Brotherly Love (BTS X READER...

AsianJesus19 द्वारा

37.8K 1.8K 416

A young girl is hired to help BTS gain responsibility and to act as a female influence. Or at least that's wh... अधिक

The Unorthodox Employee
A Taste of the Life Off Camera
A Harder Job Than Expected
Gathering Information
Time to Get to Work
The First Episode
A Slight Change of Plan
Progress in Various Areas
The Calm Before the Storm
Decisions in Time-Out
A Second First Impression
An Unappreciated Morning Event
An Unfortunate Situation
Another Closet
A Little Mistake
A Relieving Return
A Sorrowful Story
Impressive Cleanliness
A Rare State of Peace
An Emergency
An Important Journey
Hey Guys
Too Many Tears
Awkwardness and Needed Answers
New Realizations
An Emotional Revival
The Dream and the Pest
Here We Go Again
A Shocking Strike
Denying Jealousy
Beautiful Friendship
Q&A #2!!!
Accepting Defeat
The Worst First
Conflicting Opinions
A New Self-Realization
An Idea
A Huge Mess
Banana Milk
Two Truths and a Lie
A Christmas Miracle
Confused Revelations
Back to Work
Playing Hard to Get
A Bright Idea
A Surprising Discovery
Something in Common

Late Ass Christmas Special :)

431 24 3
AsianJesus19 द्वारा

A/N: Hey guys, and happy (late) holidays! I know some of you probably don't celebrate Christmas, but I figured I would include this since I kind of overlooked Christmas in the story. So please enjoy!

(Also for my Wattpad readers, I know, its July, a long time after I actually wrote this chapter. I swear when I initially posted this it was close to Christmas lol. Consider this Christmas in July)

    It was Christmas Eve, 2017. Everyone had just gotten back from Japan a couple days prior. Unfortunately, they were unable to go home for Christmas that year because there was too much work that needed to be done to allot time for them to have a real break and visit their families. Needless to say, tensions were high.

     Everyone was tired, and everyone was stressed. Nobody wanted to do anything other than sleep, and yet everyone felt obligated to spend "quality time" with each other since it was the holidays. However, there was one exception. Min Yoongi couldn't have cared less about such an obligation. He didn't last more than ten minutes sitting around the rectangle room ignoring each other before he got up and left to go be alone in his room. What was the point of spending time together if no one was actually going to interact? That time could be spent on sleep— something they all needed.

     "Okay, I'm going to bed," Yoongi spoke, briefly breaking the silence caused by everyone doing nothing other than scrolling through their phones. Most of the other members looked up at him as he spoke, but nobody responded. So he left, and went to his own bedroom to get what he considered some much-deserved rest.

     The man fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. And that was the last thing he remembered before things went wild.

     At some point in the middle of the night, Yoongi woke up suddenly. His heart was racing and he was breathing heavy, but he had no idea why. He didn't recall having any dreams, at least not any that would have him in a cold sweat.

     "Yoongi-ssi," a girls voice called out to him. Yoongi looked around the room frantically, but he saw nobody.

     "Yoongi-ssi!" the haunting voice called out again. Yoongi was beginning to panic. Somebody was in his room, which was not good, but even worse was that he didn't know who it was, nor could he see them. Was it a sasaeng? Was he getting robbed?

     "Who's there?!" he yelled, slowly reaching towards his bedside drawer. There was a taser in there that he kept just in case. He had never had to use it, luckily, but it appeared that he might have needed it in that moment. What better time to use it than when there's an intruder in his room?

     Just then, the girl who was speaking seemingly appeared out of thin air.

     "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?!" Yoongi exclaimed in shock. It appeared that you were in his room, standing by the foot of his bed. You were dressed in a long, white, vintage looking nightgown, and you were holding what looked to be a large candle snuffer. On top of your head was some sort of crown and... there was a candle on your head?

     "I am not (Y/N), I am the Ghost of Christmas Past!" you replied in a ghastly tone, or rather, the "Ghost of Christmas Past" replied in a ghastly tone.

