Closure (Kellic)

By AndleyXxKellic

8.4K 396 308

After his failed suicide attempt, Kellin just wants to do everything right this time. He's planned it all out... More

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
A New Beginning

Day 1

1.3K 68 34
By AndleyXxKellic

4 days to go

That's what my reminder told me when I woke up, I just had 4 more days on this earth. I checked the time on my phone, 6 in the morning which means I could go to school, or get started on this bucket list. But I refuse for a second to waste my last days in that shit hole. It was a mistake to go yesterday and I'm sure as hell not going back. I don't want anymore of the marks I have on my body to add up, I'm good with the ones I have. When I'm dead, they can take my lifeless body and beat it like a piñata, like I know they probably will do.

I rolled over out of bed, scratching my head and going over to my closet. I took out some clothes and boxers, getting everything ready before I go shower. When I finished, I grabbed a towel and searched for my shoe box, I remembered that I had it in the bathroom. I wasn't going to cut or anything, I just wanted it to be somewhere that I know where it's at when I need it. I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom, laying the towel down and looking around for my box. I looked through the doors, drawers, everything place in there. The thought occurred to me, making me stop in my tracks and look into the mirror.

"Shit." I muttered to myself. "Fuck my life right now." I kicked the door cabinets underneath the sink and threw my arms up. They took the box and are keeping it away from me. Well, they don't know, I won't be needing that to do what I'm going to do anyway.

I finally told myself, 'Fuck it' and got in the shower, letting the boiling hot water empty out onto my skin. I took of the gauze that was soaking up most of the water and threw it in the trash can. If they don't want me to self harm, they should just lock me in a room with no windows or anything, but even then I'd probably bang my head on the floor or something just to inflict pain on myself. For a while, I let the water run down my hair, covering my face, and scarcely hitting my wrist, it was like I was standing in the rain, and I loved the rain. It showed that even the sky cries, even the sky screams, which just means your not alone.

I was done being depressed, I actually wanted to celebrate my last days alive like they were a going away party or my birthday. I wanted it all to be a happy time, at least for me, so I can enjoy the last few pieces of my life. I still hadn't decided on which item I wanted to cross out the bucket list. I began to think about it, the stupidest one was doing parkour. At the time, it seemed kind of fun to do, because I would like to be one of those people who jump from the roof high buildings to other roofs of another building. It would be like I was Spider-Man or something, or even better, one of those people on one of those Nike commercials I saw once upon a time.

That would be the first things I would mark off my list, and I was ready for it. I hurried up and washed my body, washing my hair too while I was at it. When I got out, I went to the sink, brushing my teeth and wiping at the foggy mirror. I never knew why people looked into the mirror while brushing their teeth, I noticed that a lot of people do it though. I looked at my hair, finishing up and spitting and parting my hair. A few strands of my hair turning back to their natural hair color of brown. I sighed and shook it off, not like I was going to be bothered by it in a few days.

My troubles right now was that even though I know I only have a few days left, I still get stressed out about the little things. Why the fuck am I worried about my hair when I'm going to dead, I shouldn't give a rat's ass what it looks like. Same goes for the mirror and the box and school, I just need to calm down and relax. With my towel wrapped around my waist, I went back out into my room, closing the door behind me. I sat on my bed with my towel around me, picking up my phone and choosing a song to play. I decided to play my two favorite songs on repeat, Leave Out All The Rest and In The End by Linkin Park.

I laid my phone down and began pulling on my clothes, and putting on deodorant. I looked in the mirror, messing with my hair some and putting on a beanie. I didn't care what it looked like, it was covered, so what the hell. I went to my bed, flopping on it and grabbing the book from my nightstand as I got on. I opened my nightstand drawer and took out a pen, opening the book and marking out parkour. I slid the book under my pillow when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I groaned, turning over onto my back. My dad walked in the room first, my mom right behind him.

"Kellin, we've been thinking about it, and we want you to move out." My dad told me harshly.

"Okay, whatever." I closed my eyes and rested my hands on my chest.

"No. Like seriously." My mom interjected, making me open my eyes and look at her. I wish looks could kill. "We need you out by the end of the week. Word got out about what you did, and we're just done with all your tantrums and acts to get attention."

"You think I want attention?" I sat up and looked at the both of them.

"We're adopting a little boy from a orphanage, and we want you out before he comes. We pick him up Saturday, so be out by then or Friday." My dad finished.

"Whatever. Fine by me." I smirked. I stood up and my dad handed me a credit card and two books. I looked them over, one being my passport and the other having account information in it.

"We gave you your own account and we'll add money into it as long as you never come back here." My mom said, her voice like venom.

"Oh no, now I won't see you guys on holidays or anything. Oh what am I going to do?" I asked sarcastically, going to my closet and getting a pair of my shoes.

"We're really sorry it has to be this way Kellin." My dad told me, and I knew he was not the least bit sorry.

