G o d S l a y e r || MLP EG [...

By KxxkieTea

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1: New Friends on the First Day
2: Princess Encounter
3: Rekindling Friendships
4: Helping Twilight win the Crown
5: Coming Together
6: Demonic Battles
8: Change Up
9: Question & Answer
10: Rainbow Rocks
11: The Dazzlings
12: Battle of the Bands
13: Welcome Back Princess
14: Slumber Party
15: The Battle Begins
16: Welcome to the Show
17: Empyrean Domain
18: Love Bubble
Hola... Not an update BUT please read :)

7: Acceptance

5.7K 151 78
By KxxkieTea

[~3RD POV~]

After managing to get everyone back into the gym, the six girls including Sunset Shimmer, ran back outside to see an intense violet pillar that's set ablaze. As the girls get a closer look, they could see (Y/N) and Jin inside of the pillar.

"What are we waiting for?! We need to save (Y/N)!" Rainbow Dash flies with urgent haste, but Twilight stops her from doing so.

"Rainbow Dash, don't! This magic is completely different from Equestrian Magic! I-I'm not sure what kind of magic this is, but from what we can see this is possibly some sort of Dark Magic. Yet, this one feels more powerful than any other I've ever encountered.." Twilight surveys the purple blazing pillar.

"Dark Magic? Are you saying there's different types of magic, Twilight dear?" Rarity inquired.

"Indeed there is, Rarity. Back in Equestria, there are all sorts of magic that ponies and other magical creatures can use and even create! Take our Elements of Harmony as an example, the elements that helped create it are: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Your pony counterparts back in Equestria help create those elements and since you're their human counterparts, my element was still able to detect the magic that was inside of you all despite being in this world." Twilight explains.

The others nod, now understanding the basis of magic. Although Fluttershy raises a question about one thing.

"We have pony counterparts back in the world you came from...?"

Twilight, along with Spike, smiles and nods at her question.

"Wow! Do I look like this?!" Pinkie Pie pulled out different kinds of vegetables, sticking them onto her face; carrots as her teeth, lettuce as her eyebrows and mustache, and a tomato for a nose. As usual, Pinkie Pie with her typical good humor makes everyone laugh.

Twilight grins, "Similar to the one back in Equestria."

However, their laughter soon died down as the scorching pillar began massing lightning bolts and were accompanied by a loud thunderclap.

"Um is that a good thing..?" Applejack aimed her finger at the pillar.

A crash of thunder struck again, and Sunset shakes her head.

'I hope you're alright, (Y/N)..' The former villain stared up at the pillar, concerned for the female that forgave her for all of her evil acts, and offering a chance at friendship.


My eyes shot open as I realized what had happened. Jin grabbed my wrists with his hands and darkness filled my vision. I take a look around me, but only to register that I'm in Canterlot City.

'This must be Jin's doing.. He's probably going to make this entire thing into a nightmare.'

I stared down at my hands to see if I took any injuries, luckily though I was unharmed. Although he left no injuries on me, this could only mean one thing; he's eager to torture me in this nightmare.

While walking around the city, I clasped onto my scythe just in case he tries to surprise me with an attack. Yet, there were no signs of the demon at all.

The city looked completely normal, cars were driving along the roads and people strolling through the sidewalks. At the same time, something was off..

Why do these roads look familiar?

It felt like that day.

The day of their deaths.

My (F/C) orbs spot a silver Corolla stopping at the red traffic lights.

No.. This can't be it.. Please no..

I see them, my adoptive father sitting in the driver's seat, my adoptive mother in the passenger's seat and then I see my past self seated in the back.

No! I have to save them! Just not again..! I can't lose them again!

I sprint towards the car. With all of the energy my body had left, I held my hand out to muster a spell, but it was too late. They drove as the lights changed from the color of red to green. A car rammed itself into them, another came crashing the other side and more collided with the silver Corolla from behind.

I couldn't breathe; like the walls were closing in.

My hands were trembling in fear, I couldn't make them stop.

My legs gave out and I stood on my knees.

An endless amount of tears came and slid down my cheeks.

Make it stop.

"Sir, the two are dead."

Voices.. They definitely didn't belong to the girls nor Jin.

"Excellent. What about the child?"

"We rammed the car from behind where she was sitting. I couldn't sense her life force so she must've died along with them."

My head turns to where the voices came from. Down the sidewalks, there were two men wearing black cloaks. They were laughing at their deaths.


Why did they do it!?

I wanted to go towards them, but my body says otherwise. More tears came down from my eyes and I couldn't turn away from the horrible scene.

