Predator and Prey

By JupiterStyx

939K 26.4K 15K

This is a Hazbin Hotel Alastor X Reader story ('cause there isn't enough of these already). All characters be... More

1- Hell
2- Turff War
3- Nightmares
4- Newbie
5- The Radio Demon
6- Confusion
7- Screams on the Radio
8- Happy Hotel?
9- A Cold Welcome
10- Kitchen Upgrades
11- Angel Dust
12- A Failed Interview
13- The Knock at the Door
14- Helping Hands
15- Dancing Deer
16- That Fucking Snake
17- Midnight Drinks
18- A Morning Chat
19- Late Night
20- Keeping Secrets
21- The Woods
Holy Fuck! (A/N)
22- Cannibalistic Tendencies
23- Extermination Day
24- Meddling with Memories
25- Nighttime Jambalaya
27- Drinks
28- Drunken Confessions
29- Face From the Past
30- Couch Dreams
31- Morning Wags
32- Breaking News
33- Calming Presence
34- Panic Thoughts
35- Goodbye
36- Accusations
37- Hostage
38-Breaking free
39- Lost and Found
40- Confrontation
41- Broken
42- Guilt
43- Devil on My Shoulder
44- Hatred
45- Predator vs. Prey
46- Get Out of My Head
47- This Isn't Over
Thank you! (A/N)
Book 2 is up!!

26- A Date with the Radio Demon

16.3K 454 571
By JupiterStyx

"Angel!!!" I pound on his door. "Angel open up I need your help!"

Why would I need Angel's help. Well... Al asked me out yesterday and I have no fucking clue what to wear. Since I haven't been on a date in almost a century, I figured Angel would be able to help me out. Well that is if he opens the damn door.

I pound harder. "Angel please!"

I hear the click and the door opens slowly. "What the fuck (Y/N)?!"

"Sorry but it's urgent." I say pushing past him and entering the room.

Angel closes the door as I enter. "What's got you all worked up?"

"A-al asked me out yesterday. And I don't know what to wear." I say.

"Ha! I knew you two had a thing for each other!"

"Angel this is serious! I need your help." I say.

"All right, all right, calm down. I'll help you. In exchange." He crosses his arms and smirks.

"In exchange for what?" I ask skeptically, though I probably already know where this is going.

"Details!" He says triumphantly, "how he is in bed, what it felt like, what he tasted like."

"Gross Angel! No!" I say quickly trying to shut him up.

He shrugs. "Then I guess you don't want my help."

"Come on Angel please." I give him my puppy eyes while drooping my ears.

"Fine! I'll help!"

My tail starts wagging and my ear perk right up. "Thanks Angel."

"Right but you still owe me." He says.

"I'll take you out for drinks later."

"Deal." He heads towards his closet. "Ok first things first the dress."

Angel pull out a short off the shoulder (F/C) dress. Once again the dress fits beautifully to my curves.

(Change the color and what ever if you want)

Angel then pulls out some simple yet elegant golden heels to go with the dress.

I look myself up and down in the mirror. "Wow."

Angel whistles. "Lookin hot toots."

I blush a deep red.

"Now for the final touch." Angel grabs a huge golden necklace, decked out with gems and diamonds.

"Wait!" I say, stopping him from putting on the necklace. "I already have one." I pull out my sisters locket. It's a little golden heart with a rose engraved on it. Inside is a picture of us together.

Angel nods approvingly as he helps me put on the locket. "Now for the makeup."

-time skip-

I'm speechless. I just stare at my reflection. My hair is perfect, the dress is perfect, the shoes, the makeup, everything. I give a little twirl while Angel whistles.

A huge smile on my face. I pull Angel into a hug. "Thank you!"

"Anything for my favorite bitch." He laughs.

I glance at the time.


"Fuck!" I shout. "I'm gonna be late!" I rush to the door.

"Have fun!" Angel calls after me.

"I will! Thanks again Angel!" I dash out of his room, almost tripping on the heels. I'm reaching the end of the hallway when realize my bag is still in my room. I quickly make my way to my room to fetch it.

I throw open my room door and see my bag on my desk. I reach for it and throw my phone and some cash in it.


I jump and turn around. My shadow is standing there, arms crossed, glaring and blocking the door.

You're not going. You should have told him no.

"Well I said yes. Now let me through." I say.


