Who I Am Now

By NeneJPhilly

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Puck's got the girl and got the girl pregnant. Now what? Not Me series - Book 2 (Sequel "Life (& Other Things... More

What's New
Relationship Workshop
New York's Calling My Name
Baby Shower
Starting New
Getting in the Groove
Firming Plans
Horrible Halloween
Thanksgiving Chaos
The Mayan Calendar
Life Was Good
Burning Bridges
When It's Done
Accidents Happen
Teaching Moments
Packing Confessions
Cleaning Crew
Testing 1, 2, 3
Accidents Still Happen
Of Dogs & Shopping Part 1
Of Dogs & Shopping Part 2


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By NeneJPhilly

Mercedes: POV

I pushed open Marcy's door. She wasn't in bed. Secret lifted his head. I patted it. "Where's Mommy, Secret?"

He barked before resettling.

I patted his head again and went to her closet. She wasn't in there so I knocked on her bathroom door. I opened it when I got no answer. It was empty as well.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped and spun around. "Marcy! Make some noise, will ya?!"

"Why are you in my room?"

"Looking for you!" I clapped a hand to my chest to slow my galloping heart-rate.


"Where were you? Why are you all wet?" She was wearing striped shorts and a tank top with running shoes. And she was soaking wet.

"I went for a run." She pulled her earbuds out and set it along with her phone on her nightstand.

"You don't sweat."

She smirked. "I've been running for a while."

"It's seven thirty in the morning. How long have you been out?"

"Since four."

"Four o'clock this morning?! Have you lost your mind?! There's crazy people out at four in the morning!"

Marcy blinked. "Like me?"

I swatted her. "Like serial killers!"

"I would like to meet this phantom serial killer. I think we'd have a great conversation."

I narrowed my eyes. "I came to say happy graduation day."

"Then say it." Her ponytail swung.

"Happy graduation!" I hugged her gently.


"Why'd you run so long? Was it about graduation?"

"I had a lot on my mind."

"And you feel better now?"

"Yeah." She went to her desk and typed something on her laptop.

"What's going on?"

She hit a key and turned around. "I just finished my latest book."

I brightened. "Which one was it?"

"Part of the Grey series."

"I love that series! I can't wait to buy it!"

"You know you don't have to go out and buy it every time I publish a new book."

"I know. But I want to support you. And I was thinking."

"About?" She took a sip from her water bottle.

"I know I've been writing since I was fourteen but I won't let anyone see anything. Will you look over some of my stuff?"

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes. I just finished this book about a single mother finding love and I think this might be the one."

"Wow. This is a big deal. You're thinking of a book deal?"

I shrugged. "Maybe? I don't know. I just think I'm ready for the world to know about me."

"I'd be happy to look over your book."

"Thanks, Marce." I hugged her even as eagle wings beat in my chest. "I really appreciate it."

"I appreciate you not hugging me." She pushed me away and raised a brow.

"You can hug me!" I put my hands on my hips.

"Nope. Now get out. I have to shower."

"You do smell a little ripe." I wrinkled my nose.

She wiped off her arm and touched my face.

My mouth fell open. "Marcy!"

She just tilted her head.

I wiped her sweat from my face. I was just shocked she'd do something so gross! "I'm telling Mal to kiss you in front of everyone!"

"I'll kill you both."

I hit her. "That was so gross!"

"Get out." She pushed me until I was outside of her door.

I turned around and opened my mouth but she slammed the door in my face. I scoffed in hurt before trying the door but it was locked. "Marcy!"

It was quiet on the other side.

"Marcy! Open this door right now! Marcy!"

"Princess? What is all this noise?" Daddy's voice sounded.

"She kicked me out and wiped sweat on me!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Is that some new slang?"

"No, Daddy. She went for a run and wiped her actual sweat on me."

He wrinkled his nose. "Well I have to get your grandparents from the airport. Don't kill each other while I'm gone."

"I thought Marc was getting them?"

"He's getting Richard, Olga, Jonathan and Caroline. Michael and Sonny are getting Po, Michael, Gertie and Xhi-Xhi. I'm getting my parents while Mother and Father are driving to their own home first."

I thought it was cute how Daddy still called Granddad and Grandmom Mother and Father even though he and Momma are divorced. "We'll see you soon then."

"Are Cookie and Cream coming? You never said if they were."

"Yes. Noah's coming. I'm going to pick him up. The kids are going to say goodbye to Ms. Nadine and Nic beforehand so we'll come back here after so you can say goodbye."

"Sounds good." Daddy went downstairs.

I went back to my room and washed my face. I didn't really have anything to do so I got on my computer and sent my manuscript off to Marcy. I only hoped she'd like it.


"Grandma! Grandpa!" I shouted as I skipped down the stairs.

