, katsuki having only a centimeter on her, but, not like she was noticing.

"ask him. i can't tell."

yukiko whined, pulling on katsuki's arm, "he's your friend! i don't know how to ask."

"he's more your friend than mine. i barely talk to the freak!" he glared at yukiko, "come on. stand up. we're at the stop." katsuki held her hand and made her stand up and hold onto the strap.

he looked between eijirou, who also stood up at the same time as them, and yukiko. katsuki whispered to her, "you're taller."

"really?" she smiled, her eyes sparkling. "this is so cool!" the three stepped off the train, yukiko having a new pep in her step after the newfound news about her height.

the three walked to school, yukiko in the middle. she stopped them at the sight of reporters surrounding the outside gate. "oh god..."

"what are all those reporters doing here?" eijirou asked.

"beats me." katsuki grumbled, continuing to walk forward. "let's just go." he pulled yukiko along. yukiko took notice of the reporter stopping each and everyone of the students, asking about All Might and how working with him has been. walking around the large group, katsuki pulled yukiko along, eijirou following behind her.

"excuse me, kid! are you in All Might's class?" the reporter asked, before pausing, "oh, hold on. aren't you that sludge villain kid?"

she held the mic up to katsuki, who grimaced, "walk away." he ordered.

yukiko jumped in front of him, "i'm sorry about him! he's IMS-ing."

"i'm not IMS-ing! i don't even know what that is!" katsuki shouted, pulling her along by her wrist, "stupid reporters." he walked through the barrier and pulled her along all the way to the class. he opened the door and walked over to his desk, and yukiko greeted everyone as she walked over to her desk, eijirou following behind her as he sat in his seat.

everyone had a bit of free time to themselves before Eraser Head walked in, asking everyone to take a seat and calm down, "decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. i saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results." he flipped through the notes All Might had written down during the training trials and results of the tests, "bakugo." he called out to katsuki.

oh, dear, yukiko thought.

"you're talented. so don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

katsuki narrowed his eyes, turning to look out the window, "yeah, whatever."

"and midoriya." Eraser Head called out to the green haired boy, who jittered, "i see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again." Eraser Head spoke in a knowing tone. he seemed to be going easier this year. "work harder. and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. that line's already getting old. you can't keep breaking your body while training here. but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. so show a little urgency, huh?"

izuku looked up with a wide, hopeful smile on his lips, nodding, "right!"

Eraser Head returned the papers into the manilla folder, tapping the edges against the desk to straighten them out.

standing up, yukiko took the folder and returned to the desk and set it down.

"let's get down to business." Eraser Head spoke monotonous, "our first task will decide your future." he was silent for a moment, "you all need to pick a class representative."

everyone began to perk up.

"pick me, guys! i wanna be class rep!" eijirou shouted, flying out of his seat.

"i'll take it." denki raised his hand.

jiro raised her hand as well, "yeah, you're gonna need me."

aoyama smiled, "someone with style would be best."

"i'm, like, totally the right pick!" mina gave a wide smile.

it seemed like almost everyone in the classroom wanted to be the class representative, including katsuki and izuku. everyone jumped out of their seats, giving reasons why they should be while the others threw some cruel mud slinging into the air. it's fair to understand why they would react such a way, since such a simple position in school would show agencies they could take control of a team.

"silence, everyone, please!" tenya called, and the entire room went silent, "the class representative's duty is to lead others. that's not something just anyone can do. you must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. we will hold an election to choose our leader!" tenya held his shaky hand up.

"is this really the best idea?" denki mumbled.

"we've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust?" tsuyu rubbed her chin.

eijirou nodded, "besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves." he added.

"most people will." tenya answered, "but that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job." tenya turned to Eraser Head, who was already zipping himself into one of the two sleeping bags under the podium, "it's the best way, right, sir?"

"do what you want, just decide before my nap's over." he collapsed down onto the floor.

"thank you for your trust!" tenya bowed.