     "Look kid, I'm not in the mood for your little pranks right now, and it's awfully creepy of you to be in my room in the middle of the night. Were you hoping to see me undressed or something?" Yoongi sat up in his bed, glaring at you. There was no way he as about to be convinced about some stupid Christmas ghost story. He watched as you simply rolled your eyes.

     "Not everything revolves around people wanting you, Min Yoongi. Anyways, I don't come back to the dorms until after Christmas, so it couldn't actually be me here. Right now, I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past, and I'm here to remind you of the way things used to be," you stated, hands on your hips in a manner more sassy than someone would expect a ghost to be.

     "This is ridiculous (Y/N), I'm going to give you one last chance to leave me alone and let me get some sleep before I announce that you were caught violating an idol's privacy by breaking and entering in the middle of the night. A whole lot of people like me, so I can guarantee that a lot of people would be mad at you," Yoongi huffed, laying back down in his bed and rolling over into his side. He was not about to give up whatever rest he could get to play along with whatever stupid prank you we're trying to pull. You never struck him as the type to play jokes on people, at least not the type of jokes that would require sneaking into people's rooms in the middle of the night. He figured you were at least a little bit more respectable than that, but apparently he had been misguided.

     He heard you sigh in disappointment. "Guess I'll just have to do this the hard way," you said.

     Before he even realized what was happening, you dashed at him, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him up into the air. He screamed as you flew straight through his wall, dragging him through the air behind you, and then through the wall himself. 

     "What the hell is going on?!!" Yoongi screamed. As he floated above the Seoul city-scape, things didn't seem like a game anymore, it felt very, very real.

     "I told you, I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past. I'm here to remind you of Christmas in the past, as I'm sure you could have assumed from my name."

     Yoongi could barely believe what was going on. How was he flying? How were you flying? And when did you become a ghost?

     Just then, Yoongi made the bad decision of looking down. All the skyscrapers were below him, and he was surrounded by nothing but the night sky. If he were to fall at that moment, he would surely plummet to his death. So, he started screaming. 

     "I can't die! I'm too important to die!" the man wailed, clutching onto the ghost's arm that held him in the air. This triggered another eye roll from you, or the Ghost of Christmas Past.

     "Relax," ghost you instructed, clearly already exhausted of Yoongi's ego. "You're not going to fall. Now let's go, the show is about to start!"

     Before Yoongi could even question anything, you had blasted off, pulling him even higher than he had already been before at a speed so fast he thought his face might fall off. Then, once he saw he was above the clouds, he thought it was finally over, but he was terribly wrong. Ghost you only slowed for a second before then dashing down towards the ground, flying even faster than before. Needless to say, Yoongi was 100% sure he was going to die. As he started getting closer to the ground, he started screaming his head off, squeezing his eyes shut and bracing for impact. Suddenly, you took a sharp left, flying the two of you into the wall of a building. A building, that was none other than the BTS dorms.

     Once Yoongi felt his feet touch the floor, his eyes popped open. He was in the dorm? All of the other boys were there as well, but they seemed completely oblivious to him having just flown through their wall with you all dressed as a ghost.

     "Did you guys see what just happened?! That child is crazy! She just endangered my life! I almost just died like, three times!!" Yoongi shouted incredulously at his band mates. However, not a single one of them reacted. It was like nobody was even aware that he was there.

     "They can't hear you," ghost you explained. "You're not really in their world right now. We are mere spectators."

     "So you really just woke me up and nearly killed me to have me come look at the people I literally live with? That was awfully productive," he responded, crossing his arms and huffing angrily. Once again, you rolled your eyes.

     "Just watch, Min Yoongi."

     Just then, a seventh boy entered the room.

     "Yoongi-hyung! Come sit with us!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly, scooting over on the couch to clear a spot. Yoongi gasped. The seventh boy was him? But how? He was already right there!