Grandma opened her arms and hugged me. "How are you, my guiding wind?"

"I'm so good, Grandma!"

"My child." Grandpa kissed my head.

I proudly showed off my new German skills.

He grinned. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you."

"Is that my other child?"

"Hi, Grandpa."

I jumped. "We need to put a bell on you!"

Marcy gave me a dirty look.

"How are you, my strong oak?" Grandma ran a hand through Marcy's curls.

"I'm okay, Grandma. How was your flight?"

"It was great. I'm thinking of dragging your grandfather to see my family while we're in America."

Grandpa groaned.

"Stop it, Marcus!"

Marcy smiled. "Are you hungry, Grandpa? Mrs. Gonzales is making breakfast."

"I am always hungry." Grandpa told the truth.

"Are we going to have the same discussion as last year?" I smirked. "You're trying to get as big as Pop-Pop?"

Grandpa grinned. "Jonathan has the right idea."

Grandma rolled her eyes.

"Come on. Let's go eat. I'm actually starving." Marcy pulled on Grandpa.

The five of us went to the kitchen, where Mrs. Gonzales was putting dishes on the table. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Mrs. Gonzales." Marcy sat down.

"Happy graduation."

"Thank you."

"Hello, Dr. and Señora Jones."

"Hello, Mrs. Gonzales." Grandma took a seat. "It's so nice to see you again."

"Thank you. Thank you."

"Hello." Grandpa sat next to Grandma.

"Thank you for breakfast, Mrs. Gonzales." Daddy sat, too. "We're having two more for breakfast."

Mrs. Gonzales nodded as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." He stood up and went to the door.

We talked amongst ourselves until he came back with Granddad and Grandmom.

"Grandmom!" I shouted as I got up to hug her. "Granddad!"

"How's my robin?!" Grandmom hugged me tight.

"My Muffin!" Granddad tugged me from her and picked me up. "I see you're lighter!"

"Granddad!" I laughed. "Put me down!"

He put me on my feet and shook me. "Where's my newest great grandbaby?"

"She's with her father and his family. You'll see her soon."

"Good. I miss my children."

"So do I." Grandpa said. "We must visit more."

"We'd love to have you!" I smiled.

"Good. We'll be over in a few weeks then." Grandmom pinched Marcy's cheek.

"Joy." Marcy looked away.

Grandmom hit her. "I didn't spend thirty two hours in labor with your mother so her children could turn me away from their door!"

I giggled at the look on Marcy's face. Italian guilt at its best. "I thought we were eating?"

Granddad rubbed his hands together. "I could go for food!"

"They think we're like Jonathan." Grandpa said.

"I'll be like Jonathan! Give me food!"

Mrs. Gonzales bowed after setting another dish on the table. "Hola, Señor Taylor. It is a pleasure to see you again."

Granddad took her hand and kissed it with a wink. "So good to see you again, Alma."

Grandmom hit him. "Donny!"

"Alma cooks for me. When was the last time you cooked for me?"

Grandmom set her hands on her hips and let loose an Italian tirade that had him kissing her to shut her up. "I still cook for you."

He grinned. "You know you're my only one, Chris."

"I better be."

"Let's eat." Daddy smiled.

So we did. We made conversation and ate and had a good time. Until it was time for us to get dressed.

Granddad and Grandmom left to go to their house that they had in Lima while the rest of us got dressed here.

I took a shower and put on this cute dress. It was white with fluffy petticoats. The top of the bottom portion had large purple polka dots and the bodice was peasant style. I had a purple open cardigan to go over it.

I got purple heels to go with it and made sure my hair was stick straight. With Marcy's miracle hair care system, my hair was now to the middle of my back. I made myself side bangs and put on makeup. I wore purple lipstick and eye shadow with a bit of rogue and eyeliner.

I had on light jewelry and sprayed myself with my signature scent before grabbing my purse and going to Marcy's room. I pushed open the door and stopped in my tracks.


She looked up. "What?"

"What are you wearing?!"


"You are not!" She had on a baby-doll styled dress. It had short capped sleeves with a ruffled neckline and hemline (that was stiff and had a darkened piping). It was in baby blue and was very pretty. But it was so short, I could see all of her tattoos!

"I am so." She removed her leg from her bed and put the other one up there to lotion it down. Then she sat on the bed and put on her heels. They were white with a spiked heel and a rounded covered toe.

"Marcy, you can't wear that outside. Daddy will kill you."

"One, no, he won't. Two, he won't know." She went to her red graduation gown and put it on. She zipped it up and set her cap on her curls. She had a long curly ponytail. Her hair had grown past her butt.

"You were always a risk taker."

