Tom's Tale | A Tomarry Fanfic...

By Hufflepuff_King

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"Tom Riddle. You may know me as Lord Voldemort. I was just a boy once just like you, Harry." Tom Riddles life... More

The Orphanage
Blind Bruises


433 22 7
By Hufflepuff_King


Tom was now ten years old. He had grown fast and was now doing everything the other orphan's were doing, he would walk, talk and do more than just sit in his room all day. However, he was certainly still odd and the other children certainly still didn't like him. Orphans came and went, some finding relatives to take them on and finally getting what it was like to have a family, some got adopted and some just like Carroll Nelsen got old enough to venture out into the world on her own.

Through the years she used Tom as her own way of coping with it all. She was angry about not having a family, angry that people had a better life than her and angry that Tom was so weird. He never cried or complained so it was all perfect. No one would suspect a thing and she could continue to use her punch bag as she pleased. Mrs.Cole noticed them spending longer than normal together but happily placed her finger on him just finding a friend finally. Little did she know the once innocent little boy had seen more pain than she would guess. Carroll never held back and had even riddled his young skin with small and insufficient scars. Tom didn't seem to care, he was emotionless and continued how he normally was. It was as if nothing changed in his life.

Although he couldn't help but be glad she was gone, a sense of relief washed over him yet didn't stick around for long. He went through many different obsessions, fixations if you will. Feeling that pain that burnt his skin everytime Carroll got them alone together had been one of those, his body ached to feel more, to see how much he could feel until he broke so when that left he was ultimately lost and had to find something else that occupied him. Something just as stimulating, something that would drag him deep into the depths of his mind with no way of getting out.

Tom was always reading, he read anything he got his hands on but had been doing that ever since he was little as that had been all he had to do. He didn't enjoy playing like any normal child, he saw it as pathetic and childish. He matured faster than any other child at that orphanage and learnt to read as early as three years old but became competent at such skill at only seven. As much as reading had become an important aspect of his life it wasn't enough, he needed to latch onto something far more stronger and exhilarating. Something out of the life he knew.

All hopes and dreams for him, he believed the world he lived in wasn't good enough, everyone was weak and boring. They didn't seek out power and knowledge. It was all too ordinary for him. That was until one evening just before his tenth birthday. He had run out of everything he could read at the orphanage and was stuck with just sitting in his room at his worn down desk. Tom was bored out of his mind and all his thoughts were revolving around getting a new book somehow.

Tom's mind was set on getting a book and going to the library but he wasn't to go out today. He asked Mrs.Cole but she told him not today so he was left thinking of nothing but the library while sat in his room, ignoring any torment he received from the other children as they walked past. As time passed that day, his thoughts were suddenly propelled through time.

It was unexpected, the feeling of being pulled through a straw at the same time as being on a really fast roller coaster. It was quicker than anything Tom had ever experienced and he felt immediately sick. When he opened his eyes he was no longer in the bricked up cell of wool's orphanage but was instead where he had wanted to go all day, the library. At first he didn't realise, his stomach churned and flipped and made him hunch over while gripping at his stomach. Everything seemed to spin and he felt unbelievably dizzy. Tom let himself fall to his knees as he waited for it all to slow again.

Once it did everything settled and he was hit with shock. No longer was it brick upon brick of boring nothing, instead, an infinite world of knowledge was now at his fingertips. Finally. Something out of the ordinary, something completely and utterly out of this world. It was this moment that he practiced and practiced to be able to do what he did again. He constantly focused on where to go as hard as he could and mainly did it only to the library and back. It was hard work and a few times he threw up. Especially when he worked on it far too quickly.

By now he had mastered going to and from the library without moving a foot. He no longer threw up and no longer needed to steady himself after. Now, he could continue on as if it were a normal day after his feet touched the ground. To feel so much power was amazing, for once he enjoyed being so different, he could get away from the one place he truly hated. The orphanage. It was so boring with its dull brick walls that never changed no matter how long he stared at it.

From then to now, he understood how it was to be done and had gone through it enough times to be confident that he could do it again and it wasn't just some weird coincidence that would never happen again. It wasn't the only strange thing he had been noticing either but was the one he was most fixated upon. Something he had planned so many things with, he no longer wanted the pain and torment he had received through the years, he had figured out all on his own that he was better than them all and should learn to bow down to him. It was him who should be worshiped and he wanted them all to regret ever laying a figure on him or even looking at him the wrong way.

Like every year, summer came around which meant the orphanage would take the children out, on vacation for a week or so. It was the only big expense they would do for all the children and it was much needed for those that worked there as well. It was a break for all. It was the only time of year the children were taken out or even allowed to feel the sun on their skin. It was vital for their mental health. It was a time for them to finally be the children they were. When it came to Tom and such outings he spent it much differently to how he usually did at the orphanage.

Instead of just sitting around and doing the same old thing he always did, stare at nothing and the other children or reading books he got from the library, he would explore. They went to the same place each year, it was a lovely and sightly place that Tom was in love with. There were so many different discoveries to explore and little pieces he would try and figure everything out for. Each year since nineteen thirty one, Tom picked up a small rock each time so now he had five. This year would make it six.

