Chemistry of the Heart~

AlistairClouds tarafından

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Chemistry of the Heart~
Chapter three~
Chapter four~
Chapter Five~
Chapter Six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter Eight~
Chapter Nine~
Chapter Ten~
Chapter Eleven:
Author's note.

Chapter Two~

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AlistairClouds tarafından

May stands outside the large wooden door near the very end of the hallway, a smug smirk twisted upon her lips. She stands outside the Home Ec class, waiting for her sister. Foot steps sound from behind her and she slowly twists around to face the approaching person, only to find that it is Sasori. He looks incredibly peeved.

"You okay?" An elegant brow lifts.

"Fine." Sasori lets out a brisk sigh. "Is this your class too?"

She nods and grins. "Cloud and I have this class together. Don't tell me you do too?"

Sasori's head dips in a slight nod. His body rocks forward abruptly and a little 'oof' bristles past his lips. Pale arms wind around his torso-koala style. Sasori smiles faintly. "Hello Cloud."

"Hi Saso-kun." She chirps, poking her head around his right arm since she's too short to rest her chin on his shoulder. "You've gotten taller."

"Well, that tends to happen, you know." May snickers.

Cloud huffs at her. "I know. I know. I just remember when I used to tower over him. I used to feel like Godzilla. You know, be all rawr and stuff."


"Yes, Sasori?"

"Will you let go of me now?"


Sasori lets out a soft sigh and closes his eyes. Cloud squeezes him tightly and then releases him, grinning widely. He shoots her a dull look and opens the door to the classroom. May chuckles, pushing through the door after him, and Cloud happily skips inside behind them. The door clicks softly shut.

"Oof!" Cloud grunts when she runs into May, who's stopped a few steps into the room. "Why'd we stop moving?"

May's eyes narrow. Deidara glares back at her icily.

Cloud pokes her head over her sister's shoulder, squinting at the other occupants of the room that are already sitting. Her eyes find Sasori, who turns down the row farthest from the door to take his seat. "Crikey!" She whispers halfheartedly, in the best Australian accent she can muster. "A wild Sasori! Look at him slink slowly through the rigorous desk jungle-his natural habitat-like a pro!."

"Cloud." Sasori sinks into his seat with grace, "I can hear you."

"Oh no! He seems to have spotted us! We'll have to rush to safe grounds before he can get to us. Sasori's are pretty feisty little boogers." Cloud gasps faintly, a sense of urgency filling her tone.

May suppresses a smile and flicks her sister's forehead.

The teacher isn't here yet. After rubbing at her forehead, Cloud skips around May and over to Sasori's row. There are several other people in the room. A strange male with blue tinted skin and black lines across his cheeks sits in the very back of the room, a bored Apple-Boy sitting elegantly behind him. Cloud blinks at the sight of him and her eyes narrow the slightest. May slides into the seat in front of Sasori and Cloud sits in front of Deidara.

"Yo, Blondie. Who put Sasori's in your pants?" Cloud twists around in her seat, crossing her legs in front of her and resting her elbows on his desk.

Deidara scowls at her. "Fuck off, Blueberry."

"Make me."

Deidara grits his teeth. Sasori shifts in his seat, clearing his throat loudly, almost in warning. May shoots him a confused look.

The bell rings loudly and Cloud jumps in her seat, almost falling out of it.

A silver haired boy with bright pink eyes snorts loudly, face twisted into a mean sneer. He sits several seats away, with the perfect view of Cloud. "Don't fucking fall now, bitch. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours fucking hurt." He snickers.

Cloud blinks at him and then looks to Deidara. "Do you have a pencil?"

Deidara glares at her. "Why the hell would I give it to you, hmm?"

"May, do you have a pencil?" Cloud completely ignores him, twisting around in her seat to glance at her sister.

May's eyes narrow. "You're not going to throw it...are you?"

Sasori leans forward and holds out a hand, fingers curled around a fairly sharp pencil. Cloud smiles wickedly and takes it from him. Twisting back around to face the pink eyed boy, Cloud cackles. Her arm rears back.

"Hey, Pink-eye. Suck on this." She chucks the pencil at him.

The tip of the pencil catches his cheek. With a small snap, the lead breaks and lodges itself deep into his cheek after creating a fairly long scratch. Pink-eye blinks in momentary shock.

And then howls in pain.

"THAT FUCKING HURT, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He shouts, fingers lifting to touch the wound. A bead of red blood trickles down his cheek. "I'LL FUCK YOU UP, YOU STUPID SLUT!"

Deidara glances towards Sasori, waiting to see if the ginger pounces.

He doesn't.

Cloud stands in one fluid move and climbs over the desks in her path. Once she stands before the growling silverette, she places her hands on her hips and leans forward. "DO IT THEN, FUCKER! I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" She shouts back at him.

