By temanguby

348K 11.5K 656

Interpol agent, Melissa Dlamini is playing wicked games with the wrong man. Forced to go undercover and bring... More



3.7K 178 10
By temanguby

I sat at the back of the car, rain heavily pouring on the windscreen, the droplets running down my misty window with the darkness already plaguing the city even though it was five in the evening. The streets were busy even with this cold weather that had me pulling on everything in my wardrobe, probably looked like a homeless person yet I did not give a damn.

The car suddenly stopped in front of a large building, it was tall, so tall I could not see the top, just windows going up and up, craning my neck staring at it. People went in and out of it, umbrellas in hand, a large queue as they tried flicking down taxis to no end. The driver just parked in the busy street, already hearing the other cars hooking as there was already a long queue behind us.

Not to waste people's time I opened the door, sliding out in the road.

"No ma'am." It was the guard objecting as he was still to get out with the umbrella.

I closed the door as he quickly slipped out but it was too late, the rain not playing games, drenching me as I ran off the road into the busy streets past to the door finally finding shelter but even there, there were just too many people I was barely under the shelter.

The guard stood in front of me, umbrella in hand getting drenched as he gave me his scary eyes letting me know he was not happy.

"Sorry," I said, giving him a polite smile.

He huffed, a lot of eyes on us now, people really liked to just jump on other people's business, and it was funny really seeing them watch if what was happening was worth their attention.

The honking was getting louder, the road totally blocked panic having me so guilty.

"Go park the car, I will go ahead." I said looking at the furious drivers cursing towards my guard who seemed to be immune to their words.

He turned without a word, going back to the car, slipping in and driving away, the other cars finally free. A breath escaped me as I turned, passing something that was a struggle as people were just standing there squeezing together waiting for cabs under the veranda of the building.

"Sorry," I kept on saying, pushing through people.

"Watch it!" A girl snapped as I accidentally stepped on her.

"Sorry," I said back, getting a few other remarks till I finally got to the door and walked in the building, bending over to take a breath because I swear it was brutal out there.

Shaking my head I stood straight, eyes on me with people sitting around on the beautiful black couches spread all over the room, the heat nearly making me moan. The floor was tiled. Shiny, marble tiles making the place look like a five star hotel reception. The people all around looked like something from a Wall Street movie, all looking professional and moneyed then there was me with my seats and sneakers. Lord I needed help really. The large sweater drowned me leaving me to seem shape less.

All in all I suddenly realised my mistake. Anyways I walked over to the large front desk where six girls sat all talking to the phone, typing something or flipping through something at the same time and do I have to mention how intimidating they looked, exhaustion written all over their faces.

I walked up to the desk, waiting for one of them to finish with a call but hell seconds turned to minutes and when one finished with one call another got in making it impossible to talk to them. I stood there, their eyes waving over me before they dismissed me continuing with what they were doing. How I would love to have a phone at this point so I could just text Seith and he would come down to get me.

Two minutes turned to five and it was then when one dropped a call turning to me.

"How can I help you?" She said, her eyes totally going through some document.

"I am here to see Mr Rosewood." I said.

"Speak up, I don't have all day!" She shouted, all eyes snapping to me, this totally feeling like going to a public government office or something, so harsh.

I cleared my voice.

"I am here to see Mr Rosewood." I said again louder, a few eyes from the other girls snapped to me along with the one I was talking with. She took me over and I could just see that she was holding on a laugh and I did not blame her really. The hoodie was over my head making me look like a hobo but I refused to take it off because lord what was under it was even worse.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked.

"Yes," I lied, but I was not lying, I did have an appointment just not a formal one.

She typed on her laptop.

"Your name?"

"Melissa Dlamini," I said, moving my weight from foot to foot as she typed on her keyboard.

"There is nothing such as that in this list so please don't waste my time and make an appointment next time." She said, quickly answering a phone after.


So now I stood there like a fool, the girl totally back to her phone calls making that another five minutes before she placed the phone down again, eyes flicking back to me and I swear she nearly exploded seeing that I was still there.

