The Mafia's Flame

De strawb3rryluv

4.1M 113K 78.7K

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE?" He shouted at the poor guard. The guard flinched and lowered his head, "She... Mai multe

Authors Note
1. The Feelings
2. Perfect Timing
3. Unexpected Meeting
Castle grounds/Charcater List
4. Familiar Face
5. Why am I here?
6. Only one
7. Bonding Hours
8. Dreadful Explanation
9. Just Dance
10. Operation Llama
11. Preparation Nation
12. Igniting the Flame
13. Her Parents
14. His Beloved
15. Their Progress
16. You're Staying
17. Daddy's Little Girl
18. The Surprise
19. Her Home
20. Brick, Wall, Waterfall
21. The Call
22. His Soul
23. Late Night
24. The Field
25. Warehouse Mess
26. In Spirit
27. The Job
28. Favorite Show
30. Dress Shop
31. Bad boys
32. Jump Scares
33. The Ball
34. The Truth
35. The War
36. (S)he's Gone
37. His Help
38. Their Downfall
39. The Boys
40. The Fight
41. Your Forgiveness
42. The Ladies
43. She knows
44. Smile and Wave
45. Excuse You
46. Tell Me
47. Let's Go
48. Working On It
49. Sooner or Later
50. A Princess
51. The R word
52. Our Bond
53. Long Road Ahead
54. Good Times
Part Two/ New Characters
55. A Mess
56. Your Dress
57. The Camera
58. No Way
59. Riddle Me This
60. Going Insane
61. For Her
62. One Month
63. The Boss
64. Amphisbaena Twins
65. Tell Him
66. It Wasn't Him
67. It's Time
68. See Her
69. My Sister
70. A Game
71. Fall In Love
72. A Candle?
73. Bad Feeling
74. I Need You
75. Your Memories
76. Hold Them
77. Her Eyes
78. Happy Now?
79. With Whom?
80. Its Purpose
81. I Can't
82. Call Me
83. Go Now
84. Some Fun
85. Six Words
86. Her Choice
87. Four Hearts
88. Yes And No
89. Hellfire's Amphisbaena
90. Demios's Firefly
91. Princess's Khaos
92. The Mafia's Flame
Bonus: Hiding The Amphisbaena
Bonus: Meeting Deimos and Alessio
Bonus: Traveling With Khaos
Bonus: The Donna

29. Plans Change

47.5K 1.2K 1.2K
De strawb3rryluv


Sitting in his office Petro starred at the picture of his beloved on his desk. Looking at it he hoped that he would see her soon, it had been too long. The picture he had was her in a blue sundress smiling at sky, happiness radiating off of her. It was taken by one of his men before her last ball and he immediately printed it out.

He frowned, everyone once in a while he gets the feeling of guilt. Way back in his mind he knows this is wrong, he is wrong. He hurt her. His mind pushes but it still never gets all the way through.


And just like that he grinned looking at the picture with his love. He doesn't care about anyone's feelings but his own and hers, as long as she listens to him. Her feelings are important if someone is hurting her or being rude to her but other than that no. She belongs to him no matter what, and he tends to keep it that way. One way or another. He knows she will listen to him and agree to the marriage soon.

Even if it didn't happen in some way or form, what will he do without her? She may not know but she is the only one who could tame him.

That day she gave up, gave him a small wake up call and that's the real reason he decided to take her to Brazil. Those four days for him were complete hell, sitting watching her small body so pale and fragile not making any movement. After he left that hospital room he went to his office and broke down. It was that small part of his morals left that made him crack. But yet again, it was gone as soon as it came.

He hit her, touched her, ruined her and yet still yearns for her to love him.

It would never happen.


Petro turned to the sound of the alarm and grinned, she found them already.

He opened the laptop and connected it to the cameras and set his eyes on her. He gripped his chair harshly seeing that she was with four other males, that were not him.

"He said you would come." One of his guards said.

"Good. Then he also told you that you're dead." She replied.

Petro smirked, it was definitely true that they weren't coming out alive but he didn't tell them that.

The man tried to lunge at her was taken down by one of the men standing next to her, "Don't you dare." He spat.

Petro almost jumped through the screen, how dare they try to hurt her? If they weren't already going to die he'd torture his soul even after death.

"I'll ask nicely. Is it in the basement?" She questioned harshly.

Each of them kept their mouth shut, "The hard way it is then." A boy commented.

"Take off your hood and mask." His last guard said looking at her.

"Take it off." He whispered at the screen.

