You Call Him Gustavo, I Call...

By EmmaAwesome

225K 2.8K 799

It's about your ordinary Big Time Rush person meets BTR except there's no fan. It's Gustavo's daughter and sh... More

You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [1]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [2]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [3]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [4]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [5]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [6]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [7]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [8]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [9]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [10]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [11]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [12]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [13]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [14]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [15]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [16]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [17]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [19]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [20]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [21]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [22]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [23]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [24]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [25]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [26]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [27]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [28]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [29]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [30]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [31]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [32]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [33]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [34]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [35]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [36]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [37]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [38]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [39]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [40]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [41]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [42] (Rated R for this one)
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [43]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [44]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [45]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [46]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [47]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [48]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [49]
You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [Final Chapter]

You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [18]

2.3K 24 7
By EmmaAwesome



Julie's Pov

"See you soon Jewls." My Dad embraced me in a tight hug. "See Dad, I told you, you could still hug like old times." I smiled. He smiled back. Ding.......Ding. "The flight to Chicago, Illinois is now boarding, the flight to Chicago, Illinois is now boarding." Said the lady at the front desk.

"That's me." I smiled, sadly because I wasn't going to see him for so long, and happy because I was going to see my Mom again. "Jewls," He gripped my shoulders. I stared at him innocently.

 "Say hi to your Mom for me." He let go. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That's it?" I asked hesitantly.


I cautiously walked towards the plane, wondering if he was going to say I love you....

"Oh, Jewls!" He called.

I turned around, full of joy. "Come closer." He said.

We both knew what was coming next. Ding.....Ding! We grabbed each other into another hug. This time with all the love we could say between a hug that a person would just say is just a hug. But to me and my Dad, a hug meant 'I Love You'.

I smiled walking to the door, still smiling while boarding plane, and even smiled as my plane took off and my Dad stood on his limo waving. I waved back.

"Is that your Dad?" Asked a gawking 5 year old. I nodded. "You have a cool Dad." He smiled up at me.

"He is pretty cool, isn't he?"


"Hey, wake up, miss? It's time to leave. Miss?"

I brought my hand to my face and started rubbing. I opened both of my eyes to see an elderly lady peering over me with her green cat eyes. "Welcome to Chicago." She beamed down at me.

I sat up and noticed only a few people were on the plane who were probably going somewhere else.

"Okay." I mumbled as I unbuckled my seat belt, got my carry-on, and walked off the plane.

I went to baggage claim and took my bags so I could go pee. I never pee on planes. After feeling refreshed I went to a nearby McDonald's and ate till my stomach was full.

"Julie!" Shrieked a voice.

I looked up to see a guy running towards me. Specifically my first boyfriend who turned out, is gay in his skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and gray aeropostle jacket. He stayed true to his dirty blonde hair and his snake bites. "Mickey!" I shouted back. I stood up in glee and ran to him.

When we got closer we opened our arms and gave each other a hug. We let go. "Look at you!" I exclaimed.

"Look at you! You look hot!"

I giggled. "Thanks Mick, where's Ailey?" I asked referring to his twin sister and, my previous best friend before I moved. "Ugh she's sick....sick of love." He sighed exasperated. We both walked back over to my table.

"Is it Nick again?" I asked in a hush tone.

"Who else? Of course!" He said in a 'duh' tone. "That jerk!" I gasped. Nick was Ailey's long-term boyfriend. He constantly cheated on her and even got a girl pregnant. Yet, she still stays with him. They've dated for 2 years.

"I just want to beat the crap out of him." He grumbled as we walked out the door.

"Again, you want to beat him up again." I corrected, recalling the first time Nick cheated on Ailey. 


Ailey busted through the door with tears rolling down her cheeks when Me and Mick were kissing. "He-he did it a-a-again!" She fell to the ground crying. "Where is he!!!!!!!!!!!!!???" Mick growled. I helped Ailey stand up. "Outside!" She shrieked. "Calm down Ail-"

"He's going to get it!" Mick sneered then charged down the stairs.

"Wait! No Mickey! Stop!!!!!" She wailed and ran after him. I followed close behind. By time we got downstairs, Mickey and Nick were punching, kicking, and spitting at each other. "Don't mess with my sister!"

Flashback over!

Mickey won obviously. "Yeah." He said as we walked to the bus stop. "How's my Mom?" I asked.

"She told me to come pick you up, is all she wanted me to tell you about her." He shrugged as we stopped at the bus stop. "Bags?" He asked.

I handed him my huge bag. "Thanks."

"Of course."

We sat in comfortable silence as we waited for the bus, still silent on the bus, and even silent in his pickup truck. He had it for 4 months and already crashed it, twice!

I finally broke the silence. "How's Zoey?"

He looked surprised at my question and didn't answer right away. Zoey, Ailey, and I used to all be best friends since kindergarten. I was always the girl that all the boys teased and all the girls wanted to play dollies with. Ailey was always the fun spirited girl who got good grades and played lots of sports. Then there was Zoey, the socially awkward new girl that nobody liked. It all started in the 6th grade when she arrived.

"Hi I'm Julie! You must be Zoey!" I held out my hand. She gawked at me, the most popular girl in the school came to talk to her, the 'loser'. "Zoey." She would whisper.

"Cool, this is my bestest friend in the whole world, Ailey!" I pulled her to me into a hug. And after about 4 months we broke her anti-social brain and she was the girl everyone thought was smart and nice.

Then, 9th grade came. Ailey, Zoey, Mickey, and I were the best friends and went down on the social ladder to regular people. Zoey and I started developing a crush on Mickey. Mickey had already like me since 5th grade (even told me). Soon Mickey and I were going out, leaving Zoey heartbroken, and me oblivious to her pain.

