Twenty One Questions | Taegi...

By rosie_maple

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Being the only outcasts at a party, Taehyung and Yoongi decide to play 21 questions to get to know each other... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (final)

Chapter 1

374 15 16
By rosie_maple

Taehyung observes the red solo cup in his hand. The drink offered to him by a passing stranger is vibrating wildly inside of it because of the obnoxiously loud music that's being played.

Taehyung doesn't want to be there. He regrets letting his best friend convince him by saying it was going to be fun and promising he wouldn't leave him by himself. It hadn't been even 40 minutes after they arrived when Taehyung lost Jimin. He should have known that would happen, he's a social butterfly after all. Taehyung on the other hand, not so much.

He looks up from his cup and around the living room. Sweaty bodies are dancing everywhere and the only sofa in the room is being occupied by two girls that are almost sucking each others faces off. He's definitely not sitting over there.

Taehyung is startled by a hand swiftly making its way around his waist. He hears a masculine voice loudly speaking over the music, right by his ear.

"Are you here by yourself pretty thing?"

Feeling a questionable hardness now touching his thigh, Taehyung looks to his side, quite horrified, before mumbling he's got to meet someone. Quickly, he makes his way out of the stranger's grasp and heads to the garden. Leaving his cup at some random surface along the way.

Relief floods through him as he steps outside the house and a gush of cold wind hits his cheeks. A loud sigh makes its way past his lips as he realizes the loud music is way lower there than it was inside. If he had to spend ten more minutes listening to some rapper singing about how 'all bitches want a taste of him', he wasn't sure he wouldn't kill Jimin when he next sees him.

More relaxed now that he can actually hear his own thoughts, Taehyung searches for a place to sit. He won't wait in that house for his friend to show up so they can finally go home. Jimin will search for him outside eventually, at least he hopes so.

His eyes gaze around before they land on a gazebo by the end of the lawn. It's too dark and far away to see if there's anyone there already. Taehyung makes his way there, hoping he won't get there to a naked couple doing it.

As he arrives closer, the brunette finds that, to his delight, there are no lovers copulating in the shelter. There is however, a man, who seems to be around Taehyung's age, quietly reading a book.

Taehyung clears his throat lightly to make his presence known. The man looks up from his pages and at Taehyung's face.

"Oh, i'm sorry. Is this your house? I probably shouldn't be here. I can leave if you want to use the gazebo or something."

The words hurriedly leave the strangers mouth as he closes his book and starts getting up to leave.

Taehyung's hands immediately start waving in a wait motion.

"No no! You can stay! I-I'm not the house owner. I was just looking for a place to sit."

The stranger stares at him for a second. He starts lowering his body to sit down again, this time a little more to the side of the bench.

"Not your scene either i guess?"

Taehyung huffs. "Not in the very least."

The stranger's lips turn slightly upwards at the response. His hands motion for Taehyung to sit down too.

"I'm Min Yoongi." He offers his hand, which Taehyung shakes.

"Kim Taehyung." He smiles. "Were you dragged here by a friend with fake promises of fun too?"

"A brother actually. He just transferred to a college nearby and met some guy that told him about the party. I didn't want him to come alone, so i offered to accompany him. Big mistake by the way, he ditched me as soon as we arrived. Apparently he knows tons of people already."

"He and my friend would definitely get along." Taehyung giggles to himself.

A moment of slightly awkward silence settles between them before Taehyung breaks it.

"So, what are you doing for fun in this amazing party?" He air quotes 'amazing' as he speaks.

Yoongi laughs at that. "I was reading this book, but to be honest, it's total crap. I was almost contemplating going back inside."

"God no. Trust me, you wouldn't wanna do that."

"Do you have any suggestions then?" Yoongi questions.

Taehyung hums as he thinks. It's been a long time since he's been to a party and, apart from truth or dare, he can't remember any other party activities.

"To be honest, i have no idea whatsoever about what we could do. I didn't think that far ahead when i decided to leave the house."

"Fair enough." Yoongi accepts. "Maybe we could look something up?"

"Good call." Taehyung praises as he fishes his phone out of his pocket to search something up.

He comes across a game called twenty one questions. The game consists essentially of asking each other 21 questions so you can get to know each other better. Sounds like a good game to play with a stranger. There were many different questions, some very weird, as examples online, to help you come up with ideas.

"What about 21 questions?" Taehyung looks at Yoongi, who frowns.

"The one where we ask each other 21 random questions?"

"Yep." Taehyung answers. "You up for it?"

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, why not."

"Great!" Tae beams. He's excited to do something after having been alone for so long inside that house. "Okay, I'll start." He straightens himself.

"How old are you?" Taehyung asks.

Yoongi turns to the side so he can look at Taehyung better. "Wasn't expecting such a boring question from you."

"Hey! I'm just starting out. I need to know the basics first, I only know your name."

Yoongi glares, skeptical. "Fair enough." He gives in. "I'm 25. And you?"

Taehyung raises a brow at him. "Thought you found the question boring?"

"It is boring. But you made a good point." Taehyung smiles triumphant, Yoongi rolls his eyes at that. "Just answer."

"I'm younger than you. I'm 23." He finally replies.

"Hm, i'm your hyung then." Yoongi wonders.

"Are you spending another question on that? It isn't even your turn." Taehyung grins, to which the older glares.

"It wasn't a question, it was a statement." He explains. "Okay. Go on."

Taehyung rests his head on his hands as he thinks of what to ask next. One of the questions he saw on google pops up in his mind.

"Ah! If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?" Taehyung asks curiously.

The older takes a minute to think about it. He doesn't seem completely sure when he starts to answer.

"I think I'd visit the future. I could get the lottery numbers and become rich in the present. It would help me a lot."