"oh, yay! here, we can use this empty tissue box for the votes." yukiko stood up, walking to the podium, "when you're done voting, drop your votes into the box and i'll cross off your name!" she smiled, grabbing a blank sheet of paper and wrote down everyone's names.

after a long, long 30 minutes, everyone seemed to have their votes in. yukiko began to count out the votes and wrote the top most names on the chalkboard, "looks like izuku and momo are the class rep and deputy! izuku won by one vote more than momo!" yukiko smiled.

"how did i get three votes?!"

"okay, you idiots, who voted for him?" katsuki shouted, standing from his chair.

sero chuckled, "what, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?"

"what did you just say?!" katsuki yelled at his classmate, glaring at him.

"katsuki, don't start picking a fight now." yukiko ordered, "he won by an equal opportunity just as anyone did. truth be told, i would've voted for him as well."

but, the notion fell on deaf ears as katsuki continued yelling at sero. yukiko stepped down from the podium, pulling katsuki away by his ear. and with much fight still left in him, she struggled but was able to sit him down at his seat again.

"izuku, momo, go ahead and stand in front of the class." yukiko hummed.

the two climbed in front of the class. izuku was sweating up his own personal niagara falls while momo looked at the class with little to no nervousness.

Eraser Head stood up from his nap, sighing, "all right, the class rep is midoriya, and our deputy is yaoyorozu."

"really? uh, it's not a mistake?"

"would you seriously doubt me, izuku?" yukiko frowned playfully.

momo sighed, "how'd this happen?"

"this might not be so bad." tsuyu smiled.

"yeah, i can get behind midoriya, i guess." eijirou nodded to tsuyu.

denki spoke up, "yaoyorozu was totally on top of it when it came to our training results!"

tenya looked down at his desk and messed with his hands, obviously upset.

yukiko jumped up, "okay, everyone! lunch is in 3 minutes, so, feel free to wreak havoc, or whatever you first years do." she threw the empty tissue box filled with the names into the garbage, waiting for the bell to ring.

as the first years filed out, she walked to the cafeteria, greeting mahiro, toshino and inouye at the table, "hey you guys."

"hi, yukiko." toshino smiled sweetly, "what took you so long?"

"i had to make sure all the first years were out of the classroom." she giggled, setting her lunch tray down, "ah! i didn't realize how much i've missed lunch rush's food until i got back to school."

inouye chuckled, "his curry is always delicious."

mahiro hummed, "so, yukiko, do you wanna go see a movie with us this sunday? i heard they have some great releases out lately."

"i'd love to!" she nearly inhaled the food, "i think the last time i went to the movies with someone was when katsuki and i went to go see this awful horror movie."

inouye smiled shyly, "i hope the movie will be good then."

the group of four ate their lunch, all standing up after finishing the food. just as toshino was throwing away the food and placed the tray to the return spot, the alarm rang.

"warning. level three security breach."


"all students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

"someone got passed the barrier?" mahiro panicked, "oh no, this can't be good. oh no, what are we going to do?"

yukiko patted her back, "come on, let's get out of her quickly." she rubbed her friends back, nodding the other two along.

"how could someone get passed the barrier? it can't be real, right? it's a drill. it has to be." mahiro tried to calm herself down, "i don't do well in crowds." she grumbled, steadying her breathing, her eyes prickling with tears.

students screamed in fear as they all piled into the hallway, people pushing others to get out of the way and out the door. students tripped, fell and were trampled on by others with no regard.

"everyone please relax!" yukiko shouted around her at the students could hear, but they were too worried about themselves. groaning, she gently lead her friends to the wall, "okay, everything is going to be okay. take deep breaths, mahiro." yukiko rubbed her back as she rested her back again the window.

inouye pointed out the window, "look!" he shouted and yukiko and toshino looked up, "it's the press from this morning. how'd they get through!"

yukiko saw Eraser Head and Present Mic at the front of the school where the reporters surrounded them. they must've been dealing with it.