Zoey then later, tried getting Mickey to kiss her. I saw him struggle and took my anger out on her with my mouth. We stopped being friends and I managed to get Ailey and Mickey to not like her. (Bitchy much?) She started hanging out with people and we constantly pulled pranks on each other.

Then Mickey became gay and I moved. The last time I saw Zoey was at her Dad's funeral.


I groaned. "What happened?" I slouched low in my seat. "Welllll," He stalled. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorta kinda maybe....going out with....her." He stopped at a red light.

I sat in silence. My face started to heat up and my ear rang. Was it Hell calling? "YOUR WHAT?!!" I shout-asked. The light turned green and he sped down the empty starlit night. Julie was to bothered by the news to admire the starry sky. "I'm....not gay." He said slowly.

"Oh my," I sat up in my seat and came closer to his ear, "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!" He blushed beat red.

I sat back in my seat, crossed my  arms across my chest, and sulked the rest of the way home.

Merriville, Indiana: Julie's mother's house

"Can you please talk to me?" Mickey whined. I've been giving him the silent treatment since I heard the news.

"Not even for 20 bucks?" He pulled out a crumpled 20 dollars. I rolled my eyes.

He sighed impatiently as we walked up the driveway. "Look, Julie, I'm sorry."

We both stopped. "Why?" I finally spoke. He grinned when I finally answered him.

"Because I only dated Zoey because I lo-"

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled a million people as the door flew open. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

My eyes went wide. "Happy birthday sweetie!" Gushed my Mom and she snapped a picture. "Mom!" I gave her a tight squeeze. She smiled as we let go.

"Welcome home!" Squealed Ailey from right beside us. "Ailey!!!!!!!" I squealed with delight.

We gave each other a quick hug. "Everyone!" I gasped.

"You!!!!!!!" They shouted back. I was welcomed into the house feeling totally overwhelmed with all the old faces that I knew so well. I had no idea it was my birthday. I was 17 today. Let's mark the date in my head, July 16 is my b-day!

"You go and mingle I'll see you soon." My Mom whispered in my ear. She waved goodbye from the doorway. I waved back but was quickly pulled toward the couch. "You got super tan! How do you do it?" Said a girls voice.


"So glad you remembered! I go by Vicky now" She exclaimed. "Oh, sor-"

"Ooh there's Brock! Gotta run girly!" She triple tapped my tanned shoulder and with the flick of her black hair she was off. Veronica was my Greek goddess friend and was voted prettiest girl in the school.

She was tanned (tanner then me). She had dark brown hair, almost black. But what made her unique were her olive green eyes that popped against her skin. Only problem is she interrupts everyone she pleases and has a 'nasal condition'.

"Julie! Your so beautiful!" Gushed a red head. "Thanks!" I smiled politely and walked towards the kitchen. Compliments like "You look hot! and 'Happy B-day!' were tossed into the party.

Rihanna's newest song, What's My Name came on and everyone rushed to the dance floor (that was actually the living room) and shook their booties in the air, careful not to spill their drinks.

I finally slid best the sweat-clad dancing bodies and sat down at the island counter, eating the wavy chips. My favorite!

"Happy Birthday Julie!" Said a group of emo looking guys, who stood by the doorway about to leave. "Your leaving?" I asked.

"Sorry can't stay for the cake." Said a guy who reminded me of Jacob back in Hollywood. They shuffled out the door, leaving me all alone. It was funny how many people came when I didn't know the half of them. "Heyyy birthday girl." Said Mickey as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. He rested his head on my shoulder.

We stood there in comfortable silence as the beat of music flowed all around the house.

"I lum too." He mumbled.


"Oh....uh....nothing...." He let go of me and raced out the kitchen. And in walked Ailey. "There you are! People are getting anxious! Cake time! Where's your candles?"

She went in our cabinet like it was her own house, in a way it was. She pulled out a lighter and matches. "Let's go." She widened her eyes.


We walked into the living room where a giant cake sat in the corner. We sang the b-day song and I could finally blow out my candles on MY chocolate cake. I wish I had a car!

Soon the cake was out and full teenage tummies were in. I laughed at a joke Brandon was telling a group of people. Brandon was my 2nd boyfriend and before I left, we got into a big fight but were friends now. 

"Yo bitch, Zoey is here." Ailey whispered in my ear. I stood up and followed Ailey towards the door. By time we arrived, Zoey and Mickey were in the middle of a conversation. We hid behind a plant to listen in.

"I know it's hard to say this but......."

"But what?!" She snapped.

"But I can't date you anymore, ever since Julie came ba-"

"Wait! Julie's.....back?" She gasped.

He nodded. "As I-"


"No Duh."

"Wow." She giggle-sighed.

"I've realized that I-I......I love Julie." He blushed red and looked down at his vans.

"Love!" She choked on her own words. "Love!" I panic-gasped at Ailey who gave me the same expression.

"Yes," He rubbed his neck. "I love her."

And right at that moment I wanted to faint....

After the Party

"Yo hoe? Party over." Ailey mumbled. I felt a soft cushion underneath me. I peeked with one green eye. "Ugh, I wanted to get away from the drama of Hollywood and reconnect with my friends but instead....more drama!" I sat up and complained to Ailey and opened my other eye. 

"Mickey left, Zoey left too. Just like everyone else." She closed my curtains.

"Know what I'm thinking?"

We grinned at each other. I waited for her to stand on my queen sized bed like me. "GIRLS NIGHT!" We screamed at the top of our lungs. We jumped up in down making our boobs jello and my bed get all messy. (Eww boobs jellowing XD)


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