Dangerous Love BOOK 1 (OUAT F...

By ShyGirl307

117K 2K 1.4K

Being Killian Jones' little sister is a hard job for you. He treats you like you're 10 rather than 16. He loo... More

The Flute
New Arrangements
Truths and tension.
Take 5!
Over 5 Decades... (y/n)
The Heart of the Truest Believer...(y/n, Felix)
Lost Girl... (y/n, Killian, Felix)
Quite A Common Fairy... (y/n, Felix, Killian)
Nasty Habits pt.2/Good Form (Felix, y/n, Pan, Killian)
Head's up!
Ariel and Dark Hollow pt1 mashup thing πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ We'll just call it 'Next Chapter'πŸ˜‚
Ariel Dark Hollow mashup (Next Chapter) pt2
Think Lovely Thoughts Pt.1 / Secrets, Secrets.
Think Lovely Thoughts pt.2
Some of my favorite youtube edits of Felix and Pan that will make your day today
Idk where we're even at but NEXT CHAPTER πŸ˜…
And They Lived...
Felix Imagines πŸ’™
😁😁😁Exciting News😁😁😁50K announcment
I cant wait. Imma do it.
Who is your Y/n?? I'm curious to know.
😁 More Exciting News 😁
60k cover changes!!!
Lil imagine for ya **Unrelated** (Pan/Felix x reader) warning, lil spicy.

Nasty Habits pt1... (Felix, y/n)

4.4K 87 10
By ShyGirl307

The Second Welcome... (Felix POV)

"Seems like just yesterday I welcomed you to Neverland the first time, Baelfire." I say to him. He walks in front of me with his hands tied by some rope. "Gotta say; Hoped I'd never see you again."

"Maybe Pan shouldn't have taken my son." He retorts.

"Maybe you should've left well enough alone." I say sternly to him and push him along with my club.

After a pause he says, "I'm gonna get him back."

"You really believe that? You were a lost boy. You know Peter Pan's not to be trifled with. Do you know how long he's been searching for the heart of the truest believer? Do you really think he'll just, give him up?"

"Maybe, if I ask nicely." I let out an amused snicker.

"You may have grown up Baelfire. But it would appear, you have grown up stupid."

"I have grown up. I don't know if I'm stupid or not, but I do know that I know how to tie an overhand knot." Suddenly he turns and there's a hot feeling on my cheek as everything starts to go black.

And I slip into unconsciousness.

Loser... (y/n POV)

Pan has ordered me to collect more herbs and things for the infirmary (a tent beside my hut). So far, I've gotten the mango tree bark, apple tree leaves and I'm on my way to get some blue berries. Yes, they're poisonous but they work as an anti-poison as well.

I stop walking. Noticing something strange about the ground. There's a brown coat strung over a body. I lift it and smirk.

Felix lies unconscious on the dirt with a rope burn mark on his cheek. What a loser. I could wake him. I could leave him.  Instead, I cover him back up and pick the berries.

But before I leave, I spell something with sticks;

I put the things in my hut and then find myself back at the north camp sitting with Jayden.

"Hey." He winks. "Did you hear the news?"

"What news?" I ask.

"Pan says we're playing a game later, capture the flag and he's allowing fighting and sword fighting. Even tree climbing." He says excitedly. "But only half of us. The other half have duties."

"This is gonna be fun." I grin widely. He grins back then looks over to Henry.

Pan is playing his flute. We can hear it. "Sorry, I don't hear anything." The boy says.

Pan lowers the flute, "Interesting." The word he said to me over fifty years ago. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a tall dark figure moving towards the bonfire. It's Felix. He angrily pushes a dancing lost boy out of his way.

Pan says something to Henry and then marches over to him. "What? I know that look. What happened?" He asks Felix furiously.

"Baelfire. I'm afraid he got away." He breaths hard and unsteady, referring to the fact that he ran here.

"Well why didn't you get him back?"

"I tried. I followed his trail and found two of our sentries knocked out. By a sleeping spell."

Pan holds his next word and replaces it with an evil smirk. "The dark one."
Felix smiles in confirmation. "So father and son have been reunited."

Felix looks towards Henry and Pan's gaze follows. "They'll be coming for the boy. We should move him somewhere safe."

They look at each other again. "Now, now, Felix, where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin."

They both eye the boy for a moment. Then Pan turns to Felix. "We're playing capture the flag tonight. You can join if you want. But first, are you up for a challenge?" Pan turns away from him and gives me a malicious glance. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Lost boys!" He calls. It lingers in the air for a moment. "Who wants some entertainment?" The lost boys cheer as they clear out from a spot near the bonfire. "Felix is fighter one. And y/n is fighter two!" He says.

My stomach drops and my palms start to sweat. The lost boys chant and cheer and yell. Felix smirks and winks at me. My thoughts are jumbled. I never really was scared of the freak until now. He might be stronger, but I'm definitely smarter.

I stand while taking a deep breath to join him in the clearing. Pan throws me a sword and Felix gets his club ready. Then Pan backs away. "Alright you two... FIGHT!"

