
By LordKufray

781 55 76

"She traps you in your own labyrinth, rips apart your sanity and then makes you do her bidding." ... More

From Your Author.


70 6 14
By LordKufray

I almost shudder the second I pull myself through the double doors of Bentley Falls high.

It's strange how I feel nervous about apologising to my two best friends.

I still don't grasp why exactly I am. How easily I succumbed to Barbie's cheap comment.

Was I wrong to actually enjoy a good summer?

All of a sudden the feeling washes over me. My pride. They don't deserve my apology. That's a fact.

That feeling of nervousness vanishes completely and I spot Jael and Yeshua speaking with each other.

"Hey guys." I grin.
Jael replies with a hi and Yeshua nods.

I notice the intense, awkward silence between the three of us.
They've suddenly seemed to have stopped talking.

Jael clutches the straps of her backpack and clears her throat.

Yeshua opens his mouth in attempt to start up a conversation but quickly shuts it back.

The message in his action is clear.

"This will probably end up weird so let's just shut up and get on with classes."

I am filled with uneasiness. How on earth did topics for a good conversation quickly run out?

"So. . .yeah I'll go now." Jael concludes in a way that sounds a bit more like a suggestion.
"Yeah me too." Yeshua agrees and begins his walk.

Jael still stands there, awkwardly rocking herself back and forth with her heels.

"Oh forget it" I mumble and take hurried angry steps out of her presence.

I reach for my locker and fumble desperately for nothing.

We were fine yesterday. Why did we suddenly feel awkward talking to each other?

Rather, why did they feel awkward talking to me?

If I didn't know better I'd think myself some kind of selfish person but I know better.

I huff, pull out a random notebook and slam the locker shut.

Barbie smiles and waves hi.
I waft her off with my notebook but it seems she doesn't get the message and keeps on smiling.

Or maybe she did get the message but she just wants to get under my skin.

I notice a piece of paper has slipped out of the notebook and onto the ground. I crouch to pick it up.

It marvels me. What could a random piece of pink coloured paper be doing in my notebook?

It's colour reminds me of something. . .something that I've probably forgotten to bring to school with me.

Written on it is a note and it's not in my handwriting - nor anyone's I'm familiar with.

Your mind is like an open book. Protect it. Shut it. Keep it like a diary. A secret. You need it.

I turn it to it's other side but it's blank. I'm puzzled at it's words but being the Willie I am, it suddenly isn't my problem anymore.

I crumple the piece of paper and fling it into the trash beside me.

It hits me.

The piece of paper I had just crumpled and had the garbage truck decide it's fate may have been some kind of ominous warning.

But I gave up on Harry potter years ago so I laugh the thought to oblivion.

The bell for first period screams, causing me to hurriedly hurtle into whichever class I'm supposed to be having.

After using my time table to remind myself of the class I should be in, I find myself in the rowdy social studies classroom.

I noisily take a seat and cover my face with both palms hoping for the noise to die down.

It doesn't.

I wait a couple more minutes more and the teacher claps twice signalling the noise to a pause.

A new student is introduced as Poppy.

The new girl takes a seat beside me. Her long purple braids almost wipe my face in the process.

I'm instantly annoyed and I turn to the side to confront her about keeping her hair to herself.

She beats me to my yapping with an apology and as she does I can't help but notice her wide green eyes.

Fixed and overly dilated. I suppose she really should get that checked.

Her skin, dark and shiny is viewable from the unsleeved area of the ash shirt she is putting on.
Her black lips are made artificially darker by the black lipstick she wears at the moment.

She doesn't seem to be the type that cares too much about her make up, nor her dressing; judging from the cheap Jean skirt and almost worn out converse she's currently in.

"Yeah it's okay." I reply.

I'm utterly shocked. My reply is different from the one I had opted for.

The usual Willie couldn't possibly just accept an apology without a fight.

And yet. . .I just did.

She nods her head and smiles.
I feel. . .uncertain.

I nod back and slowly turn my attention to the teacher who has begun scribbling the lesson of the day on the board.

Something feels unsettling about this new student.

But I know I can't conclude anything yet. It would be obnoxious to from the single act of me accepting her apology.

I purse my lips and begin to scribble notes.

The colour from the little piece of paper from earlier comes back to me.

I haven't returned Jael's colour pen.

Author's Note
Hey loves!
Thanks for reading till this far. Any comments?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I've just been taking them slow

Vote if you find the chapter worthy
XOXO Kufray.

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