He glares at her for a few moments, eyes narrowed into slits.

Then a wicked smile graces his lips. "You've got fucking spunk, bitch. What's your name?"

"Cloud." She straightens and smiles sweetly at him. "You?"


May face palms. Her sister makes friends in the weirdest of ways. She glances towards Sasori, a brow quirked. Usually, when he feels one of them or Sakura are threatened, he ends up going all ballistic. Maybe he's finally gotten control over his horrid temper.

"I knew she'd probably befriend Hidan." Sasori explains dully, lips twisted up into a faint smile.

May grins. Sasori was too perceptive for his own good sometimes.

Her dark blue eyes scour the room, making note of the people she already knew or had seen.

Deidara of course, is sulking next to Sasori for some reason she didn't care to find out and Hidan is chatting with Cloud like he'd known her forever while Sasori is watching them with a slight smirk on his face.

She glances at the back of the classroom where the blue tinted boy and apple-boy are sitting.

His dark eyes meet her and he quirks an inky eyebrow. May raises one of hers in response and stares pointedly at Cloud and then back at apple-boy again. How come he hadn't even apologized yet? Getting on Cloud's bad side was something he really didn't want to do.

Apple-boy sends back a look that clearly says 'No fucking way'. May shrugs at him as if to say suit yourself. She had tried to warn him. Now it wouldn't be her fault if Cloud was out to eat apple-boy's pretty little soul.

Then, much to her surprise, apple-boy slides off of his seat and saunters over to them, looking all cool and shit,

May jumps off of her seat and walks over to Cloud and Hidan.

'Sorry. I'm gonna borrow her for a bit" she says and drags Cloud off to the side, ignoring both her sister's and the silverette's protests.

"What?" Cloud asks irritably,

"Apple-boy's heading this way" May whispers hastily.

Cloud growls and turns around to see apple-boy chatting with Sasori and the rest.

"I am so gonna eat his soul" she mutters darkly and cracks her knuckles.

May giggles and punches her sister lightly on the arm. "He might apologize to you, you know. Get over there, give him a chance and don't blow up" she commands and practically pushes her sister over to the boys.

Cloud lets out a strangled grunt when her left foot catches on some invisible force sprawled out across the floor. Arms flailing wildly, she goes down. Only to stop mere inches from a grisly bump on the head.

For a few moments, everything it still and silent. Cloud stares at the ground, confusion puckering her brows up. Carefully, she's eased back up onto her feet. Apple-boy stares down at her, face impassive.

His arms fold elegantly across his chest.

Grumbling small curses under her breath, Cloud folds her arms across her chest as well and glares heatedly at the wall behind the male before her. "Thanks." She grounds out after a few moments of silence.

"You're welcome." He responds smoothly.

Awkward tension fills the air, twisting it and churning it into something so thick, it would have to be cut with a hacksaw. May purses her lips, waiting patiently for one of them to move. Her eyes lock with Apple-boy and she holds his gaze for a few seconds. Then she pointedly looks at her sister.

Apple-boy sighs softly, "I believe I owe you an apology."

Cloud's eyes narrow and dart to his face, swimming with suspicion.

"I'm sorry for being so rude earlier."

Grumbles come from Cloud.

"Cloud..." May urges softly, eyes narrowing slightly in her direction.

Her cheeks puff up with air. She blows at a straggling strand of blue hair that falls into her face, skewering Apple-boy with her eyes. "Fine. You're forgiven."

"Sorry I'm late everyone. Itachi please return to your seat. You two must be the new girls?" A man with crazy silver hair enters the room, the lower half of his face covered with a dark gray scarf. The book in his hand snaps shut with a soft pop. "Come introduce yourself."

Cloud lets out a loud groan. "Can I sit down and do my introduction?"

"No." The teacher deadpans.

"You're so lazy." May rolls her eyes, looping her arm through her sister's.

Cloud huffs at her. They reach the front of the room and turn around to face the class. Several other students have filed in, including Naruto and Sasuke. Cloud grins at them and wiggles her fingers in a small wave.

"Hey Cloud." Naruto chirps, waving back.

"Hey Bright-light."

"Cloud, you may go first." The teacher intervenes before much more can be said, blinking boredly. "Tell us your name and three things about yourself."

Cloud sighs. "Okay, I'm Cloud. You know, like one of those puffy white things in the sky. Yes it is my real name and yes, I will kick your ass if you try to make fun of me for it." A wicked smile stretches across her lips. "Um," She nibbles on her lower lip, "I like to write stories..." She trials off.

"You're evil." May adds helpfully, smiling widely.

"Yes, yes. I am pretty evil. Eventually I'm going to take over the world." Cloud clasps her hands together. "And those are my three things. May, your turn."