Although they didn't go far, they went to a place all the children saw as another world. It was a vast difference to what they were usually around. Each time they went they didn't get bored, there were new things to discover and a sight they had grown to adore. The crashing waves and feeling of sand between their fingers, this was their home in their minds, not the brick prison. This year was hotter than the last and the sun reflected off the blue waters as the children watched them push and pull against rock and sand, it was such a relief after the whole year of sadness.

"Amy, Dennis, can I show you something?" Tom asked two of the orphans younger than himself. These two were a pair that worked together to ridicule Tom in efforts to make themselves feel better, they made fun of him and snatched his books from his hands. An action he hated but let happen. He refused to ruin his plans of getting all the children back.

The two were sitting in the sand away from the other children, looking at some seashells they had found amongst the many rocks lying by the water's edge. They were startled at Tom's sudden voice as they hadn't heard him coming over. Their eyes narrowed at him and were about to decline before they caught that look in one another's eyes that told them this was a chance to get rid of Tom once and for all. He made life at the orphanage so annoying and they had always wished he would just disappear. They both stood from the sand and brushed it off of their clothes; leaving the shells sat on the sand.

"Sure Tom, no funny business or we will tell Mrs.Cole." They reasoned, Tom made sure to act how he usually would, the only oddity was him speaking to them. He gave a small nod and turned on his heels. Motioning for them to follow him as he walked away from the sandy part of the beach and instead walked far up the path that led to the cliff top. It was far away enough for him to do as he wished without being seen by anyone but Amy and Dennis. They walked quietly behind him, looking at each other with a little concern and worry. They didn't know what was about to happen and wondered what they were going to be shown.

"Where are we going?" Amy asked, nervously looking over the edge of the cliff as the raging waves threw itself against the rock.

"Take my hand and I will show you." Tom looked at them, turning to face the pair with his hand reached out.

"What? Ew no!" She exclaimed and crossed her arms, Dennis looked just as disgusted at the matter; taking a step back. Tom didn't allow them to leave and instead of speaking again he rolled his eyes and reached out, grabbing their arms and closing his eyes. Before they could scream or get away they began spinning and flew through time itself, being squashed down and taken somewhere else.

Tom put all his attention on the place he wanted to go, he was frightened it wouldn't work as he had only gone the the library but with determination, destination and deliberation his feet touched the wet rock of the inside of a cave. He stood there as if nothing had happened but Amy and Dennis both gripped onto each other, Dennis throwing up that days lunch over the ground. While they sat terrified in each others arms, shivering and trembling, Tom walked freely around the cave as if he owned the place.

He had found this cave just over a year ago but hadn't been able to get to it, its on the face of the cliff and Tom using the skill he did was the only way to get to it. As he finally got the chance to explore the cave, he held himself in a tall posture, looking at the children with a small smirk.

"Such pathetic creatures," he muttered, clearly seeing himself as something higher than that. As he explored, he looked on the ground and noticed something. It looked like a book. His eyes narrowed a little and he got onto his knees, gently pulling it out of the dirt and brushing it off. He wondered how it got there, this cave was far from accessible by any means. Tom slowly stood and brushed the covered off until he could see the cover.

The cover was plain so instead he opened it. The first page read 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard.' This book striked his interest more so than the fear of his fellow orphans behind him. He knew he couldn't read it right now and would have to wait until they got back to the orphanage but he decided to read the first page.


There was once a kindly old wizard who used his magic generously and wisely for the benefit of his neighbors. Rather than reveal the true source of his power, he pretended that his potions, charms and antidotes sprang ready-made from the little cauldron he called his lucky cooking pot. From miles around people came to him with their troubles, and the wizard was pleased to give his pot a stir and put things right.

This well-beloved wizard lived to a goodly age, then died, leaving all his chatells to his only son. This son was of a very different disposition to his gentle father. Those who could not work magic were, to the son's mind, worthless, and he had often quarreled with his father's habit of dispensing magical aid to their neighbours.

Upon the father's death, the son found hidden inside the old cooking pot a small package bearing his name. He opened it, hoping for gold, but found instead a soft, thick slipper, much to small to wear, and with no pair. A fragment of parchment within the slipper bore the words "In the fond hope, my son, that you will never need it."

Just reading a small portion of one of the stories had Tom hooked. His eyes were wide and he wanted to read more but he was interrupted by Amy's loud and obnoxious crying. He put it safely away and turned to look at them with a bored and tired look. Amy whimpered and moved away from him a little.

"S-stay away! You freak!" Dennis exclaimed. Tom's eyes narrowed and he stared down at Dennis, wishing upon him unimaginable pain.

"How dare you speak to me like that, I will no longer tolerate it," he spat, his voice laced with anger. Before he knew it, Dennis let out a blood curdling scream, his head throwing back and his body convulsing with unimaginable. It seems Tom's anger and wish for him to feel pain had become reality. First, Tom was shocked at such power he felt from himself but soon he turned to enjoy seeing Dennis in such agony. "You speak of this Amy, and you will come to the same fate. You must remember who is above you now."

Dennis' pain eventually stopped and the two agreed to keep their mouths shut. However, that would never take away their trauma. They would never forget this moment and would never be cruel to Tom again. These orphan's lives will never be the same again. Amy and Dennis are changed forever. 


A/N - If you liked this please don't forget to vote so I know! Comments are greatly appreciated!

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