"how are we gonna tell all these students that though? they think a villain trespassed!" toshino yelled.

yukiko looked back to mahiro who was hyperventilating. she rubbed the others back, trying to calm her. "someone will find a way."

"Nezu has to realize by now that it's just a false alarm, right? he should be telling the students that it's just the reporters!" inouye furrowed his brows, "we have to keep moving to the door otherwise we'll get hurt."

yukiko helped mahiro stand up, a hand placed on her shoulder to pass oxygen through her skin to help her breathe.

as the four pressed on through the frantic students, yukiko noticed a student floating in the air and then a burst of air. and when it stopped, she peeked up at the exit sign above the double doors and saw tenya, standing much like the figure on the exit sign, "listen up, everything is okay!"

the frantic shouting and trampling of the students silenced, apart from mahiro's ragged breathing and sniffs.

"it's the just the media outside. there's absolutely nothing to worry about. everything's fine! we're UA students. we need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best." tenya's legs were shaking and yukiko wasn't sure if it was from the odd misuse of his quirk or rather because he was nervous to be yelling in front of so many students.

the students sighed softly, and mahiro's legs collapsed underneath her as she sniffed gently to clear her nose. sirens rang out and students seemed relieved to know that the police had arrived to clear out the area.

after the surprise warning, it was time to be back in the classroom. yukiko brought mahiro to Recovery Girl's office to let her calm down from her sudden anxiety attack. and after 20 minutes of yukiko asking if mahiro was okay and if she needed anything, mahiro and yukiko left the room together.

"thank you for helping, yukiko." she sighed softly, placing her hands on her swollen eyes, "i try to avoid crowds whenever i can so i don't get like that... today has been all too much." she smiled, "thank you."

"no need to thank me! what are friends for!" yukiko laughed, "go and get to class." she chuckled, "did you change the probability rate of it being reporters rather than villains?"

mahiro shook her head, "i can't think of rates while i freak out. but, if i could, i would've definitely chose the media." she looked down the hallway, turning the corner, "see you on sunday, yukiko."

"bye, mahiro." she waved, and walked to her own class, silently slipping inside and sitting at the teacher's assistant desk.

"um... okay, we need to figure out who the other class officers will be." izuku looked sick to his stomach as his eyes shook and his face was red, "but first, there's something i wanna say." izuku swallowed roughly, "i thought a lot about this. and i think that tenya iida should be our class rep! he was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. so i believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on!" izuku smiled at the other boy.

"yeah, you know what? if midoriya vouches for him, i'm good. plus he was a big help." eijirou chuckled, "he totally manned up and took charge, right?"

"yup! oh, and did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?" denki laughed.

Eraser Head spoke up, "this is a waste of time. i don't care who the rep is, just hurry up."

"if midoriya is nominating me for this job... then i humbly accept. i pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

yukiko stood up, "then it's official! tenya iida is the new class representative of class 1-A!"

the class roared in praises to tenya, calling him "emergency exit iida" and "class rep." he looked like he was glowing.

yukiko sat back in the seat, smiling softly as Eraser Head continued to go on with the class.

a few hours later, yukiko left the class for her final two classes, waving bye to class 1-A and walked to class 2-B, her hero course class.

opening the door, she sat at her desk and focused ahead of her, although she wasn't entirely present.

the barrier to UA was supposed to be the protection system for the students and heroes. simple reporters and media couldn't get past it, easy peasy. and if they had special passes, why would it give the school a security breech alarm?

she couldn't get the nagging fear out of her head that when she looked at the board for real this time, the notes had already filled the board. writing them down in time before her teacher erased it would be useless. sighing, she looked down at her notebook, which was gone.

she looked around eagerly before it was placed on her desk again. she looked over and saw the other girl smile, "sorry," she whispered, "you seem distracted so i wrote the notes down for you."

