rocket | katsuki bakugo

By wonwowzers

14.5K 381 47

[katsuki bakugo x female!student!oc] "you can't go over there, dude! you'll get hurt!" kirishima tried to re... More

second book!


1.3K 32 4
By wonwowzers

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delivered 4 minutes ago

izuku? are you there? it's off for you to not answer.
delivered 2 minutes ago

looking at her phone confused, yukiko locked it, sliding it into the pocket of her bag and licked at the ice cream cone. izuku was usually so punctual with messaging or calling back, even when he was busy. he would answer so quickly. she began to worry that something was wrong. but she tried to push it to the back of her mind, convincing herself it wasn't that big of a deal and he'll answer soon.

she continued to walk down the street, taking notice of a large group gathering around an area. it was odd. normally, the only time people are gathered around some place is when there's a... villain...

yukiko connected the dots and quickly moved toward the group, throwing her ice cream cone into a waste bin, asking politely for people to move. "pardon me, what's going on?" she asked a bystander.

"some weird gooey guy took someone hostage at the tatooin shopping district!"

she quickly made her way through to the barrage of bystanders, her eyes widening.

katsuki was trapped. he was the hostage.

Death Arms, and another two heroes arrived on scene.

"katsuki!" yukiko yelled, watching as the villain slammed Death Arms up against a steel door.

wiggling around with the villain, katsuki yelled at the top of his lungs, "you picked the wrong guy to mess with." he bent forward, still very obviously restrained, "i'm gonna send you back to whatever sewer you crawled out of! let me go!" as he yelled, explosions went off everywhere.

"excuse me!" yukiko called to BackDraft, who sectioned off the area, "i'm a soon to be second year at UA! i have my provisional license. i can absorb the oxygen to stop the fires!" she called.

BackDraft looks back at her, "i'm sorry! this is a matter for pro heroes."

"please, my friend is the hostage. please, i have to help." her eyes watered.

"we can't risk anyone else getting hurt!"

she sobbed, looking over to katsuki who was trapped. the police held back eager people, and even Mt. Lady, the newest hero as of late, came to help, although it was to no avail.

Kamui Woods saved most of the victims that were trapped in the middle, sprinting through carefully as not to get burned. and BackDraft hosed down some of the apartments that caught fire.

"katsuki!" yukiko yelled loudly, trying to push past the officers, "please, you have to let me help. please. i can absorb gases, please. if you let me help, i can stop the fires." but they didn't listen.

the heroes present handled damage control and rescue and save missions until someone that could help arrives.

"please! he'll kill him." she cried softly, pushing the officer, "you have to let me help!" tears fell down her cheeks, her heart racing a mile a minute, "let me save my friend!"

the entire crowd made chatter, asking questions while yukiko tried to convince any of the officers to let her through. while she pushed, suddenly someone ran through, stumbling on his own two feet. a familiar tuft of black and green hair sprinted through.

"izuku!" she called. she was sure the officers were close to restraining her at that point as yukiko tried to push through. it was no use. if they wouldn't let her help from inside, she'll have to do her best to help outside. she tried to breathe in the oxygen from the air without affecting those around her, but to no avail. her own lungs were practically begging for air after her crying fit and they weren't expanding how they normally would.

she felt useless. yukiko felt completely useless in that moment. if she wasn't able to regulate her breathing during such a anxiety riddled time, how would she do it as a hero? or even as a sidekick or whatever she had the possibility of becoming.

a second rush of air forced past her, and the villain was torn in two. an all too famous head of hair and might jumped into action. All Might! surely now everything would be okay!

"Detroit Smash!" All Might yelled, the air blown back to the villain in full force. everyone in the crowd, including yukiko, were blown away. it felt like the air was ripped from her lungs. the fires went out and the villain was torn away from himself. Mt. Lady protected those on the opposite side of the road where the heavy impact wind blew. and the whirlwind of air blew upwards before it settled.