She takes a large step to the left, away from her sister, and smiles cheekily when said girl shoots her a dirty look.

"My name's May, as in the month. I love to draw, listen to music and hang with my sister. I dislike snobby bitches and will not hesitate to kick their asses if they mess with me or Cloud." Her brow furrows in thought as she digs for more.

"And... I shall assasinate you if you touch my iPod. Thanks." She does a mock bow and grins while the class looks amused.

The teacher nods in satisfaction. "Alright, go sit down. Class, I'm Kakashi Hatake. Take out a sheet of paper and a pencil."

Cloud slides into her seat in front of Deidara. May pulls out two sheets of paper and passes one to her sister. Cloud smiles in thanks and pulls out a pencil.

Once everyone has finished scrounging around, Kakashi speaks again. "Write the name of the person in this class you hate the most and put your name on the top right corner." He props his feet up on the desk and reopens his book.

Cloud purses her lips and scribbles Apple-boy's name down onto the paper.

May smiles in a bittersweet fashion. There's only one person she can't stand and he's sitting right behind her sister at the moment, paper folded up on the desk in front of him. She scribbles his name down onto the paper and folds it up.

Naruto stands and drops his folded piece of paper into a small glass fishbowl. He twists around and pumps his fist into the air. "I'm first!"

"No you're not." Cloud stands, folded piece of paper in hand. "Take it out."

Naruto blinks. "Huh?"

"I said take it out. Ladies are always first." She chirps happily as she slows to a stop beside him.

Naruto's brows furrow with confusion. He reaches into the bowl and picks up his paper. Cloud drops her tiny little fold in and pats Naruto on the head. "Good boy. You may put yours back in now." She chirps happily and skips back to her desk.

May shakes her head and passes her paper to Sasori as he stands. He takes it and drops both of theirs into the bowl. More people slowly stand and the bowl begins to fill. As soon as the little flaps of paper reaches the lip of the bowl, Kakashi lowers his book and glances around. No one else is writing. Cloud has swiveled around in her seat, doodling something on Deidara's desk. May and Itachi converse silently with their eyes, brows twitching to enthusiate their point. The blue tinted man who sits beside the raven haired male and Sasori both watch the two in amusement.

"Alright" Kakashi says. "The person whose name you've written will be your partner for the rest of the year." He lifts himself lazily off of his seat and surveys the classroom, enjoying the looks of horror across most of his poor students' faces.

A stark silence fills the class as Kakashi's visible eye creases in a smile.

Then all hell breaks loose.

"WHAT?!" Cloud screeches, practically pouncing off of her desk in outrage. "I WILL NOT SPEND THE REST OF THE YEAR WITH-WITH HIM!" She points at apple-boy and scowls as if he is the lowest scum of the earth.

Apple-boy glowers at her. As if he wanted to spend the rest of the year with her either.

Meanwhile, May's and Deidara's jaws are hanging open, both of them staring at each other with comically wide eyes.

"Did you..?" The dark haired girl trails off. Please don't let the answer be yes, she chants like a mantra in her head.

Deidara nods as if in a daze. "Did you, yeah?"

Realization hits them at the same time in full force.

"OH HELL NO!" They both yell at each other. May shivers in outrage as well as horror. She had to spend the year with him? Wasn't it enough that they already breathed the same air?

"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Both Cloud and May yell at Kakashi, slamming their palms on the silverette's desk, Deidara backing them up while apple-boy is still sitting elegantly, the only sign of disaproval being the foreboding frown marring his handsome face.

"Is this how you treat your future overlord? Is this?" Cloud practically jabs Kakashi in the scarf, who is miraculously still looking unfazed while May seethes, looking like she was seconds close to exploding.

"Kakashi-sensei, is there some way this arrangement can be changed?" She asks, struggling to keep her tone reasonable. Her voice drips with venom at the word 'arrangement'.

"You got that right. I don't want to spend the year with this b-" Deidara catches sight of Sasori's lazer eyed gaze and carefully chooses his next word. "Girl, yeah" he finishes, muscular arms crossing at the chest.

"Ha! As if I want to even be near you!" May scoffs and steps neatly to the side, keeping a safe distance from Deidara. Cloud still has her finger jabbed in Kakashi's scarf.

The silverettes smiles and shrugs. "I'm afraid the arrangement is final." He grabs Cloud's index finger gently and lowers it. "Now if you don't want to be reported to Tsunade, you will take your seats with your partner."

Cloud's eyebrow ticks. She and May had both heard of Tsunade, the formidable Head Mistress and as much as they loved mischief, neither wanted to spend their first day of classes in detention.

Reluctantly, with dark glares on their faces, the trio return to their desks. Cloud stomps over to the seat next to apple-boy and sits down delicately on it, refusing to meet his eyes while May switches seats with Sasori and plops down inelegantly next to Deidara, crosses her arms and huffs in indignation.

