Picturing Us

By hernameisnanii

488 3 6

Best friends are everything. They're always there for you, no matter what. Hanson Carter has two best friends... More

Picturing Us (1)
Picturing Us (2)
Picturing Us (3)
Picturing Us (4)
Picturing Us (5)
Picturing Us (6)
Picturing Us (7)
Picturing Us (8)
Picturing Us (9)
Picturing Us (10)
Picturing Us (11)
Picturing Us (12)
Picturing Us (13)
Picturing Us (15)
Picturing Us (16)
Picturing Us (17) {Final Chapter}

Picturing Us (14)

18 0 1
By hernameisnanii


I could feeling the tension in the room. It was horrible. Knowing that Levi might break up with me hurts. Tonight was the one night that proved that Levi was the one. He got along with my dad, he stayed with me tonight. I just can't bare letting him go yet.

Thinking about him made me forget about this moment. Made me forget about this week even. Falling hard is knew to me. It's something that you definitely don't want to get hurt over. Levi makes me fall apart. The kind like broken glass, you can never fix it.

I moved all my hair to one side and continued thinking. Thinking is hard, even though we do it everyday day, at any time.

Levi looked over to the coffee table, where I left my camera. He ran his hand through his long hair, staring at it. After a matter of time, he picked it up. "Hanson..." he said. "Hanson, look."

I took my eyes off of the coffee table and looked at him. He snapped a quick picture of me. I blinked because of the flash, hitting my blue eyes. "What was that for?" I asked.

He ignored me and looked at the picture. His face lit up, "Look." He showed me the camera, with the picture of me. I looked exhausted and tired, but mostly confused. "The new Hanson."

"What?" I asked, looking into his brown eyes.

"This is the new you. You make look tired, but you look brand new. You're with me now, which makes a new me. I've never had a girlfriend and you've never had a boyfriend. I'm not just gonna punish you for something that you did, before we dated."

I put the palm of my hand on his cheek. "My hands are cold." I said.

He laughed. "Yeah."

I took a deep breath. "I like how you never let anything bad get you down. You always seem to see the good."

"I dunno about that Hanson." he looked down.

I let go of him and grabbed my camera. I looked at the picture once again and switched the settings. The camera was back on and it showed Levi, looking out the window.


"If there's a new Hansom. Then there's a new Levi, see?" I said, showing him the picture.

He looked at it. I looked down and admired it also, looking at all his surroundings.

"Hanson?" he asked.

"What-" I said, but was interrupted. Levi kissed me. It was different than the first time. This was our first real kiss as a couple. Not a small practice stage kiss or a guilty kiss with Finn. This was my first real kiss.



It was practically raining outside. I could see it from inside my car, driving down the lit road. It's passed two and I couldn't sleep. I needed someone to talk to, but out of anyone that I knew, she only popped into my head.

I parked in the side of the sidewalk, and took the key out of the ignition. It got cold, as soon as the heater turned off. I opened the door, revealing my Power Ranger pajamas. I ran over onto the porch, trying not to fall on my butt. Once I got to the door, I knocked on it lightly, hoping that she'd answer.

After about two minutes on no answer, I decided to all her. "Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, can you open your door? It's linda cold outside."

"Finn, are you crazy? It's two am!"



She hung up the phone, then I slipped it into my pocket. I waited a bit longer, practically freezing my balls off. I just wanted to go inside and talk, knowing that she'd listen. She is a great listener and her laugh can light up any room.

It finally opens with the brunette appearing in the doorway. I smiled, finally happy to see her. I walk inside to warm myself up. I sit on her comfy couch, and cuddle with my favorite pillow here.

"Finn, what are you doing here?" she asks, with her hands on her hips. "It's late."

"I needed someone to talk to. Wait, did I wake you, Rachel?" I stand up.

"Nah, I good. I was just up." She said, casually. She took out her two braids and put her hair up in one ponytail. I even notice her glasses surrounding her beautiful brown eyes. "What?" she asks.

"Oh, nothing. I just...you know the whole thing with Levi and Hanson and yeah."

Rachel smiled. "So, you want me to be your therapist?" she joked.

"Yeah." I said, seriously.

"And I might be developing some new feelings toward someone else..." I trailed off, turning around.

"What?" she said, excitedly. "Who is she?"

I felt uncomfortable in the situation. I just started liking this girl. "Uh, she's-"

"She's what?" Rachel interrupted. She walked over and stood in front of me. "Come on, Finn. You can tell me."



The next day, Levi and I went to school as usual. No sign of Rachel, not even a sign from Finn. I figured they were late, which was weird.

Not seeing my two best friends for the whole entire day was difficult, but Levi and my camera was there. There was rain last night, which helped my photos. The wet leaves and the puddles were the best pictures. But the things that my camera couldn't do, Levi did. He could hold me and kiss me, but the camera could. It's even better when we take pictures together. The angles may not be great, but they were my favorites.

Ms. Reynolds looked at them today in class, too. "I like them. They just keep getting better. Especially with Levi in the picture."

"Yeah, he has inspired me a lot." I smiled to myself.


Okay, I guess this chapter ends here! I hope you enjoyed!


Where do you think Finn and Rachel are?

Thanks so much for reading!


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