Double Soul (Skullgirls Harem...

By Theirontrooper

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Y/N wasn't the most "normal" of kids, despite being of a rich family he could always be seen playing near orp... More

Chapter 1: Status Quo
Chapter 2: The Lonely Girl
Chapter 3: 7 Years
Chapter 4: 7 Minutes
Chapter 5: Survivor
Chapter 7: The New Status Quo
Chapter 8 Never Forget, Never Forgive
Chapter 9 The Hero Who Couldn't
Chapter 10 Soldier's Dream
Chapter 11 Nyantics
Chapter 12 Chasing After A Lost Umbrella
Chapter 13 Heavy Handed Love
Chapter 14 The Green Green Grass Of Home
A/N Short Break
Chapter 15 The Price Of Power
Inspiration and Plagiarism
Important update, story votes (Voting Closed)

Chapter 6: The End Of A Life

3K 72 43
By Theirontrooper

Welcome back everyone! A new week and a new chapter, i'm sorry about ending on cliffhangers so much, so i'll make this short, this chapter was beta read by Joelitos09 buddyman4925 and DarkZ19_05, now please, enjoy it.

3 days had passed. 3 long, frustrating days in the sewers, the worry that Y/N felt for the outside world slowly consuming his mind, but now it was finally time for him to leave, Cerebella left daily to get food but refused to tell him anything about the situation outside, or how she acquired food without money, Y/N had a pretty good guess but decided not to question further.

Y/N: Ahh, it feels so good to finally stretch.

Y/N got up and stretched for the first time in 3 days, his bones cracking in a satisfying manner.

Cerebella: Are you sure you're ok? We can stay here longer if you need to.

Y/N: Don't worry Bella, I'm fine really. But I need to see what's going on outside.

The last few days have been tough, not only he couldn't move and had to constantly pay attention to Forte's teachings, and the recent tremors he heard from up above did not help.

Cerebella: Well, if you say so.

She said, slightly bummed out by not being able to nurse Y/N any longer, but trusting they could deal with anything up above.

Forte: Well if we're gonna go outside already you two need to hide yourselves. Cerebella, did you get what I asked.

Cerebella: Yep!

Forte spoke from Y/N's shoulder, at his command Cerebella showed two cloaks, one in each hand.

Cerebella: Here's yours, please be careful.

She handed the other teen one of the cloaks, looking at him in slight worry as he put it on, once he was finished, she started to dress her own, Y/N took the chance to touch his "badge" on his shoulder, at first lightly rubbing the new area on his shoulder, seeing that it was hard as metal he lightly flickered it, getting an answer from Forte.

Forte: Hey watch it!

Y/N: Sorry.

He quickly replied, still not used to having a part of his body replaced with metal, Forte's original form was the badge, however, he could form a clone body away from it, just another thing for Y/N to be impressed with at his father's creation.

Cerebella: All done!

Cerebella was finished changing, the cloak and it's hood covering all but it's face.

Forte: Well, we should get going now.

He disappeared from the teen's shoulder, going back into his main body.

Y/N: Forte's right, we shouldn't stay here any longer.

There was a bit of a quiver in his voice, something Cerebella noticed.

Cerebella: Y/N. Are you okay with this? Are you sure you want to go back up to New Meridian.

Y/N hesitated, but he still nodded with resolve.

Y/N: I'm ready.

She still looked dubious, but decided to let him go, both walking towards the sewer's stairs, Y/N was about to start climbing but he was interrupted by Cerebella.

Cerebella: Wait! Let me go first, I don't want anything happening to you.

There was a strange eager smile on her face as she said that, Y/N saw the eagerness as a wish to protect him, unfortunately for her, he would not let her get hurt, not to protect him, or any other situation.

Y/N: Sorry Bella, but I'm going ahead, if something happened to you I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

He gave her a reassuring smile.

Y/N: But don't worry, I'll be fine.

And then began to climb the steps one by one, leaving the girl frozen in shock for a few seconds, normally she'd gush about Y/N wanting to defend her, but seeing the sights that awaited them outside she truly wished they could just stay here so she could keep him safe.

Y/N: Hey, aren't you coming?

Y/N said from halfway through the stairs.

Cerebella: Sorry, I'm going.