"katsuki. izuku." she ran past the barricade, seeing the two of her friends knocked out from the rush of oxygen being stolen from them. they were still breathing, shallow, however. rain fell down onto the ground and she sniffed lightly, rubbing either of their heads. while everyone cheered, she was worried for her friends. although yukiko was thankful for All Might, she couldn't find the words to thank him... Out of everyone, he was the number one hero. saying thank you just felt off to say. should she collapse to his feet and bless the ground he stepped on? or should she offer him the free stamp on her ice cream stamp card?

how do you thank the number one hero for saving your two best friends, she thought, rubbing izuku's head.

she sat there, her tears mixing with the rain as the police took the scattered bits and pieces of the villain into police custody. news reporters and journalists surrounded All Might, taking pictures and asking questions while izuku got a heavy scolding from Death Arms and Kamui Woods the second he woke up. katsuki sat the opposite of izuku, the other heroes praising him for his thick skin and tenacity. yukiko just sat to the side, trying to catch her breathing to steady herself.

while the sun set, yukiko sighed softly. izuku wandered off alone after his scolding and didn't intend to stay around any longer. she stayed behind with katsuki while he finished up with reporters. and when he did, she began to walk with him down the road.

"you didn't have to keep following me like a lost dog." katsuki hissed, "it's annoying."

"you're right. it probably is annoying." she mumbled, holding her bag tightly that her fingers turned white, "katsuki..."

katsuki stopped, turning to look at yukiko sharply.

"i tried to help. but, the police wouldn't let me through..." she sniffed, "i tried to tell them that i could've taken care of the fire if only they let me."

he clicked his tongue, "what's someone like you gonna do?"

"this isn't time to joke around! you could've died and they didn't let me help!" she shouted, "what did i even get my provisional license for if i can't even use it in an emergency?" she kicked her feet, "and izuku appears all high and mighty. i don't hate him for it..." she sniffed, wiping her cheeks, "i just wish he wasn't so reckless."

katsuki stood there, before walking back the direction the two of them came.

"katsuki?" she followed after him.

he began to walk, then, he ran. and she kept the same pace, her breathing steady from her quirk.

"deku!" katsuki yelled when we arrived in the residential area, breathing heavily.

izuku turned around, furrowing his brows, "kacchan? yukiko?"

"listen. i would never ask for a weakling like you to help me. i'd much rather prefer this hag to help. don't think you can look down on me." katsuki balled his fist, having them shake, "huh? got that? i was fine by myself. you're just a quirkless failure who won't even cut it as a rent-a-cop. you didn't help me. you did nothing. don't forget it." he turned on his heels, his back hunched over as he walked away grumpily. "i don't owe you anything!" he yelled back.

looking to izuku, yukiko opened her mouth, "what he means is thank you." she looked between the two, "i'm gonna make sure he gets home okay... his mother is probably worried." yukiko nodded, waving bye to izuku and ran after katsuki, "i'll text you, izuku!"

izuku waved softly.

stopping beside katsuki, she walked at his gremlin pace, "you know, you have an odd way of saying thank you."

"deku didn't do shit. all he did was put his own life in danger." katsuki still breathed heavily. patting him on the back, he breathed normally.

"you're so weird, katsuki." yukiko hummed, "if you really wanted me to be at piece of mind, you could've just reassured me."

"whatever. i didn't do it for you, dumbass. don't get any wild ideas."

"i think you like me, katsuki." she teased.

"yeah, right. grow a braincell, idiot."

gasping in faux shock, she smacked him upside the head, "just for that, i think i might eat dinner with you and your family tonight!"

and katsuki didn't want to admit it, but he was okay with that. he gave a small smile as she walked ahead.

"i hope we have soba tonight!" yukiko hummed, skipping along to his house with him.

knocking on the door when she arrived, yukiko perked up, her left hand at her brow when she rang the doorbell.

"it's your right hand, dumbass." katsuki shifted uncomfortably in her grip, "and why are you ringing the doorbell? i have a key."

the door opened, and she smiled at katsuki's mom, "delivery for mitsuki bakugo!"

"i think you have the wrong address." his mom joked, "at ease, soldier."

at the command, she lowered her hand and laughed, "i thought you'd appreciate me bringing the delinquent back home after what happened."

"yes, i do appreciate it. i gave him a good ass biting lecture over the phone." she smiled, "come on in, yuki-chan!"

she smiled, stepping inside and kicking off her shoes before stepping up, "ah! it's always so comforting in here." yukiko chuckled, following the two blonde bakugo's into the next room, "i hope you don't mind, but katsuki invited me to dinner."

