Wait For Me.

By Kid076

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"Could you do that?" More



351 21 9
By Kid076

"Let's have a ball."

Dion POV

  "Hey , who's jacket is that?" Dira asked. "It's Carlo's. He let me borrow it since it was cold last night. I'm surprised you didn't notice it last night." I said as I sat up in the bed. "I just thought you bought it while you was out." She said shrugging. "You and Carlo huh?" She said with her eyebrow raised. "Aht aht. Don't do that." I said as she gave me a surprised look. "Do what?"

  "Every time you say me and so and so, the second person mentioned always does some dumb shit. Besides, me and him are just getting to know each other as friends. I can't be sitting around here waiting for you all day." I laughed as she nodded her head. "Good point. How was work?" She said changing the subject. "It was cool. I'm starting to get the hang of things now.  Surprised my manger when I spoke Spanish. Looks like those classes paid off." I said high fiving her.

  "That's my best friend right there! That's good though.  So you're only working 3 days correct?" I nodded my head. "Nothing more.  I made a few tips as well.  He said we could keep them or put it on our tip jar. You know me." I said as she put her earrings on. "What's in our hand is ours." She said our motto.  "Exactly.  You look cute. Where are you going?" I asked as I took a look at her outfit. "Joaquin wanted to hang out after class today so that's where I'll be later. I couldn't just show up looking like anything." She said as I nodded.

  "Well I'm glad you are having a good time. Imma need him to cool out with all this hanging out. He cutting into my time." I said as she laughed. "True. I'll let him know that too." She said before waving and leaving out the house. I decided to just lounge around today. I grabbed my phone from the room and turned on the living room TV. I got a text from Carlo. 'Just making sure you'll respond' he said. 'Now why wouldn't I do that? ' I questioned. 'See previous message' he said as I laughed. 'Now just be petty.' 'You asked a question so I answered. What are you doing today?' 'Nothing just watching TV. You' I sent as I changed the channel to something more interesting. 

  'Gotta work. Wish I could hang out with you though. I had fun last night.' he said as I smiled. 'Well you gotta make money. Besides I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. Go to work.' I said as I finally decided on a show to watch. 'I don't want to but you have a point. I'll text you when I'm done, granted if it's not too late.' he said as I simply responded OK. "I think I'm gonna like this." I said as Lucifer played on TV.

  Two Weeks Later.

  "You finished all your work?" I asked Dira as she came downstairs. "Yup finally. You on your way to work?" she asked as I nodded. "Want anything?" "Yeah, some more of that soup. I don't know what y'all put in there but I can't get enough." she said as I laughed. I knew exactly what she meant because I'm the same way with the pie. I slipped on Carlo's jacket as I walked out the door. "There he is." Raul said as I walked. "Nah, when you say that, you need something." I said laughed as I went to clock in before returning. "Nothing this time. The customers were asking about you that's all." he said with his hands up. 

  "Honest." he added as I laughed. "OK cool. Well let's get down to business." I said taking over the front as he went to fulfill the other orders. "Hi. How can I help you?" I asked as this handsome guy came to the register. As he was placing his order, I saw Carlo walking in, causing me to smile. "I was also wondering if I could have your number?" he said as I blushed. I definitely wasn't used to people being this direct. "Other people are trying to order." Carlo said a bit irritated. I rung the guy up as he slid me a piece of paper with what I'm guessing was his number. 

  "Don't be afraid to hit me up." he said smiling as he left. It was now Carlo's turn to order. "What can I get for you?" I said with a huge kool aid smile. "Just a coffee bar and decaf." he said coldly while not even giving me eye contact. Not gonna lie, that stung. "Will that be all sir?" I said smiling again, hoping he'd see my face. "Oh and could you hand me my jacket back? I kinda left my other one at home and I gotta work tonight." he said with the same cold verbiage. "Uh sure just gimme a second to finish this customer and I'll bring everything." I said feeling salty. "Hey you OK?" Raul asked as I turned around.  

  "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little cold." I said rubbing my shoulders. I wasn't lying either. "I'll turn the ac up some for you." He said as I smiled. I went to the back to get Carlo's jacket as he requested. I made sure that I didn't have anything of mines in there. "Here you go sir. Here's your things." I said placing his things near him. I didn't even wait for him to say anything back before returning to position.

  "Another day down. I must say having you here really helped us boost business. Thanks for making our social media accounts too." Raul said as I smiled. "This way you guys can get more exposure and feed back from the customers." I said as he agreed. "See you all next week." I said before leaving the store. It's like Dira's Dion senses were tingling because she was now calling me.

  "Yes baby?" "Did you get my stuff?" "My day was fine but yes I did." "Thank you thank you thank you. I love you." She said as I laughed. "I'm not coming back just yet. Gotta make a quick run to the store for some essential things for us." "OK I'm not in a rush. Please be careful." "I got ya." I said before hanging up. Luckily for me, there was a nearby store 10 minutes from my job. I was just finishing my run when I felt someone grab me. I turned around to see Carlo. "You could let me go." I said as I snatched my arm from him.

  "Dion wait." he said as he tried to catch up to me. "Nah. I'm alright." I said continuing my pace. "Lemme talk - explain myself." he said finally catching up to me and blocking my path. I tried to side step him, only for him to follow suit. "Please." he said as I sighed. He's so damn cute! "Five minutes. Nothing more nothing less." I finally responded. "Let me get those bags." he said taking the bags from me before I could even respond and walking to a nearby bench. I sat there with my hands crossed. 

