Rottmnt and OC!

By Drippingindazzle

19.5K 276 101

Set in New York, Aina, a young lady who was kidnapped by Baron Draxum and was forced to train brutally for mo... More

The Oc
Mystic Mayhem Part 1
Mystic Mayhem Part 2
Mystic Mayhem Part 3
Origami Tsunami Part 1
Origami Part 2
Donnie's Gifts
Shell In A Cell
Minotaur Maze
Repo Mantis
Down With The Sickness
Bonus Chapter (If Aina Got Infected)
The Fast and the Furriest
Mascot Melee
Bug Busters Part 1
Bug Busters Part 2
The Longest Fight
The Other Oc
Hypno! Part Deux!
The Gumbus
Mrs. Cuddles
Author's Note
Stuck On You
Al Be Back
Author's Note
The Purple Jacket
To All My Lovely Readers
It's here

War And Pizza

568 9 0
By Drippingindazzle

At a pizza place called Albearto's, kids are hanging out, playing with the various games and machines. April is in a uniform, looking worried as she pulls the lever to a claw game. It's full of cherry plushies that have faces on them, made to look like one of the mascots. "How did you even get in there?" She wonders, pulling out a kid who got stuck. "You got him out yet?" Aina asked with a couple of kids on her legs.

She was working at the pizza place as well. She wasn't going to mooch of her friends and family forever, besides she likes to buy lots of books and video games. So April and her decided to get a job at Albearto's.

Luckily for Aina, the kids thought she was a mascot and wanted to take many pictures with her while April was the Party Captain.

"Whoa, whee!" The boy inside the machine yells, having fun.

"No not yet. Yes I got him!" April said as the claw grabbed the boy's shirt as he continued to laugh.

"I hope we aren't headed for another of your 'epic party fails,' Party Captain O'Neil," her manager appears right behind her, scaring her and making her drop the kid back inside. She quickly covers the boy with a big nervous smile. Aina gives the manager a neutral expression, containing how annoyed she was by his presence.

"No way, sir. Tonight's the night I'm finally getting a party all the way through Albearto's happy birthday song and cake," she declares, as she has failed before...numerous times.

"You'd better," He threatens, "Because this is your last chance." He walks away to his office, leaving April to deal with the kids herself.

"You got this, Party Captain O'Neil," Aina encourages her as the kid inside the game giving her a thumbs up.

"And if you don't: I'll quit!" Aina exclaimed, making April's eyes widened.

"You'll what?! Why?"

Aina rests a reassuring hand on April's shoulder. "You know that this job will help me make money, right? Ok, and this job has been really fun since you're here! It's like we're a tag team! We're unstoppable! So without you, there's no me."

April smiles at her friend and gives her a hug before she takes the stage.

"Get hyped, kids! Coming to the stage to sing 'Happy Birthday,' give a big 'what up' to the Cheese Master of Bear-imonies," The birthday kid looks like he doesn't want to listen to this.

Aina saw his expression and clapped very loudly to keep April going. "Albearto and his Fun Time Band, Cheery Tomato and President Pepperoni." A trio of animatronic robots sit on stage of a bear looking like a chef, a tomato female with stiletto heels and fishnet stockings, and a tall unsliced pepperoni with two salami as drumsticks and looks like a president.

"Bon giorno, kiddies!" Albearto declares, "I hear someone's a year older today, and I'm not just talking about my underwear."

President Pepperoni does a rim shot with his drums, all except one kid and Aina not laughing at the...joke.

"Okay, sing with me kiddies! Happy-"

"Hey, Albearto," April gasps as Timmy, the birthday boy, throws his birthday cake. "Incoming!"

No!" April and Aina exclaimed in horror as the cake lands in the animatronic's mouth, shorting it out and damaging it. It falls onto the ground as April looks at the boy.


They start to wreak havoc, Aina then quickly turns to April. "I'll handle the kids, while you call Donnie!"

April pulls out her phone and hides behind a table."Not good, not good." She scrolls up to Donnie's contact and dials him.

When he answers, his brothers seem to be being chased. "You are conversing with Donatello." The other three are trying not to get zapped by a flying microwave robot, something Donnie probably upgraded.

"Dude, Aina and I need your help," April starts.

"For you, anything. As long as it does not involve bees, or spiders, or beach balls." The robot explodes behind him. "Please not beach balls," He shakes his head.

"Can you fix Albearto?" April asks, getting to the point. "He broke before singing 'Happy Birthday,' and the cake is ruined."