Please make this stop!

I don't want to see this! No more!
I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see more of this dreadful scenery. I dig my nails deep into the palm of my hand to the point of drawing blood and grit my teeth.

Stop it.. I can't take it..

"You couldn't save them. You just left them to die." Jin's voice resonates in my head.

"This is your fault, (Y/N). They're dead because of you."


You're going to let a pesky demon like him toy with you?

I opened my eyes at the sound of another voice. The world around me is now completely covered in darkness. No signs of cars, buildings, or the two cloaked men.

What happened..?

Your entirety is under that demon's trance. He's slowly taking over as you grieve over your father and mother's deaths. Those cries awakened me, child. Though we don't have much time for chattering because he'll eventually reach his goal if you don't do something!

I tried moving my arms, but something was preventing me from doing so. Looking down, I see myself chained to the ground. Using some of my magic, I managed to pry open the chains.

Good. Now to get rid of that demon.

Strikes of lightning were summoned, followed by a rumble of thunder in the darkened sky. The howling winds swirled around me, and a pair of glowing yellow eyes came into view from above.

The same color as to when my eyes were glowing from the time I rescued Twilight in the library.

"In order for you to get rid of that demon, you will need to accept their deaths. Your heart is being clouded with the darkness because of it. You will need to get rid of that." The voice says.

"You're joking.. How can I ever accept their deaths!? Not until I get revenge! Not until I get rid of those two men that killed my adoptive parents! They were everything to me and now they're gone!" I uttered a loud cry.

"Revenge will do nothing for you, child. It would only lead to eternal darkness. Both your adoptive and biological parents, and your friends wouldn't want to see you in that type of state."

I grind my teeth together to bite back a comment. He's right. Revenge wouldn't do anything for me. Sure the ones that killed my adoptive parents would be dead, but I'd be just like them. A killer taking the lives of others for their own selfish reasons. Even though my parents are gone, revenge wasn't the answer and it'll never be one.

One again, a fresh set of tears slide down my face, and the darkened sky starts to lighten up. The clouds move away and I'm met with a unique beast.

A great red-skinned serpentine with a black layer underneath his body. The mighty beast has large bat-like wings with claws, his head has two mouths filled with extremely sharp teeth, spikes in several places of his body, and lastly a sapphire gemstone embedded in the center of his forehead.

I've never seen such a beast before..

"Now that you've overcome your past, the darkness within your heart has now disappeared."

Everything feels so much lighter; the pain and loneliness I've held onto for years has magically vanished. No more fears. No more negative thoughts. No more hatred.


Gazing up at the red serpentine, I decided to ask some questions.

"Who are you..? Just what are you exactly..? And how is it that you're inside of my mind?"

His golden eyes looked down at me, "I am Osiris, the Sky Dragon. As for your last question, I was sealed inside of you."

Wait Osiris.. That name sounded familiar...

"Hmph.. I am an Egyptian God along with two of my brothers."

I looked at the beast in astonishment, "So you're the Saint Dragon.. I read about you and the other two in a book before.."

There was a time where Jin had dropped a book when he stopped by my house and out of curiosity, I read some of the pages which contained information on several powerful beasts including the Egyptian Gods. I asked the demon about their existence once, but he's never seen them nor knows if they are real. Actually, no one knew if the three deities still existed, but they were heavily worshipped by many people.

My thoughts were cut short when Osiris spoke up.

"Now isn't the time to daydream. I shall lend you my power to defeat this paltry bug!" The serpentine opens his jaw of the larger set and roars.

Blinking once more, I found myself inside of a violet firestorm pillar. Jin still gripped onto my wrists with his glowing set of hands.

Knock him down with the new profound powers I've given you.

Osiris tells me, linking our minds together to communicate. Bringing my fingers together into a fist, I muttered a spell which lights up my hand in crimson flames and lightning bolts.

"Fist of Raging Bolts!"

Connecting my fist with Jin's chest, I sent him out of pillar and straight into the gigantic hole where Sunset Shimmer was. Slowly the pillar changes it's violet color into a crimson hue.

Now that the pillar is under my spell, I stepped out of the structure without getting scorched. My eyes spot the demon struggling to stand after my punch.

He coughs up bits of blood, "How..!? I had you where I wanted! And your aura... It's different than usual.."

I didn't say anything, and used teleportation to pop up from behind him. He swung his sword at me, but something was slowing him down, allowing me to effortlessly dodge his attacks.

"Why am I so slow..!?" He groaned as I knocked the sword out of his hands and slammed the heel of my scythe against his stomach.