She said with worry as she followed him, the boy going back to climbing the stairs when he confirmed she was following, and eventually he reached the sewer's manhole cover, he moved his hand towards it, flinching for a second, he'd be lying to himself if he said part of him still hoped, hoped the party was all a nightmare, that his parents and the Contiellos were fine, he didn't know how he'd react to the truth that was waiting for him, he shook his head to drive away the thoughts, he'd face the truth head on! He'd be strong and take it full force! Just like his father would want him to, with steeled resolve he placed his hand against the cover, pushing it upwards as he and Cerebella left the sewers.

Y/N: Wh-What even happened here!?

He stared at the scenery in front of him, the usual building and light filled visage of New Meridian reduced to an almost complete darkness. Buildings had holes on their sides, some were toppled over on top of each other or the streets, and some were completely destroyed and reduced to rubble.

Y/N: Who did this!?

Y/N was angry, he wasn't used to the appearance of New Meridian as it constantly changed and evolved, but what could cause such reckless death and destruction?

Cerebella: The Skull Girl, she has been going on a rampage for a while.

Y/N felt Forte in his metal badge for on his arm doing something akin to a flinch, it felt weird but he ignored it.


Y/N turned towards his dark skinned companion, ready to reprimand her for getting herself in so much danger without even telling him, however, something else caught his attention, something that made his blood run cold and froze him in place.

Y/N: N-No.

Y/N saw the Contiello mansion, or at least what was left of it, the building was in shambles, a blackened unsalvable pile of ash in the ground, merely pieces of what was once a structure left.

Cerebella: Y/N, I'm sorry for keeping it a secret.

She looked down in shame while Y/N kept staring at the fallen manor, before a detail caught his eye, a yellow, bloodied dress, on a pale woman, as tainted with her own blood as her dress, seeing the familiar clothing he whispered.

Y/N: Sq-squigly?

He shook his head, he couldn't just stand there and do nothing! He ran towards the figure hoping her wounds could be healed,


And to his surprise the woman turned her head to him, cold lifeless eyes brightening in a second, unfortunately her voice could not muster as much energy as her eyes, he noticed one of her pigtails was gone, and that Leviathan had replaced it, but right now he could care less.

Sienna: Y.../N?

He quickened his pace, kneeling besides her the moment he got close, and without a moment of hesitation he put his hand on the bullet wound in his neck, the flames appearing below his hand as he used his new powers in an attempt to heal her.

Y/N: Don't worry Squigly, you'll be as good as new, i promise!

He mustered with a shaky, but hopeful, voice, the blood in her clothes being a reminder of all the pain she went through, all because of the Medici, but he shook his head once more, this was not the time for such thoughts.

Y/N: Squigly, you have no idea how happy I am! I thought you were dead! Is anyone else safe too?

He said excitedly, but for some reason he had to force his voice, something in his mind telling him something was wrong with the scene.

Sienna: Y/N... I'm sorry but.

Leviathan: Sienna is already dead.

That made him freeze, his blood getting cold once more as he finally realized what was nagging him, not only was her body pale, her eyes were empty, her blood not only had stopped flowing but it had already dried in her clothes, and her wounds weren't closing even a little under his powers.

Y/N: W-what? Then how.

Sienna: I was brought to life under the Skull Girl's power, but now, she's gone.

Y/N: But that, that means you'll.

He was terrified, terrified of hearing whatever was coming from their mouths,

Leviathan: Now that she's gone Squigly is not gonna last much longer.

Y/N: But that can't be right!? Forte healed my wounds then can't he-?

Forte: No.

Forte said, the attention of the three being drawn to him as he once again manifested on a clone body, this time as large as a regular dog.

Forte: I'm sorry Y/N, our powers can heal wounds, not bring back the dead.

Leviathan: Hey old friend, I'm glad to see you one last time.

He said with a bittersweet tone, Forte looking down at the ground as he asked something, although his tone indicated he clearly already knew the answer.

Forte: You don't need to do this y'know, if Sienna is going to die you could just stop being her parasite.

Leviathan: I'm sorry Forte, but I'm not abandoning her, I die with the Contiellos just as you'd die with the L/Ns.

Forte gave a dry laugh.

Forte: Yeah. I know that.