Kakashi walks to a tall cupboard, opens it and retrieves a medium sized box and walks over to the very first desk in the classroom, where a scowling Hidan and the terrorist boy the girls had seen on the first day were sitting.

"What the fuck is this?" Hidan asks, peering into the box, which if he was not mistaken, was filled with dolls.

"Hidan, language." Kakashi scolds mildly. The pink eyed boy still continues to stare obnoxiously at the box.

"What the hell do you want us to do with a fucking doll?" He asks, paying no attention to Kakashi's earlier admonishment.

Kakashi shrugs. "Feed it. Take care of it. Keep it happy. Basically, you lot are going to be parents to a baby, which is this doll" He takes one out and it starts to cry immediately.

The class watches on with horrified eyes. They were supposed to be parents? With the people they hated? Joy.

Kakashi hands the doll to Hidan, who eyes it as if it is an alien. Terrorist boy watches on, his eyes narrowed.

A tiny, squeaky voice comes from the doll. "Mama."

Hidan scowls darkly as the class laughs. "I'm not your fucking mama." He says, handing the doll to terrorist boy. "You fucking take it, Kakuzu."

Kakashi smiles briefly and proceeds to distribute the dolls around the classroom and soon enough, every enemy couple in the room have a doll-child in their possession.

May glances down at hers and Deidara's doll in confusion. What the hell was the supposed to do with this? And from the way Deidara was peering strangely at the doll, he didn't have a clue what to do either.

"Ugly, yeah. Just like you" the blonde smirks, poking the doll in its cheek.

"Fuck you" May says dully and swivels in her seat to see Cloud holding her doll in her arms while apple-boy was smirking. Seemed like they had everything under control.

Naruto and Sasuke are paired up together and the blonde was cooing at the doll, making ridiculous faces at it while Sasuke was glaring darkly at nothing.

Cloud sees this and smirks.

"Careful emo-boy or your face will be stuck like that forever" she says cheerfully. Sasuke turns around and directs his 'Imma fucking kill you' glare at her.

Cloud smiles back sweetly and raises her doll's arm in a cheeky little wave. Sasuke snorts and his dark eyes drift to the person who was sitting beside her. Apple-boy raises his hand in a lazy wave and Sasuke nods slightly and turns back around to observe Naruto's ridiculousness.

Cloud sneaks a brief glance at apple-boy's aristocratic face, wondering what the little exchange was all about.

Apple-boy's gaze flutters to hers and he raises and eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing" Cloud sticks out her tongue and resumes coddling her doll.

Suddenly, loud cries erupted in the class, seemingly coming from May's and Deidara's desk. The blonde was muttering curses and May was trying in vain to calm their crying doll.

Whoever made these annoying dolls were going to get it from her later, May decides as she frantically tries to make it shut up. The whole class watches them in amusement and Kakashi smiles from underneath his scarf. This was more amusing than his Icha-icha books. Kudos to him for thinking this up.

"Make it shut up already, yeah" Deidara grumbles in annoyance.

May flicks her pencil case at him. "I'm trying to. Why don't you just help instead of whining all the damn time!" She spits out irritably.

"Fine, give me the damn thing, yeah" Deidara says and May hands over the crying doll to the blonde, eyeing him suspiciously. What would he do? Probably not something good.

Her suspicions are confirmed as Deidara takes one look at the doll and flings it out of the classroom window.

"There. Done, yeah" he smirks conceitedly at her,

May gapes. Why hadn't she thought of that- Wait, why was she trying to justify his actions? She should be blowing up at him now.

"What the hell man! Are you crazy?" she yelps.

"What? Don't tell me you aren't happy it's gone, yeah" Deidara asks, flipping his golden bang out of his face and peering at May.

"Well.. I.. uh" May trails off, stuttering, and Deidara smirks triumphantly.

"But you still shouldn't have done that, idiot!" she says. Deidara rolls his blue eyes.

Kakashi sees the commotion and saunters over, his book in his hands.

"What seems to be the problem here?" He asks.

May crosses her arms over her chest. "He threw the doll out of the classroom."

Deidara frowns. "She couldn't shut it up."

Kakashi sighs and proceeds to give them another doll, much to Deidara (and May's) horror.

"I suggest you refrain from throwing it our the window again." Kakashi says and goes back to reading his book while May and Deidara stare at the doll with wide eyes.

Cloud eyes the teens owlishly from her spot at the back of the classroom and cackles evilly. Her sister still had a lot to learn. Babies weren't that hard to take care of. All you had to do was hold them, feed them, and change them when necessary. And when you spend summers working in a baby Day Care, you end up with boat loads of practice.

"Mama." The little doll in her arms coos.

