The Criminal(?)

By pikachukite

16.1K 777 178


Kenchis house
Character list. (i need your help to name these kids and thier looks)
Meeting the family part 1
Meeting the family part 2
Samaus's Dream
Samaus's morning...
The Revelation
What happened?
Hello... where the hell am I?
the questions part one
the questions part two
Getting out
Samaus goes into town
Samaus meets more people!
Normal afternoon? Wait... what?!
nightmares after showers
Awkward moment
Kakashi's face!
readers choice!
Save me
What's next? More crud?
Pain of the heart? Or the body?
Saving Sam
Waking up in the hospital


2.8K 87 4
By pikachukite

A boy, around the age of eighteen, with sandy light brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a vest and pants with boots and a bandanna, walks around a busy town. He had sloppy bandages wrapped around his bare torso using his vest to hide somewhat. He was bleeding and looking for a shop that had medical supplies. He winced when people stumbled into him while he was walking.

Noone noticed his fatigued state nor his loo of malnourishment or the blood dripping down his side. He noticed that most of the people were civilians so he paid no heed to them. He kept his head held low, trying to avoid any contact.

By the time he found the medical place he was looking for, he was wheezing slightly with his blood soaking his bandages. He walks into the store sideways so as not to show the blood. The boy speaks, " you... have any gauze?" He asks the store owner.

The man turned around and gave the boy three packs of gauze. When he seen the boys pale figure he stopped him from leaving by locking the door to the shop. "I can tell your hurt boy. Please, take a seat so I can tend to your wound." He didn't wait for a response. He grabbed the boys arm and gently tugged him towards the back where a room with a bed and a bathroom were. He makes him sit down. "Can you take off your vest?"

The boy nodded. He took off his vest wincing in pain from his injury.

The man took notice of this as he gently unwrapped the boys bandages, cleaned the gaping, bleeding wound and stitched it up, before cleaning it again and wrapping new bandages on him. "There! That should do it. My name is Kenchi. What's your name?" He asked out of the blue as he made the boy lay down on the bed.

The boy blinked. "I'm... Samuas..." He says tiredly.

Kenchi smiled. "Alright Sam. Well your gonna stay here until closing time. Rest well kid. You can come stay with me and my family. That is... if you feel up to it anyways, I'm going back up front. Drink this it'll help with the pain." He handed Samaus the cup of water with ome pain killers.

Samaus took them and drank the water Samaus closes his eyes and falls asleep. One arm strung carelessly on his stomach as he slept.

Kenchi pulled up the covers for Samaus and went back to finish his store stuff.

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