As they spoke between themselves Y/N was having a crisis, telling himself It couldn't be possible multiple times while staring at the ground, not being able to stare at his friend's undead body.

Sienna: Don't worry Y/N.

He stared back at her as she gently caressed his hand on her neck.

Sienna: Even if this is the end, I'm glad I could spend my last times with you.

Y/N: Please. Please don't say that, this can't be the end.

He begged, tears welling up in his eyes as he violently tried to rub them away with his other hand, this wasn't the end, this wasn't the end so he wouldn't cry! There was no need for tears if nothing sad was happening right!? He told himself.

Sienna: I'm sorry, but this is it.

She apologized, not doing anything to help with his crying.

Sienna: But even if this is my end, I can at least be happy.

Y/N: How can you say that! How can you just accept you're going to die!?

Sienna: I didn't. I'm scared Y/N, I don't want to die, not again.

Y/N finally began to cry, his single hand not being able to wipe all the tears as they flowed

Y/N: Then why? How can you be happy?

Sienna: Because you'll live on, even if I die here I can at least be happy with the fact someone I loved is still alive.

Y/N wanted to say that wasn't good enough, that he'd die in the most gruesome ways if it meant Sienna could live longer, but he finally realized, this was it, Squigly was going to disappear, all those years where he'd go to her house and have fun with her were going to be no more, but he at least could keep her company in her final moments, even if he couldn't stop his cries.

Sienna: Can you do that for me Y/N? Can you keep living?

He nodded.

Y/N: I-I promise to.

He stuttered through tears.

Sienna: I'm...glad.

Her voice sounded weaker, getting Y/N into an alarmed state.

Y/N: Wait Sienna don't die yet! Please stay with me for a while longer!

Sienna: I'm..sorry Y/N...but I life leaving me.

Y/N: Not yet Squigly, Please! Please hold on!

Sienna: Please...promise me...promise'll live on

His tears fell down his face in a constant flow, he didn't want to let go, not yet, not ever.

Y/N: I-I.

He shook his head, he needed to be strong for Squigly, he couldn't let her die in sadness.

Y/N: I promise, I promise with every fiber of my being, I promise in the name of the L/Ns I'll live! I won't let you down!

He said, voice filled with emotion in sincerity, in response Sienna smiled, it was small, weak, but it carried a weight Y/N had never seen before.


And Squigly was no more, her hand stopped caressing his as it fell to the ground, silence filling the air as the atmosphere turned heavy, Y/N wanted to scream, to cry, but what he did was different, he picked her body up from the ground and walked towards the garden, he passed through ash in the form of a woman's silhouette, he'd assume it belonged to the Skull Girl but he didn't pay attention to it. He arrived at the back of the garden, placing her body in the front of a statue of the first Contiello singer.

Y/N: Goodbye Squigly, I'll see you again one day.

He turned his back, giving a single glance back as if something would've changed, and finally walked back towards the front of the ruined manor, Cerebella waiting for him as Forte merely looked to the ground in deep sadness.

Cerebella: Y/N... I'm sorry, I've never seen her here before.

Cerebella apologized, expecting Y/N to be mad at her, but the boy stayed silent until he got close, where, to her surprise he hugged her.

Y/N: Don't apologize, please.

His voice was coarse from crying, it sounded broken and hurt like it had t be forced out, Cerebella nodded despite the fact he wouldn't see it due to the hug, Y/N tried not to cry, merely silently hugging her as she pat his back soothingly, the two shared their moment in silence, their eyes closed in grief, Cerebella didn't want to admit it, but having a rival made things more fun, she'd miss Sienna, the moment continued until Y/N suddenly broke it, his face panicked as he whispered.

Y/N: The orphanage.

That was the only warning he gave before picking up Cerebella bridal style, the girl giving a shocked gasp as she blushed and was once again covered in the same aura as in the party, but unlike before she didn't sink into the ground, instead the aura got darker and darker, until eventually anything outside it was invisible, and then just as fast as it formed it disappeared, but what greeted her wasn't the Contiello's entrance anymore, instead she saw the front of another familiar place, the orphanage. She didn't get a chance to question what just happened before Y/N ran past the entrance walls to the repurposed manor, as the girl stood confused in front of the gates she heard her canine companion complain to himself.