     He watched as the other Yoongi plopped himself onto the couch next to Jimin and started messing around with the other members. Some were playing a game, others were just fooling around, and the dorm was lit with festive Christmas lights, and right near the couch there was a big Christmas tree, decorated with no particular rhyme or reason, but somehow it still looked nice. Suddenly, the memories of that Christmas came back and hit him like a tidal wave. His mouth fell a bit open as he watched the scene before him. Yoongi couldn't remember how long ago it was, but he remembered that it was another year that they were unable to go home for Christmas due to work reasons. So, they had all gladly spent their time together, messing around, having fun, and eating well, trying to make the best of the situation. Of course, everyone was sad that they were unable to go home for the holidays, but they didn't let it get in the way of their celebration. Watching the scene before him filled him with a warm nostalgia, and he couldn't help but crack a bit of a smile.

     "Do you see how happy everybody was? The connection between all of you was stronger than ever. It couldn't be a better representation of the friendship in this group," you spoke, your voice breaking Yoongi out of his trance. 

     "Yeah, I remember that Christmas. It sucked not getting to go home that year," he responded, still not looking away from the vision of the past.

     "And yet, you guys were still able to be happy with each other."

     Yoongi finally tore his eyes away from the scene before him only to shoot a quick glance at you. Watching the members and himself have a genuinely happy time together awakened a deep yearning inside of him, making him want to experience what he was seeing before him again. To feel that sort of joy with other people was something he had almost forgotten, but he didn't know how. Yoongi gazed upon the sight in front of him for a bit longer, admiring the warm aura of happiness. A soft sigh left his lips.

     "Yeah, I guess we were," he responded.

     Ghost you smiled gently at him, glad to see that he was reacting the way you had hoped he would.

     "I think our time here is done," you muttered, just barely grabbing Yoongi's attention.

     "What?" He watched as you brought your candle snuffer up and slowly lowered it onto the candle on your head. As the flame extinguished, everything around him faded into black, and you disappeared. Shocked, and somewhat frightened, Yoongi frantically looked around himself, although there wasn't exactly much to see. Luckily, the blackness started to fade away, and soon enough he was surrounded by the familiar environment of his own bedroom. He let out a sigh, glad to be laying in his bed again. Whatever had just happened was absolutely insane, and he had no idea how to feel about it. Was that what a lucid dream was? It felt awfully real. Whether it was real or not though, all he knew was that he had just wasted precious hours of rest on it, and he couldn't wait to fall back asleep. However, as soon as he turned on his side and closed his eyes, he was interrupted.

     "Min Yoongi, you didn't think we were done did you?" a familiar female voice entered his ears, causing his eyes to shoot open. He sat up in his bed once more, and laid eyes upon who was before him.

     "(Y/N), I do not want to do this again. I'm a very, very busy man. I need my rest if I'm going to get up and produce world-wide hits tomorrow. And why do you keep calling me by my full name?" Yoongi grumbled, clearly not interested in whatever you brought with you that time around.

     You sighed. "I'm not (Y/N), we've discussed this. I am the Ghost of Christmas Present!"

     Instead of the former attire, ghost you was now wearing a long, fuzzy green robe, and there was a crown of holly on your head. In your hand where you used to carry a candle snuffer, there was now a blazing torch.

     "I thought you were the Ghost of Christmas Past," the man remarked. He reached up a hand to shield his eyes from the bright light of the torch in your hand.

     "Nonsense!" you exclaimed. "I am the Ghost of Christmas Present, and I am here to show you the present!"

     "Well whatever, let's just make this quick, I need to get some real sleep tonight." He stood up, and approached  you, seemingly more prepared for whatever was to come than he was the time before. 

     "Well luckily for you, there will be no flying this time around," ghost you said. Yoongi watched as you walked over and opened his bedroom door.

     "Why couldn't we have just done this last time?" he asked, following you out of his room and through the hallway.

     "Because last time involved going to the past. What we're about to see is exactly how things are right now. Don't worry though, they still can't see us."

     Yoongi just nodded and followed you down the hallway. He really didn't understand why you were bothering to show him what was going on literally a few rooms away from him, and it felt like a waste of time. He had just left that room, what was there for him to see?

     Upon arriving into the rectangle room, Yoongi was not surprised by the sight in front of him at all. It was almost exactly as he had left it, everyone was sitting around, not particularly paying any attention to each other. It seemed that a couple members had left after he had, as if they had just been waiting for someone else to do it first the entire time.