It's an ugly little thing with unnatural blue eyes and the top of its head is morphed so it looks as if it has hair. Its body is rubber and bare naked.

"So what are we going to name it?" Cloud chances a small glance towards Apple-boy, who watches her from the corner of his eyes.

He lifts one elegant shoulder in a small shrug. "I don't care."

"With your partners, you will create a name and keep a notebook of possible financial records for the baby. This will last throughout the first nine-weeks of this semester and will be graded as a five hundred point project."

Cue outraged gasps from Cloud and May here.

Kakashi, the sick bastard that he is, smirks in amusement and continues on. "By the end of the project, the baby must be completely unscathed. There is a monitor somewhere within the doll that keeps track of how many times it cries and for how long. Each cry that lasts for more than a minute will be a point docked from your final grade."

"Now, hold on." Cloud stands, shifting the baby to one arm so she can point at the teacher, "What are we supposed to do during our other classes?"

"The other teachers have okay'ed the project." He answers a little smugly. "You and your partner can decide on who takes the baby to what class and who will keep up with it during the night. But just remember," Kakashi pauses, casting a narrowed look towards Hidan, "that this is a two person project. No matter who has the baby, if it cries, both of your grades will be docked."

May lets out a frustrated huff. "That's not fair."

"You can't do that!" Cloud shrills. Then she shifts her finger towards the male sitting beside her. "I don't know how responsible he is! I don't want my grade based on if he can or cannot handle a crying baby."

"I can assure you, Cloud, that Itachi is one of the most responsible kids in this class." Kakashi deadpans. "Now sit down. I'm giving the rest of the class to you guys," He gestures towards the class, "Use this time wisely. If I were you, I'd decide on a name and a schedule."

And with that, Kakashi rounds his desk and plops down in his seat, kicking back once again with his book.

Cloud seethes.

May glares heatedly at Deidara and stands. She storms back to her sister. "What are we supposed to do with...this?" The baby dangles dangerously in the air, May's fingers pinched around its wrist.

"Well first off, you need to hold it right." Cloud shoves her baby into Apple-boy's arms and stands, taking her sister's baby. She shows her sister how to hold it and then steps back. "If it starts crying, it's either hungry, tired, needs to be changed, or uncomfortable. Basically, you're playing a guessing game."

"Wonderful." May rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"I know." Cloud makes a face and turns to glance at Apple-boy, worried that he's not holding the baby right. A five hundred point project could make or break her grade. She was hoping to make at least several A's this semester.

But Apple-boy seems just fine, cradling the baby in his arms lightly.

Her eyes narrow and she glances back towards her sister. "What have you named yours?"

"I refuse to talk to that ass." May shifts on her feet, giving the baby in her arms a dirty glare. "What about you?"

"His name is Shisui." Apple-boy states indiferently.

Cloud grits her teeth. "I thought you didn't care?"

He casts her a patient look, as if he's biting back a sour remark. "You were taking too long so I decided."

May purses her lips, watching the scene unfold with blatant amusement. Cloud's hands curl into tight, angry fists. But instead of blowing up, she closes her eyes and lets out a slow breath. "Fine. Whatever. Shisui it is then."

The bell rings and everyone stands swiftly.

"Whoo! Lunch time, fuckers!" Hidan whoops and tirades out of the classroom, fist pumping high into the air. The terrorist, Kakuzu suanters after him, irritably grumbling at the baby in his hands.

Sasori stands with Deidara and the duo stalk over to where Cloud and May stand in front of Itachi, a sour look marring the blonde's face. The ginger hands May her bookbag and nods towards Cloud. "Are you going to sit with us?"

Cloud looks towards her sister, brows furrowing in a silent question.

"It would be easier." Apple-boy stands gracefully and shoulders his bag, all while balancing the baby in one arm. His dark eyes are locked on Cloud. "That way we both can look after Shisui."

"What? Don't you trust me?" Cloud smirks slightly, one eyebrow lifting.

"No." He states. "Now lets go."

Cloud scowls at him as he steps around her and starts towards the door. "Hey! Don't walk away with my kid!" She growls as she scurries after him, cursing loudly under her breath. May chuckles and shakes her head as she leaves the classroom herself, Sasori and Deidara trailing along behind her.

The colorful ensemble is greeted with confused stares as they sashay into the cafeteria, Sasori, Itachi and terrorist boy with the grace of panthers while Cloud, May, Hidan and Deidara (who had regained his spirits at the promise of food) bounce energetically. What were the new girls doing with the Akatsuki?

“Why the hell are they staring at us?” Cloud whispers at Sasori in annoyance, feeling ticked off at the stares they are getting. Even Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Hinata are watching them with surprised looks on their faces.

Sasori sighs softly and doesn’t answer.