Donnie's eyes widen, turning to the others. "April still hasn't gotten through the 'Happy Birthday' song yet, guys," He informs them.

Raph pops up out of nowhere. "April still hasn't gotten through the Happy Birthday song?"

"Am I on speaker?" April asks in disbelief.

"Or cake, actually, it got ruined," Donnie doesn't answer her question. Leo scoffs, trying not to laugh.

"Or cake?"

"Albearto's the pizza place right? We'll be right over."

"Hey, if you guys are in the middle of something-" They hang up and not even a second later, they burst through the back door. They have on various poses, as if they were about to fight crime.

"Fixers in the house, swooping in to save the day!" Raph declares, April standing up.

Just then Aina came behind the stage with sticky candy on her softshell.

"Thank God you guys got here so quickly! The kids are getting hectic out there!" She exclaimed.

"That was fast. Actually, I-I just needed Donnie," April laughs nervously.

"Oh, we know," Raph drops his pose. "We just came for the free pizza."

"Remember, blend in like you're a birthday bot," Raph reminds them and they turn stiff, making robot noises and following after Amy. April turns to Donnie, not wanting to lose her job over an animatronic.

"So, Donnie, hopefully this will be a quick fix," She smiles anxiously, as no one is watching over the kids. With the way Timmy is, who knows what they could do to the restaurant.

Donnie is leaning over Albearto's stomach, already having taken it apart. He looks up and smiles with a thumbs up. "Or a total tear-down," Aina returns as April gives a thumbs up, cringing. "That works." She hears screaming and moves the curtain, gasping as her fears have been realized. They're either fighting or eating everything in sight or messing with the robots.

Aina peers out of the curtain and gasped as she saw how out of control the kids were getting.

"And short-circuiting con-qu-ered," Donnie states as April looks behind her. "Now to juice up his-"

"That's enough," April interrupts his process. "I just need him to sing 'Happy Birthday' and quiet the kids down so I don't get fired."

"Well, sure, he could just sing it," Donnie starts, "Or he could dazzle!" Donnie's mechanical arms give jazz hands.

"Please, no dazzling," Aina begs.

"You know, he might end up being the greatest entertainer-bot of his generation," Donnie puts the body parts back together. "And voila," He holds out his hands, Albearto looking better than ever. He's also got sunglasses over his eyes now. "Albearto 2.14.2. I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of the upgrade." Donnie's holding a remote control in his hands. "Now, to sync him to my remote, and it's showtime!"

"Bon giorno, kiddies!" Albearto declares.

"Yeah, let's go give Timmy the Albearto-iest birthday ever!" April cheers, smiling.

Aina looks confidently at the kids and glances at Donnie. "You ready?"

"Yup," He gives a thumbs up. April pulls the lever, revealing the band once more. Albearto is now holding a pizza guitar, something he didn't have earlier.

"Bon giorno, kiddies!" He greets, his sunglasses shining slightly. Timmy still has his arms crossed.

"Is he gonna break again?" A girl with pink hair in pigtails asks.

"Not on our watch...again," April deadpans the last word.

"Hold on to your birthday hats, kiddies," Albearto replies, rocking out on his guitar with the other robots playing their instruments.

"And now for a little guitar solo," Donnie presses the green button. "You're welcome."

Albearto places the guitar behind his back, shredding. "Check me out, I'm shredding this guitar like it's mozzarella."

"Looking good, D!" April pumps her fists, Aina gives Donnie a crushing hug and the kids look happy too. Albearto hops to the left as he's pumping up the crowd...until he starts to glitch.

"Uh, hold on. No, no, no, no. He should not be glitching. He should be rocking and/or rolling!" Donnie exclaims in panic. Albearto starts spinning around on stage.

"Donnie," April says in worry.

"Oh no," He then notices the low battery on his remote. "The battery. Oh, I knew I forgot to change something. I can't stop him!"

Albearto thrusts the pizza guitar into a spotlight, electrocuting him. The kids stop cheering as the three give a look of shock. It electrocutes him so severely, the lights go out. The kids are covered in soot. April holds her hair in panic.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, all of the electricity goes out. The three turtles glance at the ceiling, pausing their pizza eating.

"This can't be good," Raph says.

Aina and April slides in front of Albearto. "Okay, so that happened." April announced. "But we can still sing happy birthday without him. Happy Birthday-" Albearto stands up behind Aina and there's an electric shock, interrupting her. The kids all look in panic as part of his face has been ripped off. He starts walking towards them, as the shock has given him sentience.

"Hey diddly ho, kiddies." They gasp as they look scared out of their minds. "Time to pump this party up. Let's play!"