     "So what should I be seeing here? Pretty much nothing has changed since I left," the man exclaimed. At that point, he really felt like he was just wasting valuable sleep time.

     "Take a good look at what's in front of you, Min Yoongi. Take a good look at it, and then think about what you saw in the past. Compare this to that Christmas Eve, and tell me what you think is wrong," ghost you stated, looking at him expectantly. Yoongi scoffed lightly, but decided to follow the directions given to him.

     When he really thought about it, there was quite the obvious difference. In the modern scene, it was clear that none of the members were very interested in each other, if anything there was a bit of tension. It was a stark contrast to what he had seen in the past, with everyone enjoying the festivities together and having the best time that they could.

     "Why are things so different?" Yoongi wondered aloud. Exactly the reaction you had wanted from him.

     "I'm afraid that's not something I'm able to tell you," you explained. "You'll have to think about it yourself, find your own answers. Only then will you know how to fix it."

     "Thanks, that was awfully helpful, (Y/N)," he remarked, visibly displeased with the somewhat cryptic message.

     Ghost you rolled your eyes. "For the millionth time, I'm not (Y/N), I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present."

     "Whatever," Yoongi crossed his arms. "So what now? Are you going to become the Ghost of Christmas Future and show me how I die or whatever?"

     "No, but good guess. Unfortunately, we're running out of time, so I won't be showing you the future. I don't think I need to anyways."

     "And why's that?"

     Ghost you smirked. "I think if you use the knowledge you gained tonight, you can figure it out yourself."

     "Wait, what?"

     And without responding, you blew out your torch, and Yoongi was surrounded by darkness.


     Yoongi's eyes flew open, and he sprung up in his bed. Frantically, he looked around for any sight of a third "ghost." Luckily for him, his room was empty, and it seemed like he had finally woken up for real. Early morning light dimly lit up his room through the window, and he had a greater sense of reality than he had before. As real as it had felt, it had all been a dream.

     He ran a hand through his bleach blond hair, staring blankly at his comforters. What had just happened? Yoongi couldn't recall the last time he had a dream as vivid as that one. It felt so real, as a matter of fact, that the man found himself genuinely pondering what the ghost version of you had said in the dream. He couldn't help but briefly wonder if maybe it was a sign.

      As Yoongi pulled himself out of bed and exited his room, he pushed the thoughts of the dream away. He walked out of the hallway to see that the other members were already awake, and seemed to be waiting. It wouldn't have been the first time that Yoongi was the last one to get up.

     "Okay, now that everyone's here we can start opening the gifts," Jin spoke, not even caring to greet Yoongi. Yoongi didn't care much either.

     "Oh! Do mine first!" Taehyung squealed, bouncing excitedly in his seat on the floor. He eagerly collected his gifts from under the tree and distributed them to each member. Yoongi couldn't deny being unenthused by Taehyung's exaggerated behavior, but he didn't feel like bothering to interrupt things. Besides, there was something about Taehyung's attitude that reminded him of the Christmas from the past, and it made him feel a bit warm inside.

     Taehyung dropped the gift on Yoongi's lap before swiftly moving to distribute one to the next member. He picked up the flat box and examined it, taking note of the somewhat rushed looking wrapping job.

     "Okay! Everyone open them!" Taehyung instructed cheerfully. Anticipation was written all over his face as he looked at all the members with a big smile on his face. Yoongi was somewhat surprised. The past couple years Taehyung hadn't seemed so interested in gift giving for the holidays, at least not as excited as he was that day. It caused Yoongi to remember the Christmas from the past even more, and he almost cracked a smile.

     All the members began unwrapping their boxes, Yoongi included. He peeled the wrapping paper up from the places where it was taped down, just because it was quicker in his opinion, not because he was a wrapping paper saver or something like that. Inside the paper was a thin white box. He took the lid off and his eyebrows raised at what he saw.

     He pulled out a white T-shirt. On the breast pocket was their band logo, and when he flipped it around onto the back he saw that it said "young forever" in black text along the top. 