She titled my head and looked around slowly, setting her eyes on the hidden camera she stopped. She took out a knife, "Nicht für dich." (German "Not for you.") She spat at the camera and threw it at the lens, he pulled up the back up but only saw a sharp edge going straight for the middle of the screen. Static filled his screen and he gazed softly at it.

He groaned, "That accent... coming from her." He said biting his lip.

"Could she be anymore perfect." He asked himself.

Knocking on the door brought him out of his inappropriate thoughts and he rolled his eyes.

"Come in." He sighed.

"Boss." Ivan acknowledged.

Ivan was his second in command, he trusted him to an extent but he was like that with everyone.

"What can I do for you?" He asked uninterested.

Ivan cleared his throat, "Anatoly is here." He announced.

Petro hummed, "Hm, yes bring him in. She found them and I think we have some plans to discuss." He agreed.

"Yess boss." Ivan mumbled and left the room.

"Plan A, plan b, plan c, what should we choose." He wondered out loud.

Sighing he pursed his lips and looked back at the picture he loves dearly. Instantly he was calm again, but went into business mode as the door opened.

"Anatoly. What brings you here so soon?" He looked up.

"König, you lied to us. Hellfire is protecting them. How you expect us to go after them when they have a guardian angel." Anatoly spat.

Petro gave an amused smiled, "You're afraid of hellfire?" He questioned rhetorically.

"That isn't the point. You said there would be no obstacles, and that is a big one." Pavel his second explained.

His face dropped, " I can assure you, hellfire will not be a problem." He gritted out.

"And why should we believe you after you lied to us? What else are you hiding?" Anatoly's 3rd Evgeni accused.

"Watch how you speak to me. I shall not be disrespected." Petro hissed.

The 3 men backed down a bit immediately but kept their game faces on. Petro felt the fear, he smelt it, and he embraced it like a drug. It kept him satisfied knowing everyone was afraid of him. Who wouldn't be afraid of a mentally ill mafia boss?

Hellfire, that's who.

He moved his shoulder forward and back, "Sit down. Let's talk business shall we?" He grunted.

The three sat down in front of his desk and Ivan stayed behind them waiting patiently.

He studied them for a few seconds, "So is everything ready? Are your men training?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Everything is done. We will leave in 3 days time. And yes they're all training." Anatoly bit out.

Petro took a deep breath, did they seriously think they could disrespect him without punishment?

"Okay, and-" He started but was cut off, "Is this her? She looks like a fucking brat. But very pretty, our men would love to have fun with her." Evgeni pointed at the picture.

Petro froze,

1. He interrupted him,

2. He insulted his beloved in front of him,

and 3. He's still breathing.

The other two paled and knew then and there that he messed up badly. Even if they said something, anything, it wouldn't make any difference. Just what happened next wasn't expected from any of them.

A gun clicked and pushed into his head, "No one speaks of meine konigin illy." (German "my queen") Ivan hissed darkly.

Petro chuckled because as it was said, his men were as sick as him. Each and everyone one of them already accepted Serafina as their queen. As sick as it was they wanted her as their queen as much as Petro's obsession with her. They believe it was a perfect fit and that she'd accept the position immediately. They will do anything to get their queen back, and that includes dying. Sick men do sick things, even if she refused none of them would care at all.

Petro smirked at a sudden idea, "Change of plans boys. We have a lot to discuss but first we are keeping him." He said no room for arguments.

"König w-" Anatoly stopped looking at Petro's face.

"Very well." Pavel agreed.

The man gaped, "What? You guys can't leave me here!" He shouted.

"Lass sie wissen. Habe Spaß, Töte ihn nicht... noch." (German "Let them know. Have fun, don't kill him... yet.") Petro told Ivan who nodded and dragged Evgeni out.

"So, let's change it up a bit huh?" He clapped.

"Why?" Anatoly questioned.

Smirking he tapped the desk, "Plans change." Petro answered.

Walking down the stairs he got excited, he was going to have fun and take his precious time.


His smiled grew wider to the point it hurt and he practically skipped the rest of the way.

"STOP!! PLEASE!" A voice cried.

His heart was racing and knew this would satisfy him until he sees her again.

"I'M SORRY! DON'T!" The voice pleaded.

He closed his eyes and relaxed letting the screams fill his fuel tank and shook his head.

"NO- AHHHHHHHHHHH!" It screamed.

His eyes snapped open and they were pitch black and Petro was no longer in control, not that he was ever fully in charge.

He walked in and took off his suit coat and hanged it on the wall while the room grew silent. All that was heard was the panting of Evgeni and the footsteps of the man in charge.