Forte: Dammit, he's learning too fast.

He disappeared, probably returning to his original body, Cerebella taking her queue and following after, worried of what Y/N would find in the manor, unfortunately, her dress made it quite hard she couldn't run at even half of Y/N's speed.

Cerebella: Ugh why is this thing so stiff?

While she struggled to run after the duo, Y/N had almost reached the door to the orphanage, constantly whispering to himself in an extremely tense voice.

Y/N: Please be ok, please be ok.

He still had hope, the orphanage was one of the only places that showed no signs of damage from the Skull Girl's attack, but to his shock, the door opened by itself. He was about to commemorate that the people there were still safe, however...

???: Come on you good for nothings, quicken up!

3 people left from the door, two women, one man, what caught his attention however, were what they were wearing, and more importantly, what they were carrying, all of them wore the suits and the same bunny masks Dahlia's henchmen wore, although one of the women's had longer bunny ears on her mask, while the remaining duo who she seemed to be commanding had smaller ones, they were also carrying something, a body, Y/N recognized it as the body of one of the maids that worked in the orphanage.

Y/N: W-What ho-how.

He was in disbelief, why were the Medici here, what did they have to gain from doing anything to orphans of all things?

???: Hm?

The lady who seemed to be the leader seemed to finally realize the new arrival, looking angrier than before at her subordinates.

Leader: I thought you idiots closed the gates!?

???: You didn't ask us to!

The man replied angrily.

Leader: It should be obvious, retard!

He seemed to grow even more enraged, dropping the head of the body and letting it's top half fall as he glared at his leader, but before he could say anything Y/N said instead, his confusion becoming pure anger as realization finally dawned they had done something to the people of the orphanage.

Y/N: Why are you here?

He said, glaring at them.

Leader: And why would we tell you? Who do you think you are kid?

He disregarded her, asking once again, this time with a much more agitated voice.

Y/N: Why are you here!?

Their leader didn't seem to take too kindly to that.



He interrupted, his rage finally bursting out of him, his eyes seeming to become redder as some kind of thin dark fog seemed to be escaping from below his cloak.


The woman even more angered than before was going to reply, however, her female lackey seemed to have something to say.

Female: Uhh. Letta I'm sorry but-

Letta: WHAT IS IT?

The now named leader screamed at her.

Female: I-I'm sorry b-b-but Isn't that Y/N L/N, shouldn't he be dead?

Letta: Wait what?

Her leader looked confused, the man of the group however looked at Y/N up and down, the boy realizing he took off his cloak's hood when he saw Squigly.


Letta: I don't know but.

She gained a grin.

Letta: Hey kid, let's make a deal alright? You know where Cerebella is right? Then how about you give her to us, and we'll just let you go?

Y/N spat at her direction.

Y/N: Never, i'd rather die than make a deal with a Medici.

Letta: Such a shame, looking for the girl will be a hassle, but you can't say we didn't give you a chance, Midbus, finish what Dahlia couldn't.

Midbus: Are you sure? Finding Cerebella without him will suck ass.

Letta: If we kill him she'll come for us eventually.

Female: But wouldn't she refuse to obey us th-

Letta: JUST DO WHAT I TOLD YOU ALREADY, or do you want to get labaled as traitor's against the Medici.

Midbus sighed as his female partner gasped.

Midbus: Alright alright, I'll do it.

He turned towards Y/N, taking a gun from his pocket and taking aim.

Midbus: Well, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not.

Y/N: Does life really matter that little to you? You'd kill an innocent just because he wandered in the wrong place?

Midbus: Okay kid, now you're just going into your own monologue.

He was a bit weirded off that the kid opted to look at the ground and rant about Medici business, but eh, he had heard it enough from other people, nothing new. And so he took the shot, but to his surprise the bullet stopped before even coming close to touching Y/N, the boy didn't want to, knew his family and friends would not be proud of what he wanted to do. But then, he saw them again, his family, his friends. Dead by the hands of those bastards, he looked up, revealing his teary angry eyes and a purple shield with dark outlines, the bullet stuck on it's front.