"One of my new abilities: Fist of Raging Bolts, slowly limits the movement of my opponents and nullifies any healing capabilities that they have!" I explained to him before preparing another attack.

"Dammit!" The demon uses flight and flies to the clouds. Putting his hands out in front of him, Jin discharges a black hyper beam.

"Chaos Blaster!"


In the corner of my eye, I see seven figures and one dog running towards me. The expression shown on their faces; they're worried that I'll get obliterated by Jin's hyper beam. I wasn't the least bit worried and quickly flashed them a smile before directing my gaze back to Jin.

Taking in a deep breath, I mumbled, "Lightning Roar.."

Gathering a large mass of lightning into my mouth, I then released it into the form of a golden catastrophic blast. Our attacks finally came into contact with a violent confrontation. This was definitely the final showdown, and I knew that the male wouldn't give in so easily. Jin pushes through with his magic, but I wasn't backing down either. Not noticing the yellow glow that my eyes were radiating, I activate a few more spells to boost my blast.

"Overdrive! Shockwave! Electrostatic Blaze!"

Not only did the new spells increase the power of my blast, but also tripling the size of it. My attack drives through Jin's hyper beam, inflicting him with its destructive power.

"NO!!!!!" The demon screams before crashing to the ground in agony.

Seeing that I've won the battle against Jin, I put an end to my lightning blast and the crimson pillar fades away into red particles. An exhausted sigh escapes past my lips, realizing that I fought with two demons on the same night.

'What a night…'

"(Y/N)!! I'm glad that you're okay!" Twilight brings me into a tight hug.

"Oh darling, I thought we were going to lose you!" Rarity clings onto my arm.

"We thought you were toast when that guy summoned that hyper beam!" Pinkie Pie takes my other arm.

"But that lightning thing you pulled off was AWESOME!!" Rainbow Dash hugs me from behind.

"I'm really happy that you're not hurt though..." Fluttershy whispers, burying her face into my shoulder.

"We're all glad that ya came out unharmed." Applejack says, copying Fluttershy by cuddling into my shoulder.

It felt nice being in their embrace, but as seconds passed by, I could feel my air circulation getting cut off. Luckily, Sunset notices this and taps on Twilight's shoulder.

"Um Twilight.. I'm pretty sure (Y/N) is running low on oxygen."

The moderate purple haired female looks at me and quickly releases her hold on me, and so do the other girls.

"W-We're really sorry, (Y/N)!" The six begins to stutter.

Catching a breather, I shook my hand at them. "It's fine. I don't mind at all." I smiled, bringing a faint blush to their (including Sunset's) cheeks.

The moment became short-lived as we see Jin sitting up from the ground. I start to make my way over to him, but Sunset grabs my hand. Espying over my shoulder to lock my eyes with hers, my lips slightly curved upwards into a soft smile.

"I'll be fine, and besides he's out of power. If he does try anything though then you know what." I sent her a wink before gently pulling my hand away.

Standing in front of the male demon, I held out my hand for him to take. Confused by my gesture, he questions, "Why are you helping me? After all of the things I've done, you're giving me your hand to take."

Letting out a sigh, I use my free hand to flick his forehead.

"You're an idiot. Yes, you put me through hell back there and all of the other times, but I forgive you."

Taking my hand, I pulled Jin up to his feet. The demon's whole outfit was an utter disaster, his white dress shirt stained with dirt while his blazer and slacks were charred. At least his shoes looked fine!

"How can you be so kind to a demon like me..? Forgiving me just like that.. A demon like me doesn't deserve any of that. So why..?"

A small smile forms on my lips and I point at the girls from afar.
"Those girls taught me several things: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty. I've also learned some things on my own, and it's thanks to them. I feel so much happier knowing that I now have friends after being alone for several years. Actually, scratch that.. I wasn't all alone because someone was there by my side.."

Jin raises a brow, "And who would that be?"

"It's you, dumbass. Even though you sought after me as a tool to use, I actually considered you as a friend without me even knowing." I point at him.

"Wait what? Me?!"

I nod, "I didn't realize it until I talked with a certain red dragon. When I was under your trance, I found myself in front of him and he helped me out by clearing the darkness and hatred from my heart. Anyways, like I said to Sunset Shimmer from earlier, I believe that everyone is able to reform and be forgiven, and that also applies to a demon like you. Titles don't matter because in the end we're all our own individuals. Everyone is bound to make mistakes and they can learn from them to become a better person. It'll take time, but you'll see a big difference."

I held out my hand as if wanting a handshake. "Now let me ask you this, Jin. Will you be my friend?"