10 other men including Ivan filled the room glaring at the beaten man tied down to the chair. He was already sporting a black eye, broken nose, bloody mouth, and bruised body.

He grabbed his chin harshly, "So you have the audacity to insult my beloved? My queen? In front of me? And my men?" His tone condescending.

The other 10 men grunted and narrowed their eyes even more but didn't make a move. They would never interrupt their boss while he was punishing a man for insulting his love. They may as well commit suicide if that was the case.

"Queen? Beloved? What are you a fucking vampire?" Evgeni rasped out.

He grip tightened, "My my, you certainly do have a death wish don't you? And no I'm not." He chuckled.

He stopped looking into his eyes, "I'm much worse." He whispered darkly.

"Just kill me already." He rolled his eyes.

"How long did he last?" Petro asked his men stepping back.

"10 minutes." One answered annoyed.

"You are in a gang and only lasted in 10 minutes of torture? You begged for them to stop after 10 minutes? My beloved never begged and you're a grown ass man." Petro mocked.

Everyone in the room chuckled, "And you wonder why she hates you? Why she wanted to die?" He countered.

Immediately everyone stopped and Petro grinned like a maniac.

"You know..." Petro trailed off circling him like prey and yanking his neck back with a rough hand, "I grabbed her like this." He whispered. His hand tightened every few seconds, "Till she couldn't breathe." He continued. The man gasped, "S-s-stop. Please." He rasped out. Petro grinned, "It's only been 15 seconds, she lasted 3 minutes." He said proudly. The man choked, "P-please." He cried out wanting to live, "She never begged, never pleaded, she just sat there and waited. I remember the color blue forming on her lips, her eyes turning red, and her nails digging into my skin. Even after I let go she just coughed and sat up again ready for the next round." He explained. The man turned blue, "Obviously, you're nowhere near as strong as her." He spat letting go and watched the man choke on air.

"I h-hope, they.. k-kill you." Evgeni gasped taking in air.

He faked frowned, "Yes well you can hope and dream when you're six feet under." He laughed. He moved to the table with tools as they call them, "Lets get started yes?" He asked rubbing his hands together with a sadistic smile on his face.

He grabbed a knife and twirled it around, "You know this is my second favorite knife, my first being the one with my queens blood still stained on it. It's just so nostalgic to me." He smiled.

"That's fucked up." Evgeni paled.

"It was the second time I heard her scream and it was... magical." Petro breathed out.

"I- please don't. I didn't mean to say anything." Evgeni cried.

Petro scowled, "I was just getting into a good mood and you ruined it, AGAIN!" He raged.

Taking a breath he let out a puff of air, "Let's get on with it, I want to hear your cries." He walked towards him.

"W-what are y-you going to d-do?" He stuttered.

Petro snapped his fingers, "Bleichen" (German "Bleach") he commanded.

Two men walked out and Petro hummed, "Well first we're going to cut off those dirty sausage fingers you used to point at her picture. Then? We'll see. I like to play as I go." He explained.

"Tape him." Petro commanded and Ivan duct taped his mouth shut.

Sitting down on a newly placed chair in front of Evgeni he tutted his tongue. Evgeni cried and shook pleading through the tape, hoping he wouldn't do it. The two men came back through the door with two small buckets of liquid and set them down on either side of their boss. Petro grabbed Evgeni's hand and inspected it slowly, "Such a shame." He muttered. Putting his hand down on the arm rest he adjusted it and brought the knife down on his thumb.

"MMM-AHH" His scream carried out muffled.

Petro kissed his teeth moving on to the index finger, this time he didn't chop it off but used the knife as a saw. This method was much more painful and enjoyable for the torturer. He got to spend time hearing his screaming and sobs come out loudly. This man was not a human being and did not care how loudly you cried for god.

"MFPLMFEAMSE" Evgeni sobbed.

"I'm sorry? What was that? I couldn't hear you." Petro laughed very much amused.

"MMNNOMM" He pleaded.

Petro grabbed the last three fingers and delivered a blow that took all three off at the same time.

"MAHAHHHHHHHH" Evgeni yelled tears and sweat falling to the floor.

Petro looked down at his hand and smiled breathing in the iron scent that carried throughout the room. He looked at Ivan, "Beautiful isn't it?" His eyes gleamed, "Very." Ivan agreed.

Blood was spattered all over the floor and Petro himself but it didn't bother him a bit. He pointed to the bucket with his head, "Why don't you have a go? I know you're still angry." Petro offered. Ivan wordlessly grabbed a bucket off the floor and grabbed the mans fingerless palm. He watched the man shake his head and pant but still dropped his hand into the bucket. The sizzling sound started, "AHHHHHHH" Evgeni screamed out loud since the tape came off from all the sweat and saliva. He tried retracting his arm but another guard came and held it in the bucket, "STOP! NO MORE!!" His voice started getting horse.

