Star Wars Clone Wars Stories

Від aidangerous

37.9K 876 863

Stories of all your favorite characters from Star Wars! Mostly clone wars. Більше

She Left Us... She Left Me...
When You Give Clones Lightsabers...
My Clone Wars: Season 8 Learning To Live
What If The Jedi Never Helped The War Pt. 1
What If The Jedi Never Helped The War Pt. 2
What If The Jedi Never Helped The War Pt. 3
I Did It For You... (Blyla)
It's Ok To Be Afraid Pt. 1
It's Ok To Be Afraid Pt. 2
Some More PHOTOS!!!!!!
Im bored
Life in the Clone Wars
Knights of the Republic
5 Things To Say To You
Bad Batch
Happy Halloween
Check It Out!
Merry Chrismas
The Youngling
Regret, Remorse, Remember (Blya)
Photos 3
The Dream
Valentines Day


2.5K 65 70
Від aidangerous

I love this artwork. It is hard to read the original artwork owner... but what I can make out of this is it is made by @letocsowls. Beautiful artwork. traveling_wanderlust  wanted to showcase this! Beautiful artwork! I do see them as brother and sister.



Ahsoka was happy. Her lekku shined brightly in the sun. Her blue ocean eyes sparked like the stars. She was older. 19 to be exact. Her training had finally come to a end... but her journey as a Jedi had not.

Today was the day. The day her chain would be cut off and would be pronounced as a Jedi Knight. She didn't know how she felt. Exited? Nervous? She had dreamed of this day since she was no more than 2. But she didn't feel like she deserved it.

Ahsoka remembered the day she was accused of bombing the Jedi Temple. Her only home. The council lost faith in her. They didn't believe she was innocent. Well, Anakin did. He found the real person behind it all. Her best friend Barriss Offee. She was the one who took her to get her crystal. She was there when worms invaded a entire ship. She gave Ahsoka so much guidance... and sometimes a place of belonging.

After Ahsoka's innocence was proven, the council apologized and welcomed her back into the order. She almost didn't want to go back. But where would she go? This was the only home she had ever known. The Jedi. The clones. She told them she would think about it in the morning. And she didn't want to spend the night in the temple. Ahsoka stayed with Padme and it felt nice to be with someone she trusted.

That night, Ahsoka had a vision. It was similar to the one she had on Mortis, where her older self was presented with a warning. But this time it was different. "You didn't leave... at least you don't know. Why?" Her older self asked. "Because I don't feel like I don't know anything anymore. Who to trust. Who to believe. My family accused me of something I didn't do. But I feel like there is something I can do. The dark side has grown strong. And I'm not the only one who has felt it." She says. Older Ahsoka looked at her knowing what the pain felt like.

"Your right. There is something. I wouldn't think you'd leave your master." She says smirking. "But you can save him. The dark side swarms around him. The chosen one. Destined to bring balance to the force. It's up to him on how he dose it. But something is influencing him closer to the dark side. You must stay with him. Or everything will fall apart, and you will loose everything." She said, and disappeared. 'Well that was a lovely conversation.' Ahsoka thinks to herself sarcastically.

Still... she was worried. The next day she agreed to stay with the order, but things had to be changed. She spoke of what she believed, and the council listened. "A Jedi order full of compassion and love, but we can't have it ourselves isn't fair. We can't show love and influence others to do so if we haven't done it ourselves." Ahsoka says. "And why should we allow attachments? They will only get in the way." They argued. "Like no one here hasn't had one thing they loved. They disobeyed the code, and here you are." Ahsoka says. The council is shocked and agrees with her statement, however they don't want to admit it.

She makes more suggestions on how they can be better, and the council stopped arguing, not wanting to be blackmailed by a 16 year old. Ahsoka stays close to Anakin, and helps him through his hard times. They continue their missions together and with, of course, the 501st.

Ahsoka remembered when she first got back to the clones telling them that she wouldn't leave. The entire ship piled on top of her with smiles and hugs. They were glad their commander and little sister wasn't leaving. They needed her. The clones looked up to her. She was like one of them. Always had their back and never disappointed them.

On their first mission since Ahsoka got back, Fives slimed her whole quarters and herself when she wasn't looking and told her if she scared them again about leaving, it would be far worse. Ahsoka laughed. "Don't worry. I'm not going anytime soon." She said. Of course, a clone can't go unpunished on the 501st for sliming their Commander, so Fives armor was slimed for weeks along with his side of the quarters. The clones who slept near him gave him a hard time about it, but he didn't get the lesson.

Pranks became a normal thing going on between the clones and their commander. That was one of the things Ahsoka loves about them. It was like playing with a group of 10 year olds. Ironically it was true. Anakin didn't mind the pranking and sometimes would join in. He was getting better, but Ahsoka knew there was still something bothering him.