A light bulb seems to light up over Cloud’s head as she clicks her fingers, remembering what Ino had told her and May earlier that day during breakfast.

“Oh yeah. It’s because you guys are this big shot gang or whatever right?” She rolls her eyes. Badasses and their reputations…

“Yo, blonde prick, it’s your turn now” May says as they reach the counters, practically shoving their baby into Deidara’s arms and skipping to join the line in front of the cafeteria, leaving the blonde to gawk at the doll like an idiot.

“Hey! Who said I had to take it during lunch, yeah?!” he asks exasperatedly as he joins the line behind May, the rest following in amusement.

“I did” May smiles sweetly and Deidara grimaces, chucking the doll into his bag carelessly.

The raven haired teen reaches the front of the line and peers thoughtfully at the food on display, azure eyes scouring over each dish until they reach the grand prize.

“Hell Yes! Cheesecake” May squeals, much to amusement of the blonde behind her and serves herself a large slice of gooey strawberry heaven with a strawberry milkshake with extra whipped cream and cherries as its companion.

“You eat cheesecake for lunch, hmm  Kiwi-chan?” Deidara snickers.

May pouts and raises an eyebrow. Again with that nickname. Someone was back in a good mood.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re too macho for cheesecake- it’s delicious” May says, her eyes skewering Deidara, as if daring him to oppose her.

He smirks conceitedly as he gets pizza along with a coke.

“That,” he points at May’s cake, “does nothing to top pizza, yeah.” He doesn’t actually mean it; he just says it to annoy her, which serves its purpose because May puffs up indignantly.

The girl narrows her eyes and pokes at Deidara’s chest with her plastic fork. She was actually aiming for his face but that was easier said than done since she only came up to his shoulder so she settled for his chest.

Never insult the cheesecake blondie,” she says in a low voice, accentuating each word with a sharp jab to Deidara’s chest.

Deidara is about to retort when irritated voices shoot up from behind them.

“I’m sorry to disturb you two lovebirds but fellow human beings over here, waiting to be fed” Cloud says irritably, gesturing at herself and the rest of the annoyed kids waiting in line.

May huffs at her sister and Deidara scowls at the word ‘lovebirds’ as the two teens make their way to the Akatsuki’s table, where Sasori has already magically gotten his food and is seated, eating serenely.

Meanwhile, Apple-boy, who Cloud now knows as Itachi, hands their baby to the bluette and serves himself lunch.

She snorts at his choice of food; Onigiri with lettuce and lightly grilled salmon and strangely enough, dango.

So he was a health food freak? Figures.

Rolling her eyes, she reaches out to grab a dango herself only to touch nothing but the steel container.

Gasping in outrage, she turns to Itachi, who is now pensively observing the beverages on display, pointing an accusing finger at him.

“YOU! YOU STOLE MY DANGO!” she shrieks, for the whole cafeteria to hear. Heads whip around to see what the commotion was all about. At the Akatsuki’s table, Sasori sighs while May and Deidara snicker, momentarily forgetting their heated debate on cheesecake and pizza.

Itachi raises a dark eyebrow, unfazed by the seething girl standing in front of him.

“You were merely too late” he says condescendingly and Cloud’s nostrils flare.

“You stole it! Give it back!” she says. How dare he steal her dango?

Something in Itachi’s eyes change, an expression which she has never seen before, and for an instant, Cloud takes a step backward, unnerved.

Itachi closes in, his tall form looming over her. Cloud watches with wide amber eyes as he raises his forefinger-

-and pokes her forehead.

“Ow!” she protests, rubbing her forehead. “What was that for?”

Itachi smirks, withdrawing his hand.

“Next time, act faster” he says and walks sedately in the direction of the Akatsuki’s table.

Cloud mutters curses under her breath as she follows him grudgingly, the tray of food in her hand.

“I still want my dango” she pouts as they take their seats, Cloud sitting beside her favorite ginger, across from Deidara and Itachi sitting next to May. The blue-tinted man was there too, as were Hidan and terrorist boy.

Itachi sighs softly and holds out his plate for her.

Cloud grabs a stick of dango and smiles widely at Itachi.

“Thanks weasel!”

May chuckles at that. “What happened to apple-boy?”

Cloud scratches at an imaginary bread. “It was outdated so I changed it to Weasel, which is catchier” she grins.

Suddenly, a child-like voice enters their conversation as the lollipop-masked man appears at their table.

“Fuck, ..yeah” Deidara curses and Sasori smirks lightly.

“SENPAI! ~” lollipop boy squeals chirpily as he slips enthusiastically into the seat beside Deidara, who looks as if he had choked on something disgusting. "Who are Tobi's new friends?!" The lone red eye that's visible through the small eye-hole in the mask he wears darts back and forth between the two girls. 