Finally feeling a little calm Ivan dropped the bucket and watched the now colored liquid splash.

"Never disrespect our queen." Ivan spat.

Evgeni was shaking, he was barely breathing anymore and just tried to stay alive. Having enough time gone by, Petro cut off his other hand entirely. The cries, sobs, and wails, were driving Petro over the edge. It was always like a high for him and he was addicted.

"Tie him up." He demanded.

Four guards untied him and dragged him to two poles that were about 7 feet apart and chained one arm to each. He was standing up with his arms chained and head bowed. Ivan tore off his shirt and Petro gave a nod and allowed permission. Each of the 10 men were allowed 5 lashes as hard as they wanted.

Ivan went first and did not go easy, he was angry that some dared to disrespect his leaders. He was angry that someone would intentionally insult a queen as good as her. Meeting her once he knew he would protect her from anyone except her husband because that's the way it worked. With each lash he drew the whip back and hit harder each time taking out his frustration.

Evgeni grunted and groaned and lastly cried out a few times after the breakage of skin. He looked at Petro after the last man was done with his punishment.

He spat out blood in the floor, "Hopefully shes dies before coming near you." He laughed crazily.

Petro's eyes couldn't get any more black, anymore angry, anymore wild than they already were. He grabbed another knife and walked towards the hunched over figure. The grabbed his hair and pulled it back roughly making them eye to eye. He plunged the knife into his stomach, "NEVER. SAY. THAT. AGAIN. SHE. IS. MINE. SHE. WILL. NEVER. BE. WITHOUT. ME." He screamed plunged the knife into Evgeni over and over after each word.

Blood poured out of his mouth and his eyes rolled back after the 3 stab happened. At that point Petro's raged was just that, rage and stabbing something 14 times did not seem to simmer it.

Petro backed up and sighed, he was upset he didn't even get to cut his tongue out.

"Get rid of it however. He doesn't deserve a grave." Petro glared at the body.

He walked out grabbing his coat and headed for a hot steaming shower.

"Did you actually change the plans?" Ivan asked from across the desk.

Petro nodded, "Yeah stupid Russian can't do shit. As soon as everything is done we don't have to worry about them anymore." He rolled his eyes.

Ivan frowned, "I'm not trying to be rude but we don't need the Russians, we have more than enough men. So why are we working with them?" He questioned confused. Petro grabbed the picture frame, "You're right there thousands of men free right now but I choose them for a reason. They have been causing problems and thought we could use extras. They'll be too busy preparing to cause anymore trouble and I can keep an eye on them." He explained.

Ivan hummed, "Smart but why change the plan then." He cocked his head.

That question made Petro smirk and trail his finger down the picture frame lovingly. Oh how he wished he could do that in real life. And he could do it soon, all too soon. Looking at the picture his heart fluttered and beat faster than he thought possible. She was like a siren to him, she called to him, lured him in, and now he intends to stay. He wants her all to himself and never let go even if that means he has to claim her again. Just this time in another way. The only person Petro fears is Satan and Satan was her father, Satan was a man who could kill you with just a glare. Petro never met him personally but he didn't care anymore, as long as it was for her.

"Because Ivan, our queen is too damn smart for her own good. But I wouldn't change it at all." He whispered hypnotized by the beauty in his hands.

"She will be ready just like us. And trust me, we need to be very well prepared." Petro said looking up.


Hello everyone, I'm sorry this is probably going to be up a bit later than usual or maybe not but I just couldn't think today. Today has been stressful and then I was sent a message about someone copying pieces of my book which led to me digging around. After I found out some stuff is when I posted the last A/N and I was really sad. I only had one honest person message me to clear things up but I reassured that Author it wasn't about them. I can't believe someone who was just cautious messaged me out of curtesy and wasn't even their fault. I appreciate that person very much so thank you. Now about the book deletion rumors, I will not delete my book it was a bluff so take a breath. I just hope I will not have to go through this again and if it happens I will @ them next time. I'm not sure what's going on with those authors but I'm not going to mess with it anymore. I shouldn't have to in the first place. Thank you for all my loyal readers and supporters. Also I saw a comment about releasing a batch and I would but honestly the chapters are going to be out soon so there's no point really. You guys are the best and I give you my blessings. Stay safe and keep reading your hearts out. ❤️

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