Y/N: I can't take this anymore, I've always wanted to help people, to make others happy, I never wanted to hurt ANYONE, but look where that got me, I could do nothing but watch like a coward before and look what that got me. BUT NOT ANYMORE, I WILL NOT STAND WATCHING IN THE SIDELINES LIKE A SCARED BOY WHILE YOU DO ANYTHING YOU WANT ANYMORE!

Midbus: Wh-What the hell.

Female: H-He has a parasite!

Midbus: This is way above my paygrade!

He turned; ready to speed out of there as fast as he could, his partner ready to do the same, their boss however.

Letta: So what!? You think you're hot shit just cause you have a fancy weapon!?

Midbus stopped, looking back agape at his former leader's stupidity.

Midbus: Are you insane!? It's a parasite! Not just a "fancy weapon", why do you think Lorenzo was searching for one this long?

Letta: Because he's stupid, what's the point of a weapon if a kid is the one wielding it?

Midbus was going to start arguing that she should start begging for his forgiveness, even at the hands of a kid a legendary weapon would be enough to wipe the floor with them, but before he could say anything she fired, the bullet once again being caught by the barrier.

Y/N: It all ends for you today, Medici scum.

The bullets caught on the barrier started being charged by the shield, black lighting being encased in it's metal until it turned black.

Y/N: Die.

With that simple, but chilling, command the bullets were fired against Letta, so fast none of them had time to react, one bullet piercing her head, the other her heart, Midbus was frozen in fear, his partner being in the same boat behind him.

Y/N: And now to the rest of you.

As the sight of Letta's killer turned towards him, Midbus considered throwing his partner under the bus and trying to make a run for it, he didn't even know her name, so he wouldn't feel guilty, in fact he'd probably not feel guilty even if he did, but realizing he was against a parasite, any chance of escape was null at best, and so he decided to try to fight.

Midbus: Like a kid like you could take me out!

He stomped ahead of him, ready to charge the teen and punch him dead, but the moment he stomped, two eyes appeared in front of him, staring at him with all the hate a human could muster, he blinked, and when Midbus opened his eyes again all he saw was his decapitated body, the kid's hand having turned into a darkish purple, semitransparent sword.

Y/N: Now.

He pointed his sword at the last member of the Medici trio, the girl couldn't be older than 19, cowering against a wall with tears in her eyes.

Female: Pl-Please sp-spare me, i promise i-i won't say an-anything.

She begged, stuttering through tears, Y/N faltered, his sword disappearing as his eyes went back to it's normal colors.

Y/N: It's ok, I'm not a monster, you can run. Run away from the Medici and never look back.

Female: Tr-truly?

He nodded, the girl running past him with haste, Y/N felt terrible about himself for killing two people, but at least he could save one from serving the Medici, but this was not the time for that, he needed to check on the gir-


He looked back, eyes burning in hatred as he glared at the bullet caught in his shield, and the person who fired it.

Female: SHI-

She didn't get a chance to finish her swear, Y/N dashing towards her and executing the woman in the same way he did to Midbus.

Y/N: Medici scum.

He muttered, angry with himself for having trusted these cockroaches for a second, but it didn't matter, he had to find Patricia and Marie.

Y/N: Please be ok.

He whispered as he ran into the walls, not noticing a shocked Cerebella standing a few feet away, mouth agape while Vice-Versa had his eyes as wide as saucers, but instead of being appalled by his actions both only felt concern, Cerebella whispering his name in worry, she already knew what he would find there, she had tried to see if Marie and Patricia were alright when she left for the first time, but as she got ready to start running once more, only to be stopped by Vice placing his hand on her shoulder.

Cerebella: What's wrong Vice?

The hat shook his hand in a negative manner, the girl somehow understanding the hat.

Cerebella: You think Y/N needs some time for himself?

Vice nodded approvingly, Cerebella looking hesitant but ultimately decided to give him the time he needed, but she still walked her way to Y/N, giving him as much time as it took for her to reach him. But while she walked in worry, Y/N was running in denial, he ignored how there were no people left in the building, how everything was either missing or broken, and even the occasional blood splatter on the ground or walls, all in the name of his fickle hope Marie and Patricia would still be here. Eventually, he finally arrived at the door to their shared room, hesitating for a second, his mind filled with what if scenarios.