  "Uh, I was already having a bad morning. Car broke down and now one wanted to give me a ride. Bad as is, it was raining." he said as I looked at him. Now I know he lying. "Sure because it sure seemed like it when you walked in." I said shaking my head. He definitely was happy when he saw me. I just stared at him. "You don't believe me." he said as I raised my eyebrow. "Truth is, I was jealous." he said as I laughed. "Clearly but of what though?" "I don't know." he said shrugging. "Was it because that guy had my attention?" I said smirking. "I don't know what you're talking about." he responded. 

  "Sure you don't." I said as I got up and started walking. "Stop walking away from me." he said catching up to me and latching his arm around me. "I don't know what you're talking about." I mimicked. "OK, OK. I was jealous especially since you actually took his number." "Why when you already have mine?" I questioned. "I just didn't like what I saw." "Which is sad because I was happier when I saw you walk in." I said as he smiled. "Oh really?" "Yeah but you ruined that so there's that" I said as said smile dissipated. "Oh, uh sorry." he said as we continued to walk.  I started to play with his fingers as the silence lingered. 

  Each time I did that, he would send me a gentle smile. Within a few minutes, we were in front of the building. "Uh Dion?" "Hm?" I said turning in his direction. "I was jealous because I felt like he was gonna take you away from me. You seemed pretty interested in what he was saying." he said as I raised my brow. "I wouldn't be able to do something." "Like what?" "This." he said as he pressed his lips on mine. It took me by surprise so I basically stood there. My heart was racing, so much that I really couldn't hear all that well. I've forgotten this feeling. 

 "I understand if you don't feel the same. I just wanted to let you know how I felt beforehand." he said as I strained to hear him. I took one look at him as he now was  blushing. "Dion?" he said as I snapped back into reality. "Did you hear me? I guess you do have your ey-" he said as I kissed him. I felt him wrap his arms around me as he deepened the kiss. "Wow." he said as he broke the kiss. "Next time, talk to me first before you make assumptions." "Can I have another?" he asked as I happily obliged. 

  "Man." he said as we broke apart. I simply smiled at him as he rested his forehead against mine. "Every since I first met you, you had my attention. I just wanted to know more  about you. The more we hung out, the more my feelings developed for you. Although it was only short time, I've really grown to like you. If you don't mind, I'd like to continue getting to know you. If that's OK." "I mean sure, if I can get my jacket back." I said rolling my eyes as he laughed. "You can get anything you want." he said seductively. "That's definitely not what you said earlier." "I know and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." he said sincerely. 

  "Now that is what you should've said. Apology accepted." I said smiling. "So what now? Are we dating or-" "We're going to continue getting to know each other. I like the pace that we're going so I really don't want to rush and put a label on just yet. That's how things go left. What we're doing now is just fine." I said as another smile spread across his face. Does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want?" he said sounding like an excited school child. "You have to earn it. No more free passes for you." I said dead serious. I shouldn't even be talking to him since he wanted to play. 

  I was snapped out of my thoughts by him kissing me again. "I knew that was gonna get your attention." "Stop ugly." I said pulling his hair. He pulled me closer to him. "Stop doing that." he said as I laughed before letting go. We stood there staring at each other, until my phone rang. I already knew who it was. The only thing is, neither one of us moved. "You gonna answer that?" he asked laughing. I quite sure it was because he felt my body vibrating. "You gonna let me answer it?" I retorted as he let me go. "Where are you?!" Dira blared upon answer. "I'm right outside. Sorry about that." I said as I heard her sigh in relief.

  "Your fingers broke?" "No. I'm sorry. I should've texted you. I'm coming up now." I said as she accepted before having up. I turned my attention back to Carlo. "See if you weren't being childish, you could've had me all to yourself. I was planning on hanging out with you." I said shaking my head. "Guess you could say I really messed up huh?" He retorted.

  "Yup and now I gotta go. Unless you gonna pay for my funeral." I said as he laughed but I was dead ass serious. When he saw my expression remained the same, he ceased laughing. "I'll make up to you. For sure. Let start now." He said taking his jacket off and putting it on me. "I still want the other one." I said smiling. "Got it. Hurry up and go before she comes down." He said as I laughed before walking. "Goodnight Carlo." "Good night Dion." He responded.

  "Finally! Gimme my stuff!" Dira said snatching the bag from me. "I don't remember you wearing that when you left. Where did this one come from?" "Carlo" I said as she smirked. I popped a seat next to her. "Ooooooohhhh. I gotta tell you something." "Same but you first." "Joaquin was here and we kissed." She said as my eyes went wide. As fun as Dira is, me and her are exactly the same when it comes to relationships. Too much hurt to discuss.

  My mouth dropped wide. "You really like him! Awww!" "Uh uh, you next." "Me and Carlo kissed." I said as she lit up. "You did what?!" She said with a huge as smile on her face. "We kissed. 3 times in fact." "Here I thought you would've been old and full of cobwebs before you found someone else. I'm so happy for you!" She said as I low key blushed. "So I'm guessing you two are a thing?" "Nope still just getting to know each other. I don't want to rush things when it has been going so well as is." I said as she nodded her head.

  "Same thing I said to Joaquin honestly. Still can't forget the fact that he's a exotic dancer." She said as I looked at her in shock. "Him too?" "Yup. He told me a while ago. I just haven't processed it yet." "Well i should've expected that but that's only another obstacle for me." I said sighing before speaking again. "That's why I wanna take it slow. It's a lot to process." I said as she nodded in agreement. "I feel you.  Me and Joaquin are in the same boat." She said leaning her head on me.

  "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we'll just continue to have fun. I'm more so happy that you're letting someone get close to you." She said sounding so hype. 'Hopefully I don't regret it' I thought to myself.

Another chapter down!





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