She lifted a shoulder. "I'm all packed. When we get back, we're only going to stay for a little bit before we hit the Changs and Fabrays then say goodbye to Ellen's family. Then we'll be on our way to Kentucky."

Marcy was picking up Sam. "Okay. Noah is coming back here while I finish packing then we'll hit the others and leave."

"Cool." She picked up her purse.

"Have you talked to Artie at all? Tana and Britt told me how yesterday went for them but how's he taking it? Really?"

"Ole boy is happy. He won't stop talking about it." She ushered me out. "I gotta go. We have to be at school early."

"I remember. We'll see you soon." I hugged her. "The next time I see you, you'll be a graduate."


Anna: POV

I was so nervous. I couldn't believe I was actually graduating high school. I stood backstage with the other kids graduating and watched as they talked about post graduation plans and how excited they were.

And I felt miserable...

I hated my plan. I didn't want to stay home or go to State. I wanted to be with the loves of my life. I wanted to be with my daughter. Why was life so unfair?

Coach blew a whistle. "Get to your seats, you lazy, no talent bums!"

We went out to our seats and waited for things to start. Principal Figgins spoke a few words and our guest speaker went up to speak.

Then it was time for the valedictorians to give their speech. They took turns saying a few lines and it was really beautiful. They talked about achieving dreams and not letting anything stop you. That life wasn't worth living if you weren't living true.

The superintendent stood up and spoke a few words before Coach did then Principal Figgins again. He began announcing names.

All my former friends went up and got their diplomas. When Marcy and Mal got theirs, there was this rush of noise as their family cheered them on. Mal laughed it off with a blush but Marcy just smirked haughtily before striding off stage.

Ellen waved happily, Artie raised his arms above his head and yelled, Tina hugged everyone on stage and Blaine blew kisses. Even Becky showed out.

I couldn't make anybody out when my name was called. Everyone blended in but I was able to stumble across the stage.

When the last person went, Principal Figgins announced our class and we threw our hats into the air. Well Marcy didn't but I bet it was because she refused to conform to society's expectations.

As everyone was celebrating, I went to Marcy and tapped her back. She turned around. "Hey!"


We had to yell over the noise. "I'm going to miss you!"

She cocked her head. "Did you not hear a word I said?!"

"When?! When you were on stage?! Yeah! I loved your speech!"

"But did you listen?!"

I blinked. "Yeah! I think!"

"You obviously didn't if you're still thinking!"

"Marcy, what are you saying?!" I was so lost.

"What do you want from your life, Anna?! What you want isn't going to come up to you and introduce itself! You have to go for it, damn everybody else! Even your parents!"

I opened my mouth then closed it.

She put her hand on my shoulder. "I have to go! Maybe I'll see you?! We're leaving today! If you're going to do something, do it fast!"

I watched her walk away. What did she expect from me? My parents were all I had. We had no other living relatives. We were alone in the world. I had to stick close to them. Right?

Someone touched my shoulder and I jumped. It was Mom. "Your father and I have to put in an appearance at this function but we will meet you at Breadstix for dinner!"

I stopped her from leaving. "I love you!"


"I love you! And I would do anything for you!"

"Anna, stop this foolishness! We're going to be late!" She waved me away and took Daddy's arm. He just shrugged and walked away with her.

I looked out into the crowd and I saw them. MercyCat and Noah. They were celebrating with our friends and they looked so happy. I stared so long, MercyCat looked over. I almost freaked out until she smiled at me.

Then it clicked. What Marcy had been trying to tell me for weeks. I had the right to be happy. I couldn't live my life for other people. Not even my parents.

Something I couldn't identify coursed through me and I nodded. I knew what I had to do.


I slammed into the house and went straight to the kitchen for trash bags. I took them up to my room and began throwing clothes inside.

I packed my books into my suitcases along with things I felt I couldn't live without. I started putting things in my car. I filled the trunk then the backseat.

I went back inside and made sure I didn't leave anything. I found a book that Daddy had gotten me when I was younger. I might have been mad at him but he was still my father.


I jumped. "Mom! Daddy!"

"What on Earth are you doing?!" Mom demanded.

"Leaving." I hugged the book to my chest.

"And where do you think you're going?"

I shored up my courage. "I'm going to beg and plead for MercyCat and Noah to take me back. They can say yes or no but either way, I'm not coming back here again."

"Oh really?!" Mom came closer and grabbed my arm to shake me. "You are a child! A spoiled, defiant child! How dare you repay my kindness this way?!"

I ripped my arm from her. "I'm no longer a child. I'll be eighteen Tuesday. You can't control me anymore. I couldn't do anything about it before but I can now. I'm going to be happy whether you want me to be or not."

"Anna, we don't want you to not be happy." Daddy said. "We're thinking of you and your future."