Y/N: No, they're safe, they're still here, there's no way they aren't, I'll open this door and they'll still be here, Patricia getting ready to pull off some childish prank while Marie tries to convince her otherwise, it's gonna be just like always... Isn't it?

He got ready to open the door, but it didn't matter how hard he tried, he couldn't twist the door handle, his hand shaking on the cold steel handle as he put his other palm over it, breathing deeply, and opening the door in one swift violent movement.


He screamed into the room, the empty, silent room, there was no one there, not Marie, not Patria, not anyone, the only things in the room were the broken beds and memorabilia, along with the moonlight coming in from the shattered window.

Y/N: N-no.

Y/N fell to his knees, unable to cope with what was in front of him.

Y/N: Th-they can't be gone.

But they were, just like Squigly, just like his parents, just like the Contiellos, they were gone, their lives stolen by the Medici.

Y/N: Medici...

He said with venom, he had just discovered the name, and yet, it was easily the name he despised the most, he tried to calm himself down by looking upwards, but that only worsened his rage, the beds his friends used to sleep in and they jumped on when they were kids, or always in Patricia's case, broken, their wardrobe filled with their equal maid outfits, completely destroyed, the clothes even stolen as if to rub salt into his wounds, but as he scanned the destroyed room with his eyes, something caught his gaze, a letter. He moved towards the letter, it was besides Marie's bed remains, he picked it up, what was once a white envelope with a heart for a seal now had a big footstep on it, he ignored it as to not enrage him even more, but something caught his eyes.

From: Marie

To: Y/N

Y/N: It was for me?

Curious, he removed the damaged seal, the letter was crumbled and damaged but still readable, he mimicked Marie's voice in his mind as he read the intricately written letter.

Marie: Dear Y/N, as you may know today is my birthday; I finally make 14 years of age, and, well.

He giggled at the fact she seemed shy even at her own letter, Marie usually was stoic but her rare emotional moments were a joy to see, too bad he'd never see them again. He shook the thought and went back to his reading.

Marie: This may seem weird to you, but, your parents promised me that once I reached this age I'd be elected your personal maid.

Y/N: My maid?

He thought. But as he tried to read the letter once more, it seemed the next word had been smudged.

Marie: Ugh, I'm sorry Mas-

He could barely read the letters "Mas" as they had been furiously scribbled over by Marie.

Marie: I'm sorry Y/N, but Patricia has been a little more unruly today, I'm not sure I should tell you but, uh did I write that!?

He chuckled, he could imagine her getting embarrassed while writing the message, Marie always had an habit to write whatever she was thinking whenever she wrote a letter, although he knew she'd practice to get rid of that habit she never quite got there.

Marie: Well now that I put it on paper might as well continue since you'd probably know already, it seems Patricia wishes to become your maid as well.

Now that got him confused, Patricia? Actually acting as a maid? That was a weird thought to say the least.

Marie: You probably know this already, but even if she doesn't act like it, Patricia truly appreciates us, although I'm sure she's not doing this just because she doesn't want to get separated from me.

Y/N: What does that mean?

Unfortunately It seemed Marie did not elaborate on what this second reason for Patricia wanting to become his maid seemed to be, except for another part which stated,

Marie: Although I suspect she has similar reasons to me.

Y/N didn't know what Marie's reason was, but if he wanted a clue as to what Patricia's reason was he could probably just as...k... He continued to read the letter.

Marie: Oh, it seems the page is coming to an end.

He realized she was right, he was almost at the end of the letter, a thought that gave him great anxiety, was this going to be the last he'd ever hear from Marie? He didn't want to think about it.

Marie: Well, I couldn't state everything I wanted in this letter, but I guess it was something that'd be better to be stated personally.

Using phrases like "I guess" wasn't something common for Marie, so he assumed she must have been embarrassed again.

Marie: Well. This is the end of the letter, but I have one last thing to say. Please treat me well Master Y/N, from this day on I'll do my best to be your favorite maid.

The letter ended with a simple.

Marie: With care, (hopefully) your new maid, Marie.