I growl, low and threateningly, "you better move."

I'm not moving. And you're not going.

"And why not?"

He's dangerous

"We're all dangerous."

He's using you. He doesn't love you.

"You don't know that."

What makes him so special. What makes him different from the first one.

I clench my fist. The energy in the room growing hostile. "You're wrong about him."

My shadow steps forward and leans in really close.

When have I ever been wrong?

And with that it disappears. It's words still ringing in my brain. It knows full well that it struck a nerve by saying those things.

A knock at the door pulls me from my angered thoughts.

"Dear are you ready?" Alastor calls from the other side of the door.

I quickly run my hand through my hair and regain my composure. Before I open the door I cast a subtle spell that makes it so the other demons don't recognize me as the Witch.

I open the door and smile. "Yep. I'm ready to go!"

Alastor offers me his arm and I take it, together we make our way out of the hotel.

The moon shines in the sky. The lights from surrounding buildings light up the street in an array of different colors. There's a light breeze but nothing to cold. I walk beside Alastor, demons cross the road and jump out of the way as we approach. Fearful whispers reach my ears.

"The radio demon."

"Careful don't make him mad."

"Let's get out of here."

I smile to myself, my spell worked.

Eventually we stop by a fancy looking restaurant. My mouth hangs open a bit in awe. The place is so nice, polished floors, dressed up waiters, a huge chandelier that looks like it's made of stars hanging from the ceiling.

"Oh wow." I say breathlessly as we walk inside. "Al this place is beautiful."

Alastor chuckles at my star struck state. "Only the best for you my darling."

I hardly have time to register what he said before a waiter comes up to us. "Table for two?"

Alastor nods.

"Right this way." The waiter leads us to a table in the back. He places two menus down on the table as we take out seats. "Can I get you anything to drink?" He asks, pulling out a note pad.

"Some whiskey for me please." I say.

"And for me as well." Alastor adds.

"Coming right up." The waiter jots down our order and heads off.

I'm impressed, I didn't hear any fear in the waiters voice. Either he's really good at hiding it or he's new.

I pick up my menu and start looking through the options. When I've looked through all the options I have decided on the venison. I set the menu down as the waiter returns with our drinks.

"Now do you know what you want? Or would you like a few more minutes to decide?" The waiter asks, pulling out his pen and note pad.

"I would like the venison." I say, smiling and handing the menu back to the waiter. He nods and jots it down then turns to Alastor.

This time I notice a slight trembling coming from the waiter.

"I'll have the same." Is all Alastor says. The waiter nods, picking up the menu and quickly walking back to play our orders.

I pick up my cup and take a small sip of the whiskey. It's definitely quality whiskey, better than any I've ever had.

"So Al, do you come here often?" I ask.

"Yes. It's quite lovely here. Are you enjoying it?"

I glance around, "yeah, this place it really beautiful. I wasn't expecting you to bring me to such a fancy place." I meet his gaze as I finish my sentence.

That spark from before. First at the hotel, then in the woods, and now here. Something blooms in my chest, a desire to feel his lips on mine. My heart races.

What is happening to me?

A few minutes later our food arrives. And I gotta say man is it good. My expectations for restaurant venison is pretty low, but this stuff was amazing. Not quite as good as my own but up there.

The night continues on. We walk about different things and hobbies. I find myself wanting to know more about Alastor.

As our conversation dwindles a comfortable silence the waiter returns with our bill. I thank him and start digging around in my bag.

"Dear allow me to pay." Alastor says.

"What? No. I can't have that. You went to all the trouble to bring me out, it's the least I can do."

"Dear I insist." He snaps his fingers and the perfect amount of money appears on the table.

"Fine." I grumble, but I still pull out a ten as a tip. "There now we can go." I stand and Alastor leads me out of the restaurant.

He starts leading the way and I notice we're not going back to the hotel.

"Uh Alastor? Where are we going?" I ask.

He smiles, or well his already existing smile gets bigger. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

I roll my eyes, "what ever ya say Bambi." I cross my arms, the chilly night air sending a shiver down my spine. It's gotten cold since we were last outside. I mentally curse myself for not bringing a coat.

"Cold darling?"

"Yeah." I say rubbing my arms. "I forgot to grab a coat back at the hotel I guess I-" I'm interrupted by the feeling of a coat being placed on my shoulders. I look and I'm met with Alastor's red coat. "What?"