"Fuck you guys, you don't care about me. I just hope your new son doesn't cut his hair or gets a B in school, all hell would break loose." I finished putting on my shoes and stuffing the credit card and passports in my pockets. I grabbed my phone from the bed and pushed past them before leaving. I was so done with their bullshit, and I hope they have fun with the little twit.


When I got to sky-zone, I was already bored, seeing nothing but little kids here. Maybe I should have put more thought into the things I wanted to do before I died. I took off my shoes and went around, seeing a man teach a young girl how to do a backflip. I watched from afar, seeing them jump around and play, and it looked like fun. They both had long hair flopping in the air, turning flips and nearly falling. When they finished, I approached him quickly before someone asked him for help before I did.

"Hey, do you mind teaching some basics of Parkour?" I asked as I got closer, then noticed who it was. "Uh, never mind." I blurted out before scurrying off.

"Hey." He called out after me, but I just went off to the trampolines next to the square pit. "Hey." He caught me before I could jump in. "You're that guy,-"

"Yeah, who got beat up by your brother." I pointed out angrily at him, moving from his grasp.

"No, that was my brother's friend, Tony. I'm sorry for what he did to you." He told me, his voice showing just how sorry he was.

"Yeah, whatever." I moved away more and jumped into the pit, but it was kind of no use because I didn't disappear.

"Come on, don't be like that. Wanna know parkour, I'll teach you." He yelled out to me.

"No, I'll pass." I told him, moving further and further away.

"Don't make me come in and pull you out." He told me in a serious tone.

"Do what you want. But if you pull me out, I'm leaving." I told him, laying back on the semi hard foam.

"Alright, you asked for it." I watched him back up, and start running full speed until he came to the edge and jumped. Flinging himself through the air and onto the foam bed, nearly landing next to come. He stood up best he could and tried to grab me.

"No, move." I pushed him away and got up to leave.

"Please, no. Stop," there was a pause and then he said my name. "Kellin, stop." I turned around at him and he just smiled.

"I don't understand you people." I finally got to the end of the pit, hearing him behind me.

"You can't leave." He told me defiantly.

"Why not?" I asked, turning around to see him getting out.

"You left these." He took out my credit card and the tiny books.

"Give them back." I reached out for them, but he pushed me away making me fall. "Woah, I'm sorry. I guess I don't know my own strength." I started to get up but he sat down next to me. "Let me teach you parkour and I'll let you leave."

"No." I tried to grab my things but he kept them from me, extending his arm out so I wouldn't be able to get them. "Stop." I almost whined, lunging forward to grab them, but was pushed to the side.

"Just let me teach you. Do you honestly have something better to do or something?" He asked me.

"Yeah, not be around you." I tried to take them again but couldn't. I gave up, standing up and walking away.

"Kellin." He shouted but I ignored. "Hey, look." He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"You're just as bad as your brother." I seethed through my oncoming tears and his face turned from sympathetic and playful to enraged.

"Don't say that." His grip on me got stronger. "I'm not like him, nor will I be." He let go of me and his face turned to normal. "Here. I give you this now and the rest later if you let me teach you." He handed me my credit card.

"Whatever." I gave in. He smiled and took my hand, pulling me along with him to the big trampoline area.

"Okay, now first we're going to try running up walls." He pointed to the walls that were also made up of trampolines. He did a small demonstration for me to know what it was supposed to look like, then gave me the go ahead to try. I ran up the wall, utterly failing and falling on my back.

"Yeah, I can't do that." I said, laying there for a while.

"Come on, you just have to keep trying." He helped me up and made me continue on.

I didn't want to do it anymore, after I realized I couldn't do it, I wanted to stop, but he wouldn't let me. Again and again, countless times that I just ended up falling on my back or getting a bad burn on my body from the trampoline. He kept pushing me and honestly, I wanted to push him, out a window. He finally did something that was weird, but it kind of helped.

"Okay, take my hand." He told me, holding out his hand to me.

"What for?" I moved away from him.

"Come on, just take it." I hesitantly did, waiting for him to tell me what to do. I could feel my palms, all sweaty and I knew it was gross for him. "Now, we're going to run at the same time and do it together. Okay?" I nodded.

As we stood there, I took a few breaths, trying to even out my breathing and calm down my nervousness. I had never touched anyone before like this and it felt weird, it made my heart sound like it was beating into a microphone. He counted down, saying go and we both ran, running up the wall with our feet. While up there, he did a back flip causing me to do the same. Our hands breaking apart and our bodies falling in separate ways. When I fell back that time, bouncing on my back I smiled. I felt so accomplished, all I needed to do was run up a wall, and I flipped one. I looked over to Vic and he was smiling hugely, sticking out his hand to me.

"That was impressive. I didn't expect you to do that." I smiled a little and shrugged.

