
By Nahimana_dara

135 5 9

hey this is just a poem i wrote when i was angry at everyone around me and just at the point of giving up, i... More


135 5 9
By Nahimana_dara


To give more… allows more to be wanted

To satisfy… allows a road to another need

To take… allows the need for more taking 

To be… allows the world to trample on you

I love with all my heart, yet it is tossed aside

I am asked for more love, for more suffering,

For more pain, for more hurt, for more death,

For more words, for more attention, for more time.

I try to my fullest abilities, yet I seem to decline in ranking,

I am asked for more waking hours, for more reading,

For more solving, for more calculating, for more drawing,

For less Internet, for less social life, for less integration.

I suffer till I decide to stop; yet I come back to square one,

I am asked to spend less, to stay at home more, to study more,

For more time, for less arguing, for less asking,

For more thinking, for less stupidity, for more learning.

I become enclosed within my box, in isolation,

Yet I am asked why, I am told to thank god and smile,

I am asked for more talking, for less loneliness,

For less sadness, for more thinking of others, for less selfishness.

When I give, you want more,

When I suffer, my suffering will not satisfy you,

When I try to shine, I am left with darkness,

And when I ask for solitude, it is stripped off me.

I stopped wanting anything,

I stopped caring,

I stopped asking,

I stopped taking,

I stopped crying,

I stopped hurting,

I stopped loving,

I am numb…

Play with me, discard me then throw me away,

Swear at me, hate me then beat me up,

Give me spoil me love me or care,

I give you the freedom of choice.

Because anything you do, stopped effecting me,

Anything you want from me stopped poking me,

Any abuse you try on me stopped hurting me,

Any feelings you radiate towards me, I stopped receiving.

I don’t care,

I can’t care,

I can’t think,

I can’t hurt,

I can’t suffer,

I can’t feel,

Allow your self anything from me you desire,

I am your property,

Use me wisely,

You get one dummy. 

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