He stares down at my hand then back at me. "Friend.. You'd be friends with a demon?"

Flashing him an eye-smile, I answered, "Didn't I tell you? Whether you're a demon or not, I wouldn't mind being friends with you at all! At times it gets lonely and boring just being by yourself. I've felt that way before and even resolved to being a loner for the rest of my life, but after meeting those girls here at Canterlot High, I changed my mind. So what do you say?"

At first, Jin didn't respond and I took it as a sign of rejection, but a chuckle left his lips. It wasn't like his typical wicked chuckle, this was actually a kind and genuine one.

"I may not understand the concept of friendship yet, but let's see where it'll take me." He takes my hand, shaking it.

If looks could kill right now, I'm pretty sure Jin would be dead because of the girls glaring daggers at him, but I didn't notice like the dense person I am.


"Aren't they being a bit TOO friendly..?" Pinkie Pie asked through her clenched teeth.

Right now, all seven girls were staring at (Y/N)'s and Jin's locked hands. It may be a mere handshake, but the way (Y/N) smiled and talked with the male had certainly irritated the girls. To break the tension, the reliable assistant of Twilight Sparkle blurts,

"Let me guess, you girls like (Y/N) in a romantic way?"

That did the trick because the girls were now a blushing mess. They tried to deny their feelings, but their blossomed cheeks said something entirely different.

"Since you girls can't seem to get your feelings across, let me do it for you then!" Spike smirks, tootling along the grass fields to get to (Y/N) and Jin.

"S-Spike!! No!!" They hurried over and seized the dog.

"Hey girls, what's up?" The noirette now stood in front of them while Jin trudged behind her.

"N-Nothing!" They let out a nervous laugh.

(Y/N) raises a brow, but shrugs it off. "We still have time to dance at the Fall Formal. Before Twilight leaves, we should at least party and take some pictures together."

Twilight and the others nod, but Sunset and Jin shook their heads.

"You girls should have fun. I'm going to be busy rebuilding the school's
entrance.." Sunset scratches her nape after catching sight of Vice-Principal Luna holding a small shovel, and Snips and Snails carrying loads of bricks.

"Could you heal me, (Y/N)..? After that, I'll help Sunset repair that big hole with my magic." Jin groans, gripping onto his shoulder.

Holding my hand out in front of him, I cast a healing spell and a faint green glow surrounds his body. After a minute or two, the male stretches out his arms and legs. "You go on ahead, (Y/N). I actually want to chat with the girls about something."

The seven of them glowered at him suspiciously, but the noirette assures the girls that Jin wouldn't do anything.

"But if you do something to them, I wouldn't mind kicking your ass twice." (Y/N) issues before heading inside the school building.

Making sure she wasn't in visual perception, Jin doesn't waste time and says,

"It's only been a few days since she's transferred here, but I do know that all of you harbor a crush on her."

The rosiness displayed in their cheeks from before now returns, causing Jin and Spike to laugh.

"Are we really that obvious..?" Sunset shyly asks, rubbing her nape.

"Yep." The two males replied.

"W-We should get going! Got ourselves a dance to go to!" Rainbow Dash changes the topic, and the other five agrees.

They waved a goodbye to Jin and Sunset, leaving them with Snips and Snails to rebuild the school's entrance.

The rest of the night continued with everyone having the time of their lives, but sadly everything has to come to an end. After retrieving her crown and dancing at the Fall Formal, Twilight and Spike had to get back to Equestria. The princess found herself in a group hug as she stood in front of the portal.

"You'll look out for Sunset Shimmer, won't you?" Twilight asked.

"Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle." Rarity crosses her arms, looking at Sunset's direction.

"I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies so don't worry." (Y/N) pats her shoulder.

"We'd better get going." Spike says.

Twilight acknowledged him with a nod before looking back at the girls. "I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much."

"We'll miss you too." (Y/N) expresses a soft smile.

Twilight inhales and then exhales before turning to the horse statue. Yet, as soon as the princess steps into the portal, she turns back.

Puzzled, the girls were about to ask what was wrong until Twilight placed a chaste kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek. This action brings out a pale red tinge to her cheeks.


"Y-You did a lot for me so c-consider that as my way of saying t-thank you..!" The Equestrian Princess stammered before running back to the portal and Spike followed her.

The other five were indeed envious of the kiss that Twilight placed on (Y/N)'s cheek, but the noirette doesn't seem to pay any mind as she's trying to register what just happened.

"Twilight and (Y/N) sitting on a tree!~ K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jin sings, adding more fuel to the jealousy of seven girls.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!"

Word Count: 3743

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