The kids scream as they run away, both girls turning to their friend.

"Donnie, can you, um-" April pleads hopefully.

"I can fix this." Donnie rapidly pushes the green button. "I can fix this, I can fix this," He starts hitting himself in the head with the remote. "I can fix this. I can totally fix this." The remote breaks into pieces and April facepalms. "You know what, it turns out I cannot fix this."

Timmy screams for his life as Albearto reaches out to him, laughing manically. Aina grabs her Kusarigama grabs a pizza dish and swings it at him.

"Play nice, Albearto!" She slices the gloves off, revealing his robotic arms. Well, one of them is fully revealed while the other arm is still covered in fake fur, with the claws still on. He turns to her and Timmy hides behind her. "Run, kid!"

He screams as he does just that. Albearto reveals his claws.

"Whoopsie, thanks for the claws, Aina," he says, roaring and raising an arm.

"He knows my name?" The Softshell asks in shock, covering herself with the tray.

"These are way better to open gifts with," He slashes Timmy's birthday gifts to bits. April looks up as he's distracted and looks at the other guests.

"Who wants to play a little game of follow the leader to safety?" The kids scream as they follow her to the front door. "And tell your friends to celebrate at Albearto's after you're done fleeing for your lives." One kid lags behind as he's using his cell phone.

She closes the door when every kid is gone, sighing in relief. Albearto, no longer shredding gifts, appears behind her and she gasps. He laughs evilly before Raph appears out of nowhere, punching Albearto in the face.

"Knuckle sandwich!" He declares and Albearto crashes into a table. He sits up, turning his body around.

"Bon giorno, kiddies!"

Mikey and Leo are standing behind him and Amy places the cake down in front of the stage, still in her uniform. She backflips over to the others. "We'll fix it, girls. He may have the crazy, but we got the numbers. Go ahead and bounce if you need to," Raph tells them, but April looks worried that she was so gonna lose her job over this.

"Don't leave, I haven't handed out the party invitations yet," Wires come out of Albearto's mouth, activating Cheery Tomato and President Pepperoni.

"Uh, he's bringing the robots to life," Donnie says in worry.

"No sweat," Raph places his hands on his hips. "Still got this." Albearto spins his head around, activating the vole game. Dozens of voles activate, surrounding the three as their army. The five look down at them in shock.

"Uh, you didn't have plans right now, did you, April?" Raph questions nervously, as they need all the help they can get. April laughs as she walks over to them.

"Oh, I'm staying. I am the Party Captain, and I am saving Timmy's party from disaster." They hear a scream and their eyes widen as Timmy is shaking, surrounded by voles.

"Right after we save Timmy." Aina yelled before leaping into battle.

The six dash into action as the three robots charge. They all jump in the air with their weapons, April sliding underneath Albearto, leaving the other five to deal with the others.

"Timmy!" April calls out and Timmy holds out his arms, crying.

"Ladies!" She grabs him, rolling to the vole machine. They approach her and she sees the mallet, spinning it around and catching it.

"It's go time!" She declares heroically. The words 'let's play smack-a-vole' appear and the voles jump towards her. April and Aina swings theirs weapons back and forth, fending them off. April kicks one before swinging, knocking two back. More appear from the holes, jumping towards her. Timmy knocks them back with his own mallet, to both of the girls surprise.

"Oh yeah! Nice shot, birthday boy!" He giggles at her praise. They turn to the lead vole, who's sitting in a large missile, laughing slowly. He inserts a token inside the slot and the missiles shakes back and forth before firing straight at them. April grabs Timmy and Aina jumps out of the way. The slot to the Cheery Tomato game opens up to reveal the kid who got stuck in there.

"Yippee, I'm free!"

April pushes him back inside along with Timmy, closing up the machine. They emerge from all the plushies to see her.

"You'll be safer in here. Plus, you have a new friend," April points to the boy before getting tackled by the voles. Mikey crashes against the skeeball machines, his eyes swirling.

"President Pepperoni wants you for my punching bag," President Pepperoni threatens, clenching his fist. Mikey sees a skee ball and grabs it. He twists his arm and throws it, President Pepperoni hitting it like a baseball bat. Mikey shouts in surprise and ducks, the ball landing in one of the slots. He gets some tickets.

"Alright! Making it rain!" He throws more balls, President Pepperoni getting hit by most of them. Mikey throws his weapon, which catches the robot and he throws him into the machine, getting hundreds of tickets. "Four score and 20 more tickets!"

