Lemon Cake

By AmethystAmber87

306K 26.4K 4.7K

#PartyBoss isn't a term Tulip Carpenter coined herself but she wears it with pride. Her life is a party, she'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Ten Years and Ten Months Ago
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Ten Years and Ten Months Ago
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Ten Years and Ten Months Ago
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Ten Years and Ten Months Ago
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Ten Years and Ten Months Ago
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Ten Years and Nine Months Ago
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Ten Years and Eight Months Ago
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Two

3.9K 425 107
By AmethystAmber87

Tulip didn't know how she won the jackpot in the friend department but Niesha was a total prize. Sidney hadn't even seen Jasper, she was in the backseat on a 'mission to save the ice cream.' It was what the little girl called it but really it was just a trip to the corner store for two bags of ice. Either way, it was enough time for Jasper to vacate the premises and for Tulip to regain her composure. After three deep breaths, Tulip tucked those hurt feelings and sad memories back away in the closet she swept years wrestling them into and locked the door with a padlock and hoped they'd stay there in the future.

As soon as Sidney returned, skipping into the backyard leading the way as Neisha toted two bags of ice and Lachlan wheeled the cherry stained crib with his four-wheel dolly Tulip had reclaimed her homeostasis. The rest of the event went as she and Neisha planned it; playing baby shower games, bring out the cake, and wrap the festivity with Diana Ross' I'm coming out which gave way to dancing; from everyone there. At the time of planning Tulip didn't know how the song related to having a baby but as it played she was happy her client added. It created her new favorite memory; dancing with Sidney.

"Okay, that's it." Tulip said, closing the chapter book Sidney picked up from the bookstore a couple of days ago.

"No." Sidney whined snuggled comfortably in her bed. Her hand instantly went to Tulip's arm stopping her from sliding off the bed. "One more. I'm not even that sleepy."

Tulip sat the paperback book in her lap reciting the girl's words back to her. "Not even that sleepy, which implies that you are sleepy. Plus, it's past your bedtime."

The clock on the nightstand next to the full size bed read eight o'clock. She let Sidney pick between two options for her bedtime, seven or eight. The girl picked eight and getting her off to bed at the pre agreed time wasn't too much of a hassle. Tulip wasn't surprised, the parenting book said giving kids options makes them feel like they're a participating party in decision making which makes transitions, routines, and punishments easier.

It had only been two weeks but their new routine was working fine. At six in the morning, Sidney woke up and shuffled in her room even though she was awake. The girl liked watching her apply her make-up as if she was taking visual notes she was going to use when it was her time to paint her face to perfection. Once Tulip was finished she'd usher the girl out the room to go get ready and be down for breakfast.

The waffle maker Tulip splurged on after watching a video on YouTube had gotten plenty of use. They had waffles all types of ways from buttermilk to loaded bacon and cheese. Fruit and orange juice was always in the mix that also included conversation. Conversations that were mainly just Tulip making a statement while the little girl chatted most of the time. Tulip didn't mind. She learned so much from the little girl in those thirty minutes like she hated glitter because one time a classmate of her's tripped and accidentally spilled a container of the sparkly substances in her hair. She went to Haiti with her mom to meet her adoptive family when she ate so much dous makos she got a stomach ache then admitted it was worth it. She'd never learned how to skateboard, ride a bike, and skate.

Tulip immediately insisted that she had that trio on the list of joy and Sidney did it with a gigantic smile.

Tulip loved their breakfast time. It was her new favorite way to start the day and their evening routine was one of her favorite ways to end the day. Six o'clock was time for dinner which during the weekdays they cooked together and during the weekends they had takeout. Tulip thought it was fine since five days out of the week Sidney had a healthy meal. It was fine to have pizza, tacos, or a burger and fries on Saturday and Sunday. It was a nice compromise between her old self and the new responsible person she was becoming. Plus, she could leave work at five on the dot like she did during the week.

Like tonight, was the only time she'd be able to walk away from a party before the sunset which reminded her of something extremely important she had to do. Find Sidney a sitter she could trust. Could she try to poach Lola? Shit she'd try. Could she double the former governess pay? She could dip into Sidney's trust for the expense but would Irvine authorize it. She had some doubts since the man wanted her to fail.

At seven, Tulip would tidy up the kitchen while Sidney was preparing for the night. Seven-thirty she'd get situated on the bed next to Sidney and read to her. The girl told her it was what her mom did and she missed it. It was a detail she tearfully shared while they were making out the routine.

Tulip added 'read at before bedtime' to the schedule without thinking twice.

"Bedtime comes too fast." Sidney said through a yawn as she lay back on the stack of pillows.

"Goodnight, Sidney." Tulip softly spoke adjusting the pastel rainbow comforted higher up the girl's body.

"Can I ask you a question?" She quietly asked before Tulip switched off the lamp.


"What else can I call you." Sidney said up. "Cause I don't really feel..." She stopped, looked down as she fiddled with the hem of the top sheet. "Mom said calling an adult older than twenty-five by the real name is rude and I don't....want to be rude to you anymore."

Tulip took a measured breath at those words. First, it was her realizing that the little girl thought calling her Tulip was rude and she was fine doing that for the first couple of weeks in June. But now she hadn't wanted to do it anymore. Did that mean Sidney was getting closer to loving her.

Stop, don't get ahead of yourself. She's just being nice because you're feeding and caring for her.

"I don't know." Tulip's hand froze on the lamps off switch. Telling the truth and being honest. It was another principle she read in her parenting book. "Do you have anything in mind?"

Sidney nodded eagerly. "I do. My Albanian boyfriend back in New York calls his mom MeMe and since you're my tummy mummy it should work. Plus, its pretty. I like pretty words. Like euphoria, serendipity, elixir...."

Tulip blinked a couple of times taken aback by the information that had been flung at her. She interrupted the girl's tangent with the first detail. "You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah." She answered happily sitting up on her haunches. "Armend and I have been friends since kindergarten. He's a boy and my friend so I made him my boyfriend."

"I don't...think that's ...how it works."

Sidney's head tilted, her braid fell to the side. "It's not."

"No." Tulip shook her head. "You can't make someone your boyfriend.

Sidney shrugged unfazed.

"And I like MeMe." Tulip gestured for her to lay back down and Sidney did as she was prompted. "Now, sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

Sidney smiled brightly as Tulip pulled up her covers. "Camping day! Finally."

"Yes. Finally." Tulip couldn't help but smile also. She clicked off the lamp. "Goodnight, little one."

"Goodnight, Meme." Sidney whispered, with her eyes closed already surrendering to sleep.

Tulip basked in the moment with misty eyes before slightly closing the door behind her. All those late nights studying parenting materials and bonding breakfasts that consisted of listening and nodding was starting to pay off.

Unfortunately, her glow of satisfaction was short-lived one she attached her work phone to the charger and saw a text.

Unknown Number

This is Jasper. I got your number from Paisley. We need to talk. In person.

Tulip hissed. "Now, you want to talk. Ten years too late."

She sat the phone down and sauntered to the bathroom. She was going to need a long bubble bath to soothe her nerves tonight and if she was calling anyone after that it wasn't going to be Jasper Young.

She pulled her braids up in a high bun thinking two things; fuck Jasper and his text.

Should she contact Jasper back?

Do you think Meme is a good title for Tulip?

Should Tulip try to poach Lola for her new employment or get her own sitter for Sidney on the days she has to work late?

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