"you just- you wrote them down?"

the girl nodded, reaching her hand out, "the name's yurei." she smiled.

yukiko looked down at the notes written on the page, her brows furrowing. the notes were at least 4 pages long and her handwriting were perfect.

"you're probably wondering how i did that when the board is empty." she laughed softly, holding up her phone under the desk, a photo of the board close up on the screen.


"it's a good thing Cementos get so enamored with his literature. he didn't even notice me up there!" yurei smiled, "although, i will say, "the biological generic make-up of the hero type" is definitely a wonderful book."

"really?" yukiko gasped, "that's so cool!" she leaned on her hand. "wait! what's your quirk?"

"i call it ghost! i can do anything a ghost can do!" yurei smiled, laughing in a faux haughtiness,"Nezu was able to convince me to try out the hero course for the first term, and if i didn't enjoy it, i could switch to support."

"that's so cool!" yukiko nibbled on her lip, "do you like it so far?"

yurei thought for a quick second before shaking her head, "no, not entirely. i've been at the bottom of the class in physical reporting."

yukiko frowned, "that's not fair. you remind me a lot of a close friend of mine! even though he has a pretty powerful quirk, he hasn't gotten control over it yet."

"that's odd. he hasn't had it since he was in elementary?"

yukiko shook her head, "i think he's just a late bloomer. it came so suddenly!"

yurei was going to open her mouth to respond before Cementos shut them both down. and the two shared shy smiles before focusing on the board again.

skipping down the hallway, yukiko pushed open the door to class 1-A, peeking in. she caught sight of katsuki grabbing his items. standing against the wall outside of the class, she scrolled through her phone. the door opened and she smiled to the male, "hi, katsuki."

he clicked his tongue, walking away. yukiko walked beside him, smiling. he glanced at her from the corner of his eye, "what are you smiling about, loser?"

"well, since you asked," she chuckled, "i made a new friend! her names yurei, she's in 2-B with me, and she has an awesome quirk that basically makes her a ghost. although i don't know why Nezu is giving her the option to be in support. her quirk is totally badass and pro hero type."

katsuki sighed, rolling his eyes. "i only asked because i knew you would've told me anyway." he paused in the hallway.

yukiko stopped a few steps ahead of him, "is something wrong?" she asked, before her face changed quickly, "oh, eijirou! over here." she ran past katsuki to the other boy, smiling.

eijirou smiled, waving to her, "hey, yukiko, katsuki. ready to get home?"

"we should all stop to get something to eat!" she clapped her hands together, looking between katsuki and eijirou, "we can get street food."

"yeah, let's do it!" eijirou nodded eagerly.

katsuki clicked his tongue, "whatever. you guys can get whatever you want. i'm going home." katsuki walked off a bit

"what?" yukiko whines, grabbing his arm, "katsuki, why don't you wanna hang out with me now? when we hung out before school, you were fine. what's the matter?"

"nothing. now let me go, you piece of shit." he scolded.

yukiko dropped his arm, glaring at him. grabbing an eraser from her bag, she threw it at the back of his head. "1,464.6 meters, bastard!" she yelled.

katsuki rubbed his head and continued walking.

yukiko crossed her arms, stopping beside eijirou, "do you wanna invite anyone?" she asked softly.

"we can invite kaminari and sero. they might wanna go."

"okay." she mumbled, walking to the door of the classroom, "call them so people don't think i play favorites."

eijirou looked into the classroom, "kaminari, sero, let's go get something to eat."

"all right!" denki jumped up, walking out of the room with his bag and hanta following behind. "woah, hey, endo. i didn't expect you there."

"yukiko's fine!" yukiko smiled. "where do you guys want to eat?" she asked, shutting the door.

"some street food sounds nice!" eijirou suggested.

"i could really go for a crepe." yukiko smiled.

hanta nodded, "i definitely want some squid!"

"why are you guys all set on the type of food but i can't even think of what i want." denki sighed, dejectedly.

yukiko chuckled, leading the three boys to the food truck galore.

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