A Chance at Love (completed)

By thetophatter

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After a break up, the chances of moving on is not a 100%. Sometimes, you move forward and find a new love. An... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (edited)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 11

54 0 0
By thetophatter

                I got up really early because it was my first day of work. I guess my jetlag was overruled by my excitement for this new project. Tito Johnny will be expecting me today. At seven-thirty, I was already inside a taxi. After 30 minutes, I arrived at the firm. His office was in the fifth floor. I immediately went straight to his secretary after going out the elevator.

                “Hi. I’m Arabella Salvador. Is Mr. Tan inside his office?”

                “Ah, yes, Ma’am. He’s already there with the clients. He told me to send you right away when you get here.” She said while smiling.

                I was confused for a moment. Clients? I thought I was only reporting for today. I was beginning to panic when a familiar voice called my name.

                “Belle?” I turned around to see Carlos. “What are you doing here?” He asked. His voice sounded nervous.

                “Uhhh, your father wanted to see me. I thought he’s just going to brief me about a special project. I didn’t know that I’ll be meeting the clients too. I’m not prepared.”

                “Okay. Just don’t go inside. I’ll tell Dad that you can’t make it.”

                “But…” I tried to protest but it didn’t work. So, I just nodded at him and he led me towards the elevator.

                “Arabella? Is that you?” I was shocked when Tito Johnny called me. “Where are you going?” He looked at Carlos and said, “Where are you taking her? I need to talk to her. The clients wanted to see her.”

                “Dad, you can’t do this. Belle is not yet ready.”

                “C’mon, son. Arabella, you’re okay with this right? You promised me that you will do this project.”

                “Dad, aren’t you aware of the situation? You made her promise without even telling her who the clients are?” I was confused of what they are talking about? I mean what situation?

                “Carlos, everyone here are professional. They will not take things personally, so as Arabella. She’s the best interior designer in our company and our clients wanted the best. It’s not like they picked her on purpose.” Now, I’m completely clueless about everything. I don’t know what they are talking about, but I’m starting to feel nervous. “Now, if you’re too worried about her, you can go with us and meet the clients.” His father said commandingly. “Come inside.”

                I think Carlos didn’t have a choice. So, we went inside without any more questions. I guess I have to use my impromptu skills with doses of creativity if they want to see what I am capable of. As soon as I stepped inside the office, Tito Johnny introduced me. “This is Ms. Arabella Salvador, my most trusted interior designer.” He then turned to me to introduce our clients. “Arabella, this is Mr. and Mrs. Angeles, the owner of the Angeles Group of Companies. They will be our clients for this project.”

                I stepped forward and shook their hands. “Hello, Ma’am, Sir. You can just call me Belle.”

                “Hello, hija. We’re happy to finally meet you. Johnny is talking a lot about you. But after seeing you today, I think we’ve already met. Right, Hon?” Mrs. Angeles turned to her husband.

                Mr. Angeles nodded and said, “Yes. I think we’ve met before. It’s Ara, right?”

I was a little confused. We’ve met before? Come to think of it, they looked familiar. Angeles. Do I know someone with that surname? Have I worked for them before? They knew me with that name. I haven’t used that name for years. I tried so hard to remember, but only one person comes into my mind. That gave me the idea and that is not a very good idea. I looked at my clients again and my mind was enlightened. I knew who they are.

“We’re Mico’s parents, remember? I remember him bringing you to our anniversary party.” Mr. Angeles added.

There was silence. I didn’t know what to say to them. Hearing his name once again just brought me back to my past.

“I’m sorry Tito, Tita. But I don’t think Belle remembers you. It was a long time ago and she only met you once.” Thank you, Carlos. Relief entered my heart. Once again, Carlos became my lifesaver.

“That’s sad. Didn’t Mico ever talk about us or show pictures of us when you were together?” Once again, I was silenced with their question.

I remembered him introducing me only as a friend. I didn’t know that he told them about us. We even fought about that matter before. But that doesn’t matter anymore. That was already in past. Carlos looked at me and I gave him an I-can-handle-it look. So, I replied with all my might, “Actually, he did. I just forgot about all of them. I’m sorry. It has been a very long time and I’ve been living a new life ever since I lived in the States. I’m really sorry Ma’am, Sir.”

“No. We understand. It’s not really a big deal and it’s all in the past. Now is more important. And speaking of now, the work we would like you to do is to design the new office of the new CEO.”

“But Tito, Belle came all the way here from the States just to design one office? Isn’t that a little absurd? Don’t you think? You could just hire another designer in our firm to do that job.”

“Carlos! That’s enough. I personally asked Arabella to do this project and you don’t have any right to interfere with this matter. And please give respect to your Tito and Tita. They’re still our clients.” Tito Johnny seemed to lose his temper with Carlos. I think he knew what his son is trying to do.

“It’s okay Johnny.” Mrs. Angles said and turned to me and Carlos. “Let me tell you guys. Our company produces the best malls in the country. We provide people with the best places where they can shop, dine, and relax. We give them the best to be the best. Therefore, we also want the best for our company and that’s why we’re signing a contract with you. If you think this is absurd then we just have to cancel it including the rest of the contract.”

“No, Ma’am. You don’t have to do that. I’ll be willing to work on that project.” I said it without hesitation. I just found myself saying it because I didn’t want our firm to lose this project. It’s another milestone for us and I don’t want to ruin it.