Felix swings for my head. I dodge the hit and punch him in the jaw. It has little effect as he swings at me again. I run behind him and grab his knife. I grab the arm with the club and cut his hand. He drops the club and yelps. Then we both stop silent for a second. A memory floods my head. Although I can't remember why or when it happened, it's there. I jolt back to reality before he turns to punch me in the eye. I grunt in pain, falling on the ground. He chuckles. Black dots cloud my vision as I look at the thick tree branch only a few feet higher than his head. I push myself up and run towards Jayden and yell, "Leg up!" He immediately cups his hands in front of him and squats. I place my right foot into them and he throws me high into the air. I backflip and land on the branch. Felix growls then starts to climb. I jump to the next tree, then the next one. I continue jumping from tree to tree until a branch breaks and I hit the ground from fifteen feet up. I land on my stomach and hear a crack from my ribs. I scream. Then a cold hand presses my face into the dirt. I struggle for a few seconds before the hand lifts my head by my hair. There's dirt in my eyes and someone blows it away.

"You're dead Pri..." He can't finish the word. I take this opportunity to dig my nails into his neck. He lets go of my hair and I grab a nearby rock and hit him hard in the head. He falls on top of me unconscious.

Pan, Henry, and the other lost boys have joined us now. Pan grins at me while the lost boys chant and cheer. He gives me a nod of approval. I smile back at him.

Then Jayden pulls me out from Felix carefully. He cleans my face. Then we return to camp.

About an hour after arriving, (after I've been cleaned and bandaged) Pan quiets us all down. "Who's ready to play?" He says smiling villainously and looking around. I join the cheers. He quiets us again. "Alright then. Your Captains will be Felix and y/n. I think she's earned it. Don't you guys think so?" He asks them loudly, hyping everyone up. They cheer for me.

Felix trudges into the area slowly, sarcastically clapping. There's dried blood from where my nails cut his skin. I grimace at him. He gives me a halfhearted smirk.

Pan lists the people who'll be playing and staying. Jayden and Ben are playing. But Alex has to stay.

Felix and I pick our teams and head to our flags. I separate the boys into defense and offense. I decide to play offense. The boys and I swing through the trees but slow down when we reach our enemies base. I see the flag; The unguarded flag. "Wait." I tell them. "We've been outsmarted."

We look up towards the very tops of the trees and see about thirty lost boys overhead. Felix jumps down to meet my eyes before speaking in a low tone. "Run."

I jump down from the tree and take out my sword. The place is in an uproar. Felix has jumped too and is ready for a fight. He swings the sword towards my cheek. It barely scrapes my skin. My adrenaline takes over and our fight seems to last for half an hour before I finally get his sword out of his hand. I pin him to the ground, my sword at his sweaty neck.

I look into those cold blue eyes of his with intensity. They're beautiful eyes; So beautiful that you wouldn't think they belonged to such an ugly person. But then again, Pan's eyes are quite the charmers also.

Something sharp pinches my thigh. I hardly flinch. "Knife." He says, then tries to swallow hard. I now know how hard I'm pressing the sword as his Adam's apple gets stuck at its tip. I smirk. Neither of us seem to blink as we brace ourselves for some wounds.

We move at the same time. He stabs my leg and I cut below his neck. I'd kill him if I weren't scared that Pan would kill me slowly. I scream and he yelps.

Someone hastily pulls the knife out and pulls me off of him. Jayden ties his shirt around my thigh and helps me limp back to our base while Ben attacks Felix.

When we arrive, my team is on the brink of winning. Joseph, a measly boy of only twelve, holds Felix's flag. He throws it to a defendant who then sticks it in the ground next to ours.

My team cheers and Jayden embraces me in a tight hug and spins me around, "We did it!" He sets me down gently.

Felix limps into the crowd of cheering boys. He grins widely and I gasp when he reveals what he holds in his hand. A bloody sword. And the other hand, drags a still body.

I should've killed him.

Remember... (Felix POV)

I throw Ben's body on the ground in front of her. His eyes still wide open; Blank. "YOU MONSTER!" She screams, tears flooding her eyes as she hobbles over to shake me by my shirt. I smirk before pushing her on top of the boy's bloody corpse. She winces.

Tears stream from her eyes as she closes his. Jayden helps her up and she turns to bury her face into his shoulder. His bare shoulder. 

For some reason this bothers me. Though it shouldn't. "Felix!" Pan calls me.

I turn around and give him a look that asks the question, 'Am I in trouble?'

He shakes his head 'No.' Then he teleports us to my hut. He unties a pouch from his belt and then takes my heart from it. My black heart with a little light dwelling in the center.

He places it into my chest and I gasp as old forgotten memories flood my vision. The first time I saw her. Our walks that always consisted of violence. And the night I held her while the thunder rolled over Neverland. And then the memory from yesterday, when we were forced to forget these priceless moments.

Then there's Pan. Standing in front of me fighting the urge to smirk. "She's changed you, Felix. Made you soft." He says.

I clench my jaw. "I just killed someone and you're calling me soft?"

Now the smirk comes out of hiding. "That's because you had forgotten about her. Didn't it feel good to take Ben's breath from his lungs?"

I grind my teeth together to keep from agreeing. This is why I need y/n. I didn't come to Neverland to become a monster. I came here to be free, to have fun, and play games. I don't want to be an eighteen year old monster anymore. I want a life with her.

I want to take The Dark One's deal.

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