The letters (Lo) seemed to be written where "care" was, but just like before, they were scribbled on to an almost unreadable level. But now, he had finally reached the end of the letter, a heavy weight on his heart appeared as he began to despair, he had to find something else, anything he could find, he just wanted them to not disappear yet, but the only thing in the room were the destroyed memorabilia, that is, until he spotted something else, a box under what used to be Patricia's bed, he got up, shakily stumbling towards the box in the hopes of finding something, he was not sure what, another letter, some secret of Patricia, some sign they were still alive, he only wanted to find something of theirs to remember, he drew the box from under the broken wood of the bed, the left side of box had been crushed by the bed, but it was mostly fine, there was a small card on the ground next to it, Y/N assumed it had been originally on top of it as it seemed to a tag. It read.

From: Patricia.

To: Friends.

He found it weird that it wasn't addressed to Marie, but since it was simply addressed to "friends" he didn't feel as guilty for opening it. Inside, he saw bracelets, seemingly hand-made with great skill, four of them exactly, reading.




"Sorry Knuckles I ran out of words, sorry!"

He giggled as he imagined Patricia panicking at the realization best friends forever was a 3 word phrase, but as he picked up the bracelets and analyzed them he realized each one had a name on the opposite side of the words, they were also painted in specific colors, respectively.

Red and "Patricia"

Black and "Y/N"

Grey and "Marie"

Orange and "Cerebella"

Y/N gave a bitter sweet smile as he stared at the bracelets.

Y/N: I guess Patricia is talented when she puts her mind into something. Or at least, she used to.

His grip tightened into the bands, tears streaking down his eyes and falling into his fist.

Y/N: So this is it huh?

They were gone, everything was, he didn't had a family, he didn't have a home, he didn't have friends, he had nothing left, all stolen and killed by the Medici. He tightened his grip even more, barring his teeth in anger, Medici, he hated that name, he despised it. With a shaky teary voice he made a promise.

Y/N: I'll kill them, I'll hunt every Medici down and kill them! I'll make sure none are left! They'll pay for this, THEY'LL PAY FOR EVERYTHING THEY'VE DONE!

He screamed in rage, he'd sit up but he was suddenly met with two soft familiar arms.

Cerebella: It's ok.

He was being embraced by Cerebella.

Cerebella: I'm here.

Y/N: B-Bella.

He whispered in his shaky voice, hesitating in returning her hug.

Cerebella: I forgive you.

Y/N: W-What?

Cerebella: You're hesitating because you think I'll think bad of you for killing those Medici's aren't you?

Y/N: ...

He stayed silent, she had hit right in the money. But nonetheless she used one of her hands to turn his head to her, her eyes displaying the same warmness and care they always did.

Cerebella: I don't blame you Y/N, I'll never turn my back on you no matter what you do, I promise that despite what happens, I'll always be by your side, I'll always protect you from anything that wants to cause you harm.

Somehow, the teen cried even harder, returning the embrace with all his strength as Cerebella soothingly rubbed her hands over his back while reassuring him.

Cerebella: I'll never leave you alone.

He might have lost most of the things he had, but he still had Cerebella, and he'd protect her till the day he died, he'd protect her from the Medici, from the Skull Girl, and anything else that tried to harm them any further. But as they shared their embrace, Forte who watched silently merely whispered to himself in worry.

Forte: The boy grows stronger and stronger, he's learning how to use me too fast.

He thought, but despite his worries, a part of him cheered at the fact Y/N wished to pursue revenge on the Medicis just like him, he knew Baryl would not approve of it, but he couldn't hold himself back, and so, he apologized.

Forte: I'm sorry Baryl, but I don't think I'll stop Y/N from getting his revenge, please forgive my selfish wish.

He went back to silence, watching as the duo hugged on the ground of the broken room, basking in the moonlight coming in from the shattered window, their lives might have come to an end, but if they had each other Forte was sure they could rebuild and start anew.

And here we arrive, at the end of this story's "little" prologue of sorts, did you enjoy it? Then please leave a comment and a vote to let me know i did a good job, reading comments always makes my day brighter, well, now to something else, i don't really have too much to say other than, thank you guys, like really, thank you, to even reach 1k is already great, to do it so fast and on the prologue? Now that's fucking fantastic, i put a lot of effort into these chapters and managing to achieve the weekly uploads with both this and my other story, so seeing it all pay off is great, so yeah, one last time, thank you guys, thank you so much, see y'all in 2 weeks, stay well, and goodbye!

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