One-shot, Two Kills [A Rainb...

By -Aziel-

65.7K 445 322

Y/n L/n, The Best Sniper that The UN could offer. Have more than 300 confirmed kills and 99% of them are head... More

Prologue part 1 : Meeting Zofia
Prologue part 2 : Meeting Ela and The Hunting Trip
Prologue part 3 : Goodbye and Meeting Monika
Prologue part 4 [End] : Graduation and Goodbyes
Operator File : [Hawk]
Operator Loadout : [Hawk]
Chapter 1 : The Rescue Mission
Chapter 2 : Truth be Revealed
Chapter 3 : The Problem
Chapter 4 : Justice
[Operator Video Idea ]
Chapter 5 : New Roommates
Chapter 6 : A Harem ?
Chapter 7 : More Girls ?
Chapter 8 : Mission Briefing and A Flashback
Chapter 9 : Goodbye Old Friends...
Author's Message

Chapter 10 :A Broken Heart

1.6K 13 8
By -Aziel-

Hereford Base , [20 minutes before Departure to Vatican] 

3rd Person POV 

Here we can see Y/n sleeping on the couch in the GIGN Dormitory , although he seemed so peaceful the others doesn't know the things that is going on inside his mind 

[In Y/n's Mindscape] 

Y/n : "H-Help me..." 

He says while crawling away from an opened door while Envy, Gilgamesh, Wrath, Archer, Mavis, Kindness watch his misery from afar . But suddenly a chain got wrapped on his right leg 

Enkidu : "100 More Rounds~" 

He got dragged slowly until a rope wrapped his left leg 

Lust : "Looks like we need to double it for your punishment~ " 

Gilgamesh(Fem) : "Let's make it 100 rounds each since he's still trying to escape~" 

Poor Y/n got dragged away before saying one last thing 


[Back into Reality] (Y/n's POV) 

Thankfully I woke up from my 'sleep' before quickly realized that I slept in my mission gear 

'Me and my ignorance... , Better go to the armory to prepare for the mission' 

Gilgamesh : 'Darling~' 

'Gilgamesh ? Why are you inside my mind ? ' 

Amaya : 'We're coming with you remember? Besides we need to explain something to you once you decided to summon us out' 

I got up and head towards the door after grabbing both of my dufflebags , I opened the door and start walking towards the armory 


Gilgamesh : 'What ?' 

'I think we should give you a new name , if you want to' 

Gilgamesh : 'Sure , but why tho ?' 

'Dunno , it's just weird to call you Gilgamesh' 

Enkidu : 'I agree with you ' 

I sighed cause Enkidu is here too 

'Curse my E- Rank Luck' 

I swear I could hear them laughing in my mind  but I ignored it , So I kept walking towards the armory  until suddenly Mike appeared out of nowhere and pushed me grabbed my wrist before dragging me towards the cafeteria direction? 

"Mike Chill! " 

We arrived at the cafeteria and I can't just believe what I'm seeing right now 


My Girlfriends


They're cheating on me.. 


It takes a a good minute before everyone finally noticed me 

Nokk : "Y-Y/n.." 

I turned around before walking away and start heading towards the armory with Both Warden and Mike following me 

Mike : "Mate , I'm sorry for-" 

"Don't , Let's just go to the armory and prepare for the mission after going to Six and ask if there's any change of plans" 

Warden : "Roger.." 

We continued our walks towards the armory in silence before arriving at it and we all started to go towards our respective locker . I packed my guns , a box of my smart bullets , and 2 breaching charges into both of my dufflebags. I got out from my locker before heading towards Six's Office 

[15 minutes later]

'Where the fuck are they?!' 

I looked at Six who has a poker face on until 2 certain people burst into the room wearing their uniforms and each carrying a bag on their back 

"You're late" 

Mike : "We know.." 

I sighed and shook my head because those two 

Six : "Have a sit " 

They both stood up before taking the seats next to me 

Six : "There's a change of plans , your mission is no longer to protect the Vatican" 

Mike : " So ? What's the new one Boss ?" 

Six : "Go to Vatican and you will meet a priest named Griselda Quarta the rest will be explained by her, I'm aware Mr.L/n has assisted her in couple mission , Right ?" 

I nodded 

Six : "Good , Now go! Marius is waiting at the airfield" 

We all stood up before saluting and walk out from the room heading towards the airfield 

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