But before anyone can answer the lollipop man, a loud cry rips through the air. May's brows furrow in confusion and Cloud frowns, looking around. What could possibly be making that horrible wailing sound? 

Deidara grimaces and sets his bookbag on his lap. He pulls out the baby and the crying magnifies. "Make it stop, yeah!" He shouts at May, throwing the doll her way. 

May is barely able to catch it. The doll fumbles in her hands like a football and plops down in Cloud's lap, using her baby as a cushion. Another cry rips through the air and Cloud lets out a frustrated huff. 

"Way to go, guys." She growls, pulling the babies apart. She hands the foregin one back to her sister and begins to soothe the one in her arms. Soon her baby is calm. 

But May's is still screaming. 

"Why won't it shut up?!" May scowls and shakes the baby slightly. 

Cloud rolls her eyes, holding her doll out for Itachi to take. The Weasel pauses mid-bite and stoically takes the doll. He sets it down on the table next to his food and resumes eating. Cloud takes May's doll and begins to cuddle it too. 

"Babies are delicate creatures." She chides her sister once the baby has stopped screaming. "You don't shake them like they're salt and pepper." 

"Why are there babies?" The lollipop man asks again and both babies begin to wail. 

"God dammit!" Cloud growls, glaring at the lollipop. "Who the fuck are you?" 

"Agh!" He screams, falling out of his seat to cower on the floor, "Scary lady is really really scary!!" 

May peers over Sasori's tray, trying to get a better look at the lollipop man. Deidara rolls his eyes, a dark scowl upon his features. "He's our residential idiot, yeah." He grounds out, glaring swiftly at Lollipop.

"Well, I'll fucking say." Cloud grouches as she hands a now calm babydoll back to May. Itachi, who'd comforted their own doll, sets theirs back down onto the table once it's calm. May takes the doll and eyes it uncertainly. 

Lollipop man crawls out from under the table and pokes his head over the edge. "Sempai~" He whines, obviously forcing a whisper-afraid of the wrath he might awaken in Cloud. "Tobi didn't know you all had babies!" 

"They're not ours, idiot." Deidara snaps at him, hands tightening into fists. "They're dolls, hmm!" 

"I would never, ever have a kid with that asshole." May informs the lollipop, pointing at Deidara. A look of disgust graces her features. "Not even if you paid me." 

Before Deidara can retort, Cloud muses, "I'd tap that." 

Everyone turns to shoot her a peculair look. "What?" May's brows furrow. 

Cloud shrugs. "I'm just saying." She gestures towards the impassive Weasel across from her. "I'd tap that. I'm not going to lie about it. Although I would like it if he were a little nicer." 

May facepalms. "Really, Cloud?" 

"Yes really." Her sister huffs. 

Lollipop slides back into his seat. "Your name is Cloud?" 

Cloud casts him a narrowed look. "What about it?" 

"Cloud-san has such an unusual name!~" Lollipop sings softly, minding the babies, and throws his arms out wildly. "Just like Tobi's! Will Cloud-san be Tobi-kuns new best friend?!" 

"No." She answers flatly, nibbling on her prized dango. 

Lollipop deflates like a popped balloon. His shoulders sag and he slumps against the table degectedly. "But Tobi wants to be Cloud-san's friend!" 

"Oh come on," May throws an arm around her sister's shoulders, smiling impishly. "I think you two would make perfect friends, Cloud." 

Cloud casts her a bored look. "Tobi, this is my sister May. And I do believe that she very desperately wants to be your friend." 

May sputters, unable to respond quick enough to defeat the Tobi-balloon that automatically perks up. "May-san's name is so pretty! May-san will be Tobi's best friend and Tobi's favorite Sempai~" Lollipop sings happily, chanting May's name over and over again like a mantra. 

Cloud smirks smugly around her dango stick. 

May scowls. "Thanks, sis." 

"No problem." Cloud chirps happily, "What else are older sisters for?" 

Deidara chokes a little on his drink. Swallowing thickly, much with the help of Tobi's abusive pounding on his back, the blonde blinks several times. His eyes shift back and forth between Cloud and May, almost hesitantly, before finally landing on Cloud. "You're older, yeah?" 

"I'm 17." 

Sasori smirks. "You couldn't tell, brat?" 

Deidara shoots him a dirty look and doesn't respond. Cloud smiles sweetly, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. May snickers. 

The bell rings, announcing the end of lunch. 

Cloud lets out a huff and stands. She disposes of her tray and then returns to the table, schedule in hand. Once she stops, she glances up and looks around at the other occupants. "Does anybody know where Adv. Biology 3 is?" 

Itachi picks up the baby and shoulders his bag, twisting away towards the door. He pauses long enough to glance over his shoulder. "Follow me." 

"Oh so now we're being nice." Cloud scowls at his back, rolling her eyes. "Must be because I openly admitted to wanting to fuck you." 