"Should I call security, I have really had a long day so please just don't irritate me!"

Oohh lord.

How embarrassing could this get? Everyone was now staring at me, clutching their bags as if I would just spring out and steal, them running off.

"Can you just call his office or something? I am his wife and was supposed to bring him dinner." I stated politely, the girl staring at me like I had just grew five heads at the same time.

She picked up her phone again, dialling a number.

"Security, Yeah, front desk, we have those mental ones again." She said through the phone making my eyes to shoot out. This was crazy, I shook my head.

"No, please don't, I swear I am not crazy, I am his wife." I said, all the girls now staring at me in concern as if saying 'poor girl'.

"Hurry please, I think she is about to have a meltdown." The girl said.

"No please no," I said panicking.

They would haul me out of here! I wanted to run away really, not knowing what to do my eyes searched around frantically for someone who would plead my case but of course there was no one. No one knew Seith was married, to them I was like a stalker.

I shook my head, two guards coming my way quickly wrecking my mind of what to do. I stepped back as they got closer. This was so embarrassing.

"I am not crazy I swear, I am here to see Mr Rosewood, I have an appointment." I tried knowing that it was not going to work even on the slightest.


I huffed, defeated, seeing the hulky man walking towards me ready to carry me out.

"Okay, I will leave." I said holding my hands up to show that I was not fighting, my eyes sweeping over the large reception only to pose, my breath hitched.

"What is going on here?" His voice came harsh and demanding, sending everyone frozen, the guards not even daring to turn because they already knew who it was hearing from his voice that he was not in a good mood. I stood frozen but for a totally different reason.

He had taken off the coat and jacket leaving his white shirt, the top three buttons undone leaving me biting my lips furious because last time I checked I had buttoned them up. I was totally going psycho. The sleeves of his shirt were folded up his, hair looking messy making him look dangerous and so gorgeous.

"I will not ask again." His words snapped me out of my trance seeing his furious face as if he was about to kill someone. No one talked, no one dared to even open their mouth making me roll my eyes, he was not even that scary.

"There was just a misunderstanding." I said, all eyes snapping to me as if everyone had forgotten I was there.

"Yes, this woman who is mentally disturbed sir was just stirring up trouble so security was just taking her out." The girl I was talking to said, my eyes snapping to her wanting to shout out the point that I was not crazy.

"Do you mean that woman?" Seith asked pointing towards me, the girl agreeing with such enthusiasm and confidence.

"You mean my wife?" He asked again, my heart skipping a beat, the girl turning pale with the others gasping only to realise and place hands over their mouths.

"Did you just call my wife mental?"



The cat had suddenly caught someone's tongue leaving her looking like a fish out of water opening her mouth only to close it while Seith was turning red by the second. It was really not their fault, they were just doing their job.

"What is your name?" He spat out, the girl now shaking like a leaf opening her mouth and closing it after.

"Asher, Asher White." She said back, tears already shimmering in her eyes the others now having distanced themselves from her leaving her to roast in the fire alone, such traitors.

Seith was by my side in a second, his arm coming around my shoulders bringing me to him before turning to leave with me tucked under his wing. I do not even look back to see the looks in everyone's face as we walked to the elevator that opened only for us to slip in, my heart drumming so fast with his cologne sending me crazy, his heat seeping from the shirt.

"Hi," I said, his eyes cast down towards me making it obvious how short I was.

"Hi," He said back.

"Sorry for that." He continued.

"It's Okay, they were just doing their job. You are not going to fire her right?" I asked, the doors opening in a dimly lit floor that was so quiet as if this was where he murdered people. It was so creepy walking through the entry, a large desk at the front with two females sharing the large desk each of them having a large section to themselves working quietly looking as if they had been handpicked straight from the runway.

Moving past them I could see three guards standing by the glass door guarding the office with the third one being my guard.

He opened the glass doors ushering me in, following me behind.