Donnie is stuck in a ball pit, Cheery Tomato jumping on his shell repeatedly. "Oh, you're so cute, but so mean. Why do I always go for your type?" Suddenly a Kusarigama stabs and shocks her, making cherry melt.

"Get off him! Ya' rotten fruit!" She yelled, Hocking Cherry into the ball pit.

"This doesn't make Cheery cheery," She holds up a device and presses the button, which is slowly beeping. Donnie and Aina recognizes what's about to happen and crawls out just in time before there's an explosion.

"Oh, I'll never eat ketchup again." Donnie groaned in disgust, as a melted Cheery fell back down. Before Donnie had a chance to recognize what position he was in, Aina pushed him off and walked away, leaving the purple turtle confused.

Leo attacks Albearto. "You'd think, as a birthday bot, wah!" He swings to the left before ducking. "You'd be a little more chill at a birthday party, ha!" He raises his sword before Albearto punches him. Albearto raises a broken part of the table. "No wait-" Albearto swings and Leo crashes against the manager's window, who's busy caressing his trophy to care. Leo crashes onto the ground.

"Power smash jitsu!" Raph smashes his fists together, but nothing happens. Aina swings from her Kusarigama on a bench, lifting her leg and spinning around low to the ground. Electricity appears around her weapon and some parts of her arm, powering an electric bolt at Albearto. Amy stands up in pride.. "Power smash jitsu! Or not." Nothing happens with Raph.

Raph runs up to Albearto, but the robot turns around and grabs his arm.

"If I can't have a birthday party, nobody can!" Albearto declares as Raph lands on top of Leo. Mikey jumps down from the ceiling, swinging the end of his weapon.


"I'm going to crack you open like a birthday pinata," Albearto swipes, knocking Mikey into his two brothers. He laughs manically. "Oh, your sorry skills make me snicker." Donnie and Aina looks on, Aina then gets an idea. "You're no match for the King of Birthday Parties, that's for sure."

Donnie turns around to see the birthday cake made, which was rolled away during the fight. "There's only one way to get through to this guy."

"Yeah, all we need to do is give him a birthday party of his own!" Aina narrowed her eyes.

"Hey Albearto," Donnie calls out, getting the robot's attention.

"You know, you can't be the King of Birthday Parties without having one of your own." Aina exclaimed as she reveals a cake, which is decorated in his likeness. The fondant for the eyes, mustache, and hat look like the real thing as the cream is barely seen underneath the chocolate chips. Bits of strawberry are made into the tie and cheeks.

Albearto roars before he realizes what's happening. "Wait, what? A birthday party for meesy-weesy?" He asks in delight.

"Um, yes," Donnie step over the other turtles. "Today's the day you were born. Through a total accident that's clearly nobody's fault," Donnie glances away at the last sentence as Aina shakes her head, amused.

"A birthday cakey-wakey? Oh, for meesy-weesy?" Albearto asks in wonder, taking the bait.

"Not just a cake, my friend," Aina states as the others stand up. "We've also got a little song for ya. Happy Birthday to you," she starts, the others joining in. Albearto lets out a tear of joy.

"Happy Birthday to-" April comes out of nowhere, slamming the mallet down Albearto's head, to the other's shock. The cake lands in Donnie's face and he licks some of it off.

April pants as she's covered in some purple goop for some reason, having destroyed most of Albearto's body.

"Sing with me, guys! I am finishing this party!" April shouts to them, "Happy Birthday! Finish the song!"




"Albearto?" Donnie asks in confusion, as they are all shocked and/or scared of April now.

"Happy birthday to you." The building starts to shake and the ceiling crumbles, covering them in smoke. Aina coughs and she looks up to see the whole place destroyed. Oh, were they in trouble now...

The turtles quickly say their goodbyes, leaving. "Have fun cleaning up, bye!" Donnie calls out.

"Best birthday ever!" Timmy exclaims to a shocked April and Aina, still stuck in the machine. The manager suddenly appears.

"My restaurant!"

"On the upside, I finally made it through the happy birthday song," April says optimistically.

"That tears it, O'Neil and Johnson! You're-"

"Fired, yeah, we figured," April takes off her nametag and gives it back to him. The female Softshell holds up two peace signs.

"You can mail us our paycheck. Peace." They walked away from the destroyed pizza place, Aina mutters something to April.

"We should really make Donnie pay for messing up with the robot and our jobs!"

April snickers. "Yeah, he really deserves it!" She said smiling, as Aina promised her she might give him a few kicks.

Unfortunately for them, no one noticed Albearto's eyes turning back on.

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