"No! She's thinking about her and her reputation! And you just let her! Well I'm not a pawn in her games! Not anymore." I swept past them and to the front door.

They ran after me. "If you leave this house, don't you ever think of coming back!" Mom yelled.

"Would you stop?!" Daddy yelled. "Anna! Anna! Come back here!"

I threw open the door and cut across the yard. I didn't want to hear anymore.

"You are not my daughter anymore!" Mom screamed. "Don't crawl back to us when they don't want you anymore!"

I opened the driver's side and got inside. I locked the doors and threw the book on the passenger's seat.

Daddy beat on the windows as he yelled but I tried to block it all out. I turned on the car and backed out of the driveway. I took one last look at my past and drove into my future.


Mercedes: POV

"Okay, say goodbye to Gramps." Marcy picked up Mally.

"Bye, Gramps." Mally waved.

"Goodbye, Grandson." Daddy hugged him.

"Say bye to Tia Lay and Tio Mar." Marcy brought him to Laura and Marc.

They lavished hugs and kisses on him. "Bye, baby!"

Mal brought Mickey over. "Say bye, Mick."

"Goodbye, Mac." Daddy kissed her head.

"Bye-bye, Gramps." She hugged his neck.

Our grandparents hugged her before Laura and Marc did.

Marcy picked up a diaper bag. "Marionette, grab Secret. We'll see you three up there."

"Okay." I hugged her. "We'll see you soon."

Mal kissed my cheek and followed Marcy and Marionette out. "Bye, Pop! Laura, Marc!"

"Bye!" We all yelled.

"So when are you leaving?" Laura asked.

"Maybe an hour or two?" I shrugged. "We're not in a rush."

"Good." Laura lifted Rae from Granddad's lap. "I get to see my niece for a little bit longer."

"Too bad you're leaving tomorrow. You could visit us." I pouted.

"I'm going to visit you plenty of times." She kissed Rae's cheek.

I hugged her. "I hope so! I can't go without seeing you like the last five years!"

"Nope! I need to see my baby sisters!"

I giggled. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I went to get the door and was shocked when I saw who was on the stoop. "Annie?"

She breathed deeply and wiped her face. "I love you."


"Can I come in?"

I stepped back as he walked in. "What's up, Mama?"

I looked between them. "Annie's here."

He looked at her and I could swear he felt his soul plunge. "Kick."

"I know this is sudden." Annie said quickly. "I can explain everything but the most important thing is I love you."

I shook my head. "I can't believe this is happening."

"I know you shouldn't believe me but it's true. I love you so much. I never stopped loving you."

"Sure." Noah put his hands in his pockets. "That's why you dropped us like a hot potato."

"That was my parents. They were angry that I didn't tell them about Rae-"

"What?!" I interrupted. "You said you told them-!"

"I know." She brought up her hands to placate me but I wasn't going for it.

"Then tell us cuz we don't know! How could you not tell them?!"

"I know my parents. They're into reputations and image and how they think things should be. They were never going to take the news well. I couldn't tell them."

"You didn't give them the chance."

"To tell me right off the bat to break up with you? I couldn't take that chance."

"They could have been cool with it. They could have surprised you. But we'll never know."

"I know them." She licked her lips. "When they confronted me, they talked about how it would look for us to be seen with Rae. They brought up the fact that I lied once. Just once. At the beginning. All they cared about- all they care about is themselves."

I huffed and looked around. "I don't-"

"Why did you go along with it?" Noah demanded. "Why didn't you fight for us?"

"I did!" Annie's eyes misted. "I fought before I ever dialed your numbers! But I'm seventeen and have to do what they want!"

"So what's so different now?"

She looked away.

"What's so different now, Anna?" I repeated his question.

She dropped her head back and sniffed. "I was reminded that I had to live my life for me. No one can live my life but me and I had to take control of it if I ever wanted to be happy."

"What's to stop your parents from making you dance again?" Noah crossed his arms.

"My birthday is Tuesday. I'll be eighteen and I can legally do whatever I want."

"So what?" I licked my lips. "You want to date again? You want to see Rae? You want to move with us to New York?"

"Yes. To all of the above." She sniffled. "I want to be with the both of you for the rest of our lives. I never want to be without you. Not again, not ever."

That sounded good but she broke my- our hearts. "How can we trust you again?"

She pressed her hands together and held them up to her face. "I know I hurt you. I was hurting myself. I cried for weeks. I dreamt about you for months. I carry an ache with me wherever I go because I think about you everyday."

Noah walked away a bit before coming back. "You cannot do this again. If you come back, you stay in. With us. Forever. There will be no next time."

"I know. I know." She shook her head.

I couldn't believe we were thinking of doing this. "We have to love hard. No keeping parts of ourselves out to protect."