May laughs as she briefly hugs her sister. "Yeah, I'm sure that's it." 

Cloud smiles and rushes to catch up with the Weasel, who was already pushing through the door of the cafeteria. He glances down at her once she catches up but says nothing. Cloud shoulders her backpack and resists a scowl as he leads her towards one of the massive staircases. 

She's not much of a walker. 

After the staircase, Itachi leads her down a small corridor and then turns an abrupt right-right into a large classroom. Instead of desks, long inky black tables with enough seating for two litter the room-Twilight-style. Itachi sets the baby down on one of the desks and turns to face Cloud. 

He dips his head in the direction of the teacher. "You may want to talk to him about the seating arrangement." He adives and slides into his stool. 

Cloud huffs. "Can't you come with me?" 

Itachi merely quirks a brow. "Why?" 

"Because you love me and you don't want me to be eaten by the scary looking creature that I am presuming is the teacher." She states offhandedly, glancing nervously towards the scarily pale man that sits at the front desk, eyeing each of the entering students with slitted yellow eyes like they're a peice of meat. 

Amusement flashes through the weasel's dark onyx eyes. "He won't eat you." 

"Are you sure?" 


Cloud puffs up and nods stiffly. "If I don't make it back alive," She whispers dramatically towards the weasel, "Tell May I want her to step up in my place as overlord." 

Weasel pulls out a notebook and a pencil. "Hn." 

Brows furrowed, Cloud stares at him for a few moments, weirdly. What the hell was that? Some sort of mangled grunt? Then, to avoid him snapping at her, she rolls her eyes and starts towards the front. 

Chills run up and down her spine, causing goose bumps to prickle the skin of her arms. This teacher is emanating some pretty creepy vibes. 

His snake-eyes flash over her way and lock on her approaching form. 

'Oh my god...did he hear that?', Cloud internally freaks. 

"You must be our new student." The teacher hisses, literally, like a snake once she stops in front of his desk, a small smile tugging his lips back. His long black hair hangs limply down his back and his pure white button up almost blends into his skin. 

Forcing back the uneasiness, Cloud brandishes a wide, cheeky grin. "Yepp. I'm Cloud." 

The teacher nods. "I am Orochimaru. Here is your book." He stilfes through some papers on his fairly organized desk and hands a light blue hardback book to Cloud. "That is my assitant, Kabuto." He points to another teacher-looking fellow with long white hair and large round glasses. Kabuto is organizing a cabinet of microscopes, and pauses long enough to smile Cloud's way. 

Cloud smiles back and hugs her book to her chest. 

"I also understand that you were top of your class last year?" Orochimaru continues on, smiling wickedly towards Cloud, who nods hesitantly. The bell rings, signalling the begining of class, and Orochimaru stands. 

Gesturing to Cloud, he addresses his other students. "We have a new student today, class. Say hello to Cloud. Cloud, go ahead and give us an introtduction. Tell us three things about yourself." 

Cloud huffs. "I'm Cloud Jefferson." Her gaze slowly moves around the class. There are a lot of new faces but some familiar ones, like the blue tinted guy who's name she never learned. He sits behind Itachi, a toothy grin on his face. Sasori is also in the room, sitting beside said blue dude, smirking slightly. 

Cloud glares at him but continues, eyes shifting to the weasel. He rests his chin in his palm, bored eyes glued politely to her face. "I like writing and sleeping and dangos." 

She glances towards Orochimaru. "And that's it." 

He smirks at her. "Are you sure? That doesn't really tell us much." 

"Sure it does." Cloud folds her arms across her chest. "You said you wanted three things and I gave them to you. Now where am I sitting?" 

Orochimaru narrows his eyes at her. But instead of retorting snidely, he glances around the room and then scowls. The only available seat is next to Itachi. He shifts his gaze back at Cloud. "In the only available seat left." 

Cloud glances around and then grits her teeth. "Lovely." 

She trudges back to Itachi's table and squeezes past the weasel, hissing about how fat he is when she can barely fit through the small space between his chair and the table behind. Itachi takes it in stride, elegantly rolling his eyes while he starts to jot down the notes Orochimaru writes on the board. Cloud climbs onto the stool and pulls out a notebook labled Biology with doodles on the front. She skims past the first few pages, which have been compromised with story notes, and then begins to write as well. 

After she's satisfied, she tears the paper out and slides it across the table towards Itachi, only stopping once the edge hits his arm. He glances down, dark eyes scanning over the note, and lets out a soft sigh. 

What was that for? Cloud shoots him a dirty look. She only asked him what's up? 

He scribbles down a quick response and then glances her way, shooting her a pointed look. Cloud scowls at him and takes the note, glancing it over. 

'Pay attention.' Is his response. 

Okumaya devam et

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