"hey, dumbass-"

"of course i don't mind." his mother smiled sweetly, "you can never intrude on us, yukiko. you know you're welcome anytime. especially after keeping the youngest out of trouble."

smiling brightly and laughing at the name, she sat with katsuki at the table, smiling seeing mitsuki lay out the dishes for dinner. there was rice, soup, salad, and of course the mixed protein and vegetable dish. "you always make such fantastic food, mitsuki!"

"anything for my family."

yukiko smiled even wider. being considered family always made her feel warm.

"you're gonna break your jaw again if you smile too hard, dumbass."

she looked at katsuki, her smile disappearing and being replaced with a look of annoyance, although playful, "i didn't break my jaw, dumbass! i clenched my jaw and broke my retainer."

"whatever, weirdo."

mitsuki sat at the seat at the head of the table, smiling sweetly at her, "how has UA been treating you, yuki-chan?"

"it was hard work, i guess you could say! but, i'm excited to go back." she smiled, "katsuki, if you need help with the entrance exam, i can always help."

"hm, what'd you do? suck the oxygen out the room and copy off someone's paper?"

"i will have you know, i was 7 in my class line up!"

katsuki chuckled, eating some rice, "not very good." he widened his eyes as he reached for a vegetable, "if i get a higher score than you on the test, then you don't get to talk to me at UA."

she sucked in air through your teeth, "how about no? i can't wait to annoy you and your little UA friends." she smiled.

"what happened to me not making friends at UA and being alone and groveling at your lunch table?"

"well, when i think about it, you don't like being alone much. that's why you're okay with me being around. because it makes you less lonely."

"whatever. you're like 4."

"just because i was born on the leap year doesn't mean you get to make fun of me!"

as the two bickered back and forth, and when katsuki threatened to shove a carrot up yukiko's nose, his mother watched on, a big smile plastered on her face. it felt nice to not be fighting with her son at the moment.

"thank you for dinner, mitsuki!" yukiko called, waving goodbye as she walked down the steps of the house. and she would've made it out the gate if katsuki's mom didn't push him out the door to walk her home.

katsuki clicked his tongue, "come on. let's hurry up. it's late." he walked in front of yukiko, slamming the gate behind him, "hurry up, dumbass!"

"hm, last time i checked, aren't men supposed to open doors for women?" she teased, chuckling when a grumbling katsuki opened it for her, "why, thank you, sir. and to think i thought you were a child." she spoke in a faux posh accent.

"i'm not doing it for you. if my mom sees me leaving you behind, she's gonna make you spend the night, so come on!"

"in that case," she hung back, trying to mess with him.

he growled, "don't make me do it."

"do what?"

"you know i will."

"you wouldn't."

but, he did. katsuki lifted her up and flung her over his shoulder. with her legs by his back, she began to kick him, "let me down! i can walk."

"yeah, sure, but you won't, so," he continued walking with her like that all the way to her apartment, being so kind as to gently sent her down on her feet, followed by a crude, "there. now, get away from me."

"aw, katsuki, you don't have to keep pretending that you hate me. i know how you actually feel." she poked his forehead.

"tell me then, dumbass." he grabbed her hand that yukiko used to poke his forehead.

she chuckled loudly, "you admire me, of course! you just think i'm totally the coolest."

"god, i hate you." he furrowed his brows, "can you just get inside so i can leave?"

she held her chest, "and to think just a few minutes ago i had to teach you to open the door for a lady. so mature now!"

"i'm leaving." he walked out the door, sneaking around the corner to still make sure she got in safely.

he noticed the way her demeanor changed. she went from chirpy to a deflated image of herself. turning around to open the door, she sighed. another empty house.

yukiko's mother had gotten a new job as a advertising business "monster", as her co-workers described her. her mother used the business opportunities to travel the world, going so far as the U.S., majority of asia, and the middle east, learning a handful of languages that she uses almost every day she wanders the home. yukiko even believes she gets them mixed up in the other countries and says them out there.

yukiko loved her mother. and she didn't blame her for what she was doing. being young and getting married at a young age, and having a kid at a young age can definitely make you feel like you've missed a huge chunk of your life, and... sometimes it's just something you want back.

her mother had yukiko when she was 19 and got married to yukiko's dad when she was 18. she missed an entire section of her life because she was obsessed with work and being the best wife and mother. yukiko didn't blame her. she needed a childish phase from time to time. it's okay.

yukiko will be okay. pulling out the slip from her bag, she quickly scribbled down her mother's signature, hoping that Eraser Head wouldn't think it's fake.

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