One night after a hard mission in the outer rim, she confronted him about it. Ahsoka knocked on the door to her masters quarters. "Master?" She asked. The door opened revealing a meditating Anakin. "Ya Snips?" He asked.

"There was something I have been meaning to ask you. I feel something is bothering you." She said. Anakin glared in any direction except her. "It's Padme..." he muttered. "There is something wrong with her. I keep getting this vision like she is going to die. I'm scared." He admitted.

Ahsoka puts a hand on her masters robotic one. " I know you care deeply for her. Would you like me to meditate with me about it? Maybe we can find a way to prevent it." She suggests. Anakin sits silently for a few moments before nodding his head. They meditate and Ahsoka looks into her masters mind. She sees it. The vision. Screaming. A woman screaming. Padme...... she's calling to Anakin. She was pregnant. Then she heard Obi-wans voice. Calling to him too. She then had more to the vision than Anakin did in her own head. A evil laugh ran and sent her body running cold.

Ahsoka broke out of meditation immediately. She looked at her master for a explanation. Something. "Promise me you will keep what I'm about to tell you to yourself?" He asks.

"Of course Skyguy." She says. Anakin takes a deep breath. "Padme is pregnant. And I'm the father. We have been married for a few years now. Secretly." he says. It took a while for it all to sink in.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you... I KNEW YOU TWO WERE A THING!" Ahsoka says. "Rex owes me 10 credits! Haha!!!" Anakin starts laughing as well. "I guess he could know too. He is one of my most trusted friends....."

"It's okay Skyguy... We will be there for you when the time comes. Besides... sometimes dreams are just dreams." She says. "What about that one time with the bounty hunter and my wife?" Anakin says letting a eyebrow.

"True, but I'm my dream I saw her dying. I prevented that. We can do the same with yours." She says. Ahsoka feels some of Anakin worry turn into hope. And that was enough.

About 3 more months later... Count Dooku and Lord Sidious we're killed by the hands of the chosen one after trying to trick him to the Dark Side. Anakin has listened to Ahsoka when she said that sometimes dreams were just dreams. Padme gave birth to two healthy twins and survived the delivery. Luke and Leía. Son and daughter to the famous senator of Naboo and the Chosen one, the newest addition to the council. Also the godson and goddaughter to non only than Ahsoka.

Weeks later, the council had come out to the public with the changes of the Jedi code, like attachments as long as they didn't get in the way of the duty of the Jedi. Luke and Leía weren't kept a secret anymore, and Anakin's and Padme's marriage as well.

'So much as happened' Ahsoka thinks as she walks to the Trial Room. Younglings, Padawans, and Jedi knights nod and congratulate her. Ahsoka returns them with a smile and thank you. She finally reaches the Trail Room. She had finished her Trials as a Palawan, and now was the time for her graduation. Ahsoka takes a deep breath and walks in. The room is dark. But figures can be seen from the glow of lightsabers. Surrounding the room are Temple guards and masters. Yoda looks at the young torgrta from the center of the room.

"Step forward padawan." He says. Ahsoka does as she is told and kneels down in front of the Grand Master. "Ahsoka Tono. By the right of the council, and by the will of the force, doub the I do, Jedi. Night of the Republic." He says. With the slice of his green blade, Ahsoka's chain is cut off and falls to the ground. She was a Jedi now. Smiling, she finds her master and hugs him. "We knew young could do it snips." Anakin says.

They walk out followed by Obi-wan and head to the entrance of the Temple. "We have something for you..." Anakin says. The trio step outside to see a crowd of clones, Jedi and other people Ahsoka knew.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" They say. Ahsoka is in tears. All the people she knew as family were there. The younglings that she took to Illum run up to he and grab her hands to pull her to the crowd. She is greeted by everyone. Clones, Jedi, and other attendees talk amongst each other. Ahsoka just smiles taking it all in.

"Congratulations Commander. Or should I say General?" A male voice says behind her. It's Rex. He was wearing a white uniform with medals and blue stripes down his arms. A republic symbol can be seen on his right shoulder.

"Wow. Rex. I must have REALLY did something to make you look this nice." Ahsoka says giving him a hug. "What are you talking about. Don't I always look nice?" Rex says grinning. Ahsoka laughs and looks at her friend. "Yah. Sometimes." She says. Rex gives a hurtful smile. "Congratulations Ahsoka." He says.

She give him a salute. He keeps his hat at his side and beams at her with pride. Sometimes she thinks... could all of this gone a different way if I weren't here?

Here are some more photos of the boiz and them fancy clothes!!!

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