I look up at Alastor, he has a genuine smile. "You said you were cold." He explains.

"Oh thanks." I focus back on the street and smile. My tail wags a little under the coat but Alastor doesn't notice. I clutch the coat tighter around myself as a breeze rips through the street. "Aren't you cold?" I ask, looking back up at Alastor.

"It's fine darling. I'm okay." He reassures me.

I feel kind of bad. Because in reality the cold doesn't bother me at all. Being a wolf demon I have a natural resistance to the cold. I just wanted to see what he'd do, and honestly the gesture caught me by surprise. A nice surprise, but still a surprise.

I step closer to him. Our hands brushing against each other's but not holding. I don't want to push my luck, as I just left my hand hanging limply by my side.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence and walking we come to a nice park like area. The city lights fade away as we walk deeper into the park.

Trees are scattered around the open space. Every few meters a small torch lights the path. It's quiet and peaceful full. The darkness of the park isn't creepy, is almost comforting, but maybe that's because Alastor is with me. Which, mind you, is a weird concept considering he was a serial killer, and is one of the most powerful overlords here in hell. I look up and see the stars shining brightly.

"It's so beautiful here." I say. "But what are we doing here?"

"We're just taking a stroll around the park. Is that a bad thing?" He challenges, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"No! No that's fine. It's just feels like you're gonna murder me." I joke. "Dark forest, away from public eyes. Perfect spot for committing murder." A statistic smirk crossing my features.

"My dear it sound like you're speaking from experience." Alastor chuckles. "You never did tell me what you're here in hell for."

"Murder." I say simply, "and some theft."

"And here I thought a gal like you is to pure for hell." He places a hand under my chin, making me look up at him.

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "Hehehe yeah."

We continue on our walk. My face still a blushing mess. But after all this walking my feet are starting to hurt because of these heels. I stop and bend down to take off my shoes.

Alastor stops and looks at me with a questioning glance. "My dear what are you doing?"

"These heels are killing me." I respond, "Plus I'm faster without shoes." I smirk as I stand, shoes in hand.

I glance up the trail then back at Alastor, an idea popping in my head. I punch his arm, not hard, but harder than regular tag.

"Got you~" I say.

Before he can respond I take off down the trail, his coat trailing behind me, laughing the whole time. My feet pounding on the walk way. My hair whipping around my face. I glance back to see if he's following, he's not. In fact he's nowhere to be found.

I turn back around only to run right into Alastor.

"Not fast enough darling." He says.

"Cheater." I huff.

He laughs and takes off down the trail. I stand there for a moment, then I take off chasing him. He's starting to get away from me.

Damn he's fast.

I pick up a bit of speed. An idea comes to my mind. I jump with two feet and land on four, shifting to my wolf form mid air. I take off.

Can't out run me now deer boy.

I'm gaining on him. Making up lost ground I'm getting closer. I jump ready to pin him down, but suddenly he's not there.

I land on the ground and trip, falling on my face. "Fuck!" I yell. I lay there for a bit, my breathing heavy. I look up to see Alastor reappear in front of me.

"I believe I win." He says. A victorious smirk on his face.

"No I had you till you pulled that teleportation shit." I say, shifting back to my demon form and crossing my arms.

"But dear it was quite entertaining to watch." He laughs.

"Oh I'm sure it was." I roll my eyes. He holds his hand out to me. I grab it but instead of using it to pull myself up I yank him down. He's thrown off balance and falls on top of me. I laugh a victorious laugh.

"Now we're even." I say between laughs.

Alastor shakes his head. A fond smile on his face. He pushes himself off me and stands, also pulling me to my feet. "I think that's enough for tonight." He says.

I nod. "It is getting late."

Alastor snaps his fingers. I blink and suddenly we're in the hotel, in front of my room door.

"Thank you for your company tonight." Alastor says, placing a kiss on my hand. Causing me to blush.

"I had a great time." I say. "Goodnight Al." I say as I open my room door.

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

It isn't till I close my door that I realize I still have Al's coat on.

Date- 7-30-2020
Words- 2463

That's the most I've ever written for a single chapter! Wow it got long. Sorry bout that. I just couldn't bring myself to stop. I hope you enjoyed it.


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