“Then, good. I guess we don’t have a problem. Johnny?” Mr. Angeles said. It was a relief for them to reconsider.

“No. I guess not.” He looked at Carlos as if saying that he can’t do anything anymore. I have made my decision already and I think Carlos understood. “But, who’s this new CEO?” Tito Johnny asked.

Before they can answer, the door suddenly opened and it brought out a familiar face. I froze at the sight of him and I felt Carlos closer beside me. I know he just wanted to help me in case I collapse or something. But that’s not going to happen. I will not be weak in front of him anymore. After all that I’ve been through, I think it’s just the right time to face him.

“Son, you’re just in time.” His father greeted him. “Everyone, I would like you to meet our company’s newest CEO and newly elected president, Mico Angeles. We don’t need further introduction right? Everybody knows everybody. I hope we will all be working professionally. Let’s forget about our individual differences and worked on this project.” I saw him looked at me. Our eyes met and I saw him smile as if nothing happened. Oh right. I forgot that he didn’t know everything that happened to me. I didn’t return his smile and I turned my attention to Carlos. It’s like what I have expected. His eyes are burning with anger and his hands are closed into a fist.

“Carlos, hey, Carlos,” I tried to get his attention but he didn’t seem to notice. I hold onto his arms and slightly pull it. That made the trick. He finally turned to me and I whispered, “Calm down. I’m okay.”

I saw Carlos took a deep breath and finally relaxed his hands. He looked much calmer. I began to relax too and he said, “Excuse me everyone, I didn’t mean to interrupt but there’s an emergency. I have to bring Belle with me. Is that okay?” What is he thinking? His excuse better work or else his father will kill him.

“Too bad. I’ve just arrived. I should have come here earlier.” He said. I can’t bear to say his name.

“Yeah. Too bad. But this is really an emergency. I’m sorry Dad, Tito, Tita. But we really have to go.”

“Carlos!” said Tito Johnny who’s trying to stop what his son is doing.

“Dad, this is really an emergency. Just email her about the details. I know you’ve already made someone go there and do the actual measurements. And about meeting with the client, just email her where and when. She’ll come. Right, Belle?” Carlos sounded more desperate than me so I just nodded. Actually, I’m really okay with him around because I don’t really have a choice. I still have to meet him after this anyway. I think I’m ready to face him. I’m just shocked when I saw him earlier. I think Carlos is the one who’s not yet ready. His actions say so.

Tito Johnny just shook his head. But he eventually agreed. “Just be sure it’s a good excuse, Carlos.” Then he turned to me. “Arabella, I’ll just email you everything that you need to know including where and when you’ll meet Mico. Also, is it okay if you use a temporary office for now?”

“It’s alright, Sir. I’m not really planning to stay long. As soon as this project finished, I think I’m going back so there’s no need to allocate an office for me.” Then I turned to our clients and said, “I’m sorry about today Ma’am, Sir. We really need to go.” I said to them while giving them my sincerest look. When they nodded, Carlos immediately pulled me outside the office. He went to his office to get his car keys, went inside the elevator and to the parking lot. He did that without even releasing my hand from his. He opened the door of the passenger seat for me and I gladly climbed in without questions. He went to the other side and climbed in. He drove out of the parking lot and towards a familiar road. “Why are we going here?” I asked him.

“I discovered a new cake shop here. Three years have passed and a lot has changed. I know you miss this place.” We’re heading towards a place near our school where different cafés and small restaurants are located. We always go there whenever we crave for ice cream or cake.

We went inside the small cake shop. It only has two tables with four chairs each. The shop has a Victorian style with pink and green as its colour scheme. It was very feminine for me but the ambiance is great. Carlos and I are the only customers. We settled on a table in a corner near the glass window. The wall behind me is filled with photos of customers. It also served as a freedom wall where anyone can post anything like notes and dedications. As soon as we decided what we want to eat, Carlos went to the counter to tell our order. It was a red velvet cake for me and blueberry cheese cake for Carlos.

“What are you thinking?” Carlos suddenly asked while waiting for our order.

I gave him a what-are-you-up-to look. I know he’s asking about that guy and he wouldn’t leave me alone until I answer his question. “I’m thinking of ways on how to do this project without talking to him in person. Happy?” I asked sarcastically.

“You know you can’t ignore him. He’s your client. And didn’t I tell you before that you should consult me first before making a decision? These kinds of things happen whenever you try to do it on your own.” He said as if saying that it’s my freaking fault.

“Carlos, sometimes, I need to decide on my own. I need to stand on my own because you will not always be by my side. You always decide for me. You always do things that I should be the one doing. Like a while ago. I know I could have handled the situation but you just decided to drag me out and even lie to your father. I don’t want you to do that again. Please, Carlos, I’m not young anymore. I’m not the same person from before. I grew up and I grew stronger.” I said to him in protest.

He was about to answer my speech but we were interrupted by the waitress slash cashier. She placed our orders on the table along with two cups of coffee. “Okay. Okay. I promise not to make decisions for you. But, if I feel that you really need some rescuing, I’ll always interfere no matter what and you can’t stop me. Deal?” He offered his hand and I shook it.


We ate happily and talked about different things to lessen our stress. After we ate, Carlos dropped me home. I asked him to stay for a while but he still has something to do for his board exam on Saturday. I wished him luck because I might not be able to tell him personally. I will be busy starting tomorrow. But Carlos told me that I was the one who needs luck because I was the one who will be working for my ex. I hope it will go just fine.

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