"Of course not."

"No more secrets." Noah added. "We tell each other everything."


"We are a team." I went on. "A united front against the world."

"United front."

Noah and I looked at each other. We face spoke. I turned back to Annie. "We forgive each other wholly. Completely."

"Yes." She nodded.

"And we forgive you." Noah said.

"Really?" She sniffled with wet eyes.

I sniffled myself. "Yes. We forgive you and we love you, too."

She threw her arms around us and cried. We held her tight and I cried. I know Noah had a tear or two but he'd never admit it. We broke apart and she wiped her face. "Can I see her? Can I see our daughter now?"

I swallowed thickly and nodded. "Yes. Come meet Raven."

She clapped. "Yay."

Noah put his arm around her shoulder and followed behind me as we went back to the kitchen. All conversation stopped...

"Annie's back." I declared.

They all looked at each other.

"Hi." She waved small.

"Hello." They said stiffly.

I went to Laura and got Rae. I brought her over to Annie. "This is Rae. Say hi, Rae-Rae."

Rae stared at Annie before looking up at me.

"She's so beautiful." Annie cried. "Can I hold her?"

I handed Rae to her. Rae was not happy and started crying. "It's okay, baby. It's your other mommy."

Rae stopped hollering but looked at me like I said I was going to force-feed her strained peas.

"It's okay, babygirl." Noah swept a finger down her cheek. "Kick's nice."

"I really am." Annie sniffled before smelling Rae. "You smell so good. You smell like Mama."

Rae stared at her but at least she stopped crying.

"You look like Mama, too. Just as beautiful as Mama. You're going to be so pretty when you get our age."

Rae smiled. That was my baby. As vain as my six grandmothers.

Annie kissed her cheek and put her on her hip. "Love you, pretty girl."

Rae laid her head on Annie's shoulder.

"Want something to drink?" I asked.

"Anything. I think all this crying has dehydrated me." Annie said.

I went to get her some iced tea as Noah went back to talking to Granddad. Laura went over to Annie and they spoke back and forth before Laura hugged her. That was nice.

I came back with the glass and pushed Annie to a seat gently. "We're going to stay here for an hour or two before going to the Changs and Fabrays to say our goodbyes."

"That sounds fun." Annie sipped her tea.

"It will be. Then we'll drive to New York."

"I don't actually know how to get to New York."

I thought up a solution. "Noah can drive your car. I'll drive up with Rae and Harmony."

"You still have your bird?"

"Of course. She's still a showoff."

Annie giggled. "I missed you so much."

"And we you." I kissed her. "We you."


Sam: POV

"So you're going to leave your car right here?" I asked.

"I'll be down to move it in a bit." Marcy put the strap of a duffle bag over her head and picked up a suitcase. "Come on."

I looked up at this beautiful building and followed the others inside. It was even more beautiful on the inside. I couldn't believe I was going to live here.

We got on the glass and gold elevators and rode up to the third floor. We got out and went to 3A. Marcy opened the door and we went inside.

I gawked at everything. "Whoa!"

"Let me see if anybody's here." Marcy walked off.

"Can you believe this place?" I peeked all over the space in front of the door.

Mal leaned against the door. "It's something."

I'd never lived in anything so fancy, even when we had money. "This place rocks!"

"It is beautiful but it's so dark." Ellen looked around.

Marcy came back. "Blaine isn't here yet. Kurt's still on the highway. Mikey's downstairs with Tina. You guys stay here while I show him around."

"I don't think the kids want to just stand here." Mal said.

She looked down then up. The twins were playing on the floor. "Really?"

His mouth twisted. "You guys could back me up."

"Sit down if you really can't stand, Mal." She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Sam."

She walked off so I hurried to follow her. She went through all the public rooms before showing me to my bedroom. It really did take a second. She'd go inside a room in a circle and walk out.

When we got to my room, I was floored. It was decorated really nice. Like she cared.

I set my two bags on my bed and turned to face her. "Thank you. Really."

She closed one eye and cocked her head. I never knew why she did that. She opened her eye and straightened her head. "Did you see it?"

"See what?" I looked around again.

"On the bed, blondie."

I looked at her. "You're blonde."

"Not that blonde." She grabbed her hair then threw it behind her. "I need to redye it."

"I use lemon juice." I whispered.

Her lips curled. "Check the bed."

I laughed and checked the bed. The only thing on it besides my bags was a box. I opened it and lifted out a cell phone. "You got me a cell phone?"

"Not just a cell phone. And look at the back."

I turned it over and saw she had a case on it. It was Superman. I laughed. "Thanks, Bats!"

"Keep digging."

I set the phone aside and picked up an i-Pad. It had a cover, too; Captain America. "Wow, Tony!"

"It's not over, Steve."

