Percy Jackson Crossover Aveng...

By TheWeirdGirl692

174K 3.1K 921

After two wars Percy has returned home to his mom only to find out there was an alien attack in New York by a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
New Book

Chapter 11

5.8K 105 24
By TheWeirdGirl692

Percy's mom was frowning as the news played. Natural disasters were happening all over. She did not know what was happening, but knew her son was going to get involved.

Just when she thought she was going to be able to spend quality time with her son.   She stretched out her arm and grab the remote shutting it off.  No need to view that.  

She wondered if she can somehow help her son.  She laughed a little, imagining herself on top of a stone with Medusa's head turning her son's enemies into stone.   She did manage to do it with Gabe.  Maybe she could manage it a second time.

No, she didn't think that was going to happen.  It was a good thought to have.   The ache in her heart every time Percy left the door.  Slowly turning back she started to turn back to the room.  She would face it one day.  Not today though.

                            *    *   *   *   *   *    *

Percy turned to Annabeth, a boyish smile forming on his lips.  Annabeth raised an eyebrow.  "No."

"Come on we got to try it at least once."  Those sea green eyes were going to be the death of her one day.

"This is a bad idea."  Annabeth knew this was a bad idea.  Anyone could see this was a bad idea, but Percy was a seaweed brain.  

"Yeah well what else are we supposed to do in New York."

"Go to the museum of course."

"Last time we went to the museum we fought a hydra.  And you call me dumb," Persassy said.

Annabeth grey eyes narrowed a little.  Percy held up his hands in surrender.   "Your suggestion is that we prank the avengers tower.  With the museum we are following our quest.  We have nothing to gain from pranking the avengers."

"Except joy and laughter.  Think of their faces," Percy said.  His eyes did his seal face.

"Fine, one prank.  But we go in and out and they don't know we did it.  We have a quest to do and there are people looking for you."

Percy smiled brightly and kissed Annabeth.  "You are the best wise-girl."

Annabeth shook her head.   "What were you thinking Sea-weed brain?"

Percy smiled going over his ideas with Annabeth.

                       *                   *                 *

Things went back to normal for the most part at the avengers tower.   Tony was working on another one of his projects.  Natasha was on another top secret assignment with Captain America.  Bruce went back to being a doctor, at least part time.  SHEILD had him working on a top secret project.  Wanda was eating a sandwich.   Now all there was to do was to just to sit around and wait.  Annabeth snuck in using her cap, and Percy just water traveled to a secure spot.  The bathroom, to begin setting up the traps.

Since mostly everyone was gone it was easier to put the little traps that released a foul order once someone triggered the string.  They got out of there through the window.  Blackjack was waiting for Percy.   They both met down there at Central Park.

Annabeth turned to Percy a big smile on her face.  Her teeth shimmering and blonde hair moving in the wind.  Her body shook with laughter.

Percy was laughing too.   "It was so worth it."

"Worth donuts?"

Percy looked towards a shop. "I am going to buy some donuts."

"Percy," Annabeth warned. "We have been out in public a little to long. You know that government is after us."

"It's only for a couple of donuts. We have seen no government agency and no monsters yet. I think we are good. Five minutes."

"Two minutes," Annabeth said. A deadpan serious look crossed her features.

"Okay," Percy said.

Percy ran to the shop across the street with a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles was featured on the glass pane. The store owner was nice and smiled at him.

He just gave her a smile back not understanding she was flirting with him. She gave him napkins even though she told him that he didn't need any. Apparently the woman thought Percy was messy or something. Annabeth was waiting in the park scanning the area.

"Why did you get napkins?"

Percy shrugged. He pointed back to the shop. "The lady kept giving me the napkins even though I told her I would not need them."

Annabeth opened her mouth and closed it. "Pass me the napkins."

Percy looked at her surprised but handed her the napkins. "Annabeth you know these donuts are for blackjack right. I mean I can get you something if you want, but..."

"Percy she wrote her phone number."

"What?!" Percy looked wide eyed at Annabeth as she looked at the number on the napkin. "Wow I didn't...".

Annabeth shook her head. "Oh seaweed brain."

"I see donuts." Blackjack trotted up beside them. Percy opened up the box. "Donuts!" Blackjack started munching down on the donuts.

"Just a question. Was she extra nice and compliment you?"

"Who," Percy asked.

"The donut lady," Annabeth replied.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Annabeth sighed. "She was probably flirting with you."

"You blow any competition away. I would be quaking if I saw you as my competition."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, but turned and had a secret smile on her face. Yeah she was pleased. Not that disloyalty was ever a problem. Loyalty was one of his fatal flaws. It was just nice to hear it once and a while.

"We have to go." Annabeth looked serious. Her grey eyes creased to show she was determined.

"I know. You have been saying that for a while now." Percy assumed she was talking about the museum. Not understanding that Annabeth was examining the people watching them. The government agency was closing in on them. They had stayed too long. Gotten to comfortable and jeopardized the quest by doing so.

"There are people watching us. We need to get out of here." Percy's eyes widened when he glanced around.

"Walk away?"

Annabeth shook her head. "I don't think they are afraid to go public. What about hide and seek?"

People came out with guns pointed at them. Annabeth and Percy put their hands up. I guess fate decided for them.

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