"Me either." I mumbled and took his hand, having him help pull me up.

"Okay, now. Want to try something else?" He asked.

"Sure, what is it?" I pulled my shirt down some and followed him as he left. I watched him go to a tiny spaced corner, laced with trampolines.

"You jump from side to side all the way to the top." I followed it up to the top, seeing it was pretty high.

"Have you done it?" I asked and he turned back with a smile.

"Have I done it? Fastest record in the world for it. Watch this." He winked and ran, running up one of the sides before getting to the corner and jumping.

He looked like one of those anime cartoons, like Dragon Ball Z jumping from side to side with no hands. He climbed all the way to the top, holding out both arms and legs to show he was up there, and to keep him in place. He didn't say anything or move, so I took it as my chance to go. I ran up the sides like he did, getting to the corner and hesitantly jumping and hitting my head. I growled a little to myself and tried to start over, running again and making sure to jump in time. I got further, but only to fall back down and nearly break my neck.

"Look out below." He yelled. I looked up and moved back, watching him let go with all his body parts. Sticking his arms to his sides and his legs straight out, landing safely on the trampoline.

"I hate this." I told him bluntly.

"Yeah, well it's not the easiest task to perform." He told me. I was about to ask him a question about how he knew so much about this stuff and if he practiced somewhere other than here, but was interrupted.

"Vic!" I heard someone yell behind me.

"Shit." He muttered. "What Mike?" He called back out.

"I'm here to pick you up." I turned around, Mike seeing me at the same time I saw him. "Oh, the wimp."

"Leave him alone Mike." Vic said sternly.

"Or what? He's not going to do anything." He came up to me and poked me in the chest. "You're weak and you wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Leave the kid alone. I was just teaching him parkour." Vic said, moving Mike from next to me.

"He's a loser. Don't hang with people like that." Mike instructed.

"As long as you hang with Jaime and Tony, the biggest potheads in school, then I can hang with him." Vic said, making me feel a little good about myself.

"Well he fits your style." Mike joked. I looked at Vic, seeing him give Mike the eye.

"Shut up." I began to walk away slowly. "If I want to hang with someone, I can. I'm older." He argued.

"But he's a geek, an outcast, emo even." Mike fussed back.

"And so am I." Vic once again took up for me.

"You're not as big of a loser as him." Mike pointed out.

"Maybe I'm not, but who are you to worry." Vic whispered loudly. That did it.

I became mad, upset, angry, and left them as they finished having their conversation. I wasn't going to stand around and be insulted by two jerks. I walked out the building, seeing that it was somewhat darker than I thought it would be. Had I really been in there that long that I hadn't even noticed the time change. I put my hands in my pocket, walking off and going toward the street the bus was on. I heard faint yelling behind me, but I just ignored it, going around a corner and sitting on the bus bench. No one around, near dark, it seemed like the perfect place to cry, so that's what I did. I didn't cry because of the words or anything, it was because I was stupid enough to not finish myself off. I was stupid enough to believe what that stupid nurse had told me about life getting better. It wouldn't and I just had a front seat of how people would act around me if I stick around for any longer.

"Hey." A small voice said from behind and I looked up. It was Vic, smiling sadly at me. I wiped my eyes and turned away.

"What do you want?" He sat down next to me and handed me my book and passport.

"You almost forgot these." I took them, holding them in my hand, just in case they fall out my pocket again. "Hey, look. I'm sorry about Mike, he can be a douche sometimes,-" I stopped him.

"Look, it doesn't matter. Just don't worry about it. Now you can go back to work, or go home. I don't care." I sat up straighter, looking for the bus.

"Uh, okay. Do you think we can hang out tomorrow?" He asked.

"Nope." I shot back.

"Oh, uh, why not?" He asked, what was up with all these questions.

"I'm leaving the country. I'm going to Canada or Greece or something for the day." I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Could I come? I could use the vacation." He blurted out.

"No thanks, I don't need company." I told him, standing up and getting ready to walk home.

"Please. It was kind of fun hanging out with you today." He said, moving so he was facing me.

"Yeah, whatever." I put my hands in my pocket and turned around.

"It was," he started coming after me. "Just, not when my brother showed up. Please can I come?" He asked, God he was annoying.

"Fine, but I'm leaving early in the morning." I told him.

"Okay, just, wait." He took out his phone and gave it to me and took mine. I watched him try my lock code, but entered in a wrong one. I put it in and saw him text himself from my phone. "Text me with the flight and everything and I'll be ready." He smiled and handed me the phone back.

"Uh, okay?" I questioned. He laughed and took his phone back.

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, walking backwards.

"Uh, sure." I shrugged and turned away from him. I waited a bit, walking a little up until he was gone from view and went back to the bus bench.


A/N: Okay, so I just finished planning this story out on paper and you readers are going to hate me, I think. So don't get too excited about this. Thanks for reading!


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