I went through the box and lifted out a laptop. The outside was Mystique. There was a blue case and a wireless blue mouse to go with it. I turned around and hugged her. "Thank you so much!"

"Stop hugging me."

"No!" I hugged her tight before letting her go. "I can't accept this though. It's too much."

"Think of it as your birthday present."

"I didn't get you anything so amazing for your birthday."

"The comic book and coupon book were enough."

"You know I designed both."

"I know." She grinned. "So do you want to unpack first or come upstairs and see how we're slummin it?"

"I'm sure it looks great upstairs."

"Not the point, Supes." She turned to leave.

I caught up to her. "Did everyone else get new Apple?"


"And cases?"

She grinned. "You're so stupid."

"Come on. Tell me."

"Well our phone cases are our favorite Disney movies, the tablet cases are our favorite superheroes and the skins on our computers are our favorite cartoons."

"What'd everybody get?"

"Laura got Tinkerbell from Peter Pan-"

"Laura got them, too?"

"Yes! Now shh! Santana got Mulan, Brittany got Snow White, Mercy got Beauty and the Beast,
Lucy got Sleeping Beauty, Rachel got Cinderella, I got the Little Mermaid, Anna got the Swan Princess-"

"Anna? You gave her stuff even though...?"

"Yes! Now shut up! Tina got Rapunzel, Ellen got Aladdin (even though she doesn't have a true favorite) and Kurt got Fantasia."

"What about the guys?"

"They just got random designs, except Puck, who got Super Mario Bros. and Mikey, who got the girls from Rosario + Vampire and Mal, who got My Bride is a Mermaid and Artie, who got Adventure Time on everything they own. Finn and Blaine are the only normal ones."

She was talking about me in that, too. "And the tablets?"

"Santana got Storm, Brittany got Wonder Woman, Mercy got Ms. Marvel, Lucy got Superman, Rachel got Green Lantern, I got Batman, Anna got Iron Man, Tina got Spiderman, Ellen got Hulk and Kurt got Thor (cuz he can see)."

"You know I kinda look like Thor."

"You wish. For the computers, Santana got Garfield, Brittany got Spongebob Squarepants, Mercy got Teen Titans Go, Lucy got the Smurfs, Rachel got Pippi Longstockings, I got Scooby-Doo, Anna got Strawberry Shortcake, Tina got Finding Nemo, Ellen got the Cat in the Hat and Kurt got Annie (cuz he obviously don't know what a fucking cartoon is)."

I laughed. "I do look like Thor!"

"Thor is gorgeous!"

I stopped walking and looked at her.

She looked at me with a grimace. "Sorry."

"You could call me gorgeous, too."

She rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth. "I don't do ugly!"

"That surprisingly doesn't make me feel good, darlin."

"Call me "darlin" again and I'll make you feel real good."

I laughed. "But you're dating!"

"They ain't gotta know!"

That did make me feel better. "I don't want Mal to kill me."

"Why would I kill you?"

I jumped when Mal walked in. "Uh-!"

"He's paranoid. He thinks you're going to find out about our affair." Marcy walked to him.

He rolled his eyes. "Can we go upstairs now? I'm hungry."

"You're always eating. Pop-Pop didn't say he wanted company getting fat."

"Will you still love me?"

"I don't love you now." She walked out.

He gave me a long suffering look. "I impregnated that."

I smirked.


Ellen: POV

Marcy, Mal and Sam came back into the walkway. I was glad. I still didn't know Japanese and Marionette still was bad at English so we had nothing to talk about.

"Let's go." Marcy picked up her stuff and grabbed a baby's hand.

We got our stuff and went to the elevators to ride up to the sixth floor. We went to apartment 6C. As Marcy unlocked the door, the door across the hall opened.


"You're here!" I hugged Mercy.

"Yes! And we have a surprise!" She opened the door wider. Anna was there and waved.

I was really surprised and I could see Mal and Sam were, too. "Wow!"

"Hi!" Anna grinned. "It's so good to see you again!"

"It's good to see you, too!" I hugged her.

We all spoke before Marcy led the twins inside our apartment and took their shoes off. Anna stood next to her. I eavesdropped as Mercy spoke with Mal and Sam.

"So you're here?" Marcy said.

"I know. I have you to thank for that." Anna replied. "That's what you were telling me all along. Wasn't it?"

"I was just talking. If you got something out of that, that's your own business."

"No. You're really wise and was there for me when I was alone. I'll never forget this."

"You're going to make me drive you away, aren't you?"

"You can be crabby all you want but I know you like me."

"You alright."

"Can I have a hug?"


She stuck her bottom lip out.

"Still no." She straightened and waved a hand. "Go explore."

The twins took off, screaming.