     "I know that we've worn shirts kind of like this for performances and stuff before, but I thought I would get some for us all to just have for ourselves. I was thinking maybe we could all sign them for each other and they can just be something we could all keep. Like something we'll all see in the future and think of the good old days, you know?" Taehyung explained to everyone, taking off his sweater to reveal a shirt that matched everyone else's.

     Some of the members started responding to what Taehyung had said, but Yoongi couldn't hear a thing. His brain was almost completely occupied by the dream he had had the night before, and the memories of the past Christmas that he had been shown were bouncing around his mind like crazy. All he could do was just stare at the shirt in disbelief. Things seemed joyful, but Yoongi, truthfully, was filled with guilt.

     Yoongi hadn't gotten gifts for the members. Or, he had, but they weren't nearly as thoughtful as what Taehyung had gotten. If he were honest with himself, he hadn't put any real thought into the gifts he got. All he had given to everyone were some expensive gift cards, which thinking back on it, were practically useless since all of them had loads of money anyways. Suddenly he felt bad about the gifts he had chosen. It was an unfamiliar feeling for him, he almost didn't remember the last time he felt guilty about something. Usually he figured that someone should be grateful that he gave them anything at all, but that time he felt like he hadn't done enough. Even more so, he wished he had done more.

     When he bestowed his gift cards upon everyone, the members acted grateful, but he could tell that deep inside they were all somewhat disappointed by the near useless gift. Yoongi knew he needed to do something, but he didn't know what to do. It was too late for him to get more gifts, the gift giving was already finished, and besides, most stores were closed on Christmas.

     "Ah, we should probably start thinking about what we'll do for dinner tonight. We didn't prepare anything ahead of time," Jin spoke, standing up off the couch he had been seated on. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Yoongi's head.

     "I'll buy dinner," he exclaimed. "We can go anywhere you guys want. I'll cover the bill."

     "Oh, really? Are you sure you want to do that? It'll be expensive for all of us," Jin said, visibly confused by Yoongi's generosity.

     "Yeah, think of it like an extension of my gift to you guys. So pick something out, I'll pay for whatever you guys want. I'll buy us dessert too, so we can go to two places if you guys are interested."

     The members immediately started chattering about what sort of foods and sweets they would want, and seeing that his offer went through well with the members, Yoongi started to feel a warmth growing in his heart. Doing something for everyone else felt good, and seeing that everyone was in a good mood made him feel like he had redeemed himself from the stupid gift cards.

     "Hyung! Let's do bulgogi!" Jungkook suggested excitedly.

     "And let's get gotgamsam (walnuts wrapped in persimmon)! And chapssalteok (rice cakes filled with red bean)!" Jin suggested, matching the younger member's enthusiasm.

     "Alright, we'll have to see what restaurants are open, but I'll get what you guys want," Yoongi chuckled. The members cheered, and thanked him. It was always a little funny how excited they got about food.

     Yoongi watched as the members dispersed, interacting with each other as they messed around with whatever gifts they had gotten, and snacked and drank. It wasn't quite as cheerful as the Christmas from the past, but it was definitely better than the night before. He internally thanked ghost you for the dream he'd had, and for showing him what Christmas could be like. He hoped that maybe for the years to come the holidays would be more like the one in his dream.

     He smiled. Next year, it would be even better. And he definitely planned on getting better gifts.

A/N: Hey guys!! I'm so sorry this has taken so long, not to mention Christmas happened like, almost two weeks ago, so I'm pretty late on this lol. Truthfully, I got the bright idea to write and publish a Christmas chapter literally on Christmas, because once again I overestimated my creative abilities. Anyways, school has been totally kicking my ass, so I'm sorry these updates are so crazy slow but with the amount of work I have to do and how much that work gives me excessive writers block, coming out with the next chapter has been difficult. So, thank you to everyone who has been sticking by this story and looking out for new updates, I appreciate you all! I enjoy writing this story, it's just very hard with a cramped schedule. So thank all of you who are still reading and enjoying! I hope you liked this rushed, low-quality Christmas special!

Anyway, will Yoongi's Christmas generosity carry into his daily life? Will they be able to have a better Christmas the next year? What was with that weird dream? We'll have to wait and see.


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