This was not an office, this was bigger than our penthouse, most of the space unoccupied with just a large glass desk standing by the glass window, the lights of the city all that was being seen. The tiled marble floors were shiny, the room looking intimidating really which I thought was definitely what they were going for. There was a living room at the other side where I could see a TV, ouch and fireplace.

Was this an office or a house? He led me to the living room, switching on the lights, the room looking heavenly with the cream carpet along with the white couch looking as if it had not worked since the day it was bought.

"Here, I think it is cold now, sorry." I said giving him the cooler bag which he took placing in on the coffee table, the TV on with the news channel playing, the sound muted. His arms came back caging me in his embrace, his eyes locking with mine with my whole world spinning around me as he claimed my lips as if he had not seen me well past a month or so. He drank me in as I melted in his arms totally loving all this attention being flooded to me.

Our lips parted, greedily gasping for breath. Eyes fluttered open to find his on mine with an emotion I could not even guess what it meant.

His hands slipped from my waist as he took the bag, walking away and disappearing to some room as I looked around moving my weight from foot to foot seeing why he never came to the house. I mean he had everything in here and from that sound I knew he had disappeared into a kitchen and I would bet my life there was a closet somewhere. My feet carried me to the glass window, his building seeming to be one of the tallest buildings, everything else being looked down upon as I stood there watching in awe this being one of the most beautiful views I had ever seen in my life.

A pair of hands slipped around my waist nearly making me jump as he brushed his cheek against mine sending my toes curling as I leaned closer to him. He brought me closer to his chest, his soft skin brushing against mine, my eyes closing and taking it all in.

"I want to show you something." He said.

"What is it?" I asked, my eyes still shut closed in heaven I swear.

"I will take you there tomorrow." He said, a smile spreading all over my face. I really liked surprises.

"Can I just get a hint?" I said back excitedly.

"No wife, patience." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning my skin making me gulp and my whole body quivering. It was amazing the effect he had on me and how could I even breathe when he called me in such a way, the word like gold on his tongue.

"Okay." I said back, leaning my head back on his neck not even sure when the hoodie had been pulled back but happy either or. I was content where I was, happy.

We watched the cars fly by along with the people seeming so far from where we stood feeling as if we were in top of the world.

"Your food is getting cold." I said back giggling.

"Yeah." He said, his arms never slipping from my body as he turned us around.

"So what are you busy with, maybe I could help?" I asked as he sat down on the couch with me sitting next to him, my legs hanging in between his, watching him, his face the so beautiful it should be a crime.

"Just fixing up a business proposal and plan for this company I want to takeover." He said as I threw my head up laughing, Okay there was no way I could help there because this girl here failed everything that had the name business on it.

"I can't be of help there," I said pouting.

"Which reminds me, I wanted to talk to you about something." I mentioned, his eyes flickering to me, loving the way he just gave me all his attention, patiently listening.

"I want to get a job." I stated, his face not giving anything away, taking in what I had said.

"Why?" He asked, my eyes moving from him suddenly finding interest in my hands. How could I put this, how could I say this to him?

"I want to have my own money, I lost all my belongings and I don't have any money or whatever. I need to have my own money because I don't know where this is going to leave me and I need to have my own things." I said, my eyes snapping back to him, scared of what he would say or react.

"Come here." He said not knowing what he felt or thought making me wary, none the less I scoot closer to him, his hands grabbing on my waist pulling me even closer until I sat on his lap looking right at me. My eyes looked at anything but his face, heart leaping away leaving me finding it hard to breathe with my fingers fiddling with each other.

His hand found its way under my chin, pushing it up, my eyes just meeting his with a wave of emotion washing over him.

"You are my wife and I have not worked so hard for you to also work. All these late nights were so my family could live the best life this world can offer. This is not going to leave you anywhere. You are my family now, look at me, —you are Melissa Likhwalethu Rosewood; my wife, my family and I will take care of you, giving you all this life could offer even in my grave so don't worry about money wife, my money is all yours and that is final."

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