"I don't care what you say." Anna said. "You think of me as a sister. I think of you as one, too."

"Go to your own house." Marcy pushed her away with her index finger.

"I will. But I still love you."

"Alright, that cannot continue. Mal! Sam! Elle! Get in here!"

I giggled internally at the disgust on her face. That was the love of my life. Disgusted by emotions.

Mercy and Anna went back inside their apartment and we went inside ours. We took off our shoes and Marcy showed us around.

It was mind-blowing!

She took us upstairs so we can unpack and I fell in love with our bedroom. The bathroom and closet were just as amazing and I loved my vanity.

Marcy unpacked her suitcase and duffle bag. She started putting away clothes.

"Why are you putting away those clothes?" I asked.

"They're clean. I washed yesterday." She was fast. She was done while I hadn't even started.

I shrugged. I could do it later. "I'm hungry."

"Let's get Chinese."

"I could totally go for that." Mal started paying attention to us.

"Have the kids watch TV while I go. There's one not far from here and I need to move Travis anyway."

"I can go with you." I offered.

"Whatever." She shrugged. "Do you want Marionette here or can I take her down to Rou's?"

"It's still the weekend. I can take care of my own kids." Mal stuck his hands in his pockets.

She just stared at him before turning and walking out.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

We followed behind her as she went downstairs. Secret met her at the bottom of the steps. She patted his head before calling for the nanny and Sam.

Both showed up with the twins.

"Do you want to stay up here or go home?" Marcy checked her phone. "Mikey's there now."

"It doesn't matter to me." Sam shrugged.

"Then you got to get out." She turned to Marionette and spoke rapid fire Japanese. The woman nodded so she turned to Mal. "You want the usual?"

"I want to know why you said nothing!" Mal snapped.

"I'll get you your usual." She walked off. We all followed her. The front door opened as she sat on this wooden bench to put her shoes back on. "Hey!"

"What's up, BT?!" Artie yelled.

"It looks so good in here!" Brittany twirled around.

"Yeah, it's definitely better than my house."

"I just want to see the tub." Santana groaned.

"Elle and I are going out for Chinese. Unless you're cooking, Latina, I suggest ordering out." Marcy stood up.

"Is there any food here?"


"Then how am I gon cook?!"

"You were never gon cook."

Santana made a face. "I want pizza."

"I'd advise you to get to dialing. Come on, guys." She kissed the twins and went to the door.

I already had slipped into my heels and Sam and Marionette put on their shoes before we followed her out.

We went to the elevators and rode down a level. Marcy marched to 5C and knocked on the door. Then she pressed the doorbell.

Someone opened the door. A woman. They hugged and spoke in fast- I don't know. It could have been any language.

Marcy turned to Marionette and pushed her forward gently. All three began speaking. The woman (who I knew to be Marcy's cousin, Karou) let Marionette in.

Marionette went inside and Karou looked Sam up and down. Marcy slammed her hand in front of her and spoke seriously. Karou pouted before looking at me. She flipped her hair and smiled prettily.

I blushed.

Marcy pushed her inside and shut the door. "Come on. I'm starving."

"What was that about?" Sam asked as he tried to keep up with her fast walking.

"Nothing." She punched the button for the elevator.

We heard a whistle as the elevators dinged. It was Karou and she was waving to us.

I put up my hand to wave back but Marcy put it down. "No."

"Why are you being so rude, Marcy?" I demanded as the doors closed.

"I am rude." She hit the button for floor three.

"Who was that?" Sam asked.


The doors opened and we walked back to the boys' apartment.

"See you tomorrow, Sammy Boy."

"Really? Cool. See you guys tomorrow." Sam hugged us both before going inside.

Marcy led me back to the elevator and we rode down to the lobby. She walked straight outside, only pausing to let the doorman open the door.

A car drove up behind Travis and beeped its horn. Marcy waved. "Lucy!"

I waved, too. "Hi!"

Finn hopped out and began hauling out suitcases. There was a lot... "Hey, guys!"

"Mercy them are upstairs. The only people missing are Kurt and Blaine." Marcy said.

"Where are you going?" Quinn asked.

"To get food."

"We'll get this stuff upstairs then we can go out for something."

"Tana wants a pizza so that's what they're getting. We're getting Chinese."

"Oh yum! I don't know what to get. What should we get?"

"I'm not doing this with you, Luce."

Quinn pouted. "I love you."

"Get Mexican."

"That's a good idea!"

Marcy turned to me and mouthed, "Three. Two. One."

"But I also like Thai food."

Marcy rolled her eyes. "Get in the car, Ellen."

I giggled and got in the front seat.

Less than fifteen seconds later, she got behind the wheel and drove with the curve and pulled into an underground parking lot. She went around and parked in a space that said reserved.