Taehyung hums in response. "I think i'd rather go back in time. I wouldn't change anything, but I'd love to meet artists like Monet or Van Gogh. I'd ask for some painting tips and buy some of Van Gogh's older stuff. I feel bad for him." He looks to the side, a little ashamed, as he mumbles. "Maybe I could sell it nowadays. I could use some money right now too."

The older chuckles. "Do you like art?" He asks, curious about what younger likes.

Taehyung's eyes light up at the question. Taehyung loves art with all his being. He graduated art school last year and has since been a 'struggling artist'. He might not make a lot of money, since he's quite unknown, but he makes enough money to get by while doing something he loves. He wouldn't change that for anything. He'd rather be poor doing something he loves than to be rich but unhappy. Luckily, he's doing ok financially since he graduated.

"Yes!" He grins widely. "I'm a painter myself, so I love art with all my being."

"Really?" Yoongi looks at him surprised. "I'm a photographer. I really like art too."

Taehyung's grin grows even bigger at that.

"No way. You're also in the art community!?" His hands fly around excitedly. "Who's your favorite artist?" He asks, but doesn't let Yoongi answer before he continues speaking. Yoongi smiles fondly at the younger's enthusiasm.

"I hope it's not an abstract artist. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I like abstract art too. But I'm not that into it myself. My favorite painter is Van Gogh, although I have to admit I also have a soft spot for Paul Cézanne. I love the post-impressionism." He rants about his own art preferences before he realizes Yoongi didn't get a chance to answer. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I've been ranting about myself and didn't let you speak." He lowers his gaze ashamed.

Yoongi smiles fondly once again.

"It's okay. I enjoyed listening to you talk about what you like." The younger looks back at him as he continues. "Okay, so, I'm not that big of a fan of abstract art either. But i do really like Mark Rothko's art. Something about its simplicity attracts me a lot. Apart from that, I'm usually more drawn towards impressionist artists. Renoir is my favorite artist, along with Pissarro."

Taehyung looks in awe as Yoongi speaks. He loves discussing about art, but he doesn't have many artists friends of his own. Every once in a while, he's able to drag Jimin to an exhibition. However, after more than five minutes staring at one piece, he starts to get impatient and pulls Taehyung to the next one. So it's nice to finally talk to someone who actually enjoys it too.

"Okay, next question." Taehyung starts, but Yoongi interrupts.

"Wait, but it's my turn!" He complains.

"No it's not. You asked me if i liked art." Taehyung reminds him.

"Well, then you made me a question too. You asked me who's my favorite artist." Yoongi looks smugly at Taehyung.

"No I didn't. It was a follow up question. It doesn't count."

"That's not fair." Yoongi counters back.

"Of course it is! I didn't change the subject." He reasons.

"Fine." Yoongi crosses his arms. "Go ahead then. What's your question?" His lips turn upward as he stares at the younger who starts speaking.


"Taehyung-ah!" Taehyung hears Jimin's voice shouting from a distance. He turns around to see his friend stumbling slightly as he tries to get to him.

"Omg, i can't believe i found you." Jimin says as he cups the youngers cheeks with his chubby fingers. "I thought you were dead!" Jimin's eyes start to glisten, as if he truly believed Taehyung was dead.

"Good to know you still care. After you left me alone for hours, i thought you forgot I even exist." Taehyung huffs as Jimin sprawls himself over the brunette.

"I'm so sorry Taehyungie." The blonde slurs. Immediately after, he looks down and starts chuckling. Taehyung raises a brow at him.

"Jimin, how much did you drink?" He frowns.

"I don't know," Jimin continues giggling. "but i might throw up soon if we don't leave."

Taehyung has a horrified look on his face. He does not want to spend the night having to clean up vomit. He grabs Jimin's arm, carefully lifting him up. At that, the blonde glances to the side and notices a third presence in the space.

"Well hello there. Who's this hottie over here?" Jimin asks in a flirting tone. "Are you single?"

"Jimin!" Taehyung snaps loudly. He turns to Yoongi. "I'm so sorry hyung, but i have to go. I have to take this one home before he drinks more and pukes all over the place." Taehyung makes a disgusted expression.

Yoongi chuckles. "It's okay Taehyung-ssi. Take care of your friend." He smiles at him.

"Wait, what about the game?" Taehyung pouts as he puts Jimin's arm around him for support. He feels bad about leaving the older alone mid-game. And, if he was being honest, he was enjoying Yoongi's company. "We couldn't finish it."

Yoongi looks up pensative. "Hm, what if we meet up to finish it another day?" He suggests.

"Ooh, is it a sexual game?" Jimin wiggles his eyebrows at the pair. "Did I interrupt some sexy time between you?"

"Omg Jimin, please stop talking." Taehyung feels heat crawling up his neck. "I'm really really really sorry for him hyung. I swear he's not this outspoken when he's sober." Taehyung appears extremely embarrassed.

"I told you, it's fine. To be honest, I'm glad he was the first one to find us. I think if Jungkookie found us first, he would've been way worse. My brother can be very honest when he's drunk." Yoongi smiles fondly. "Anyway, what do you think, about meeting up?"

"Oh, yeah, sure! Here, put your number in, I'll text you." Taehyung fumbles with his pocket to retrieve his phone and hand it to the older.

Yoongi punches in his phone number and saves it before handing the device back to Tae.

"I'll see you again then." Taehyung smiles apologetically.

Yoongi nods and smiles back at the younger.

"See you soon Taehyung-ssi."

"Wait, are we seeing the hottie again?" Jimin inquires from beside Taehyung, who rolls his eyes.

"Let's go Jiminie, you've embarrassed the both of us enough for one night." He waves goodbye to Yoongi before turning to walk with the blonde to the car.

He hopes he'll be able to see Yoongi again soon.

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