"How many parking spaces do we get?"

She looked at me as she climbed out. "Three for the penthouses, two for the others."

I followed her to a door. It was really an elevator. We rode it up to the lobby and went across it to the front doors again. The doorman opened the door again.

We saw Rachel watching Quinn's car.

"They left you down here by yourself?" Marcy asked.

"We're taking turns. Quinn went first then I'll go." Rachel smiled.

"But Finn doesn't get a break..." She nodded. "We'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Rachel waved.

Marcy pulled me down the street. We walked down one block then across two before we went inside this beautiful shop. It was green, white and black and seemed so authentic.

Marcy went up to the front and just started talking. I guess it was Chinese because the woman behind the counter responded but really it could have been anything.

They went back and forth until Marcy turned to me. "What do you want?"

I blinked. "Want?"

"To eat. What do you want to eat?"

"Oh! I like sweet and sour chicken."

She turned back to the woman and began speaking again. Then she opened her purse and took out her wallet to pay.

The woman gave her change and she went over to a table and chairs to sit down. I sat next to her. "You speak Chinese?"

"Yes." She crossed her legs and brought out her phone.

"That's so cool. Why haven't you ever told me?"

"I don't know what I have or have not told you."

I pouted.

She ran her finger over my lower lip. "Stop that."

I leaned my head on her shoulder and crossed my legs. "Did you have to wear that tissue?"

"Mal liked it."

"So did every boy in our grade."

"Just shows they have taste."

I giggled. She sure was memorable. And she was all mine...


Mercedes: POV

I patted Rae's back and she let a riotous burp rip. I chuckled and wiped her mouth before adjusting her in my arms and singing to her.

Noah walked in. "Is she sleep yet?"

"Not yet. How about Beth?" I looked at him.

"Out like a light." He came closer.

"Well this one could use your magic touch."

He had his guitar with him and began strumming. I hummed along with it before singing again. It was an old Native American song Grandma used to sing us at nap-time.

Rae's eyes drooped and she yawned before they slid closed. I kept singing until I was sure she wasn't going to wake back up.

I kissed her cheek then put her in her crib. Noah ran his hand over her back. Annie kissed her fingers then touched Rae's cheek. "She's so precious."

I smiled. "She really is."

We left Rae's room and went to ours and began getting ready for bed. It was early but I at least was bone tired. I switched to my PJs and brushed my hair to get the kinks out then braided it.

Annie searched through her bags for night clothes. We promised her we'd get her a dresser and hangers this week. Noah changed into pajama bottoms.

When we were finished, we turned out the light and went to the bedroom. Then there was a small problem. How were we going to sleep?

We looked at each other.

"It doesn't matter to me." Annie said.

"I kinda got used to the right." Noah rubbed the back of his neck.

"I can sleep in the middle." I offered.

"I'll take the left then." Annie climbed in the bed. "Wow, this is high!"

That broke the uneasiness. We snickered.

Noah picked me up and set me on the bed. "Just a little help."

"I'm not an invalid!" I put my hands on my hips and toppled over.

He raised a brow.

"It still stands!"

He put his hand on my butt and pushed. "Alright, move it."

I scrambled to the middle and stuck my tongue out. "You're so rude!"

He got in the bed and turned on his side.

I slapped his back. "Don't ignore me!"

"It's sleepy time, Mama."

I pinched him.


Annie giggled. "I missed you guys. You have no idea."

I turned my back on him and wrapped my arms around her. "I don't know how you missed him."

I could feel him turning and he wrapped his arms around me. "Don't be like that, Mama. I'm amazing."

"Where do you get your modesty from?"

"Mini Mama."

"Of course." I made a face that made Annie giggle.

"Hey! Don't talk about my leader! She's my king."

"She'd be a queen, Noah. She's a girl."

"Are you sure?"

I hit his hand. "My baby sister is a girl!"

"I don't know."

"Go to sleep, Noah."

"Love you, too Mama."

"I love your big rock head, too."

Annie squeezed us. "I love the both of you and I'm just glad I'll be able to say it everyday for the rest of our lives."

I nuzzled her cheek. "Us too."

Noah snorted.

"What are you trying to say?"

It was quiet.


It was still quiet.


Annie giggled. "I think he's asleep."

"His fat face ain't sleep!" I tried to peek behind me but he was so close. "Noah Abraham Puckerman, I will hurt you!"

He kissed the back of my head. "Sleepy time, Mama."

I sighed. He was a fool. "Sleepy time, Noah. Goodnight."


"Goodnight." Annie closed her eyes.

I said a small prayer to watch over us while we slept and to bless us and our families. Then I allowed myself a moment to geek out. We did it! We moved to New York and tomorrow was the beginning of the rest of our lives.

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